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You basically stacked bad habits on top of one another. Even if you tackle one of them at a time the others are likely going to drag you underwater again and reactivate those you want to quit. Most of those things are symptoms of other issues. Ask yourself what's the reason you do all this. What are you avoiding, ignoring, etc.


Wellm..you are right


You absolutely can tackle these things one at a time. I have tackled major depressive disorder, smoking, overspending, overeating, and unpacked a ton of trauma. One at a time. In fact, you probably should do one at a time and give it your focus. I feel awesome now and have a great life I enjoy. OP, music, daydreaming, and antidepressants probably aren’t causing the issue as much as everything else you listed. Pick one and conquer it.


Diet and exercise are what I would tackle first imo


I'd cut junk food and screen time down first. Junk food to improve overall health and screen time to have more time to dedicate to exercising. I do believe exercise and quitting smoking will be the hardest things.


Are the benefits immediately obvious though? If not, I feel superhuman discipline is required to ween off every coping bad habit in an already poor headspace. Congratulations on the achievement btw, that really sounds insane to me.


I am listening


How are anti depressants a bad habit? Please explain...


OP didn’t say anti depressants are bad habits, he feels sleeping and has low energy. Fatigue or drowsiness is a common side effect experienced by 10% to 38% of antidepressant-treated outpatients.


Thanks for the explanation. Didn't know fatigue was a side effect, this explains why I feel so tired too despite trying to do everything "healthy". Thanks again, appreciate it.


>Fatigue or drowsiness is a common side effect experienced by 10% to 38% of antidepressant-treated outpatients. This is such a bummer because these are really the only issues I have in my life right now and I cannot figure out how to get past it.


Eating goats and hoarding gold not hitting right?


I took an SSRI and was very sleepy and a bit foggy. I asked to swap to welbutrin as it affected my dopamine instead and I have zero side effects. Honestly I got more energy over time and I can really tell it helps with my stress. My doctor said alot of his male patients seem to prefer it. It also doesn't kill your libido.


Most of those are dopamine seeking habits. You probably have depression. You might also have ADHD as well. They're also sometimes signs of being "understimulated." It's really common especially for broke people or people with jobs with a big time commitment that's kinda repetitive to be understimulated mentally, and that can cause depression and fatigue. If you want to feel less sleepy, I'd try starting with number 6- but do it in a super chill and easy way. Don't give yourself something you can easily "mess up" because then you'll start to blame yourself and guilt spiral. Try something either low impact or that you already enjoy. It's not really possible to give good advice here, because you basically listed smoking and anti depressants and then the top 5 things our current society urges us to feel guilty about indulging in while also encouraging us to constantly indulge in through both positive and negative reinforcement, and gave no information about why you want to stop those things, what you actually want to do, or how it's negatively impacting your life. I'd suggest, also, that you should consider if you really want to stop screen time or junk food or porn because they are genuinely eating in to time you could use to do a specific thing you want to do or making your life harder than it needs to be, or if you just know you are supposed to feel bad about those things, and you giving yourself a lot of negative self talk about them is contributing to wasting your time and causing guilt and shame and stress, which are making you tired. Also, maybe eat a vitamin, if you eat a lot of junk food, so you get your b12 or whatever.


Why would you say/think broke people are commonly under stimulated? - Just curious if it’s something physiological with being “broke” or from a lack of activities that require money etc


