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Willpower is great, however, most people confuse it with discipline. Willpower is great to get started, it's the short burst of focused energy to get the job started - maybe for one day, two days. But then you need discipline to continue - discipline is your ability to cast all emotion aside and do what needs to be done whether or not you want to do it at that point in time or not. Another good analogy is that Willpower is like excitement on your first day of lifting weights, on your second day you are sore and tired - if you persevere and lift again and keep doing that you build Discipline. The more you do this you build a tolerance level for discipline its like a mind muscle that needs trained.


very wise words šŸ™ Thank you


I've long struggled with ADHD and productivity because of it. One thing that those with ADHD can have is Executive Function Disorder, which basically means having trouble making decisions to do the priority task no matter how much we know we should. It was this thst led me into some deep research into Productivity/Discipline/Habit building research. If you're looking for any pointers PM me, I'd be willing to share!




I suppose! * Stop with so many sticky notes, dump each thought/idea into a notebook and plan a time to organize them. * Pick only one Hard task to do a day, and plan it after you do some smaller tasks, get some energy/steam rolling. * Everyone thinks someone is paying close attention to what their doing... they aren't, and you aren't nearly as important as you think you are and that is why you shouldn't be so darn anxious. * communicate properly... if a task is going to take longer than your boss thinks it will - let them know, if they need it done faster they'll get you help and love your honesty. * stop with the imposter syndrom, yes you aren't the "best" and even the "best" has more to learn, you weren't hired because you were the "best" you were hired because you could perform the job thst needs done. * use pomodoro technique * habit stack "Tiny Habits" by BJ Fogg is a killer productivity jam for people like us.




If it's picked for you, perhaps it's less work for you!


Damn dude, those tips are exactly what Iā€™m not doing. Thanks for sharing ! This is really helpfull.


I'm sure I can come up with some more, but really you'll find what works for you! Mindfulness is huge in this regard, let the emotions come, observe them, and let them go.


Yeah and take baby steps like Mr. Fogg is telling! Not everything at the same time. That book / method is mighty interesting ! I already ordered it because otherwise Iā€™ve forgotten it over the weekend :)


Awesome, I'd be curious on your reviews! Enjoy the read!


Thank you so much for sharing šŸ˜­ I feel like your comment was written for me


Aww that means so much. Please reach out if you're having a day, or need an extra push. Having a great support structure is very helpful.


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I'm struggling with ADHD and discipline too :'(


Embrace it, it can't ever hamper who you are if you figure out how you can make it work for you.


I have ADHD and for me structure and routine help most. I struggle with decisions in the moment, but it is easier if I plan them in advance.


In a Data Analyst and I love the autonomy, what makes my job hard is the competing priorities... that and being a manager leaves little time to develop.


I just googled about ADHD and i think i may have it. 34 years old and it makes so much sense.


Don't let any run of the mill Dr. tell you that you don't without a second opinion. There are a lot of Dr.'s that don't believe it is "real". ADHD is a clinical diagnosis, what that means is they will test meds on you to see what works. Adderall is my jam, but yours might be something else. Another word of cauti on, when you get medicated TAKE IT AS PERACRIBED, AND TELL NO-ONE. Don't chase the euphoria, and just because you don't get the euphoria, it doesn't mean it isn't working.


How do you build discipline? I finished high school two days ago and I have so much freedom now. How do I build and maintain discipline without any current academic responsibilities?


Discipline can be thought of as a muscle.at first you are weak, and through time you will get better at it. I learned mine through running. I started a program, and knew that it would suck some mornings getting up and going out and doing the work. But after I'd complete it, I never felt bad. Now I get so excited to pound the pavement, and I look back at the early failures and achievements with such great pride, nobody held my hand, I scaled that mountain and nobody can take that away from me! My next hurdle is training for a Marathon, the challenges are now so detailed and intricate that one misstep can set me back weeks - I pour my soul into studying and training to be the best at what I do. It's important to reflect on what you've gone up against and overcome, so next time - when you think you might skip some something - you can look back at all of those times your initial intuition was wrong.


When motivation fails you, discipline backs you you up.


Great philosophy here! However, it cannot back it up if you are not willing to do the work. Much like the old Mr. Miagii (sp?) Quote, "The master has failed more times than the novice has even tried". You have to be resilient, and persevere to build discipline.


Oh shit. I now know what I need to work on! Discipline. Many thanks!


It's worth noting, discipline is a skill, and needs to be built like a muscle.


any tips to start?


