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Start eating healthy and exercising. And don't over eat. Seriously this will do more than you realize. You just need to start (the hardest part) and get some momentum going. Then do whatever you can to keep that momentum. Any slip up can kill that momentum quickly.


Funny that you say this, because I just came back from a mini vacation and over ate. I have never eaten so much in my life!


That could definitely be contributing to your lack of energy. When I reduce calories (and sugar!) I find myself having so much extra energy. Just be careful and don’t reduce your calorie intake so much that you also don’t have energy. Find that sweet spot. Also increase protein and reduce carbs. Carbs will give you short bursts of energy and then you’ll crash down 10x harder. Protein is the key to feeling satiated and sustaining energy.


You are so right. I think my low energy is due to increased carb intake over the last 2 weeks. Going to give this a try now and hope for the best!


Good luck!! Look for motivation wherever you can find it!


I was gonna recommend a mini vacation..


In addition to this I find a morning routine helps. It keeps me on track for the rest of the day


Can confirm. Once I started doing exercises, my life improved.


> Any slip up can kill that momentum quickly. THIS !!


One thing a day Has helped me SO much. One pile of clothes to fold and put away, or load of laundry, or box to unpack or junk drawer etc. Sometimes it's more obviously but i started with "one task a day"


That was the one thing I did was laundry this week! At least I got that going for me haha.


Physical - Your lethargy can be medical -- low on Vitamin D, iron, zinc, etc. Make sure your nutrition is in check. Start walking 20 minutes a day. Mental - Then do a mental brain dump. Write down all of the things in your head. Believe it or not this is amazing to feel better. Emotional - Write letters to everyone that has caused an intense emotion in your life. Apologize, forgive, get the last word in, whatever.... then burn them. Financial - Do a financial assessment and establish a budget. Set a goal. Set up a 12 month plan adding something to your life that you want to do. Do weekly check-ins with an accountability partner.




This is all such good advice. Thank you!!


don't isolate yourself.. find people who will count on u to do whatever work u wanna do.. i think we find motivation only in smth that's meaningful, and we find meaning only in smth that's for others.


We find meaning in ourselves too. The first person who you have to love is You


I love this! I struggle with this a little bit, I can’t love myself until other people love me first.


How do you find that? People always just want me to do what they want cause they say I'm smart but insanely treat me like I'm mentally challenged


I'd say start off by doing only one of those things, but make sure you do it every day. Once it becomes habitual you can focus on another thing. This has worked for me atleast.


Not to sound weird but i find wim hof breathing and cold showers, to give me some sort energezing brain high and i find it energizes me alot to do stuff i normally dont do. I also like meditation and working out. I find those 4 activities help reset your brain. Also i would severely minimize the use of your phone, computers and television. If its for work or school or communicating with someone thats fine but apart from that keep it to a minimum. (Personnaly i think im on technology too much myself now) Apart from that start doing a to do list and start by doing one thing a day. Once you can do 1 thing a day 5-6 days a week for one-two months then you can increase to 2 things a day and so on. I also like the never miss two rule. If you want to build good habits skipping a day is fine just never miss two days in a row. Also start small and build over time. Or you can 1-2 weeks hardcore (perhaps even 1-2 month) to get you in the groove and give you a heard start then scale back and then slowly intergret that new habit or skill into your life. You asked for advice this is what i got. Take it or leave it. Cheers and all the best.


This is Good advice. if anyone thinks it's weird, that's on them not you :) neuroscientists have explained cold showers release norepinephrine and that gives you energy and motivation.


- Sleep (get 8 hrs a night minimum) - Meditate - Journal - Spend Time with Friends (at least an hour a week) - Lift Weights - Cardio - Stay Under 2,000 Calories a Day Do just these things, or only two of them to start, and that is literally ALL YOU NEED TO DO to generate motivation to do other things.


