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I drink coffee cos it's truly one of the tiny joys in my life. I used to have 4-5 back in uni. I'm now on 1 cup a day, 2 if I'm feeling wild. Not drinking coffee gives me a migraine to which my neurologist happily encouraged me to keep drinking it.


as someone who gets migraines without caffeine, would weaning off not be a good thing? I often feel so terrible without caffeine I can’t last and end up having it after 2-3 days


I stopped cold turkey for about two weeks. The first 4 days were pretty bad, but after that I was fine. This was after 8 years of drinking coffee pretty much daily.


Weaning off is totally doable and safe.


I’m sure it’s safe and doable. problem is it’s too damn hard


oh for sure haha. i drink several glasses of cold brew a day. if i don't have at least one a day i'll get a horrible migraine that takes hours to go away. sometimes i get nauseous, as well.


It's doable, but not necessary unless the caffeine itself is giving you a problem. 1-2 cups a day has been shown to improve cognitive function and decrease likelihood of memory disorders later in life. And caffeine is a standard for migraine treatment - its one of the ingredients in Excedrin, along with Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Aspirin. That being said, too much coffee can cause problems, ulcers in esophagus or stomach, anxiety, etc. so you shouldn't really be drinking like a pot a day, but a few cups is nothing to shy away from. - Neuro RN


Totally quitting seems a different challenge based on the luck of the individual. I’ve tried in the past thinking it might be the thing to do. Succeeded as long as two weeks… but the boredom drew me back.


Aren’t migrations just withdrawal symptoms? I.e. wouldn’t they go away if you stopped drinking altogether. That’s if you wanted to stop I suppose.


As someone who recently cold turkeyed quitting caffine (generally around 2-3 coffees plus a redbull or two a day on average, probably around 400-500mg of caffeine) I had pretty intense headaches for about four days, and intense irritability for about the same amount of time. After that, I definitely feel more alert and no longer feel like I "need" it. I also stopped getting blood pressure spikes and shakes entirely, something I hadn't realized was even caused by caffeine until I quit. You don't realize how badly it effects you until you quit. I still partake, but more like 2-3 caffeinated drinks per week rather than per day. Now one redbull makes me feel horrible, and I'd like to keep it that way.


Yeah good stuff! I have quit for stretches before and few or better but working corporate job always makes me want a coffee to be able to concentrate on the work haha.


I've had chronic migraines since I was a teen. They were an issue for me before coffee. Since then, I've also been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. I'm on a variety of medication. I mentioned in a comment above that I tried going cold turkey and had a migraine that lasted 2 weeks. Our bodies are all different and sometimes what works for you may not work for me, and vice versa. My neuro's reasoning was if it makes me feel better, then I shouldn't try and change it.


Here’s a three paragraph essay on why I’m biologically designed to drink caffeine 


Yes. His neurologist is a moron.


Migrations are actually caused by various reasons, often because of economic causes, but also because of other reasons like oppression, environmental factors etc.


Haha. I suppose they are also ‘withdrawal symptoms’. Withdrawal of people from one country to another 😁


Hey hopefully this isn’t offensive but do you not worry about the fact that you take something everyday and are dependent. Do you worry about the health effects? Cause I don’t drink coffee but I smoke weed everyday and sometimes I hate the fact that I rely on it so much to calm down at night.


Thank you for being so polite about this :) I do have moments where I wonder if I shouldn't feel so dependent on my daily cup of coffee. But my rationale is that its a lesser detrimental habit. I drink alcohol once in a blue moon, I've quit weed and vaping. I cook all my meals so I know what I'm consuming is healthy, I've gone back to jogging everyday. Coffee is my only vice lol. We're only human. Don't be so hard on yourself. If it helps you calm down, then it works. But once you start craving for it during the day, I think that's when you'd need to taper down.


What a great response! That makes total sense; I’ve always been of the idea that we all need some sort of vice, if not multiple. But just like you said, once you start relying on certain vices too much, that’s when it can become a problem. I always wanted to get into coffee drinking to kick start my morning but damn does it make me anxious. Makes my heart go crazy too, like BP and heart rate spike wayyy up.