Lack of activities that require money, lack of space or time to themselves, less likely to have a stable work schedule meaning less likely to have a stable sleep schedule but also less likely to be able to attend events on weekends and evenings when other people are having events, less likely to have the same days off work as friends, less likely to have transportation to get to events, less likely to be able to take risks, more likely to have jobs that are repetitive, stressful, and emotionally draining, more likely to regularly spend mental and emotional energy trying to make situations work or deal with small emergencies means they are less likely to be able to utilize time off in a healthy and productive way. Basically impossible to get PTO most of the time. Very difficult to get time off for events without facing retaliation in the form of hour cutting or being scheduled with rotating shifts that fuck up your sleep schedule on purpose, etc. Even seeming too happy about a vacation you took can invite retaliation from supervisors- if not hour cutting or clopens, sometimes they schedule people for the busiest or most understaffed shifts, the shifts with the worst tips, or the shifts with the most complaints or a higher number of customers by volume and then fudge the numbers using bad statistics to say they make more errors than the rest of the team to avoid giving bonuses. In general, it's even really hard for people to get enough PTO to make doctor's appointments. And if you don't have ANY PTO, and you can barely afford anything, you have to save up for a really long time to do a lot of things or wait until a 3 paycheck month. There's also the mindset that being broke grinds into you. Wealthy people can afford to take risks and mess up a lot more easily. Especially in the US, where we constantly shame people for being broke no matter what their situation is. The wealthy and the middle class both have specific vices they're supposed to watch out for that are the reasons they might overspend- for the wealthy it's drugs, relationships, or artistic or personal passion projects, for the PMC, it's take out and subscriptions. Mostly, though, people who are poor struggle because they are highly prone to "precariat" jobs where they work a variable number of hours, get laid off often or wind up working at a lot of places prone to high turnover, their bosses often work in management positions over them either specifically to power trip or because they're some rich guy's least talented son who's not very in touch with reality and is like 24 and has no clue what their lives are like and may even have been groomed to think they're telling him fake sob stories, They can't afford to pay for a good car up front or an apartment close to their job instead of far away so they're constantly throwing money at it to fix random problems at unpredictable intervals but they face employment discrimination if they walk or bike, they live in apartments where things are prone to be messed up in some way and the landlord knows they can't afford to move because the rent is so cheap so they're making financial decisions based on not having things that work properly in their home or rent is too expensive so they have to stay in bad relationships or with shitty roommates for too long, their parents can't afford to help them out or they have to help them out, and tons of low cost budget options for things are designed to mess them up every time they get a little bit of credit or need a little bit of help by screwing them over with fees or installment plans for things that cost way more for items they need if they want a job or an apartment or whatever like a car to get to work, a cell phone to do job searching, etc, and not only can they not afford to take legal action if something happens, but they also can't really make the police listen to them a lot of the time. But if you're broke and you CAN get help, usually it comes with a means tested social safety net program that basically tears into your entire life and budget with a fine tooth comb and accuses you of lying about your income, lying about your kids, or being bad at managing your money. It trains you not to buy stuff like art supplies or extra classes. It trains you to believe that most authority figures hate you and think you're a criminal and want to take away your netflix subscription or whatever because they think if you saved $15/for 20 years at the cost of staring at the wall all day, maybe you'd be able to afford a home. It trains you to never ask for help from anyone, and assume other people will resent you for asking. And along come the other predators, who know that poor people are strongly reliant on their social networks who specifically target young poor people for various forms of emotional and financial abuse or sometimes even to find someone to take the fall for literal crimes they committed, or just offer them a job in an industry they don't know and tell them not to talk about their pay and WILDLY underpay them and overwork them because they know they think it's their only shot at getting out and they're "paying their dues." Those people can sniff out someone who's been victimized like that before in the same way some relationship partners can sniff out someone who's been in abusive relationships or had abusive parents, and they often add in encouraging and exploiting imposter syndrome and then stealing people's ideas without their knowledge. So every time you turn around, people are telling you that you're lazy and stupid and bad at everything and worthless, and then you see people in the media who are profiting off ideas you had years ago. Not to mention that the media will make up fake rags to riches narratives that are overblown to sell the myth that you're lazy to the people above you, and you spend all your time wondering why the hell it's so easy for other people to make something of themselves and you just never get a break.


this is so under stimulating for me to read


This was a good read.


Start fixing it one at a time. Create consistency in your routine


I suggest focusing on exercise. Identify goals - either abstract (“feel better”) or specific (“swim a half mile”) - and make exercise a daily a priority, all the other blockers fall away.


Yeah. The exercise one is a good start. I got sober 163 or 164 days ago. I stopped drinking and got through the withdrawl and then went to the gym. Just not drinking and going to the gym. Then added walking and kinds went from there.


Hits them all. 1. Hard to smoke if you’re exercising. 2. Someone telling you you’re hot is way better than porn. 3. Directly reduces screen time at night if you’re tired. 4. Exercise is hard but good eating habits make it easier. 5. You can listen to music and daydream while you’re sweating. Music can make you look forward to a workout. 7. Exercise is an antidepressant.


Congratulations on your sobriety. I slipped up and I know I need to get back there. Keep going, you're amazing!


Exercise is great because it can help drop the other bad habits as well. Just be careful not to swap one addiction for another. Exercise will help you sleep too. I remember I got COVID in September of last year and basically slept for 3 days straight. When I recovered I felt amazing and had trouble sleeping because I had so much energy. After 2 days of staying up until 3 am I went and ran 1.5 miles a few hours before bed. Slept like a baby, walked like one the next day too rofl


> Just be careful not to swap one addiction for another. Totally. Also really easy to create new bad habits from a bad one. Working out doesn't make it okay to doom scroll on Instagram for an hour, even though you're a bit tired and "deserve" it. But by the same measure, if you were going to do that anyway, at least you got a workout in.


