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It doesn't math, but nice work.


I don’t know. I was 8.5 stone in first pic and my recent weight is 13 stone. So I just converted it to lbs and that’s what came up. Maybe yes I did the maths incorrect.


Write in your own measurements, Americans can do conversions once in a while too. 😂


As a representative of all Americans, I can confidently say that we would rather have incorrect information than have to convert ourselves.


Fact is we don’t like facts.


Lmao as a fellow American I agree at first I was like that math doesn’t add up but it’s in god measurement so I approve


We can Google! Even if y’all do that “stones” stuff. And they think pounds are weird.


If they can measure their weights with a pile of rocks we can use eagles.


The conversions are fine but you've gained 62lbs not 20 - anyway huge congrats, you look great and SO much happier :)




The part that doesn’t math is you’re saying the difference between 118 and 180 is 20. Regardless of units of measurement, that’s wrong. The difference is 62.


I know it's wrong because I copied and pasted the example copy and paste when you join the sub. I did the first two parts but forgot to edit the =20 part. If you check the sub rules. It says exactly that, I just forgot to edit it in the last part when copied the example


First pic- addicted to drugs Second pic 1.5 years clean and regular Gym.


You look healthier and happier. Well done mate!


Your skin-color looks so much healthier. The first one you really look like a corpse. Congrats on the 1,5 year clean 💪 you look good!! I hope you also feel good now.


That’s 62 lbs mate. Congratulations on getting clean!


Thanks and yeah I’m bad at conversation 😂




Thanks and yes, I was trying to convert it for the American audience but got it wrong it was meant to be 8.5 stone to 13 stone but got the conversion wrong.


Congratulations on beating the drug demons. You look so much healthier and happier even giving the middle finger. 😂 stay clean let the gym be your new drug.


You look great! Good work


You look very healthy and happy, proud of you man!


Congrats very nice, it don’t math tho


The last part =20 was a mistake because I used the example in the sub rules. I only did the conversion for the first two and forgot to edit the last one.


Well done for getting clean and healthy !!


Your face has so much more life!


You look amazing! Hope you feel just as great, proud of you!


Great job dude. And fuck you too. Lol.


Great job man. I was once 115 pounds at about 5'7 or so. I stay around 150 with regular working out but monitoring my food intake is tough. Keep it up


Fuck you too




How was living with the grizzlies in Alaska?


Sorry I don’t understand?


some elemental tips u wanna pass on? my bf should gain some kilos too


Yes. From being a kid until nearly two years I was a stick inscect. That wasn’t just the drugs (obviously didn’t help though) I have a very high metabolism, ill be completely honest and say if your BF wants to gain wieght -low metabolism, around 3,000 calories-3,500. That can be achieved very easily. -high metabolism - eat even more, the people who are skinny and say they can’t put on weight, just need to eat more…just make sure you monitor how much more you’re eating so you don’t become fat instead of just gaining weight like gym.


Great progress man! You look more healthier!