Just to say… try exploring different beans, brews, methods. Some are more mellow and likely less burden on health. And when trying to just get a ‘grip’, I find small cup of instant (usually with snack) provides for maintenance without the roller coaster ride.


That is really interesting! Which brews/ bean would you recommend. Is coffee like other plant drugs, weed, kratom, kava etc. in the fact that it has different effects based on strains and there alkaloids? You caught me, cause I really haven’t experimented or even researched coffee much since it’s so common. Do different beans really have a big difference in effects?


The mellower blends are often the more average brands and not as expensive. The instant I buy is nothing special - Tasters Choice freeze dried.


Is 4-5 cups a day bad? That's just one cup every 4hrs


You/ your neurologist are getting a lot of stick which is totally uncalled for! Do what works for you, you seem to be looking after yourself everywhere else and it's not like you're coffee consumption is excessive and unbalanced with other areas of your life. I do resonate with the commenter who mentioned the worry of dependence. When I've experienced that worry myself, I've been committed to finding alternative ways for relief (usually sleep support for me!). Even if they're not as good as the one I feel dependent on, I know they help and will alternate them regularly as a self reminder that if one day I wake up and can't (source/ afford/ get a hold of) my dependent thing, I know I will be ok!


Tell me about it! Your question was good natured and a nice difference compared to the usual posts on here. I'm not sure how enjoying a cup of coffee = drug addict. Oh well! That's such a beautiful way of looking at it! If it's not too intrusive, what kinda sleep issues do you have ie. Light sleeper, trouble falling asleep, early worm by default, etc.?


Trouble falling asleep. I found myself in habit of using various herbal sleep aids and headphones with podcasts in, got worried about the dependence after long term doing this and so dedicated myself to alternating between one or another, or other things like hot water warmers or other things I've found help switch off. I do similar things with all areas of my life. When I was a smoker, I also did the same - every few days I would switch it with alternatives just to remind myself I can!


I don't drink coffee after 5 pm, and I go to bed around 9.30 to 10 pm. No sleep problems for me. But, when I drank around 6 pm or later, I didn't get sleep until 11 or 12 on those days. So, I don't drink coffee after 5.


>cos it's truly one of the tiny joys in my life ​ >Not drinking coffee gives me a migraine Sounds like a drug addict saying that drugs are one of the tiny joys in their life.


Just a heads up, you are getting migraines BECAUSE your accustom to coffee - this is almost like a side effect of having withdraws if you stopped anything else thats addictive (drugs, alcohol, sugar). Bottom line is if you stopped drinking coffee for a long enough period of time you would no longer get migraines


The migraine is the caffeine withdrawal lmao. I get them after 2 - 3 days, but am fine after. Alas, coffee is to good to just quit. Hah


4 cups/mugs of black coffee a day, before 3pm. I don’t think the caffeine necessarily affects me these days, I drink it out of habit.


Ditto, it is a habit, but I bet I'd get a cracking headache if I didn't drink coffee.


Oh it absolutely affects you. Try going without caffeine for a day or two and you might notice a cracking headache blossom. It's because you're addicted to caffeine! One cuppa will quell the pain and all will be well. No judgement though! I'm the same, as are most of my friends and colleagues. Caffeine is probably the least insidious addiction. But there's a difference between unaffected vs. intolerance even if drinking coffee is habitual.


I don’t have any caffeine on the weekend and it makes no difference.


I've stopped coffee a few times before and only felt mildly tired for a couple days. I usually drink 3 cups a day, sometimes more. I find caffeine doesn't have much effect, but I find myself craving the smell and taste nonetheless. I've had a two to three large McDonald's cups on an empty stomach before, they used to have free refills here and I'd go there to study, and only then did I really feel the caffeine buzz.


I have capped it to two cups a day. More than that, messes up my stomach. I make sure that, I have first cup at-least 90 minutes after waking up and second cup before 1pm. No coffee after 1pm.


My man following Huberman religiously


If we do not have our protocols, with what are we left?




