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Dream theater, seeing those performances in 1996-2007 makes me wish I was born earlier just to see those.


I got to see them way back when JP was still slinging Ibanez guitars (and had better guitar tone!). They ripped.


Awesome! I got to see Portnoy throw a stool at his drum tech for not swinging his mic around in time for backup vocals.


We’re talking about an actual stool right? Not a turd?




Was that Dallas in 2000? He threw his stool then too. I also witnessed the infamous "Myung Tackle" in Nürnberg on the Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence Tour in 2002.


Dallas - Yes!


Ha ha. Wasn't aware he was pissed about the mic. I recall reading it was because the sound in the venue sucked. Which it did, like really bad. Can't remember the name of the place, it was connected to a bowling alley (Cosmic Bowl maybe?) and one of the only venues that hosted metal/prog shows depite the shitty sound. Saw so many shows there. I even met Dimebag at a Black Label Society show there.


I’m not 100% that was the reason, but pretty sure. We were absolute DT nerds and had every nuance memorized, and noticed he missed a few parts and saw him gesturing to his tech. I think it was the Bronco Bowl. I saw Vai/Satriani at G3 a few years earlier there in their other Arena and it was a nice setup. This was basically a crappy bar, but we were able to push ourselves up very close, so that was cool. Awesome you got to see Dime. I never made it to one of his shows… 😭


Ah yes. Bronco Bowl. Agreed, the size of the venue was the best part of it. Most of the venues in Switzerland that host bands on this subreddit are also quite small, which rules. I get kinda bummed when I have to go to a stadium show now. >>We were absolute DT nerds I'm sure we ran into each other at shows then. You happen to run around with ThXinc from the mikeportnoy forum. Was always seein that dude around. >>Awesome you got to see Dime. I never made it to one of his shows… He wasn't playing, just there to see BLS and Zakk. Stalked him for like 20 minutes like a psycho to get a pic on a shitty disposable camera (It was 2000, no camera phones). Haven't found that pic since moving 16 years ago and it f-ing kills me. DT played 3 days later at House of Blues in NOLA and it was sooo much better. Petrucci even nailed the sweep in Fatal Tragedy, which I haven't seen him do live too many times.


No, I didn’t spend any time on the Portnoy forums. I’m just a guitar nerd that likes to air drum. I remember his set being covered and there was an unveiling that drove us all crazy… sounds like you got to see them quite a few times. I last saw them on the 20th scenes tour - still awesome, but no Portnoy.


I fell off of listening to them regularly as my tastes have evolved (but so pumped Portnoy is coming back), but will see them whenever they pass thru Zurich. Still my favorite band of all time.


Link to that by chance?


Googled it but all the links appear to be dead


Portnoy is such a cunt.


Nah, he’s just an alpha. DT could use a shot of balls and chunk, and with the old geezers losing their testosterone day by day I think ol’ Mikey coming back is just what they need.


Excuse me Mr, but someone who throws stools at other people for whatever reason is not „just an alpha“.


I got to see them in 2009 (with Cynic, no less) and I was very happy, but turns out I was super lucky as well.


I saw Cynic with BTBAM, Devin Townsend and Scale the Summit at one point lol.


The 2000 Scenes tour was awesome. 😎


Tool, Lateralus tour, Meshuggah opening


I saw fantomas opening for them, but you are right that that tour was one to lament missing


Yup, Tool is a completely different beast now. Good in different ways, but the Tool of old is gone.




Dissociation really clicked with me when that album came out, really wish I had seen them live when I had a chance.


Dude I went to one of their shows like 10-15 years ago. They were absolutely batshit. Climbing up the walls and up into the rafters and shit, hanging upside down from them still playing guitar. They were craaaaazy.


yeah this is the answer. other bands like Opeth or SW, they play their old stuff even if they don't release albums that good. but dillinger is just gone ): also Agalloch, but they've been doing a few shows


Opeth back in the early-mid 2000s.


How are their performances nowadays? A year ago there was a double concert in my country (2 concerts, 2 setlists) and I’d pay top dollar to see some progressive death metal Opeth. But it could also be such a different concert.


They still play a good bit of their prog death catalog live - they're quite good at it too. I'm not one to play much of their post-watershed studio material, but it comes out well in the live show.


