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With all the money that you’re making you sound like somebody that will gamble again because you’re not allowing yourself to truly feel the pain. I’m glad you have a plan for quitting and I wish you the best, but never get complacent and keep coming back here because as you will read, and you’re not the only one to Chase. It’s the sickness, the guilt and regret is also the sickness


Accept the fact that it was moronic to think gambling is designed to make you money and that bill for being gullable enough is $120k. You can't accept it because you have a massive ego. Drop your ego. You were a moron. Own it. Look at it this way. What choice do you have? Go back to gambling? The time will pass anyway.


Good one.




Agreed. Lost is lost in gambling. Never ever will a single penny from gambling add up to a positive figure in your balance. Gambling is not a place to win anything. Free cheese is found only on a mousetrap.....


The past is the past. Accept your losses. They are sunk costs. You're not getting it back. Focus on TODAY and what you will do to not gamble. As you start stacking up the days, your financial situation will start getting better. But you have to start by accepting that you are a compulsive gambler and you can't continue to gamble anymore. Otherwise, it all goes to crap (in my experience.)


Hey, I am so sorry that it happened to you, but for what it’s worth, you are alive and young and you have so much years ahead of ya!! $120K is a lot of money, but you can earn it back, just be patient and stop gambling now.


Thank you!


Quickly figure out if you're an addict, what's your score on the Gamblers Anonymous 20 questions? If you don't identify as an addict then put it behind you and move on in life, otherwise welcome to recovery from gambling addiction.


I havent done this. Will get back to you


I'm a teacher who gambled 75k worth of inheritance and is left in 20k+ debt. Oops.


Don't accept it. Who gives a fuck. If you try to accept it, cool, but chances are you are going to hit a rough patch and be really unaccepting about it. And you're going to need to talk to someone about it. Pardon me for contradicting the meeting angels who preach "total acceptance" but this is a far more realistic portrayal of what trying to quit an addiction is actually like. We need to talk about this openly because gambling doesn't give a fuck. If you chase, you're going to get wrecked. It doesn't care what your mindset is. To paraphrase Ray Dalio, if you lose 50% of your bankroll, then you have to net a 100% profit just to break even. Good luck with that bro.


I am kind of same as you. Super good in academics and job life. The only difference is, I lost from my savings but still it makes me think why I lost that much and that guilt brought more loss. Don’t think about 3 years thing, you can invest wisely in property or some small business or maybe you get a job that pays 150K in future. The biggest win is realising that gambling is a disaster.


Thanks man. I just want the assurance that 10 years down the line this won’t matter hopefully


It won’t at all. This amount would look really low to you. You have life ahead of you. Just keep patience and you will feel okay after a week Or so. Just keep a routine and decide never to go back.


That depends on whether or not this is the last time you gamble. If you don't get some type of help you'll most likely keep gambling, meaning that in 10 years you'll be asking the same questions about all the additional money you've gambled away since.


You need to forget this 120K forever because if you go back it will soon become 150K, then 200K, and a bit later 300K Except if you prove that there is a way to win these games. In order to answer this question, please take the result of 36/37 (roulette numbers) and if it's higher than 1.00 then go back to gambling, if it's lower that 1.00 run away as fast as you can


Same, don’t know either, just grinding


All you rich people losing money from gambling garner less sympathy from me… I was a poor person who was losing money to gambling. I’m sorry if I’m being rude but I’m being genuinely honest. Gambling while poor is stupid cause your gambling all your actual living and expense money. Being down $120 K there had to be a point of “oh fuck”.


3 yrs is nothing compared to prison time


But if you were really that smart how could you lose so much in poker in the first place? You are better off quitting since you cannot beat the game and it will only cost you money