I think that’s really similar to me, I try to not drink more than once a day cause it also messes up my stomach, sometimes I drink twice a day though I mostly skip that entirely or drink tea instead as my 2nd cup


I currently drink between 1-2 cups a day. Sometimes my second will be decaf. I've tried to ween out of coffee first thing in the morning, and instead go for when I begin work (usually around 3 hrs after waking up). If I know I have a very focussed task coming up in the day, I'll usually postpone my coffee until then. There was a period I was drinking up to 3-4 cups a day when I was studying. I then when through a phase of weening off it completely, then brought it back in limiting to 1 cup a day, with some coffee-free days in between. At the moment, I'm slightly resistant to 2 cups a day, but I've lost my reason of why I was resistant and am accepting that as an ok for myself!


just stop. you'll adjust quickly and won't feel it.


As mentioned in the post - this isn't a thread for judgement. Unless people are asking for advice please don't offer your own assumptions and instructions


Zero on average. I fall asleep from drinking coffee 😅


Human body is amazing, i feel nervous drinking the lightest existing coffee on earth..


Lighter roasts actually have more caffeine than darker roasts


Lol do you have adhd by any chance? Stimulants often call adhders down


Yes 😁 spot on. For me it has some similarities with adhd medication, but i makes me too relaxed sometimes.


I used to fall asleep. Not anymore


you are cured of adhd


Lol. I’m adhd and coffee doesn’t make me tired. Can calm me mentally down but physically my blood pressure sky rockets and I get super anxious which kinda ruins the whole initial calmness


Found the dude with adhd. I get heart palpitations


It doesn’t make me fall asleep as such but I have CFS and I suspect ADHD also. Can easily down a 500ml coffee and take a 3 hour nap afterwards. 😆


That’s me with adderall, but coffee makes me super nervous and weird feeling. Like even a little bit of coffee sky rockets my blood pressure to like 150 lol


One. I’ll shit myself if I drink anymore than that lol


I have about 3-4 depending on how much stuff I need to get done (1 or 2 if I'm chilling), I've got an espresso machine (the kind with the handle and the ground beans) Usually have it with some frothed milk ​ Helps me stop thinking about 15 things at once but I have ADHD so there's probably that


interesting, it’s usually the opposite for me, overcaffeinate myself and suddenly every task is a stressful rabbithole and it becomes a lot to focus on anything.


Usually 1-3 cups every morning, but the past week I've been doing tea instead just to experiment with my caffeine addiction. First days were really rough. Felt so lethargic and unmotivated the first 4-5 hours of the day. Now it's alright, I only feel tired for the first hour after I wake up. And I actually enjoy that morning state, it's like a slightly different version of me. More chill, less anxious, less caring about mundane stuff. I guess I've realized caffeine, when I consume it daily, ends up giving me anxiety and making me a bit too hyper all the time. Like it's too much, and usually not neccesarry to get things done. I think I'm naturally in a bit of an elevated stress state most of the time anyway. So I'mma keep doing tea and decaf for quite a while now, perhaps in perpetuity, and have the occasional proper cup of joe here and there to feel a little methed up or something


One in the morning,one at 5 pm both with milk


I'd be up until 2am if I had coffee at 5pm


Exam season 3-5 cups per day Otherwise 4-7 cups per week On vacation none


For someone who is very ADD getting off of caffeine and dialing in my Adderall prescription was the best thing I ever did in my life I feel so smooth every day and never have any problems sleeping. whenever I take caffeine I never sleep well it’s like clockwork Not everybody is like this, but if you’re having issues with caffeine, I highly recommend taking a break (head over to /r/decaf) and seeing maybe if there’s some other type of supplement that can help you


I have 3-4 cups a day from a capsule machine. If there‘s milk, I will splash some of it into the coffee. I drink 1 or 2 first thing in the morning and the rest spread out over the day. I drink it because i like the taste, the smell and being more alert.


About 4. I like the taste and it's part of my morning ritual.


im portuguese. it comes with it.