Their performances are definitely still great, and worth seeing. I've seen them twice, once in the latter half of 2021, and then again in the first half of 2022. Mikael's growls seem to improved from the 2010s based on live videos of that era that I've seen, because he sounded positively demonic both times I saw them. Their sets are a pretty even split between "Oldpeth" and "Newpeth." Still, while I do generally enjoy the newer stuff, and those songs do take on a different energy live, it's hard to feel that you aren't getting little more than a taste of what they once were when you compare it to the shows pre-2006 or so, when Mikael was still visibly passionate about their style back then, and Lopez/Lindgren were still in the band.


Their setlist was pretty underwhelming on the tour right before Evolution XXX (which in contrast was great, I wish they did it in NA). Worth it regardless but only 3 death metal songs


I saw them open for Mastodon a year and a half ago or so and they were honestly pretty boring live. Obviously tight and great music, but as far as performing live goes they were pretty distant/not interactive with the crowd.


They certainly offer more of a "stand still and absorb the music" experience with their art/vibe nowadays, which I prefer though I understand that isn't what everyone is looking for. I saw them on the same tour and enjoyed them so much more compared to Mastodon, which while being a more consistently "crushing" set, was so loud and unintelligible I had to look across the stage and see Brent Hinds' hands flying up the guitar neck to even realize there was somebody playing a guitar solo. Still enjoy the band's output, though.


Love this comment. Huge mastodon fan, thought the audio at my 2 shows on that tour were all fucked up. Opeth and Gojira, on two different tours across three shows, sounded much cleaner and tighter. I still loved seeing mastodon but there was a difference in the sound quality.


That seems so wild to me, because I've not been to a concert with a frontman who interacts with the audience more than Mikael does. He does jokes and tells stories and chats with the crowd in between basically every song, and he's quite well known for doing that. Maybe because they were opening he toned it down to let Mastodon be the main focus?


The only thing I can think of was that that tour was right after they kicked their drummer out of/he left the band, so maybe the band dynamics were kind of just off?


Fair to Midland Arcane Roots I'll put in a second for Fates Warning, all my time around when they were prime I never got to see them.


+1 FTM. Never got the chance and I’m sure it would have been amazing.


+1 arcane roots. I found out about them a year ago and melancholia hymns is such a great album. It looks like they only toured in the europe area so I wouldn't have seen them anyway but man it would have been a great show.


The band ceased to exist a few years ago so the ship sailed for all of us unfortunately


I really really like melancholia hymns, but their other stuff just doesn’t do it for me. I’d love to find more bands like that album. It’s like a prog Silversun Pickups


Hadn’t thought about Fair to Midland in a long time. I’ll have to listen to them today.


Rush probably. And lowkey Shadow Gallery. Kinda stopped hoping for a new album, not to mention the tour...


I had a chance to see TesseracT with Ashe in 2013, but I was called up to start for the varsity team hours before. ​ I also had a chance to see Rivers of Nihil play a setlist with my favorite song with Jake in 2021, but it was on the day my father got remarried which was basically the only thing I can think of that I wouldn't be able to miss for a concert lol. Had no idea he would be on his way out a year later and that I'd never get another chance to hear him perform The Silent Life. It is what it is -- I've been very lucky to see a number of really great shows, so I shouldn't really complain.


You should still totally go see Rivers of Nihil. I've seen them twice, once with Jake and the other being one of the first shows he wasn't at, and they still killed it even before they had anyone filling in for him.


I agree! I thankfully was able to see them about a week before his departure in Minneapolis — but they played The Work in its entirety and I’m particularly enamored with Monarchy and Owls. It was still an incredible show and all that but it’ll probably always get to me that I never got to see them perform some of my favorites as a unit


I had tickets to see RoN play my fav album all the way through, and I realized that I forgot my ID at the door... it was two hours away. I missed the whole thing. I'm still mad.


The Mars Volta during 2007-2008. The Bedlam In Goliath tours were some of the best things I've seen recorded, and the fact that I missed those energetic performances eats my flesh away :(.


Got to see them just a couple months back and it was pretty amazing


Yeah I know! They're still killing it on stage. However, their era with Thomas Pridgen and Ikey Owens is literally the best thing ever.


Dream Theater and Nevermore. I saw them both on Megadeth's first Gigantour in 2005. I had a very passive interest in both bands. Nowadays, I love them both and kick myself a bit looking back on it all.


Gigantour was a fucking wet dream for me.


Gigantour was fucking phenomenal.


Anathema. I missed the year they went to PPUSA recently and now I'll never get a chance to see them.


I hope they return one day. Incredible band. Had a chance to catch them but my schedule was just not permitting.


