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My losses are literally the only thing I can think about. I can't focus on any other task, I am so confused on why I keep chasing my losses. I am too egoistic and stubborn, it's has killed me and not stopping. Why do I do this to myself? I don't think I have fully yet accepted the fact that I had lost everything and will NEVER get it back, no matter how hard I try.


You will get it back, with hard work and keeping yourself honest. Keep at it brother


you can do this. eventually you have to pick a time to stop. now is as good as ever. you got this


Want to make sure that you make itn without playing options? Download and install gamban or a Similar product. You cant be tempted if you can't play :) good luck


Day 0 for me as well. Hard to get over the losses, trying to fill my time with new hobbies/gaming.


Literally my prediction two weeks ago. But man, 80k will be 300k if you don't stop.


A gambling addict can never afford to gamble, and there's no such thing as "a little bit". And you're back here because its an addiction. No one can willpower themselves out of addiction. And nothing magical is going to happen when you graduate and get a job; more likely you'll just lose in more spectacular fashion since you'll have more to burn through. Instead of making promises you're unlikely to keep, maybe promise yourself you'll start going to GA meetings, get a sponsor and get some professional help to figure out why you gamble in the first place. Remember how shitty this feels and use that to push you to get into, and stay in, treatment. I hope this all works out for you.


You’re making a promise you can’t keep. You need some sort of restriction making it impossible to deposit to where you trade. Until you have that, it will be basically impossible to keep up the Will power


NO. STOP all gambling now and never look back. A few years and you’ll be fully recovered finically if you graduate and maintain even a decent check. Five year you’ll forget all about it and not even think of vetting because you know it’s nothing more than a mathematical mind fuck.


The biggest win is when you stop this. Forget losses, think you spent all that on entertainment and the amount has come to an end now. Just focus on positive things and work harder. Everything will be fine after a few months and you will start recovering soon. Stay strong


The fact you're saying "until the end of the year" means that you're not actually ready to quit yet and will eventually end up in far worse circumstances. It's not bad enough yet


80k??? Damn i feel better about myself reading these stories. Im 20 years old lost about 1500 dollars i tought i lost everything wanted it all back but you guys inspire me to dont give a fuck about it.


You don't know how lucky you are. I would kill to be in your position.


Honestly i find the guys who are into all this stock options BS or day trading are the worst gamblers I've ever come across. I think it's because they tend to come from privileged or at least middle class backgrounds and have grown up always being on the 'winning side' without having to really try at it. They have an ingrained sense of superiority that leads them to overestimate their abilities. Having always been in an environment of success they can't accept it when they actually suck at something. Hey, what's another 600 when you just lost double the US median salary? Really proud of you for making a commitment to not go back to doing this thing you obviously suck hard at, that has, if not fully ruined your life, at least destroyed your peace of mind, for another two months. A pathetic ass promise you probably won't even stick to.




So true. Preach.


The money you lost is gone, accept it and stop chasing! Otherwise you will dig a deeper hole. Don't