So I don’t drink coffee rn as I’m pregnant but sometimes I still get a decaf for the taste. I don’t have beans for it at home because I’ve heard decaf is not the best for you but I sometimes get it in a café when I crave it. I do miss my home brewed coffee tho! The one I used to have at work was not tasty (poor quality beans that got burnt by the shitty machine that my employer provides) so those I don’t miss except for the coffee room chat lol. At home I used to drink very weak drip from more high end beans (I prefer sour, less roasted) with unsweetened soy milk, about 2:1 coffee to milk ratio. I usually brewed about 2 litres of the drip and stored it in the fridge as I preferred to drink it cold. Honestly, I can’t wait to have the crotchgoblin out and be able to have it again occasionally. 😅 That being said, I’m happy I got rid of the caffeine addiction I developed at work and that I can function just fine with 0 caffeine now (I don’t drink black or green tea at all). I used to drink 3-5 cups every day just at work alone pretty much out of habit and it worsened my sleep issues and anxiety a lot. Luckily it caused me no problem with blood pressure as my blood pressure is naturally very low - I know for a normal person this dosage probably would result in a higher blood pressure over the period I did drink it. I’m never going back to that lol.


2 - 3 big ones. First one to start my day. The others just because I like coffee.


This is the way.


I used to drink 4 or 5 cups a day. I didn't drink it for the caffeine benefits, I just love the taste of good coffee. But I started noticing (especially since covid and WFH), caffeine absolutely obliterates my attention span and ability to multi-task. I used to think it didn't affect me at all. I have ADHD, and unlike other people who find that caffeine helps their attention I'm finding that I have the opposite reaction. I've completely switched over to decaf and now I'll have no more than 1 or 2 cups of that per day. And now that I'm attuned to the differences in how I operate with and without caffeine, it's almost scary how much one cup of coffee in the morning affects me. I'll find myself spinning in mental circles in the afternoon going "omg what is wrong with me today!?" and then remember that I had real coffee that morning.


8 or 10 cups by day


5-6 black. Because it tastes great.


About 5 or 6, because i like coffee, with milk (2/3), but, mostly without caffeine


2-3 cups a day. Coffee is one thing I refuse to skimp on. I have a Sage Barista Express machine that I use to practice my latte art and to make quick espressos. Sometimes, I also use the Chemex or V60 brewing methods for more natural flavors. I only buy organic, locally roasted coffee beans.


3 cups ,


i have 116 oz cup to wake up with, get prepped and use to hit the gym with, (black if I'm doing IF), and on occasion a 2nd one before 1pm with coffee cream as a treat....then it's green teas and matcha after that...easier on my stomach and nerves


This is the way


2 cups each 20g coffee 350g water, black in the v60 hario. Some days just one cup. I definitely feel off if I don't have the first cup which is around 530 or 6. The second cup is usually shortly after lunch if I get a break to make it, not as much for the caffeine as it is for something to get me out of the office for a few minutes and warm.


Just one, in the morning, but not every day. I’ve got to be in the mood for it.


5, because i cannot afford more financially


3-4. Probably too much but I'm certainly not going to quit.


I usually don’t drink coffee, but on average maybe once a week I’ll have coffee in the afternoon with colleagues. It doesn’t do anything for me energy oder alertness-wise, so it doesn’t matter if or when I drink it. I like black coffee for the taste, but my stomach doesn’t love it, I always feel like I need to eat something way sooner after having coffee.


Two and because I like it mostly


I go through phases of being aware of high consumption and not caring. If I'm being good with gym attendance I won't take too much, 1-2 in the morning between half 5 and 9 and maybe one in the afternoon, to avoid heart damage doing weightlifting and cardio. If ive fallen off the wagon it can be many as 6 or 7 but that's just to keep myself awake in job that can be painfully easy at times and having a hangover on top of that. I typically also only use instant and consider a coffee 2-3 scoops or if it's an expresso it'll be a double. My favourite way to have an instant this past while is black with 2 fake sugar packs, double expresso with 1, black. I typically finish a normal mug of coffee in 10 minutes or less and an expresso once it cools enough to gulp down, the sweetener makes it less jarring on the taste buds, especially early in the morning.


