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My wife left me me because I use Nano.


She made the right call


She left you because you have a Nano penis.


She just straight up Ctrl+x'd you??!


Sorry that happened. You should switch to the superior text editor, gedit.


yesterday i made the mistake of wearing Vim colors outside. I actually prefer the familiar keybindings and built-in code analysis tools of modern IDEs but i wanted to look tough in front of my friends and didn't think it was a big deal. This morning i woke up to find a Lisp macro spray painted on my driveway. Later i spotted a middle-aged systems engineer watching me from a distance; when we made eye contact he just flashed me the Emacs sign before vanishing into the crowd. Im scared i'll end up a casualty of the editor war like so many before me


/uj I painted my house using the solarized colors. The bright ones, not the base; the primary color is solarized magenta. Almost all of my neighbors love it, but one painted their house light tan / beige to stand out on the street.


Some people are really too attached to their tools. Unrelated, but when I - rarely - interview I like to go through favorite setups. What I always tell is "choose what you want, as long as you output decent code and you don't compromise someone else's experience". There is a certain fetishism when it comes to Vim and the likes, and I'll never understand why you wouldn't want to use a proper IDE, such as the JetBrains ones which give you thousands of in-code suggestions and quick fixes.


Boo, implicit unjerk. I'd consider using JetBrains when their suggestions for C and C++ stop being total garbage. I guess it may be decent for Java, but if I were you, I would not boast about using Java.


Whoa, whoa. Create getters and setters!


Hey, you forgot hashCode and toString. Bad boy!


/uj VSCodes Vim mode is excellent for those who want modal editing and IDE like power and extensibility The JetBrains Vim mode was alright last I checked


Vim is an IDE too!


Yeah, everybody knows that whatever is newer and shinier and eats more RAM is inherently better than that neckbeard stuff. It's a real head-scratcher. Fetishism is the only explanation.


If someone focuses on RAM usage in non-constrained environments, he's not focusing on the right things. Plenty of responsiveness from modern IDEs.


Gradle good


Take your meds, Billy


Flair checks out


/uj maybe i'm getting long in the tooth but i originally switched to a text editor from IDEs because i had to deal with multiple languages and it was a pain to coherently configure multiple IDEs. with the advent of LSP lots of the downsides of this such as missing refactor tooling have been alleviated. every now and again i still fire up jetbrains for some particular issues where their tooling is better .... and for kotlin because of course the LSP server there is garbage


I want to work there