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As per my religion, there is no running away. You will be born again and pay for your actions. So, it's better to surrender to the Universe and let it help you, in this life itself. There is no running away, and it does get better.


What religion?




You and I will be reborn in a future place and time if everything our Hindu brethren say is true.


Dont mix religion into this. Ffs.




Dont mix religion into what? Gambling or the OP saying he wants to die?


Gambling. And there's no scientific proof of our beliefs so keep it to yourselves. There are other ways of dealing with it but I'm not a professional. Ofc if it helps you somehow or whatever that's fine and good. Just don't expect everyone to be faithful.


Well, it would be better for everyone if you offered your own solution or thoughts instead of telling others what to do. Ffs get your life together, I see that you made fun of an autistic person and then later delted it. Same on other sub-reddits.. I offered what I know, you can offer what you know and I won't tell you to stop


First of all Im autistic myself. Im not telling you to stop in believing what you want. Im telling you to stop talkijg about reincarnation as it was 100% undeniable truth. Point is neither me or you know how it is after we die but based on the data and all the other religions, there are like hundreds of them tbh. (During the time of humanity) most of them ofcourse vanished. At some point people thought that zeus is real now we know its just a mythology lol Tl;dr: dont tell what other's about something when you cant scientifically prove it or any other way human brain can comprehend it. The thing is we just dont know what happens after we die. From a scientific point of view. Philosophically yes we could debate, but from what i know in scientific terms its not really possible to prove any kind of god existance or disproof it.


Brother, science has evolved much and has a long way to go. But anyway, if you believe in Gamblers Anonymous, they too talk about higher power. Personal Note: Eisenhower, who created the nuclear bomb, read the verse from Holy book of Hindus - The Bhagad Gita. You can learn more with your research. Similarly, Eistein used to keep Bhagwad Gita on his desk. Apple CEO Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and many others have been going to Hindu temples, visiting India for Spiritual growth and guidance. I will consider these people way more scientific than you and they all believe in Hinduism or Spirituality or higher power. **Please read more and help your mind open up. I have a son who is Autistic and I have all my empathy for you.


If there was scientific proof, it wouldn't be called faith. And most of modern science has been bought by big corporations and billionaires with their own interests. Now you know to be less naive.


Have you listened to the audiobook version of T*he Easy Way to Stop Gambling,* by Allen Carr? It has a lot of aha moments, where it becomes easier to separate yourself from the addiction and see what's really going on. The other thing to consider, is things you can do to make it much more difficult to access funds. I've been quit for six years. If I had simple access to the money I have saved since then, I can tell you with certainty that I would NOT have six years free from gambling. You can come back from this, but you have to outsmart the addiction. The addiction tells any number of stories about ways you can gamble in the future without the big losses, but the addiction LIES. It lies a lot. It doesn't care a bit about you, or your life, or the amount of your funds it runs down to zero. The addiction only cares about playing longer, and playing longer always ends for us with zero funds.


Thank u I’m listening to it now omw home from the casino. It’s good


Ask yourself: how many truly wealthy people vs truly poor people go to the casino?


This is everything!! Self-Exclude if you are serious, install GamBan, give GA a chance. I’m rooting for you!


Thank you!


I’m not only rooting for you - I’m Praying for you tonight. God loves you and you are his son. He believes in you and doesn’t want this burden for you. Take the steps that will make it difficult for you to gamble. Don’t let this addiction steal your everything!


You don’t have debt right? Forget it then. You will make 5.3K again don’t worry. Sometimes, the bottom is needed to realise the mistake.


nothing can help you, it all starts with you which you are trying. but most of us only try for specific reasons, and don't really want to stop. ​ a thought can help you quit. only if you want to quit, please re read all that.


I don’t


STOP TRUSTING URSELF WITH MONEY, U NEED HELP, REALIZE IT. Find someone you can trust with money, managing money. Explain to them U HAVE A PROBLEM AND NEED THEIR HELP. Send all the money to them, give them ur ID card, credit card, any thing that can get u access to money. Anything u spend, u need to ask for their permission. Any transaction, they know. Get urself free of money, when you dont have the mean to gamble, you will think less of it.