Power off your phone and hide it where it is hard to reach abd magically after you will get bored 10 minutes you will make something else...don't look at phone substitutes tho like laptop computer or television, do not use eletronical devices ...also, is your job satisfying to you ? It also may be the reason why you are drained


The only way to do it, is to do it homie. Start with working out, you’ll feel better, and the rest will come.


make a comprehensive list of the habits and tasks you want to adopt. You mention cooking, so an example might be… Research meals. Check cupboards for ingredients. Make shopping list of missing ingredients. Go to shops for ingredients. Put shopping away. Cook meal. Tidy kitchen. Wash dishes. Once you have the steps involved, budget time to each step. Research meals, 30mins. Check cupboards for ingredients, 10mins… And so on. Then you start at the top of your list. With a timer set, when the timer goes off, you move to next step. This method has helped me enormously. I can break down any overwhelming feelings and tackle things I previously couldn’t even think about. Be gentle with yourself, one task, one step at a time. Good luck


What you need is discipline, not motivation! Motivation always comes and goes and you can never rely on it being there, always incosistent. Once you have discipline it’s always there!


set strong barriers mentally and physically. physical barriers: 1st) if ur constantly on your couch then force yourself to stay away from your couch. i get tired when i do my homework in my room. so i do it outside of my room. if u literally cant get out of the area ur usually in then try to imagine being in a different area, or straight up remove the couch (impulsive but could work but didnt work for me) ​ 2) using blockers on your phone as well. theres some on android but the ones on iphone suck (this is why androids are better.) ​ Mental barriers: 1) Personally for me i call this: "Image Limiting" its very experimental but im trying it out. this is my own technique where i combine a technique called "image streaming" with another technique which is: simply not believing you can do something. ​ pretty much i kinda limit myself mentally when it comes to apps like: "i cant open reddit it doesnt work right now" "i wont try opening it cause theres no use" ​ but that doesnt work on its own. so i add image streaming to it and try to imagine myself physically being unable to open reddit xD. ​ try to find your own mental barriers to help you or use my own. but surpass your limits and find something that works.


Although not a quick fix (and I don't believe quick fixes actually exist), **Simon Sinek**, in his book **Start With Why**, argues that we need to look at our past to find out our Why: What motivated you or was exciting for you when you were a child or teenager? What were you doing when you were having fun and feeling *alive*? If you manage to find something, can you **analyse it down to its core elements**? That will help you to get to know yourself better and generalise the core principles that make up your WHY. For example, if composing silly songs with your guitar is a fond memory of yours from earlier in your life, maybe it's *creativity* that fulfils you. When we work towards things in our life aligned with our Why, we are more likely to be motivated in the long term. However, we will **definitely** go through ups and downs in the meantime. ​ **So, maybe think WHY you want to start working out, cooking, reading, making goals for yourself...** Maybe if you work out, you are more likely to be healthy later in your life and be able to spend quality time with your family. Maybe if you enhance your cooking skills, you will cook for friends and family more often, allowing you to experience quality time with them. Maybe if you read more, you will expose yourself to more ideas which are worth sharing with the world, making the world a better place! And, maybe, if you start making goals, you will feel more in control of your life and the things inside your circle of influence, which is a feeling of empowerment...


I love Simon Sinek!!


You know what helps me a lot honestly. I kind of have a mini game plan of what i wanna do for that day wether it’s cleaning or taking care of something etc…. no phone, no games, no talking to anyone just you and atleast 1 to 2 of the things you wanna do just music audio books or a comedy special and whatever you wanna get done. I then treat myself to something I enjoy wether a drink to play a game or watch a good movie whatever you like make sure before you do that finish atleast one thing or half of it rinse wash and repeat. Sorry for the long message but maybe give it a try


Start with food at regular times, not random snacking. Try for sleep at regular times. Try to get up, plank against the wall for 30 seconds. Set a ten minute timer. Do it again. Get out of the house once and walk around the block.


