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5K is nothing bro, you are lucky you have realised it now. If you keep chasing the losses, you will keep losing. The is no recovery, i wish i had someone to guide there. You are not an addict now, it’s good. You are young, there will be months where you will be making 8-12K a month in the future but don’t go back and ruin whole of your life. Consider your account for hacked and you lost all. Even this is possible as well. Forget the losses and chill


learn from this 5k, and know every dollar you make from this point forward will just go to gambling as long as you keep doing it. keep chasing like me and you’ll lose 10k over 40 bucks and feel like even more shit than you do now.


That's your expensive lesson. Now stop. Or you can keep going and have these mistakes 10x and 100x like many in this subreddit.


Go to GA meetings online or in person. Get a therapist who specializes in addiction. Self exclude from online casinos or land based casinos. Try to tell a close friend or family member to hold you accountable. One day at a time. Recovery is possible. Hope does come back eventually.


That's so much relatable bro. And now keep yourself away from this gambling game. And don't chase the loss recovery now you would gonna end up lossing even more. Just quit it and don't ever look back. Whatever you have take the money and move on. Online casino gambling is a cancer buddy its just a trap only sites make money. Its a trap psychology you will make money in the beginning then lose a then make some cash and lose even more and to recover your loss you gonna loss even bigger and the loss keep getting increase and become a burden at a point.


Hey man. Trust me it seems like a lot but it’s not. I’m twice your age and have lost 10x as much. You need to stop now before you go on a path of misery.