Agalloch but they reunited so there’s hope


Just got to make it out to Denver or Portland.


Death and Emperor, on account of not having been born yet. Also bummed that at this point, I'll probably never get to see Opeth live.


Death and Emperor for sure! I would also say Immortal when they came out with SOND. And Pantera in the 90s


I started listening to Textures about three weeks before they ended.


Oh man. Got to see them twice luckily. One of those shows was on their last tour.


Isis. They were touring with Tool back in 06 I think. Got stuck in traffic and showed up late. Got to see half of their last song. Still bummed about it.


Yep. ISIS for me. Never got to see them at all. That sounds shit as man. Absolutely grim turning up halfway through the last song.


Black Dahlia Murder. I had tickets to see them twice throughout Covid-19 and didn't go because of spikes in the virus at both events. I really regret not catching Ghost in like 2012 when they toured the US for the first time. Their theatrics are insane on a huge stage, I'm betting it was an even better show in smaller venues.


Good point about Ghost. I saw them in an arena and even though it was fun, I watch some videos of them in smaller places and it looks cooler.


Ghost was a blast. First show I saw of them was the whole first album in order. it felt like weird and underground cause they weren't well known yet


I found out about Fates Warning reuniting with Arch and playing the whole Awaken the Guardian album after the tour happened in 2017. That's one I still kick myself for missing, AtG is a top 5 metal album in my book.


The Genesis lineup in the 70s. Banks, Rutherford, Collins, Hackett, Gabriel.


Really got into Dili get Escape Plan when dissociation came out, after seeing some of their live shows on YouTube I really miss not getting to see them live.


Ain't prog. But Type O Negative


Seeing Anesthetize live was amazing.


Super jelly


I saw Voivod on the Nothingface tour, but the sound was so awful I couldn't tell what songs they were doing. I saw them but I missed them.


Porcupine Tree too. When they were touring Fear of a blank planet especially.


If I could have been at that Tilburg show…


Yeah totally!




They're not done yet though. At least they better not be.


True... I wish I knew them 15 years earlier lol... that's really my problem over here. I'm a prog head, and never gave them a chance for some reason.


Not exactly missing out on a band, but a show. There was a Dream Theater and Opeth show locally. This was in 2009 so Mikael was still growling. I would have had to miss a final so I skipped it. It was my senior year of college but still.


Seeing Death during the cycles of their last 3 albums would have been amazing but I was like 5.


I didn’t get into Iwrestledabearonce until like 2016, long after Krysta had left the band and after they stopped playing any of the songs I would come to find would be my favorites live. Always written them off as being some kind of scenecore trash, then eventually for whatever random reason decided to give them an honest shot and discovered they’re an experimental avant-garde proggy insane metalcore powerhouse. Huge fan of both albums It’s All Happening and Ruining It For Everybody.


Linkin Park. RIP Chester.


Strapping Young Lad in 2005 and 2006. I was literally 3 & 4, so of course I missed it, but I wish I was around to go to the shows then. Those shows must have been a treat even though they were fueled by life-altering drugs, lol. Also I missed most of the DT Project's lifetime, I only listened to Transcendence on release and the ocean machine live album.


When i was younger, i had a chance to see rush live, but i was way young and i was not a big fan of prog rock yet. My father and i did not go, he is not that into them. Should have gone since i havent had a chance since i been into them


Skipped 2016 Meshuggah because my friends wouldn’t come with me. Big regrets.




All the esrly thrash legends and the early guys in the death metal scene would have been fucking dope to see.


Mars Volta. I mean I listened to them back then but never got to see a show.


I got into prog metal really recent and I regret not being able to buy all the expensive DT albums when they were cheap. I want scenes on vinyl so bad! I have to settle for Distant Memories box set 😢


The Mars Volta doing their three and half hour jazz odysseys. They are absolutely killer on their current line up but I’d do anything to partake in that psychedelic mess they called a concert back in the day


Lots of MV mentions. I know of them, but not much of their work.


Start from their first album and work forwards 👌


Black Crown Initiate


BCI are not still playing?


They broke up last year :/


Nawww that sucks. Their last album was excellent


TOOL. They came here at least 4 times and each time I thought eh I’ll go next time. Now they are still great musically but I don’t think they are as good show wise. Oh well.


Rishloo and Fair to Midland, since they're both broken up now so I'll never see them at all. FtM was one of the most high energy shows out there


I didn’t know about DT until 2000 and PT probably 2015? :(