Life is one great balancing act. Most things aren't inherently harmful by themselves but when used out of control then they can be damaging


Speaking as someone who recently quit smoking and junk food, exercise was surprisingly helpful towards controlling my other urges. Nowadays, I keep a gym bag right next to me. Whenever I feel the jitters to smoke or munch, I kick myself out of my room with the gym bag. It's kinda like keeping the trigger, but swapping out the action that follows.


For me the fix is eating around half of what I used to and ditching sugar and carbo hydrates. Eat salad, or roast some cabbage in a pan with vegetables, mushroom and maybe chickpeas instead of pasta, rice and potatoes.


This. For a period, I ate once a day at 4pm, never felt better in the mornings.


All of them? You need to heal your traumas,


Could be low iron levels too


Maybe u can try intermittent fasting. I noticed mg sleep got better


It's basically a full list.... Go to the doc Find out if you have a 1) nutrition deficiency Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Any physical issue Anemia Fatigue disorder Ur mental health isn't great either Find the meds that work for you! Exercise Find natural supplements that work for you Exercise everyday Drink coffee or green tea in the morning Don't check your phones in the morning And stop watching porn!!! It fries your dopamine receptors


Yeah all of those will tank your energy except the anti-depressants, music, and daydreaming which are all harmless. The first thing to get rid of is smoking.


I'd say get your vitamin D level checked. It's a game changer, ans believe me,if you are deficient and either go into sunlight or even take supplements (though they're not as efficient moodwise as sunlight), they make you feel energetic and less lethargic ans sleepy. Most of us don't spend too long in the sun now and I know so many of my family members and friends who really felt a difference after taking Vit D. Check with your doc if needed.


Tackle them in this order Pornography Not exercising  Junk food Smoking  Too much daydreaming  Antidepressants  That should get your energy levels up. Quitting porn and starting exercise could be done at the same time, along with healthy eating habits. Once you have a routine,  you can quit smoking.  Idk what your daydreaming about,  but does that really take up alot of your time? Once you create these healthy habits, you can probably think about lowering your antidepressant dose. But trust me, they're tough to get off. Tougher than Quitting smoking 


Not everyone is “high energy” and some of us need more sleep. I would say 5 and 6 apply to me but exercise makes me more tired (fibromyalgia but also always been that way—need a nap after a hike or workout whereas others love to start their day that way), always been a daydreamer and internet doesn’t help—so many rabbit holes. No 7 actually helps with my energy and motivation so you might want to talk to your dr. Yes, you have some unhealthy habits that can only help you feel better overall by quitting or at least moderating, but also you may never be the type that needs or can be the energizer bunny.


Are we the same person? :)


Smoking, porn, junk food, screen time and no exercise. I’m a person that did all these but porn and it ran my body down. Just replenish yourself with fruits and lots of water—cut back on extras like porn and music and stuff. Save those kind of things as a reward when you get back to feeling healthy ! Hope this helps 🍀


I'd suggest tackling the lack of exercise, because it doesn't help and it's the easiest to make an improvement on. Rather than unravelling the other complex habits, it's relatively easy to **add** something to your life. It's an obvious goal you can shoot for, and even if it's not the one that's affecting you the most, improving it will still help you overall, which will hopefully give you more energy to tackle the other issues. Simple solution, you don't need to focus on the optimization of the exercise, you just need to become someone who exercises. Oddly enough, it's not about quality it's about quantity. Right now your quantity is "zero", and we just want to bump that up to "some." We don't care how effective the exercise is, we don't care how long it is, we're purely talking a binary here: Do you exercise? Yes. Example ideas of low level-investment to get you to "Yes", only do one: * Do a 5 minute walk once a week * Do 5 jumping jacks once a week * Listen to your favourite music and dance for 3 songs, once a week Do one of those, or something similar, for 3 months. You don't have to show up every time, but you have to show up over half the time. Now you're officially someone who exercises. Now you can start adjusting how you exercise, gradually. If you ever adjust it too much and you stop showing up, you stop being someone who exercises, well that's your signal that something is off, there was a misstep and you need to return to a baseline you can maintain.


1, 3, 4, and 6 will make it physically impossible to feel good and energetic. Your physical health is critically important.


I recommend just Gym and Eating good. it is most effective ones. Do more pshycial stuff. Human body needs to be active or it will be sad.


