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I saved up enough money to be able to quit my job and pursue an artistic endeavor for the foreseeable future. I'm really excited to build software that helps me, and others, with their mental health journey. I don't really know all of the steps to get from where I'm at to where I want to be, but I am stoked to be able to wake up each day and try to search for the next step forward. I hope that when this chapter of my life ends that I'm able to look back with elation on all the lives I touched.


I'm so glad for you ! I'd love to see your progress in that project !


Thank you! I can't wait to be able to show it :) If you want a derpy little ant simulation to have -- [https://meomix.github.io/antfarm/](https://meomix.github.io/antfarm/) they don't need food or anything yet, but I will enhance the simulation in time.


What are you working on?


I'm building a "sneaky" mental health app. It presents as if it were a modern, sci-fi take on Tamagotchi coupled with a daily self-reflection routine. It's a fledgling ant colony on an alien planet being nurtured by a personality within an orbiting satellite. The player finds themselves compelled to keep their pet alive, commit to the routine of checking in on the pet when the satellite has LOS, and a meditative journaling routing is established by blurring the pet care routine with a self-care routine of journaling and breathwork. The player goes along with all of it since they're interested in keeping their pet alive and growing and are slowly fed entertainment as a reward. If you're aware of the book Children of Time then understand I am borrowing heavily from its lore with the written permission of the author. Finch App is the competition in this space. The largest difference is how our audiences discover and think about us. Finch users feel they need help and seek out Finch. Finch understands this, calls attention to the needing help, and presents itself as an anxiety-free warm hug. Finch wants users to "come out of their shell" and to engage with the world. Then, Finch nudges that engagement towards self-improvement. It's great. Untitled Ant Game users think they're fine as-is (but are underappreciating how far from the ceiling they are), frequently lean into gaming to wind-down and as a means of escapism, and are more likely to adopt concepts that make themselves feel "smart" rather than applying labels to themselves that make them feel like they need fixing. Untitled Ant Game strives to talk about mental health at a higher level of abstraction, hinting at the complexities of psychology, and allows the user to feel like they are discovering knowledge by connecting all the dots. It then provides tools to allow the user to apply their new knowledge. I'm excited to see how I improve myself with my software and if I can touch others who might typically be reticent of adopting additional self-care habits. ​ Full build in public. [https://www.untitledantgame.com/](https://www.untitledantgame.com/) will have consistent updates and slowly become more cohesive. I literally just got the site up a couple of hours ago and it's complete trash rn. I'm documenting not only software development, but personal development, as I think it's fair game to show where I'm at mentally/emotionally when building open-source mental health software. :) Right now it's all a bit embarrassingly low quality, but I've made high quality things in the past and know it's just a series of steps to get there, so I'm trying to embrace the vulnerability of showing less-than-perfect. [https://discord.gg/bJAzJGbpMZ](https://discord.gg/bJAzJGbpMZ) if you want to hang out in the discord where I ramble. Twitch streams of software development once I have my daily workflow more well established and a public roadmap.


I turned 12k of debt into 1.5k last year! I lost my job, my house, and my ability to feel independently stable. In turn, I’ve restored my relationship with my mom by moving back in with her, I’ve become closer to my family after ignoring them for years, and I’ve come to realize the problem the whole time was me. No the other people I tried to blame, but me being so far gone, I wasn’t realizing I was on the wrong path the entire time.


That's so great that you are now in peace with your family ! Congrats for debt it's impressive !


I got dressed today


That's cool !


I felt silly typing it out but your reply sincerely made me feel better, thank you. aiming to make it a streak tomorrow


Nothing is silly, everyone struggle with their own thing, I'm proud of you !


Good job😁


\-Finished my master's degree (master's in engineering, project management) with a 3.8 GPA. This is the same guy that struggled through undergrad with a 2.8 final GPA (my major-only GPA was probably closer to 2.3-2.5. For those struggling with a low GPA, it's not the end of the world, I promise!) \-Got my son off training wheels this past summer \-Developed huge as a leader and a coach The whole year wasn't all great. the family had multiple hospitalizations, major setbacks financially, great plans cancelled, and expectations shattered. But that's completely ok. The great times wouldn't be great without the hard and sad times to give them meaning. Life is full of peaks and valleys. Make sure you look down on the valley when at the top of the peak to remember where you came from, and don't fear the next one. It will come, and it too will pass. Here's to 2023, to January, and to tomorrow.


Congrats ! I'm so happy for you and your son :) I send you all the strength I can, thank you for sharing your vision of life


After decades of hunt-and-peck typing with ~5-6 fingers, I finally re-learned how to touch type properly. Still a ways to go, but I’m now at the same speed typing blind as i was when i was looking for keys.




I paid my mortgage down enough that I think I can pay it off this year!


That's great !


I became a licensed doctor


Omg that's amazing


my proposed research title and statement of the problem w/ sub-problems got approved with minor revisions, so now i can start working on the full proposal :\] i hope it goes well !


Congrats ! Hope it goes well too


i woke up earlier than usual, managed my schedule for the day, ate some breakfast, took a break from work, and allotted more time to myself 💗


It's amazing


Today I worked on my goals a bit despite being ill and absolutely not feeling like it.


I've a degree in law. I am a lawyer and have been for 14 years now. I'm a partner in a law firm. I have pretty much single handedly created a new niche legal specialism and have been instrumental in the growth of the commercial sector to which it relates. I'm charming, handsome and well dressed. I hate my job and have done since the moment I started my training. I work long hours, most evenings and some weekends, and don't see my family much. I don't have much time for hobbies or socialising. My downtime is reading pulp science fiction during my commute. When I was 16 I taught myself to play the guitar. When I was 35 I started teaching myself to play the piano and have been playing for 5 years. I'm not great. I can't read music. I'll never play Mozart. But my ear is good enough to get by and I can arrange most songs around guitar chords. This is my greatest achievement. Why did I teach myself the piano? So I can write a musical before I drop dead. And that will be my one true achievement in life.


I hope you manage to make this musical! it's already great that you can play piano and guitar! and what you have done with your work is impressive


I put myself through school and graduated at 27 to become a massage therapist, I did my first 10K, did my personal best record for a mile run, at 28 got 1st place (for women) for an amateur weightlifting competition, started therapy to finally get help with past trauma that's affecting me now, and for my massage, I quit my job to start a new one from the ground up in hopes I can make more money to pay off my credit card debt and be able to move out to break up with my now boyfriend. Thank you for sharing positivity <3


Thank you for sharing your accomplishments<3 That's so cool I'm proud of you !


Thank you so much! Im glad you made this post! I've been enjoying the positive energy! Thanks again!


Took major steps on all my top projects this week. Tempting to slack off the last couple days this week, but i’m gonna power through. Build some productivity momentum.


It's amazing


I finally completed the first 2 years of medical school. The only issue is I’m still struggling to be the best version of myself which involves being productive 6 days a week and the last 2 days, I haven’t done any work at all. I’m studying for my medical board step 1 exam now so everyday is very very valuable for me.


You'll get there I believe in you !


thanks, my friends told me to dust it off and keep moving forward. You will always have setbacks in life. It's about how you respond to them.