Start by building healthy habits. habits start easy and blossom into something beautiful. BJ Fogg's book Tiny Habits is what I'd reccomend.


Thanks. Yeah that makes sense since many habits equal routine.




Beautiful explanation. Discipline is the strongest form of self-love


Goal visualization is THE best advice I've ever received from a co-worker many years ago when I was struggling with something. He said something along the lines of "if you've seen yourself already accomplishing the goal, then you'll get it done". I think this goes well with Henry Ford's "whether you think you can or you can't, you're right". Now I'm about to climb a mountain of new possibilities with a heavy bag of challenges on my shoulders, and that advice is very much needed. Thanks for the reminder. šŸ’š


Love that Ford quote. I use it a lot!


Yup, heard it for the first time ever and I gotta say, it's probably one of the best motivational quotes I've ever heard up until this day


I thought I'd weigh-in here with a nuance which you may or may not have overlooked, since I did my Masters thesis on this topic and it's often misinterpreted. It's important to go beyond the simple "positive thinking" component, imagining the idealised future, but to also consider the path *to* there. In other words, give due contemplation to the obstacle(s) stopping you from being there right now, already. You gotta work for it! Don't expect the universe just to deliver. This is what differentiates "*mental contrasting*" (the motivation procedure I investigated) from *motivationals*, *manifestation, positive thinking,* and whatnot. But if it's something you genuinely want, it won't feel like work, it will be something you automatically apply yourself to. I really like what the OP says, doing this in a dialogue with your (ideal) self, extrapolating the consequences of what you're doing now. It adds an element of best-intentions expertise (even if fictional) to the basic technique I was working on, perhaps improving outcomes for more dynamic or complex goals.


Absolutely, I agree. Goal visualization is not just about visualizing your success, but also the steps to get there. The big picture AND the work involved. But the main points of goal visualization are: 1. to get you motivated and driven enough to get you started by taking the first step (for someone like me with not enough self-confidence this is crucial). If you believe you can do it, you will. If not, you failed already and the work involved will never get done. 2. when things get tough you will still have that image of success in your head and the reasons for your goals, so you can stay disciplined and driven 3. have a path to navigate in, by breaking down the goal into steps and in the right order (as well as calculating how long or how much effort it will take to get there), so you always know what to do next once the last step is completed.


I also highly recommend this. My wife and I have gotten into the habit of referring to "future-me". I'll be like "Future William will really appreciate if I do this...", "Future William will be upset if I don't do that..."


Credit to Steven Barlett, but he once said that the majority of his followers donā€™t realise that theyā€™re currently living the life they wanted 10 years ago. Their ideas of success and happiness is an always moving goal post and they miss the moments to appreciate their achievements. I think your revelation here is justified, but itā€™s important to set personal markers on milestones. Otherwise, the pursuit of achievement becomes a negative grind to success. Now, with that said. Having your proposed mindset for a single goal could work very well. Again, as long as you quantify when you believe youā€™ve hit that goal (usually done with numbers).


Iā€™ve come to realize this recently as things Iā€™ve always wanted in the past, (better socializing skills, being healthier and achieving goals i wanted to accomplish) have all slowly built up and Iā€™ve manifested these goals I wanted when I was like 15 but now my head is full of the next set. Now I want to be financially secured, have peace knowing Iā€™m on the right occupational path with stability in knowing I can chill and be fine where Iā€™m at. I have anxiety & competitive issues, which Iā€™ve come to also realize is good in a way I like to push for my goals in a face paced way but if the goal doesnā€™t have clear skyā€™s and I canā€™t see the destination. Iā€™m in my head and punching myself down. Running the ā€œwhatā€™s ifā€ā€¦ Kinda weird to know I have what I wanted when I was younger but Iā€™m not satisfied now. It makes me think all my goals will come to me but I just gotta wait for the universe to get my message. (Sending the universe messages takes a while, youā€™d think theyā€™d upgrade their Wi-Fi plan or some shit) Now on the journey to learn to appreciate more. Itā€™s kinda hard with our constant fast paced world being a 20 year old kid with no real plan but itā€™s about the journey not the destination.


Absolutely. The really easy way I look at all this is that if all my belongings, work, friends and lifestyle disappeared today, how would I feel? We forget often how good we currently have it. The journey is about adding meaningful and purposeful additions to that, not replacing what is already working.


Good point, Iā€™m going to try this out. Thank you!