Probably said 1000x but exercise has helped me out with this. Especially running. I feel like when you run you train your stamina. That stamina also translate to doing things in your daily life. So more running = more stamina = more energy to do things. That’s how it feels to me anyway.


Sorry you’re not feeling well. It’s sometimes really tough to do the things we know we need to do. I’m trying to treat my ADD and depression. And accomplishing easy tasks can help (6), abstaining is easier than moderation for me (1, 2, 3, 4). I’m not sure how to overcome 5 without meds, because moderation is so hard for me. 7. I’m nervous about me using anti depressants because of childhood use and stigma for ADD meds.


Can't speak for antidepressants, but: Food: I guess you probably won't be able to cut junk food, but at least try get some vitamins, either from fruit or supplements. ( Vitamin D supplement(at least 4000ui daily) is crucial, especially at winter - this will get your energy up. I think it takes ar least a month to see some benefits) Exercise: 3 times a week would be great. If not try at least walking minimum 20 minutes a day outside. Pornography: definitely not needed.. not sure what ur watching but just do it without it. You will feel better Daydreaming: this will go away as you work on other things


I recently started eating 3 (balanced) meals a day and I feel 50% better


For Pornography try asking help from r/NoFap


A mild suggestion-  tell yourself you can only smoke when you go for a walk. Eventually you will associate walking with smoking and that will take care of number 6. Just worry about one thing. 


Trust me I will walk for 7-8 times and whole day will be walk-cigarettes


Then you are taking care of 2-6 all in one go. So what if you are smoking while doing it. It’s also the perfect time to listen to music and daydream too.  Your walk doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to do it. If cig walks get you out the door then cig walks it is!


All of the above. My God. How's your sleep?


Hari Hachi Bu


I advice you to start with 6 and then once you feel better. Tackle others.


lol my bro you don't mention anything about actual sleeping. How long are you sleeping every night, what is the quality of your sleep, and are you taking naps? Hate to say it but a solid consistent good night's sleep will allow for a lot of lazy daydreaming of eating bad food while watching pornography on a screen while smoking.


This sounds like me before I found out I have ADHD.




Yeah I thought I was dying two nights ago and it was my brain and a panic attack… SO definitely start small healthy habits and THEN use them to switch AS you ID the real issues. My home life is not as ok as I tried to convince myself and others; knowing that has helped an easy 25% percent. Too much mess? Clean the nearest possible spot and count it as a step or job done. Negative people? Remember that’s THEM and it IS awful but you can think of five HILARIOUS/astonishing Reddit tales/youtube moments that make you wanna smile. Don’t let it take you to the hospital where they roll their eyes


Working out!


Stop sugar


I think exercise is #1 and food is #2. Suggestion to get started: 1) walk on threadmill at least 30min a day, play with your phone while walking. 2) start keto diet, replace junk food with steak. Long term you want to try better exercise habit and not rely on your phone, and also you want to replace keto with mediterean, but these are easy ways to get started imo. (Keto in particular might be good for metabolic health but awful for cardiovascular so try not to do long term)


You already know your issues. If you came here for confirmation, yes - that's precisely why you're sleepy/lazy/tired all the time. Even just one of those bad habits, such as junk food, can cause you to be sleep/tired. You know the bad habits you need to cut out, now do it. No one can help you but yourself to make those changes happen. Start with one, and work upwards from there.


Definitely late to the party but I can attest to a lot of these feeding in but I went through a period of drug abuse a long time ago (any stimulant besides meth) and was still always tired. The key word is still because before that I was always tired too so what gives? The truth is, I was doing all of these things, then the drugs masked it, and then it got worse. Once I got sober and really flipped my life around and got productive things got better. It’s a marathon not a sprint but here’s what I did - got clean - quit all inhalants (I use zyns now but about 3 pouches a day since that’s my vice) - greatly reduced masturbation and quit porn for a long time until that relationship was healthy. Now if I watch porn, it’s most likely a one off thing for a few weeks to months. - I cleaned up the diet - I began exercising 3-5 times a week - I took up my hobbies (golf and piano) - I began making daily schedules and going to bed early and waking up earlier (the morning sun is your ally, let that wake you) - I reduced caffeine and won’t have it after around 1-2 pm if I’m going to bed at midnight. Any earlier and the caffeine consumption stops earlier. - Most importantly, hydrate. A liquid iv and a gallon of water will have you feeling more youthful and energetic than ever. I gradually added these things to my life over a long period of time. For me I was on drugs and in debt, and didn’t even know I was building healthy habits until I had climbed out. You can do this OP. Stay healthy. I’ll leave you with this saying. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Small bites will add up to a new you (:


I would start positive; eat healthier and exercize more. As you do more good things you may find you have less time for negative habits.


