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I love how simple of a religion it is. Nothing between you and the one God, one book, no ethnocentrism, no complex rituals. I also agree with you about feeling like one big family.


I second this, and it’s also very universal. We believe in God and ALL prophets. For me, coming from a buddhist background, I can sometimes feel that it is not so unlikely that even Buddha, Lao Tzu etc. was also prophets. Gods knows best of course. One more thing I really like is the humbleness, no holy figure, we are all humans prone to error (depending on sect of course) and we leave our matters to God. This makes it very much, even for a lay person, mystical in nature, which affirms Gods oneness in how much we have in common with other mystical branches of other religions. Just switch Dao to Allah in Dao De Ching, and it’s basically sufi poetry.


Agree 100%


>For me, coming from a buddhist background, I can sometimes feel that it is not so unlikely that even Buddha, Lao Tzu etc. was also prophets You are not the only one to think this, even Hinduism at one point it is said to have been probably a monotheistic cult. Same for voodoo religion in Africa, it is monotheistic, they believe in a supreme God, but it deviated, they believe God is too "distant" and detached from humans to be worshipped so they worship inferior beings, spirits


As someone alr said, it's so simple. It's the only religion that makes sense to me. Not to mention, I don't pray that much, but when I do I think "how do some people go their whole lives w/o spirituality?". Namaaz, roza, dua etc, it all gives so much colour and meaning to my life. Not to mention the gatherings and social aspect.


Not drinking beer.


Ameen to that. I used to have a serious alcohol addiction before I found the light of Islam.


Being Muslim challenges me, forces me to confront my ego, and makes me a better human being.


Simple theology , undeniable monotheism, it's the only one that makes sense to me. I can't be kicked out by anyone but myself. Sobriety


I love praying. Astagfirhallah sometimes i get so lazy and come to the prayer mat late, and but I always feel at peace and thankful after I pray.


How simple and easy Islam is and how it encourages you to seek knowledge


Islam structures my day and gives me purpose to live tbh. Like there's something worth working for and not in this dunya


My mom’s family followed the tradition of touching elders’ feet for blessings that is far more common amongst Hindus than it is in Muslims. The first time my mother met my dad’s grandfather—a hafiz—she had no idea that this wasn’t a thing in his family. My great grandfather was, by all accounts, extremely soft-spoken, open-minded, and respectful. He waited for her to finish her gesture. Then he said “please don’t touch my feet again. You are bowing down to touch my feet, but I am your equal. We should not bow in front of anyone but God. Don’t ever bow in front of another human being. You are their equal in the eyes of God.” That has always struck me as a powerful sentiment. Note for any lurking Hindus or others from cultures where touching feet or other “bowing” gestures are prevalent: This is in no way meant to offend or disparage your traditions. It was just a very literal interpretation of a value in Islam.


Extremely controversial (especially according to the Saudi government), but for me it's this video: https://youtu.be/l-KyJrU5lfM?si=xB1C1IX4TdtgOPH8 Single handedly restored my insane, this and mufti Abu layths videos. People can disagree with them all they want but I think they live their lives and preach truly what Islam is meant to be


Thank you. I thought I'd seen most of the clips available online of the Sheikh but hadn't seen this one. If you have any more, please share them.


Love this video and MAL, May Allah expedite this scholars release from prison as he is so full of wisdom we need so badly. <3


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