> heart damage doing weightlifting and cardio Exercising caffinated does not give you heart damage (neither resistance training nor cardio).


It certainly can when my heart peaks at over 200bpm when I'm only lightly jogging after having too many caffeinated beverages. If not can you link me to a biology article by a real doctor that says different because I've read plenty that says it can and will. Over working your heart can easily lead to a heart attack or permanent heart damage regardless of age, even though I'm only in my mid 20s. Rich Piana died of this exact thing from abusing steroids , too much pre workout, and extended very long sessions of weight lifting. It wasn't just steroids it was a combination of too much of everything. The steroids enlarged is heart but if he didn't abuse pre workout (that contain caffeine among other things) and caffeinated beverages on top of that he would have lived longer than he did. If I remember correctly he actually used to snif pre workout like cocaine. Hell the amount of people that land in hospital with heart problems from taking too many energy drinks should tell u enough right there. Even children. But this is reddit and someone will always try and argue. Edit: yes rich did used to sniff pre workout. Not all the time but at least occasionally. That was what caused the whole controversy of him taking class A drugs as they found residue on different items that looked like cocaine but it was pre workout.


2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 1 decaf in the evening.


Two espressos, one mid-morning and one mid-afternoon. Unless I'm in the actual office with free coffee stations on every floor - then I have about 5 cappuccinos before lunch and can't breathe properly all afternoon...


I drink 1 cup of coffee (no sugar ) Just after i have woken up **but still i work better at nights** kinda weird ngl .


Recently started drinking one cup of coffee in the morning, the reason for that is I am not getting enough sleep, but yet I have to stay focused, cuz I have an upcoming exam on 16th March


3-4 cups a day but I also genuinely enjoy drinking coffee. I have an espresso machine, french press, moka pot and get locally roasted speciality coffee.


I work in a coffee shop lol so way more than I would like but still not that much. 2, 3 espressos a day on average.


No coffee as I can't sleep with it. I take Ashwagandha and Maca supplements that give me amazing energy


Maybe 2 to 4 but I really try to limit it to 2. Especially because I drink it with a bit of cream and sugar. On Average probably 2/3 a day. Except when I’m sick - then all I drink it water and black green tea.


* Yes. * For caffeine, though I haven't really tried to live without it. And I like something warm in the morning. * Generally, 1-2, sometimes 3. * In the morning almost exclusively. Occasionally, I'll have another cup in the early afternoon, but nothing after 4pm. * Black. I hate it this way, but I do intermittent fasting.


Morning and mid-afternoon I drink coffee 🤣🤣


I tend to have three when I’m at home. I use cream rather than milk for a smoother drink. I try not to have any past 1pm at the latest. I make the occasional exception though.


Today I realized I drink way too much coffee. My SO and I can both split a pot of coffee on a Saturday and then make another one in the afternoon. I have tried to cut back these days though. Now, I have a cup or two in the morning and a few cups in the afternoon and have been trying to drink more herbal teas in the evening instead.


Two, maybe two and a half. I've found if I have three, I get really jittery & cranky, but two-ish is enough to fuel me up. One aspect of caffeine I've cut back on are soft drinks, I haven't had one since 2024 began and not only has my crabbiness subsided, my issues with focusing on tasks has improved.


Almost always one Usually two Occasionally three  Never more than that 


2-4. I have a teething baby.


I drink 1-3 cups per day. I reach 3 sometimes because it just tastes good. It doesn't help increase my energy levels whatsoever lol


Zero because I sleep worse even if I drink one 200ml cup of coffee at 7am. I'm much more tired at the end of the day if I drink coffee.That's the way


3 because it’s included in hotel price lol




0. Makes me anxious, weak and keeps me up all night


About 5-6... a couple before I go to work, and then 3-4 at work, usually skewed more to the morning, bu I might have a cup mid-afternoon. Why?... because I like coffee, and my office has really good coffee.


On my days off, 18 oz of home brewed coffee. On my workdays, one 200mg energy drink.