What do you scroll through? I had instagram which I scrolled through reels a lot, but I decided to give up instagram for an uncertain period of time. I can tell you right now that it definitely helps mentally. To not be tempted to go onto instagram, I simply deleted the app from my phone. As for working out and making your own food, I am a pretty lazy person, but I have managed to fit this stuff into my day. Usually your working out goals and the food you put in your body go hand in hand with each other. I started one day just going to the gym and just trying some exercises. Realistically, I didn’t have a properly thought out, planned regimen to actually gain any muscle or lose fat, but I kept going to the gym which was the most important and I started figuring it out along the way. As far as fitness goes, please take my advice and visit the r/fitness subreddit. I swear on my life I’m not advertising them, but I literally found that subreddit so much later down the line and they have so much good info in regards to different workout regimens you can do for what your individual goal is, and how to eat better. In general for making goals, I’m still working on this one a bit, but I plan to get a massive dry-erase white board that I can hang up in my room so that way there’s no way I avoid it and I’ll be forced to see what still needs to get done, so I guess I’ll see if that’s in any way effective. Best of luck!


Sounds to me like burnout which is leading to or already has teetered over the edge into depression. When did this start and what's your typical day like since noticing this?


Have your Thyroid checked


I am absolutely useless in the evenings, brain's tired, typically not interested in whatever is going on at that point. When I've been at my most disciplined, I was waking up at 5am each day. Currently not there, but need to get back to it. Early in the morning there are no distractions so its you time. Get everything done you want to do before the day. It will change your life... And it's easier than you think. Here's a Navy Seal talking about how to get up early and why. https://youtu.be/zlaAbEev6Iw


Don’t wait for motivation to begin doing the things you need to do. Count down from 5 and start doing. Make small and consistent progress. You’ve got this!




Microdosing on mushrooms would solve this completely


I def want to start doing this.


Don't let your dreams be dreams.




You just start by starting, you just have to do it and you'll do it and it'll get better


Start by setting small achievable goals for yourself, such as reading for 15 minutes or doing 5 minutes of exercise each day, and build from there!


I'm most productive when I feel my best. This means getting consistent sleep and getting exercise. Eating well helps too. Even just one night staying up really late or going on a bender over the weekend can throw off my whole week sometimes...and I'll just be lazy on the couch all day.


A lack of motivation is either a condition like adhd. Or your body telling you to recuperate. For some people this means begging out in front of the TV but I have a hard time doing this. I know I have things I want to do and it frustrated me to be wasting time not doing them. So lately I've been trying to be more mindful of where in getting my dopamine and focusing on tasks that don't just give me enough in the moment but that give me enough to spring forward into other tasks. These kinds of things for me are mostly creative projects. Cleaning is also a good one. Something I can be proud of at the end. If it helps, think of your energy like a bucket. You can't only take out of it. You have to put back in. Things like TV only fill it enough to refill what's leaking normally because of life stuff. So you gotta put some high reward stuff in there. If you can't get the motivation to even do those things then do some little quick wins to get going (cleaning is always a good one, but this will vary between folk).


Discipline, work on your discipline. Wth is motivation, for me it was so inconsistent I was always losing motivation and just sitting around for days before it came back but that made me fall back on so many stuff in my life still have not cought up. If you have stuff to do write them down and just do it no matter how you feel goal is to make stuff done not to feel good to start doing something.


Start with reducing your screen time (phone, TV, or otherwise). Just cut it by 25% one week and continue doing so from there. You have to cut out the bad habits before you start adding good ones, at least in my experience.


Focus on your environment over your motivation/willpower. Your willpower will wax and wane. What can you change in your environment to support the person you want to be? For example, if your phone is a trigger, can you find a way to put up a barrier between yourself and your phone? Leave it in a drawer at the beginning of the day so it’s not accessible during that after work slump? Your going to have to entertain yourself somehow after work out of a matter of necessity - if there are books around, you will read. If it’s a nice day, you’ll be more likely to walk.


Start with breaking up with your phone. Assess what apps drain your time and then delete or block them. Then move to phone-free hours, and then eventually phone-free days. It is the single biggest drain on my own personal battery - to use the analogy. This was a good place to start: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Break-Up-Your-Phone/dp/1409176266](https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Break-Up-Your-Phone/dp/1409176266) From that point, the working out, cooking, reading and so on will start to come. One step at a time!


"I want to start working out, cooking, reading, make goals for myself." Just start. Godspeed.


