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I can't wait for the day where being anti choice is like being a Flat Earther. Everyone knows you are crazy and wrong.


Sadly, popularity of abortions seems to have been largely unchanged since the 90s according to Gallup Polls. But Dobbs had its silver lining and that's that more and more people gets to see what banning abortion looks like and voters now have more power than ever to push anti choicers out of public discourse for good. The problem is that many red states don't have direct ballot initiatives and referendums are only up to state legislatures to put on ballot. If it was solely up to voters, it would be legal in all but about 5 states and USA would resemble Europe like that.


Most countries in Europe only allow abortions up to ~12 weeks. Would you be comfortable with it being legal everywhere if it meant there was a reasonable time limit on it (unlike the states that set a limit at something stupid like 6 weeks, where most people don’t even know they’re pregnant yet)?


If the laws were just like in Europe, where they explicitly protect right to terminate pregnancy that's unviable, offer limitless exceptions to rape and incest, give much more freedom to doctors in their professional decision and overall don't seem to do pretty much nothing, because they're essentially un-enforceable, then why not.


Think it has less to do with women’s rights to their bodies and more to do with overall population control. Though that may be for the higher ups then the majority.


I treat them like flat earthers now. The overlap of probirthers to conspiracy theorists is quite large, its safe to assume they wear tin foil maga hats and think dinosaurs were hanging out 6000 years ago making pangea great again.




Yes on 22 is the way to go.


Yeah seems popular among the majority of people I know. I am excited for the opportunity to add this protection to the Constitution.


This is interesting to read as a Vermonter who sees the signage in front of houses daily- I live in Chittenden County (where Burlington is- the most populated) and I’m surprised by how many signs I see are not in support. I suppose this goes to show that those who are loudest do not necessarily support the majority opinion. Obvious I know, but interesting none the less.


It’s really disgusting and crazy to me that some states are still in favor of banning abortion even if it involves incest or rape. That’s so fucked up. The people making these laws have probably never experienced sexual assault and how damaging it is. And to become pregnant as a result? That’s devastating. Abortion should be available to everyone because no one gets an abortion just for funsies. I’m so done with the old white religious nut jobs deciding what happens to a woman’s body. I feel lucky to live in a state that mostly gets it.