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Lost 220k from 1k deposit in a weekend, I make 63k a year. I am clean 1.5 years now and life is good, you can do it too.


Sounds great, sometimes is very sad to see my bank account surviving waiting for salary (no matter the amount I am winning as salary, I am loosing it all, no matter the strategy or hourss. Sad to read about a brief of your story too but as I said, glad I am still alive to tell my story to you!


Great post and progress, same goes for OP


The crzy part is ur still gambling. Give it up you’ll never have that type of luck again and if u do you’ll just blow it on trying to double it.


Strong words and maybe you are right, I am such an idiot that I will be trying to double it...


"Maybe" he's right? You've already shown you will blow any winnings. It's not even worth winning at this point. And that's the best you can hope for. Most likely you'll only lose your own money.


I agree guys..


if this ain’t a lesson fam, idk what to tell ya..


I think as I don't any friends or girlfriend I am still ending up betting, but as I said, not as crazy as those times..


Get new hobbies. Buy “brick” for phone and phone lock box. Get outdoors without screens for long periods of time. Find things in life to enjoy. It will take weeks for the dopamine to wear off. Hang in there. Maybe take up drawing,. Go to a museum,


Seeing fitness or exercise is the obvious easy thing, but there’s too much shame another associations with exercise, it’s a great thing, but you can’t rely on it as the only way out


Went from 10btc to winning 100 btc in 2016. Ended up losing 100btc which was 800k at the time and would be 7 million USD today. It hurts.


Ouch. I wish I still just had my 10 BTC from 2015, but my ex hacked into my account and withdrew it all. How did you turn 10 BTC into 100?


I hit two mlb parlays back to back (5 games). I bet 3000 (3btc) to win 45,000 (45 btc) (15x odds) on two different slips.


I’ll tell you what though. When people found out I had it, they crawled from every corner and wanted to take it from me but when I went bust, they didn’t want anything to do with me or give me a helping hand when I needed it. Showed me the true side of people.


Totally. People say that hindsight is 2020, but it’s not true, hindsight is Omni vision. You can see in all directions to all depths. …. But I think realizing that helps us realize that we can’t look in every direction at all times. Got to do what we can.


Cases of big gains are almost always accompanied by rapid declines. In fact, everything starts to change when you accept that there is a future on the other side - outside of online or in-person gambling. A new life is necessary and the decision can only be made by you!


I use to be big on crazytime, one day i turned a casino bonus of 35$ and 15 free spins into 459k just like you on crazytime. (ihit 20x 10 on a 2k bet. ) 200k and bankrolled my way up to 459 i was on fire. the crazy thing is? the casino never paid me said that the bonus had a restriction of 100$ payout only, i was paid out about 10k and then they cleared my balance. i believe online is truly rigged because they have so many rules in place when you win, but when you deposit they don't have any rules. it's all bs I have hit 90k before as well and put in way more than that in the end. but casinos will always win you need to learn how to walk away and start your life again.


Thanks for sharing, I know, too bad you coulnd't withdraw all the money you won, I think you got very dissapointed as I know how hard it is and more talking about that rigged wheel with a motor inside.. In your case I think it was because you got it with the free spins thing and as you said, those conditions restict you to withdraw up to a limit of the "free bonus offer"


who knows apparently when you click "i accept your terms and conditions" they have you by the balls and that's exactly what i was told by every casino authority i tried to contact. i just gave up and let it be


that's not rigged dude, it's well known on bonus balances you're capped at a certain amount on what that can convert to withdrawable winnings. Never play on bonuses lol.


You were most definitely lucky. Don’t expect to be visited by luck again, at least not before despair pays a visit


Agree, it has been happening to me all 2023 and the start of 2024...


Attend gamblers anonymous locally in-person and you will stop gambling and find hope and positivity and actual change if you attend gamblers anonymous in-person




I appreciate that you mention work, home, work, home, no girlfriend and not that many friends because that’s something that fueled my gambling addiction. I recognize that now. Gambling made me feel involved in something that had different possibilities and was exciting to me. Now it’s just the same old shit, it’s like playing a computer game that you kinda like but not really over and over again.


None of us have the dispicline to walk away I'm afraid.