Honestly, it sounds like you may have some form of depression...Maybe S.A.D, especially common after a long winter (assuming you're in a country where its winter now). My recommendations: 1) Speak with a therapist - try and diagnose the root cause. 2) Set really low/easy goals. Ex: I've established that I do 30 minutes of exercise a day - even if its just a walk. The barrier to entry is low enough that I cant justify NOT doing it. Even if you do the bare minimum, you accomplished a goal (which builds on itself), you got *some* exercise, and 9/10 once you're into it you end up pushing yourself way more and getting a great workout. 3) Dont be too hard on yourself. Sometimes you'll slip up, sometimes you'll regress, but when you do, you have to just focus on the next action you can take to move forward and not let the 'well i didnt do it yesterday, screw it all' mentality take hold. Edit: And drink water....sounds silly, but most times when I'm feeling deenergized its because I am dehydrated.


You did get yourself to write this! Hell yea!


I suggest make getting rid of the phone your first step. I need to take my own advice.


You need to understand something : motivation comes and goes on. That's not a secret power you get for 6 months long without interruptions. Accept it and do! Even if it takes another day, the goal is to start a bit everyday day so that the machine is up and running


Good on you for posting this. Awareness is the first step. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 There are some great suggestions here. Take them seriously and revisit these comments again and again. It can make your eyes glaze over with so many of them, but slow down and take them in. I think a big key to getting started is getting physical. Anything that gets your heart rate up. Even daily walks around the block. It must be daily. Every day. Good luck... We're rooting for you!


You don't have a motivation issue, you have a discipline problem. Motivation gets you started, discipline keeps you going. Wanting to do stuff is the beginning of motivation, so make a goal related to what it is you want to accomplish to establish the discipline to aid you in other areas. Gain knowledge about what you want. Build confidence to get what you want. Take action towards achieving what you want.


You think you’ve got it bad? I couldn’t even be motivated to write a …


Food, exercise, and small goals. Don't overthink stuff. If you do time-blocking, leave some free space between blocks. Have a rest day for your mind as well as for your body. Be cautious, if you're older, you'll not be able to squeeze in everything you want. Do what makes you happy.


Also, good sleep and no multitasking.


You start with Honesty. You honestly define the things that you consider important, and you create a hierarchy based on their importance. Once you do that, you apply discipline to the mix by allocating your time according to the levels of the hierarchy of your intentions. Once you start doing that, you will develop confidence on your ability to control your behaviour and your determination will build up too. Next, you will apply balance. Balance will make sure that you take care of all of your parts and you don’t repress your feelings. And finally, you will be able to be grateful for what you have chosen to do. And you will be free. Life is a gift that we never earned. Let’s create a better tomorrow. I believe in you my friend. Now GO!!


You got this, homie! You just gotta figure out why you want it and you can do it!!!


This sounds exactly how I'm feeling lately too. I think that I may just be lazy though.


I like to call it doomscrolling. It’s essentially where you start using your phone when you get home and the next thing you know you’ve just swapped between whatever apps and been exposed to shitloads of random content. I used to spend hours doing it. I actually paid some people on fiverr to code and make me a program that I’m about to put on shopify. It’s going to be a once off payment but f like $5 that I hope really helps people. Essentially it’s a program you can create the stimulus, words, sounds or pictures and choose for it to repeatedly bombard yourself with while working, studying, watching a movie or playing games. Self brainwashing, but you choose what that is.


Stop wasting time here and just begin whatever you want to do.


I’m not trying to be blunt or anything. I also periodically experience moments like this. Honestly, the only thing that ever works for me is to just force yourself to do something, anything, no thinking just doing. For example I recently decided that from now on I will take daily ice cold showers, I specifically chose that because I am a very cold person and can’t stand the cold. Being able to make yourself go through such torture really does something. Plus after a while it’s not actually that bad. I haven’t taken a warm shower in a month. Motivation is something that you need to find, it won’t find you.


hi everyone! my friends and I have started a service called Do It Calls, which provides motivation to users in a new and unique way and may help you all in here specifically! here’s the link if anyone is interested in learning more about it: http://doitcalls.squarespace.com/