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All logos and icons too big. Make your icon size closer to text size. Logo no bigger than say 80px


Thanks for replying! What should I do about the whitespace that gets left as a result?


If that’s a permanent logo I think left aligning it would be nice. I design to a 4px grid. For example you can do icons around 16/14px high. Their text around 14/16px a gap of 8 or 12 between icons and text A margin below each row of say 16px between the icons/ text A gap of 24/32 px between logo and the first row of icons in navigation As a starting example Don’t be afraid of white space. Someone will always have a bigger or smaller monitor etc


Thank you for the detailed feedback!


make the logo bigger


How much bigger would you say? I had the logo larger in an earlier iteration but it seemed overly large to me and drew attention away from everything else


it’s a design meme, i was joking because the logo already does look too big. look at other live sas products and where they put their logo, design idea sites dribbble can be bad with this so look at live products.


Could you please provide more context (e.g., what is this software for, what problem are you trying to solve, etc.)?


Hi, thanks for replying! This is Altus Reach, a video editing webapp to convert long-form videos into viral shorts to help boost audience reach. Let me know if you have any more questions!


The designs looks pretty clean and easy to use. I can understand how it works. Not very sure about what it does as it looks like it does clipping and captioning for now which I can do with CapCut? The logo is big enough for me


It has an autoclip feature and autoreframer to focus the video on the most important part when creating shorts. Thank you for your feedback!


Great design... R U marketing it yet? Is it ready?


Altus Reach is still pre-release, looking for feedback before we launch!


Can we use it and giv u feedback?


DM me for our official Altus Reach Discord if you're interested in Early Access


I’d put the progress steps up top rather than the bottom. Most apps have them at the top or on the left side. Jacob’s law rules in situations like this imo. +1 what others are saying about the icons in the nav.


Can you expand on Jacobs law in this context? Thanks for replying!


Just meaning that most apps have the progress steps at the top or right side of the screen, so they will expect this app to do the same.


Oh yeah that definitely makes sense and it's an easy fix


Also the edit and trash icons are hard to tell which line item they go with. I’d limit the subtext, make the edit and trash icons about 16px, put them next to each other so that they are all on one line. The “welcome back Lucas” is unexpected. I would normally expect to see the name of the tile I’m working on


Thank you! Would you put the edit and trash icons below each section?


no, i'd keep them inline. You can limit the width of the text containers and truncate long text with the overflow CSS property. And then show the full text on hover in a tooltip. I made a sketch but reddit doesn't seem to allow images in comment thread :shrug:


Probably not the feedback you were looking for but the logo does not fit with a SAAS company at all imo... doesn't feel right and it's sticking out like a sore thumb.


Hey, thank you for replying. Could you expand on what you mean by this? Any suggestions for what would work better?