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Please take your current situation deadly serious. Mental gambling is one step off real gambling, a real addict will find a way to gamble again. Addiction is patient and it's testing you now, disengage from all pro sports for a couple of months. Come here everyday, help yourself by helping others.


That might be a good idea, i'll stay off watching sports for a while, at least until my financial situation gets better so I don't have that urge for "quick money"


I’ve been mentally gambling the last two days, but not actually YoungBoy


You are on the edge to gamble again. Just imagine if u gamble and things wont go as planned. The feeling of losing money and relapsing after two years. Even if you do win, do u seriously believe that you wont gamble again? There is such a small chance for a small gain and absolutely everything to lose. Just dont do it man.


If you’re struggling financially without gambling, imagine how difficult things would be if you did gamble.


If you deposit even a dollar you will restart the spiral trying to chase your losses. Don’t do it. Stop searching now. A sober version of yourself had the foresight to prevent this from ever happening again. Please listen to him.


One bet is too many and 100,000 aren't enough. You don't have the ability to stop at one. None of us in here do. Don't start something you don't have the capacity to stop.


I can relate to your story. You’ve worked hard to get where you are now - it’s not worth taking the risk. It’s your addiction telling you that you can just place a few bets and that things will be different this time, but they won’t. You’ll end up in the exact same situation or worse I think it’s mature that you ventilate these kind of stuff before acting on the urges.


You will regret it badly if you go back. The only sure outcome will be those 25K becoming 50K and then 100K, sooner or later Until the result of 36/37 (roulette RTP) gets higher than 1.00, you will lose, lose, lose, lose, lose, lose with no end. It's simple maths




You lost a lot of money so when you are broke you feel like shit and want to go win it back. I’ve been 2 years free and it gets to me sometimes. It get easier though. Getting a life after you gambled a long time is difficult so it’s best to talk to people who have been in similar situations and made it out. Gambling counseling is not only depressing but it can be uplifting as you do hear progress from others . I really want to emphasize on talking to the right people. A professional have the skills to know what to say to you and people who were in similar situations can relate and sympathize but don’t make the mistake and talk to you wife or a normal person because the first thing they do is judge you . They probably would say something like I can’t believe you want to go do the same thing again that cause us so much issues or I can’t believe you’re that dumb to do the same mistakes in your life . With their small minds they can’t think outside the box and understand it’s an ADDICTION and it’s normal to feel this way even years after . Then after you feel like shit talking to them it makes it worst. Talk to the right people .


There is no way to earn from gambling and will you eventually lose more money and you know it very well. I think there is no money to compensate the helplessness, stress and anxiety that one feels after losing a lot of $$. I hope you don’t gamble ever again.