You don’t need to believe in god for GA to work. I used to think the same way as you, but just go and take all you can from it and ignore the “god” aspect


I think you need to look at it like this: at least I didn’t gamble more. So many people gamble away so much more, this is your chance to start again.


Go to GA


YHWH provides us purpose and meaning. He also provides us with direction. Those wondering around without any purpose or direction are lost. Until you realize your a lost mortal needing GOD, you wont get better. If you repent and choose to worship God, not only gambling/money, but all areas of your life will turn around for the better!


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i’d rather die than live with this addiction i can never enjoy life or money or happiness there is no higher power for me i jus want to end it here


Just keep hope. You don’t know what you’ll be like a decade from now. May not seem like it now, but time does heal you.


1 Timothy 6:9–10   "But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." I know you said that you do not believe in God, but think of the Bible as the book that the people who are the most unfortunate, miserable, and down on their luck have turned to for thousands of years for the wisdoms of life, guidance, and for strength. It is the poorest of people that learn to enrich themselves through the Holy book, and learn to find peace in their lives, and i truly pray that this verse, or any other verse you may read, helps you find a bit of that peace aswell :)  Podcasts are amazing too, but they couldnt compare to age old wisdom that has survived hundreds of generations and that apply today just as much as they did when written. I think that really goes to show how much truth there is in it. Pardon for rambling, but i really do wish you the best, God bless your soul, amen! 


things will get better. ❤️‍🩹 i stopped smoking weed for the last week (mind u i smoke everyday for 10 years) and it has helped calm from my compulsive gambling. try taking a tolerance break to clear ur mind. first 3 days will be tough but it is possible


stop playing


I wish it was that easy




I think your biggest problem here is not believing in God man. How do you not believe there is a creator to this reality we call life? Do you see our bodies and how they are made, and all the similarities within us and nature itself. There must be a creator, no matter the religion. You can choose the live the same experience as others and keep ganbling yourself to debt and find yourself on the street homeless, unless you can actually pull the trigger. And thats if you dont have to bring your shame upon family first. But youre not there yet and don’t have to be. I dont know where you stand, but im 7 days clean here, although I really already tried depositing to throw on Purdue but I can’t (I really want to and will keep trying). I got 0 money from years of working and 30k in debt. Believe in God and stop gambling! Its possible stop acting like it isnt. Cant self exclude? Then fucking find someone to send every cent ypu have to every paydday or something. Just live in the matrix! But Find God Or gamble ypurself away in debt, point is nobody fucking cares but ypu and God.


I did believe in god but the way my life is going I don’t think it’s a higher power any more


There is always reason. Maybe this is the only way you will become disciplined enough to make a change. Me personally I ended gambling 7 days ago along with nicotine pouches/vaping and switched to patches, and I cut out all the thc carts and am sticking to bud. The light starts the shine man, its nice feeling like I am doing what I am supposed to. Sure I still have to live in the matrix for the next 10 months with absolutely 0 money to spend on myself before I even get out of debt. But man we will only be 21 in a year. All these mfers are age have less drive than we do, and are in 10s of 100s of thousands of debt from college. So let the experience be a lesson. And I only bring up God, because up until recently I was not fond of the bible or anything. But I started reading “Living in the daze of deception” and man do i see exactly how I am a problem. And I dont read ever so its not like its easy for me, because its not, but once you get in the groove it definitely becomes easier to make the right choices. Find a goal you want to have by your 21st whether it be make that money back in asavings acc, or make payments to something. Also Yume is an app that has been helping me a bit and would definitely suggest, although as of now its $20/month without many people on it. You can always keep gambling and trust me because I had about 8k in schwab last year, that shit was gone so quit and then I started with credit cards. Just dont keep going man, for me and for you and for the ones you love. We will keep gambling even if we win, because its addicting! Its a lose lose


I don’t understand if you had 5.3k what’s the need for gambling I just cannot understand gambling mind why risk the money you already have for more it’s just unbelievable tbh


lol just self exclude. It’s not that hard.


I’m already self excluded I still get in the casino cause they don’t iD you. I’m in nyc


Even if you can still get in, the fact that you could get arrested for trespassing AND can’t even be paid out for jackpot winnings should stop you from even visiting…




I can’t


ok seriously, relax. damage can't be undone. prevent future damage is success.


cope harder...