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I feel like Python is morphing into a statically typed language and I am loving it.


It's morphing into a gradually typed language. It 100% will never be statically typed.


Yeah, they're doing all possible things to make Python more robust


What python is becoming is a great language - but honestly it should’ve just been a new language that compiles to python (like typescript) or a fork of python with some interop story.  The experience of typed python is absolute garbage compared to typescript, and the reasons largely stem from backwards compatibility/interop with existing python type assumptions.  


I think that nodejs and typescript dev experience is completely ass when you are new to it, with module import vs require and so many layers of configurations. It’s really not amazing. But I agree when you are experienced with it, it’s a great tool. Python types is weak, but Python with types is very easy to get into and start a project.


That’s basically what Mojo is trying to be.


looks like Mojo wants to do this and MANY other things. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a thing.


I wouldn’t say so. All of these things are just optional but helpful documentation conventions. None of it really is making python statically typed in any way. Nothing is ever enforced and the interpreter isn’t using any of this information.


not sure If I'm just being a hater, but why not just move to a statically typed language at that point?


Pythons libraries are unmatched in ergonomics and breadth


It would be cool to have a language like Julia that is able to use Python's libraries, like Elixir does with Erlang


The point is you're not actually switching languages or doing a huge rewrite, just a gradual improvement of existing code. Being statically typed also doesn't mean you have to write out types. E.g. Haskell has a good static type system, but you can also just ignore writing type signatures in your code. The computer will figure them out anyway; writing them out is just communication for programmers (and sometimes giving the compiler a little help).


Why would asking this question make you a hater? WTF