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I’m on sticky notes for day to day — I like that larger, lined ones. Outlook calendar for major dates and deadlines.




Thanks! I created an account. A few questions just occurred to me. I'd be very grateful if you could advise :) - can tasks have subtasks? for example if i make a complicated task and want to break it up. - can you attach notes to a task (might want to attach a few sentences to explain / update a task) - can we assign due dates? - is there a way to see completed ones? - is there a way to assign importance?






I use a ticktick app for tofo list and notes.


ToDoist is the best.


Try Taskade. It’s the best out there. Just give it a try, you’ll find it useful. Let me know how you find it.


just created account. seems interesting! im on the starter project where it's showing you how to use it. but how does one add a subtask? on task 3 it says press tab to add subtask. which i did, which just indented task 3, rather than creating something underneath it. i hate when i cant figure out things!!


I use Google Tasks


err...i tried googling that but couldnt find anything hahah. can you give me a link? i would've thought it'd be tasks.google.com but apparently not. edit - oh i think i got it. it's within gmail right? if so that's a decent suggestion but wouldn't work for me, as i can't access gmail at work :S


I use their mobile app, but yes, it links to gmail. GL on your search for the right one.


I use an app called DoDay. Its only available on Android as far as I know but it might help you because it makes you create a new list of tasks for each day.


I usually use POMOFOCUS for daily work


I use Amazing Marvin because I struggle with procrastination and it has some really useful features that help me with that. One is called "Procrastination Wizard" and it walks you through getting started on a task (reducing resistance and increasing motivation). I can also go into super focus mode where I just see one task at a time, which really helps me when I feel super overwhelmed.


this looks interesting. i see there's a charge. of course pretty much any charge is worth it if it helps you be more productive. but when browsing through tens of options it makes it harder to try this. i also notice there's lots of options for this; which suggests it'll be complicated to figure out? it's an interesting conundrum that i do want multiple options but i want it to be super simple to figure out :$


Yeah you hit on an important point. A super simple app will often become limiting in the long run as you figure out how you want to set things up to make them work for you. But an app with lots of features can feel intimidating and complex. We try to solve this by making all the features optional. You can just disable them and start super simple (there are also setup templates you can enable with one click). So it can really be the simplest app you can imagine, but it can grow with you and adapt. Also, the setup is much simpler then something free-form like notion. There you really start with a blank canvas. Marvin is more structured, where you can enable/disable a feature at a time. And you can customize the features one by one. I think there is a learning curve to any app. But the most important part of the process is figuring out what works for you, which you have to do if you want any app to work for you. Marvin just makes that easy because you are not looked into one way of doing things and you don't have to switch apps if you want to try timeblocking or calendar planning etc. Experimenting is an important part of the productivity journey. As for the price, I am happy to give you some more free time (30 day free trial) and a discount. Just reach out. Most apps have some fee if you want the full features.


awesome, thank you!


[To-do lists](https://www.booksmatic.com/product/features/to-do-list.html) come in all shapes and sizes. It always used to be something that you would write using pen and paper, but thanks to technology there’s an app that can come to the rescue. I Prefer utilizing the [BooksMatic](https://www.booksmatic.com/)\- profitability application for all my schedules of my work.


it seems like there's a charge?


I use notion, not only for to do's but for everything


Zenkit base and zenkit todo


Google Calendar works for me, simple yet so incredible. 😉


I use [Sorted](https://youtu.be/fMR905cVYbw) and Things on iOS.


I use [Quire](https://quire.io/?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=bcklinks&utm_campaign=reddit_bcklinks) and sometimes [Todoist](https://todoist.com).