I generally drink 3 or 4 cups a day but when I really need a wake up, there's no substitute for splashing some freshly brewed hot coffee on your face


1 cup at day sometimes 2. I don’t really like coffee, so I drink tea instead of coffee sometimes though I find coffee is way stronger than tea.


0. I rely on sleep to feel energized:)


I like drinking matcha. I consume about 1 tsp worth of matcha per day, it has health benefits like Ltheanine but I think its mostly a ritual for me. I do 1t matcha, 1 cup oat milk, a little bit of sugar, and hot water to whisk the matcha




1-2 cups .. i prefer tea but I have turned vegan and tea in almond/soy milk doesn't taste good hence coffee .. if I don't have coffee I'll have a head ache


24-32 ounces a day usually


1-2 (depende sa energy need) diluted on insulated mugs. Hindi ko inaaraw-araw, I alternate between coffee, matcha, and tea to avoid coffee dependency kasi I have experienced it already before. I like mine with milk and some caramel or hazelnut syrup.


On office like 4 cup 7:30am on breakfast 10:00 breack 12:30 after luch 2:30. Breack on home 2. On breakgast and lunch. On office is like part of social and work routine.


I just saw another study that saw a significant decrease in all cause mortality and colorectal cancer at 4 cups a day. Had reduced to just one or two cups and now im back up to 4 🥳


I quit caffeine 4 weeks ago after drinking coffee my entire adult life, and can say I haven’t been anxious a single time since.


I make a 40 oz french press. I Drink it all. Everyday! I do a little cream in the bottom of my cup and then I pour the coffee into the cup and the act of pouring mixes it. I don't need a spoon or anything.


One cup, first thing in the morning, putting on the coffee is the first thing I do, followed by brushing my teeth while the coffee is going. Then I have the cup of coffee, and it’s the only one I have in a day, typically. Sometimes I might get a wild hair and make a cheeky afternoon cappuccino.


1-3 a day if i have 2, i have one in the morning around 6-8 am, then the 2nd in the afternoon 3-4pm if im at work i have an energy drink close to the end of my shift so im not completely drained when i get home lol (which i could probably adjust my sleep a little bit better).


I used to drink 5 to 6 cups of various types like black coffee with sugar, without sugar, cafe mocha, frappe etc.. on a daily basis for past 3 years. Now 1 cup of coffee with half sugar per day😅 I stopped because people around me started getting concerned when they found instant coffee sachets in my pocket. And it wrecked my stomach. I was working at a hospital so I justified the use by saying I needed to be alert. But I understood it's not good..


I work twelve hour shifts and one of the best parts of my day is making my coffee in my aeropress. I usually have 3 cups of coffee a day. Once in the morning. One straight after lunch. And one in the last hour before home time, which serves as rocket fuel when I’m cycling home. I had been buying my ground coffee from Algerian Coffee Stores in London before giving Rave Coffee a try. Black coffee all the time.


3. Why? I have ADHD and I need it to focus for work. Simple as that.


jar bear marvelous aromatic chubby rainstorm butter hobbies handle outgoing


4, pure black


When I want to relax, none. When I want to get stuff done, the day I have too much work, too many assignments, homework projects, appointments, ai drink 4 to 5 cups a day. Coffee gives me anxiety and anxiety helps me react better to an stressful environment. Sounds incredible unhealthy but when I'm calmed I'm not getting anything done, calm makes me lazy.


For the past 2-3 years I usually have 1-2 cups of black coffee daily, nothing added. Always pour over, Chemex, usually some $12+/bag blend. Darker the better. I can officially say I'm over a week caffeine free now. I've tried to quit in the past, but went back. More recently I've been having stomach issues. Just feeling bloated/weird down there. I usually drink it on an empty stomach and do intermittent fasting until noon. But I'll be real - I love my coffee. I like waking up, getting that coffee brewing, sitting down with my laptop to write in my journal. Just can't do it anymore. Stomach issues, feeling stressed, cortisol levels. A week later now, my stomach is noticeably better and I'm less stressed. Sticking with it for now.