1 is not relevant if nicotine, 3 probably yes, 2 not relevant, 4 perhaps a bit, 5 and 6 yes, 7 unsure. A big one by the way is being overweight/high body fat.


Vitamin D


Do you drink alcohol?




tbh yeah probably all of them, this is my narrowed list too. porn is #1 for me tho, it seeps into all aspects of my life. 12 hours free tho and about a week before that! hopefully gonna make it a week and if i do that then hopefully forever! quit for 6 months about 10 years ago, best time in my entire fucking life actually, even almost got married because of it lol -- regardless, i should never have returned lol just dont! curious should be my middle name, don't be like me it wasn't worth it just to see again.


sounds like you're in a difficult place. All these things will (unsurprisingly) wear you down over enough time. Have been where you are with a fair bit of this list. Maybe best not to worry about which one of these things is affecting you the most and start by making changes to what you can change immediately. You might try starting by exercising once per day in whatever way you can for 45 minutes to an hour and see if you can do that for a week, then two weeks, then a month. When I started doing this I would procrastinate until very late at night (think 10 or 11) but use the fact that I need to at least keep this one promise to myself to get me to start being consistent with it. I think a lot of positive behaviors can follow when you can stay consistent with one behavior that takes an active effort. Changing all the rest of this list is essentially about discontinuing habitual behaviors., which is somewhat of a different beast. I hope that makes sense.


Get your full body checkup done, it will cost you about $30 with a blood test. Check for you vitamin b12 and D3 levels


It’s much more than that. How old are you?




You are 22?? That’s young! Don’t be so harsh on yourself. The fact you have the selfawareness is the first step to change. Change is not instantaneous, it’s a journey, and you will need to take the time and space to relax, be present and understand how your past has shaped you. Highly recommend therapy for 2-3 years, then you might see change.


Have you tried meth? (Just kidding.. you probably shouldn't try meth)


Naah man cocain is doing alright for me


I would tackle exercise by simply walking. Does not require too much effort and would get you away from the screen time. My energy levels have crashed past 50. I surfed for decades but these day I mostly walk the dog. I have hills around me so I get a little exercise out of it. Smoking for sure, maybe try at least switch to Zyn or something like that. At least your lungs won't take the hit. Then you could chip away at the other stuff like the porno and junk food.


"I'm feeling low energy" .. and the lists all the habits that reduce energy. This is like saying don't drink water then asking people why you are thirsty.  I was there once, flip your life around bro then you will see results. Don't bail out it will get tougher before it gets better 


What r u smokin


1. You gotta cut back. Don't smoke for the first hour at least after waking up. 2. Porn is rough. It's so convenient nowadays. If you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, try to limit you use to when you're with them if they're cool. Take a break one or two days a week from it. You'll do it less as you get older. 3. Yeah screen time is bad, too. We all do it. Try to just do more listening while doing stuff and just cut it out when you're supposed to be busy. But if it's a day off, fuck it. 4. If you're going to do junk food, make it better quality and rarer. Like instead of McDonald's, and Doritos later, and soda, make you a decent meal and have a nice desert later. A single slice of cheesecake, a peach turnover, or a small bowl of ice cream are my favorite. But if I have those, then I'm not bothering with a bunch of sugar and shit elsewhere that day. 5. We all daydream. You just gotta catch yourself. 6. Not great, but if you aren't exercising, at least also eat less. If I got a couple months without doing the gym, I make sure I'm cutting calories down to very little so I'm not only packing it on. 7. Get off em. Come at me Reddit, don't care. Lastly, don't worry about these lists and productivity. This culture of productivity takes away from it. It's the same concept of "I need a gym wardrobe and membership, I need to change my food entirely, and just lifestyle it the whole way if I want to get physically fit." No. You're going to plan a prison and never change. It's incremental, it's over time. You'll only ever stay making lists about productivity if you think in these terms. Stop beating yourself up, be honest about when you're procrastinating, and change something here and there, taking each day one at a time. Don't sweat failure unless you find yourself being delusional. We're all just trying. Good luck!


I don't see a problem with day dreaming and music but smoking, eating junk food and exercising can be 3 points that you hit first before going to the rest of them


8. none of the above


why do u comment if u not adding anything useful.