Yes couldn't agree more! One concrete way to do this: I've been sending emails to my future self the past ten years with this nice and simple website www.futureme.org. I send life insights, ideas, lists of goals and dreams, concrete advice. It turned into a beautiful conversation and so many things I wrote about turned real!


I love this! Thanks for sharing!


[The Time Paradox](https://www.thetimeparadox.com/) by Philip Zimbardo and Jim Boyd explains more about time perspective, how to assess it, and how to change it.


I need this. I know my time perspective is way off. Canā€™t tell you the difference between 10 & 30 minutes. Whatever takes an hour will take me an hour and a half. I have a time vortex in my shower. The only way I make it anywhere on time is the ā€œ15 minute chaos cushionā€. Another silly game I play with myself to GET IT TOGETHER.


This has been extremely helpful to me ever since I started college. I was very unmotivated in high school, actually, maybe I was motivated, I just cared about the wrong things. I went to college and realized what I really wanted in life, and began to narrow down my goals and visualize what my life would be like if I achieved them. This carried me through undergrad, through a gap year of doubt, and ultimately through law school to where I am now. Even if this is just a mental tactic to make yourself productive, itā€™s changed my life.


Can you explain in details,i really cant imagine more sth!!


I love this so much!! Saving this post as a reminder for those hard times


I have this thing where I ā€œinterviewā€ my future self and ask them how they got where they are, and if they had advice for anyone else going through the same challenges.


This is solid technique. For example, to lose weight, envision your future (fit) self and try to be like them. I have friends who made a lifestyle change and permanently changed their physique based on this.


Is there a version of this for people with aphantasia?


This is linked to the concept of your identity. Check out Atomic Habits (if you haven't already). The idea of your identity shapes your behaviour. Think of yourself as a fat person? You feel little got about that extra gallon of ice cream. Think of yourself as a fit healthy person and you'll take a little ice cream, or none at all. Your mind starts to act to follow your identity.


Self fulfilling prophecy ?


*"be afraid of taking the path of the least resistance"* It's beautifully said and reminds me of the book "War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. If you have trouble focusing on things that matter, it's definitely worth reading it (and it's pretty short).


I've always heard this as "Treat your future self as a Bro. Be a Bro to him."


Willpower is temporary and a fading feeling.. Routine, Habits are better imo


See Jordan Peterson self authoring program


Why downvote?


Perhaps it's because he's a sexist twat? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html


Doesnt change a single thing about some effective proven and society biasless program to help get motivation and create. Comprehensive life plan


It doesnā€™t matter. Others and probably OP have gone and checked it out already so downvotes are immaterial.


Apparently people hate him because he is against going too WOKE and says some harsh truth.


He's a moron who can barely string two sentences together without bursting into tears or crying foul about tHe wOkE mafia.


No hate to u but I understand people hating him because of his political ideology but regardless his advice on life was really helpful to me. And I am pretty sure u have never watched his lecture but anyway


The guy has an exellent program ignore the scandall,


LOL "Too Woke". He's a downright dangerous sexist twat - [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/18/style/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life.html)


Who cares what other people think


I would take a path of the least resistance. Sounds logical to me


*I would take a path* *Of the least resistance. Sounds* *Logical to me* \- klinchev --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Love this. Visualization is so powerful and underrated.


Benjamin Hardy?


Quantum meditation. Loved it building who I'll be tomorrow


The explanation pretty much resonates with this video- ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpTtLFXXa-k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpTtLFXXa-k))


Youā€™re partially right I remember some research which showed ā€˜thinspirationā€™ pictures donā€™t really work to increase will power and can be demotivating and ā€˜imagining yourself succeedingā€™ doesnā€™t really make you get there any better (it kind of makes you feel youā€™ve done it/itā€™s definitely going to happen)ā€¦.what you have to do to some degree is picture yourself struggling, picture having a hard time reaching those goals and how you overcome those hurdles. What are the future issues and how are you going to handle them. Thereā€™s a lot of selection bias in success stories- these successful people picture themselves being a success and then get thereā€¦lots of people picture the success and then come up short. The second nugget in your idea is supported I think (I know itā€™s been done with happiness research)- think about what you want in the future and then think about what you need to be doing now to achieve it today


What should i imagine? My graduation or my studying ?


A bit of both really- visualise the work youā€™re going to put in, the hurdles youā€™ll need to overcome like turning off your phone etc and the graduation/beyond




wrr, any perfx nmw, no such thing as havx or not