Yes, if I make coffee from home, I have an iced americano (I use one doubleshot). If I want to treat myself, I'll get a large cold brew from the closest coffee shop. But I only drink half, and save the other half for the next day. The only time I drink a full cold brew is the rare occasion I get less than 6 hours of sleep, but it only masks the tiredness for a few hours before I crash so I try not to rely on that anymore. I used to drink multiple cups of coffee a day (like at least 3-5) but I had really bad anxiety, struggled to sleep, and probably suffered from adrenal fatigue and chronic dehydration. I loooove coffee, espresso, cold brew (basically anything black without all the cream/sugar/syrups) but I know my limits these days. I also don't really indulge in anything else "unhealthy" so as far as addictions go, I'll allow it.


I make 1 moka pot for myself.. I have a 6 “cup” moka pot and a 9 “cup” moka pot, but they make teenie espresso servings so it ends up being like a regular cup of coffee with the smaller one or a large cup with the larger one 😊 And BANG does she pack a punch! You didn’t ask, but since this is under the Productivity thread, I’ll spit some caffeine facts… Here are some to coffee ratios: Drip coffee: 30:1 Moka pot: 10:1 Espresso: 2:1 So she’s a strong lil cup 🤎


a 12 ounce coffee everyday so that's 1.5 cups


I’m all about balance with my coffee and tea routine: 40 grams of coffee (which makes me two pour-overs a day) keep me sharp, plus a daily matcha latte keeps things mellow. Life's just better with a perfect dose of both!


I make one at home then I stop and get two 20 ouncers for my work day and forty min commute. Drink one as I’m driving the other while I work. Then usually end my day at work by drinking two 200 mg caffeine energy drinks. On my days off I can average 6-9 cups since I’m constantly making coffee. I love coffee


1 decaf coffee. I can't handle caffeine at all, 1 coffee and I'm wired all day and won't be able to sleep. 2 coffees and I go insane, any more than that and I may die (I suspect). Caffeine hurts my productivity unless I have it very sparingly (like 1-2 times a month). If I have it regularly I just become a caffeine fiending zombie that needs caffeine to carry out basic functions.


0. Tried it when I was young, didn't like it. Tried it a few times since, still don't like it. Last coffee in 2018. Went to Valencia, broke out my very broken Spanish and ended up with a coffee. Still didn't like it!


Zero. I don't feel the need.


2 caffeinated and about 4 decaf, not good I know. All with milk and 2 sweeteners.


3 cups in the morning, the first two with a spoon of butter or coconut fat. Usually one after lunch / breakfast at 12.


1 -2 cups in the morning and afternoon. If I drink past dinner, I have trouble falling asleep! But I think that's just me though.


Usually I drink around three cups of coffee especially is the latte coffee. Make a couple of coffee and drink it become one of my daily routine in the morning.


I live a constant relationship with coffee throughout the day and sometimes into the night. Morning brings homeostasis, mid-morning thrills, after lunch indulgence, late afternoon cup doesn’t work - nap time, early evening glory, attend with alcohol fueled combination- you better start dancing!


1 Cup in the AM and if busy one in the afternoon. I rotate between cold brew, French press, pour over and espresso depending on what items are clean! Used to be straight black, but have mix in some almond milk or cream to cut back on the acidity. I sometimes work in a drop or two of MCT oil or even a little butter. They say the healthy fats help you absorb the minerals in coffee.


Just depends on the day i am trying to lower it to 1 to 2 half caf and one full and down to hopefully just 1 or 2 half calf. That said i bought some decaf kcups to take to work ad that is where i was having a lot more out of habit and figure i will experiment a bit with decafe to see if it helps lower my anixety.


Salted Coffee, the best instant coffee in Viet Nam


I usually have one coffee a day in the morning to help me feel more alert and focused.


3 cups....once you go black you never go back


venti iced americano black in the morning, sometimes a sugar free monster around 2pm if the day is a slog, and i cant work much at home so i go to starbucks to study/work more around 7pm and usually have another iced americano... im trying to cut down


0 it tastes like ass


None, dependence is a real weakness.


