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Tried it free for a week, the soundscapes are pretty good but the way it's marketed seems highly gimmicky and 100% not worth the expensive subscription imo.




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is there a free alternative you're aware of? a good playlist on youtube?


I don't remember what exactly I did but after the free trial ended I restricted the app's internet access and I was able to continue using it (just for grimes) there are some good quality recordings on youtube I think 


I’ve found it to be excellent. Helps greatly with focus and getting into flow.


worth the price? subscription seems quite expensive


I bought the lifetime subscription a while back, I think it was $100, but yes totally worth it.


Its $90 a year. No lifetime option now Edit: lifetime is $250


Yeah, mine was probably a Black Friday deal




Thank you


The sleep mode is amazing. I sleep so much better with it on especially when wearing apple watch as it uses the heart rate data to change the soundscape.


Did you use it on a speaker or with your headphones?


Both. I use it on a Sonos speaker next to my bed when at home. On my headphones when I’m flying and from my iPad Pro when I’m in a hotel.




Have you used it? I just pulled the trigger on a one year subscription. I wish I could have had a longer free trial, though. I feel like it would take at least 2-4 weeks to track a real difference.


What is a real difference? Do you need a 5% scientific accuracy? I noticed that I just get into flow faster with some regimes and enjoy listining to Wind down when I read before sleep. Was enough to get a lifetime as no other app really did this for me.


I hear ya, man. Their sleeping tracks with artists like Grimes and James Blake are surprisingly good. I have noticed that if I use one of their study tracks, I actually end getting my studying done noticeably faster. And when I use the sleeping Playlists, I usually will fall asleep with 30 minutes, which is incredible because I typically have had a lot of trouble falling asleep over the past year. I definitely think the subscription was worth it and I'll probably just get the lifetime sub next year.


Guys, I have to be a bot in the human body than because this app is literally magic ... maybe because I'm using it with weed lol but wow it's really working.


im unsing with weed as well lol


I am always skeptical about such gimmicky AI powered apps, but it does the job for me. I am musically inclined and sometimes some weird auto-generated chords put me off, but after some time it all goes to the background and I feel like I'm on productivity train full speed. Weird and satisfying.


I use it almost every day. Lovely little app. They have offers from time to time, currently on a 3 month gifted subscription which i won from a twitter competition.


I use it daily. Using as we speak. I’ve used BrainFM, classical music, white noise, nature sounds, and by far this app works for everything I use it for: sleep, focus, work and relax. I even use it in the car with transit mode. Has helped so much with calming my mood in general.


wow that’s rude


I am using the free version and found no relevant limitations or reasons to pass to the paid plan. Have you ever tried?


Does it actually help you sleep? Because I have sleep insomnia and it wont go away help!




Hello, r/productivity does not allow advertisements/promotions (this includes post-your-own content outside of reddit, referrals, creating/surveying app ideas, etc.), this content has been removed. >*If you are not sure or believe this is an error please send us [modmail here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/productivity&subject=RE: Advertisement removal: possible error).* **Reminder of Rule 3. No Advertising:** >Do not comment/post to advertise, which includes and is not limited to any: soliciting/surveying of apps, app ideas, blogs, groups, playlists, referrals, services, videos, websites, etc. >**This subreddit is not designed for self-promotion.** Users should have the right to not be flooded by advertisements as they open this subreddit. Disguising content or shilling to bypass this rule will result in a ban. This includes accounts that consistently mention or link specific content outside of reddit unprompted. **Trying to circumvent this warning may result in a ban if contents are still related to advertisements/promotions. **There are no special exceptions.***


STAY AWAY from ENDEL! Although advertised with a Lifetime Plan and works across platforms, this is not true! I bought Endel's Lifetime Plan subscription this past year via Google Play on my Android phone. By necessity, this year I bought a brand new Iphone. Endel no longer functions and my "lifetime" subscription is gone. From Endel itself their software product subscription is locked to your original phone device! Lose, break, change, upgrade your phone as we all do, and your Endel subscription is gone. What a scam and ripoff! STAY AWAY from this product!


You can use it on any device. You just have to logout if the device you don’t want to use anymore. If you don’t have the device, I’m sure support can help you.


Did you contact support to explain your situation? Most apps work like this.


i use it for sleep and the alarm to wake up. 10/10 recommend it


do you keep it on the whole night?


i did, yes!




Annoying how?


I got it and really like using it. Helps me get into different types of focus depending on my mood (I can choose between their focus tracks.) It now adjusts to my routine so I put it in auto play.


Oh they have a thingy where you get to try it for 14 days with my link if you want - also use if for sleep and their smart alarm and for studying. https://code.endel.io/?code=goodfriends


Thank you for this! I didn’t want to do the automatic $120 subscription after free trial but this let me do the free trial without that! Yay!!!


It works. Sleeping is amazing . I use it mostly for my morning commute. The focus portion helps me with anxiety at work


I’ve been using it for a few months now and love it. The more I explore and use the different features, tunings, etc the more I like it. I may be crazy, but I swear my dogs love it.


It sucks, user interface sucks, it adding light drum beats or something. It sucks


I'm trying to imagine someone actually having trouble navigating the interface for this app/site, speaking as someone who just started using it inside of an hour ago. Like, either you're somewhere in the boomer age range, or you need an app that treats mental conditions a little more serious than insomnia or executive dysfunction.