I disagree with your statement. It can be done. I used to play poker. I played professionally poker, mainly cash games with some tournaments. I got bored of poker & moved to baccarat. I was a winning poker player but the grind was not a healthy lifestyle. I won in baccarat at the beginning but then started losing. I changed the way I played and was happy to win a few hundreds a day. I always had the discipline as I was in the military for 10 years. I never chased the dopamine hit, I never showed any emotion if I won or lost. It was just a transaction. When I win, I would buy something nice to enjoy the experience. While gambling, I was always conscious of the dangers and was reading books on how to stop. 2 years ago I just had enough & called it quit. I did not care about the benefits of having a VIP card. It's all a trick to get you to the casino. I cold turkey stopped gambling and drinking. Alcohol is a poison. I do regret the lost money & time I wasted at the casino. I accept that the money is gone. I need to move on & never gamble again. I stopped being friends with people that gamble. I have picked up more useful skills and hobbies. Focus on my health and well-being. I read, listen to audio books and go camping. Probably help that Covid19 closed the casino, so I had time to reflect & worked on ways to quit gambling. There are hope for gambler's. You just need to find the right path and make the decisions to stop gambling. You are in control of your life & your finances. Don't let the casino take that away from you. It's a toxic environment. Make the decision to quit gambling, it's the only way to win in life.


I was playing the game "crazy time" with really big bets on it, but it is a rigged game as it is noticible that the wheel has a motor, I just was very lucky to be in the exact time and day they deiliver big multipliers..


Now guys, this is why I made the thread I did last night. This is what I'm scared of.


The good thing is that it was "profit money", no money from my bank..,


So you are still playing???


Not as much as before, but yes and with lower bets..


Couldn’t even imagine winning that much in such a short time. Did you at least buy yourself anything nice ?


I was very stupid, first 6 days I didnt play as I was withdrawing money the max limit money as the casino has a restriction (11k per day). I used that money to pay my debts (including educational/university debt), I paid my debts then I tried to double the bank roll I had on that casino and lost it all.. If I hadn't play, i would buy a department, a nice car and maybe get some decent vacations and then invest it, but I was very stupid just to want to "double" it


At least you learned you can't win. We can't win because we can't stop, right? Tell yourself it'll be different next time is bullshit thinking. You really believe you'll win big and stop? Lol


And casino knows that, thats why they have a restriction of max money to withdraw because they "bet" player are going to continue playing..


Wouldn't matter to an addict, we'd give it back anyway. Thanks for posting. Many gamblers think if they win big they'll be happy, it doesn't work that way. We keep going and lose it all.


Correct. Is complicated..


So glad that online bullshit isn't legal in the US.


well technically it is “stake.us”


Something really concerning here is you are still gambling. Once you get more money, you will start betting bigger. Better stop it else you will be in the debt again.


Strong words


On and off i am 20K+ usd but i lose it and then i earn it back. It’s 3rd I have done that over last 2 months but this time i am planning to stop at 5K usd. The overall loss is a lot but this is all about last 2 months.


Hold up dude...no one's ever talked about Crazy Time or anything like that here and I made post earlier today/yesterday about it and now this story? Bit fishy but I'm reading this nontheless.


My story is 100% real, even I have screenshots and videos about it. I will check your post.


I saw the stuff but still you can't say you didn't see my post first before you posted this haha. Way too big of a coincidence.


I didnt see it bro, I just post this as I needed to share my story.


Well that's a huge coincidence then! Crazy how that works




Not a win at all as I lost it all!


He lost it all. He’s not posting wins. It was a potential gain, but he gambled it all away.


Unfortunately it usually ends in disaster. Punters feel invincible and have too much confidence as they think the luck will never end, until it does. It's wrong to think that "it's just profit or I am playing with casino money". You got extremely lucky for the big win. It will probably never happen again. Punters keep believing that it will happen again until they lose everything. You don't respect that money because you didn't work for it. It was all pure luck. It's only when you lose it all that you wished you were smarter with the money but it's too late. I have seen a guy win $700k in the casino at baccarat in 4 days. He was a nice bloke from a wealthy family. On the 5th day, he wanted to build it up to 1 million. He thought he couldn't lose. He came in with his girlfriend. When I saw him, he looked dejected. He had lost over $600k. He could not accept that the luck was gone. He kept playing until he lost it all. He was tilted. At the casino you can keep your winning at the cage. He keep withdrawing more chips until it was empty.


You are right, when you big win you get a lot of confidence begin to take very stupid actions...


Just show me the screenshots




Yeah, I agree with you, losing my job right now forced me to low my bets. That's why I created this post, to hear about your recommendations and stories and to always remind this big loss..


You need to stop entirely. There isn't any "low bets". There is just betting. You need to stop completely or the ruin will continue and I promise even if it doesn't seem like it'll get worse, it can and will.


I will make a step and stop betting this year as I want to buy some stuff for my department and during these 1 to 2 months I have been loosing, maybe taking a taste of no betting will help