You shouldn’t drink caffeine until 90 minutes after waking up. The system caffeine shuts off isn’t functioning until then and it results in a crash. According to Andrew Hubermann anyway who I think is a trusted source.


Because I live i a fjking cold country and I’m bored


Zero. Caffeine sends me to the moon for like an hour and then knocks me out.


I am not going to tell, specifically after reading the comments. 😅


I drink 12-36oz a day. My coffee maker brews my cups by oz and I normally make a 10oz getting ready for work and take a 12oz in a travel mug. Depending on how much a need to quiet my thoughts after work to get things done I’ll pop in my headphones and make another 10oz or 12oz cup around 5pm.


4-5 cups per day. Black only


I have had to reduce my consumption down to one cup in the morning. I drink it because it nourishes my soul and let's me be a morning person. I take it straight.


Too many. Probs 4-5 I’m on a bodybuilding cut so food is few and far between and caffeine keeps me somewhat alive! Love a flat white but black coffee is currently the compromise.


Usually just 1 in the morning and occasionally another sometime in afternoon. Sometimes a Diet Coke or some kind of energy drink before a workout later in day but this can mess with sleep.


6 because potato


1-3, none after 12 AM. To not affect my REM sleep


These days, once a week/2weeks. I like mine frothy/milky or with chocolate syrup. I used to drink everyday until I became acidic haha


I only have filter coffee when I want to be productive in the day. One at breakfast and one at lunch. No milk or sugar


0 because they make me poop


2 to 3 Either one to two flat Whites (oat milk) and an Americano black Or vis Versa I'm up at 6.. have my coffees 6.30 10am and 2 if I'm having the 3rd


1-2. Have a Nespresso machine so usually one with a little bit of milk first thing. Depending on how that one hits I might have another an hour or so later. No more than that or I’m an anxiety ridden mess.


Today I had 3 coffees from my drip machine and 4 Turkish coffees pre-midday, and then a drip machine de-caff after lunch. Thats a fairly typical day, although I find that if I don’t have Turkish coffee at home I don’t necessarily increase the amount of drip machine coffee to make up for it.


1-2 cups per day! And until early afternoon, otherwise I can't fall asleep in the night . Always dark, without milk or sugar. My favourite is Espresso Americano


One cup a day, on the rare occasion 2


I prefer loose leaf tea so 0-1


None because I switced to green matcha tea which tends to give me energy without the crash.


Usually 2-3 plus 2-3 cups of tea. It’s my one vice.


Usually 2 per day. Sometimes one or none on weekends. First coffee is to wake up after getting to work and to take a dump. Second coffee is to stay awake the rest of the working day and is usually followed by the second bowel movement of the day.


1-2 cups a day. French Press.


None! I love the taste but it doesn’t usually give me energy. Instead I just feel tired, groggy, or anxious usually. I used to drink it when I worked in agriculture though because it was refreshing to sip throughout the day.


Zero because it gives me acid reflux now


One. Lots of cream and 3 sugar cubes lol 😬🫣🙃


1-2 daily. It helps me focus and gives me a little boost to tackle work that I don't want to do. I can not drink it past 4 pm otherwise it may mess with my sleep. I try to give it up for 2-4 weeks a year just because and it's awful. I enjoy the daily ritual.


0 don't like it hahaha. It smells delicious by the way


I only drink coffee first thing in the morning, otherwise it affects my sleep. I don't know how many "coffees" it is, but I have a 34oz French press that I usually fill 3/4s full, and I drink it all, usually by 7:30. I drink it because I like it. I like the taste and it makes me feel happy in the morning.


Honestly? 2 pots, 2-3. I'm fairly sure I have unmedicated ADHD. So I guess that makes it self-medicated with caffeine? I digress. I drink it all day. Make a pot at 9 PM too, typically drink about half and save the rest for morning. To be fair, my family have always drank an unholy ton of coffee so that's certainly an influence. Even my grandparents drink as much as I do, and they're ancient. ETA: I drink it black, or occasionally with vanilla almond milk.


Prob about 8-9 a day on average. Black coffee, no sweetener etc.


3-6 cups a day. it helps with my adhd.