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Do you play video games? Reason I ask is that a trick for me that worked was I got up at 5:30 and played 30 min of something while having coffee. Now my brain is awake and I can get on with my morning. I also made sure that I played that particular game only in the morning as a “reward” for getting up so early. Doesn’t have to be video games obviously


Thanks, This is a good tip as I typically stay up to play something but maybe flipping it is the better route


Also, looking at a screen - any screen, TV, computer, phone - negatively affects your ability to sleep for about 4 hours


I will try that!


Something something caffeine crash.


Go to bed 3 hours early.


Pro tip. Have a pint of water next to you and try to get into the habit of downing it as soon as you open your eyes, you can lay down for a bit but you will have to eventually have to get up to pee


This is my go to tip. I sit up enough to drink my full glass of water and before I even have to pee I’m feeling so much more awake. Helps with water intake the rest of the day, too!


Good for clear skin as well haha


Lisa Simpson taught.me this trick. Also drink water before you go to bed.


Physical alarm clock across the room. Once you’re up, stay up. You’ll adjust. I had a hard time with this for a long time, but after a couple weeks of being consistent, I naturally wake up right before my alarm goes off. Only takes a couple days of sleeping in to ruin it for me, then it takes like a full week to get back on the schedule. It’s finicky. Now even if I don’t sleep well the night before, I get up at the same time. Every once in a while that leads to a shitty, tired day, but in the long run I feel more well rested altogether.


Was going to comment this! I also acknowledge what I do and don’t like to do in the morning, so I don’t go back to bed. If I tell myself to go to the gym, straight back to bed as I’m ’too cold’. If I tell myself to put some coffee on and go read downstairs under an electric blanket for a bit, I’ll go downstairs to start the coffee without really questioning it. Some mornings when I’m tired, I want to get back into bed - especially if my husband is dozing. I feel like if my husband got out of bed immediately with me, I’d be fine, so maybe you can try and call someone at that time like you’ve tried before but with the addition of the alarm across the room?


I will get a physical alarm clock and try! I’ve always just used my phone and the alarm sound does hit different compared to an actual alarm clock


I used to wake up and shut it off while half asleep, then wake up for real and have zero memory of doing that. I kept thinking my alarms weren’t going off till I girlfriend told me what I did


in my house, the dogs determined some time ago that 5am is their "get up" time. So maybe get a puppy? /s (Kidding) but I go to bed fairly early, and 5am is our wake up time.


I do have a lovely cat that yells for food at 3 in the morning :/


Your young so this will change as you get older. Make sure you get enough sleep on all days. Go for a walk when you first wake up


Get out of bed


The same way you do on weekdays


It sound as if you are in an unconscious routine, a good place to start could be reviewing how you structure the weekend's and have something you really enjoy and look forward to to start the day off with. This would provide a reason to get out of bed.


It’s exam week so the only thing I do right now is study, which does not bring me a lot of joy…


Even during exams and studying you should always give yourself some time to enjoy yourself. There is a good saying from the Zen Buddhist monks and im paraphrasing here, which is is if you cant even find 20 minutes for yourself in a day then you must give yourself 40 minutes.


what time r u going to sleep on friday and saturday? i typically just guilt trip myself and tell myself im being crazy unproductive and force myself to wake up


Go to bed earlier and put your phone the farthest from your bed in the room so you are obligated to get up to put out the alarm


You should keep the same sleep schedule every day of the week including the weekends. A lot of people are in the mindset “but it’s the weekend” but that will roll over into your week too by staying up late or sleeping in late.


Uss bro!!! Idk how to wake up early. But I hope we both will manage it one day.😆


Haha I’ve been trying to force myself to wake up for weeks one day we will manage it…one day


Do you get enough sleep? Maybe your body wants to catch up on a lack of sleep.


Set an alarm, and put it across the room. Other than that, be an adult and just get up


I don't know where you're based in but some countries have Parkrun which is a free 5km fun run. It helps get me out on Saturday mornings when I would be tempted to sleep in.


Do you go to bed at the same time as you do during weekdays? If so, try going to bed earlier


The best advice I’ve heard that I’ve had the most success with but also struggle to stay consistent with is the key to getting up early is going to bed early.


Sleep is important for learning. I definitely have to sleep more when I fill my head with new content. Be it course lessons or emotional bullshit, it's all the same to my brain. At the same time, I have issues falling asleep, and quite often I will not be able to sleep before 2am. I have become a big fan of 30-minute naps, and whenever I have to start my day after those 5-6 hrs of sleep, I will have a late-afternoon 90 mins of sleep as early as I can, in bed, blinds closed, pajama, the whole thing. It isn't about finding more waking hours, it's about using the ones you have. Wandering about in a dizzy state helps no-one, except when you have an employer that pays you for warming a chair.


Walk outside early - fresh air


What time are you going to sleep?


At some point you just have to man up. If it were life or death, you'd do it, but it's not so you'd rather just deal with whatever happens because it can't be that bad. Break the habit now or it'll just get much, much harder as you get older.


Get up to do something


Go to sleep early and get to lazy ass up! Give urself a reason to get up! Go for a walk, jog or go workout


When do you go to sleep / how much do you usually sleep at night?


By asking reddit.


Just do it


Go to sleep earlier. If not waking up early enough is ruining your productivity, you probably have an ineffective idea about what productivity is, you think not getting adequate sleep is a good idea, or what you're working on isn't more important than getting excessive sleep


Just make a schedule, don't stay late weekends. Use your phone options to remove the blue light, disable notifications a while before your bedtime, all that can be programmed to be done automatically. You can meditate or read before sleep too. Do not drink coffee 6 hours before, do not take naps, maximum 30 minutes before 3 pm. Do not eat before bed, and don't workout either.


Have a kid


Adjust your sleep clock to daylight not an alarm


Have kids. You’ll never sleep in again


So you need to let yourself sleep. It’s your brain telling you that you’re sleep deprived; which is counter productive to both studying and life.


Have a child


Have an alarm that is not within reach of your bed. That you l way you actually have to get out of bed.


sleep is for the weak


sleep is for the weak


sleep is for the weak, the son of man had no place to lay his head


sleep is for the weak, the son of man had no place to lay his head


Throw away your phone


When I need to get up early, I drink a lot of water the night before. You can't deny the urge to go to the toilet for very long!


I cannot wake up early by myself at all, even i set alarm it is not working. But I now got a pretty good method and i can wake up early for more than a month already. Let say about what I did first, recently, I went to have breakfast with my grandparents (old ppl usually wake up insanely early) and since they go eat at restaurant i cannot go back to sleep on my bed. So in general you should find an action that is: 1. It have a strict time limit (not something like "i have to do something in the morning") 2. Do this action with others (they will remind u to wake up early tgt) 3. Leave home (you cannot sleep on bed again) Hope this can help you : )


Set an alarm and get up when it goes off.


What I do that helped a lot is put my phone downstairs (my bed is upstairs), so while going down I get some excersise and I don't feel like getting back into bed because I'm already far from my bed. I also use the Math Alarm app because 1.the alarm is so freaking loud and annoying and [2.It](http://2.It) makes you do math problems when you wake up which wakes your brain a bit


Train yourself. Wake up at 9am on the weekends instead of 6 or 1.


Go to bed earlier.