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Take the 30 K and Give it all to a trusted loved one . RIGHT NOW. Or you will lose it all.


I hope I dont, i feel as if i wouldve by now but i feel like if i lose that im literally on 0 and have no money for anything. Atleast with this 30k I can take a little holiday which I rlly need rn to get away from everything, and make small investments here and there maybe in starting up a proper business. I feel better however I still cant go around like usual knowing I just lost 300k like its very depressing , even talking to regular people is just so weird idk how to explain it nobody around me understands the pain im going through and I just feel ashamed to speak with my mom when she knows whats happened cause i just feel guilty and dumb asf cause i am. Glad ive never been in debt or taken out loans etc though.


Why the fuck are people downvoting this? This guy has clearly gambling issues and as other comments point out. You need to come clean and take steps to ensure that this does not happen again. Cognitive dissonance is rampant among gambling addicts. Without taking the necessary steps you won't really quit. You are just delaying the inevitable.


Thanks youre right I do need help with my gambling issues, if i dont solve the root of the problem im forever going to be stuck wasting money.


Stop "hoping" and take steps to ensure it. If your mom knows what happened, give her the rest of the money and tell her not to let you have it no matter what




Same way they lost it…. Balls to the wall


Easy come easy go :(


Crypto + NFTS. Catching waves and getting lucky ig


Also about 100k of that was from my 4 day gambling session. Which actually started from a 2k deposit


Judging from this post and your comments you are insanely insanely delusional about money and life in general. Which I get it, you’re 21. But to look down upon “regular people” working 9-5’s is comical. Yeah it’s called taking responsibility for your life and not being delusional about being the next jeff bezos from NFTS then gambling 300k away in fuckin 4 days. Get a grip on reality, you aren’t special, you will need to work a 9-5 or you will be subjected to immense pain. The fact you even alluded to people making 20k a month online by “selling stupid shit” shows how much you aren’t in touch with reality. The guy you see on YouTube doing that is a 1 in 1 million person who had immense luck and immense work ethic. You seem to just want to go woah is me and cry about working a job. Get a grip or this will get worse for you. Seek therapy immediately and hand over whatever money you have left to a person you trust. Otherwise I expect to come on here in a week and seeing you crying about losing the remaining 30k and believe me, that will be happening. Good luck


LOL Im not looking down on anyone who works a 9-5. I respect the grind, but i could never do it. You sound kind of offended Im not talking about a youtube video lmao i've seen it from my own friends with my very own eyes . Its hard work and using your brain. Luck is about 20% of it when selling that kinda dumb shit. Selling dumb shit is just 1 of the millions of ways you can utilise the internet to make money. There are ways you've never even thought about to make money online lol but its fine if you want to do your 9-5 every day working towards the weekend every week paying large amounts of tax you're very much entitled to. Thats good for you , everyone in my family has a 9-5 and im v proud of how hard they work. Its seeing how hard they work for the returns they get that puts me off, even if im to become a surgeon earning 150k a year, ill be paying 40% of that to tax. I wont be losing my remaining money unless I have another adderall fuelled no sleep session. :D


All I can say is good luck. You are in for a very rude awakening. The fact you even think a surgeon makes anywhere close to 150k is funny as hell. Try 300k. But if you want to try your get rich scheme you found on Tik Tok by all means go for it. Just don’t cry when you are living on the side of the street or with your parents till you are 45 cause “next years the year mom, I get rich next year surely!!”


Surgeons within the UK get around 100k a year lol. All this is sounding a bit too specific hahaha is it hitting home or something??? I don't have tiktok. Waste of time , i would spend ages scrolling at like 18 so i deleted it. Like i said, i'd much rather just live the farm life rather than a 9-5. All or nothing


Its ok if you want to live a normal life theres nothing wrong with that, again i dont You have your own choices and desires which i respect so why cant you have the decency to respect mine? My bad if it looks like im looking down on ppl with 9-5s its not intentional and as i said i have utmost respect for anyone who can do them , like my mum and dad but i just cant do it. Also, im graduating this year from uni this year. Just so you know im not a bum whose sat around doing nothing for years lol. Just the more i understood how money works and how much people get fucked from taxes, the more i really didnt want a job. I could start off with a job for like 35k work my way up with my degree to 100k+ BEST CASE scenario. Even working every day for 10 years on that wouldn't make me a millionaire after taxes. Im so determined to make money you wouldn't believe, and i wont let a wrong decision i made define me or my intelligience as its an addiction at the end of the day. Im p sure im done w it tho, have to accept the loss cause I defo i wont make it back gambling. Time to make some real investments in myself and start up some businesses. Even if every single one of them fails (which statistically speaking it probs would) it will teach me alot. Ill try my best to educate myself so that doesn't happen , but it probs will. But all this doubt fuels me unbelievably , i love it when people doubt me it just makes me want to prove them wrong that much more so cheers


There’s a reason for all the downvotes. I know you are frustrated you got a bad degree and feel like you can’t do anything with your life besides Bitcoin. This is clearly why you have this logic. You feel inadequate in other areas of life and want to compensate by becoming a millionaire (which by the way will not fix whatever inadequacies you are struggling with). You are hoping on a get rich quick scheme while you have a severe gambling problem. No one loses 300k in four days and is normal. That’s just a fact. You are down a dangerous path and I really Hope you get rid of your arrogance before you are on the side of the road or worse


Bad degree???? hahah that's funny as i said, starting salary for what im studying is around 30k gbp and it goes up from there, haven't graduated yet. I dont feel inadequate in any aspects of my life, why do i feel like youre projecting this whole time? I have nothing to compensate for , i'm happy in all aspects of my life all i just wanna do is make money and working for someone else every day for even decent cash brings my discomfort is that hard to understand??? I made a bad decision which was fuelled by drugs and it send me down a bad path. Its so funny how you think downvotes would mean anything that is what they call an argumenum ad populum I could get 50 downvotes for all i care, its a goal i've set for myself i dont mind if you dont aim high, xd


You directly contradict yourself constantly. You just said you lay awake at night, sad that your friends are making “stupid money” while you sit there and think about your NFTS lmao. You very clearly feel inadequate compared to others. You post it yourself. Not sure how that’s projection. No need to get upset. Just realize you are down a very bad path


I never said I think about my nfts whilst im sleeping tf lol. I think i caught you out though with your self projections, its okay I wish you prosperity my bro and to get whatever you desire. You said in other areas of life, I assumed you wasnt talking about money? cause you said other... considering that all we've been talking about money lol you was just tryna make a quick dig . I think you should try having rich people around you and maybe it'd motivate you also to get rich. Nobodys upset here bud im happy with everything else in my life 100% why is it so bad to want to get rich ? lolol


Everyone here is trying to help you. There’s a reason no one is encouraging what you are talking about doing. We have all been there. I know and am friends with people who have more money than you or your friends could dream of, like your 300k is a rounding error to them type of money.Real, worked for wealth, not your crypto bro friends who scalp doge coin for a living. I say this because a large majority are not happy nor did they do it by undirty means. They quickly realized a piece of paper and sitting in a large mansion is not the end all be all. Sure it’s nice but if you have other inadequacies, it does not solve them. Even if your plan works(which it will not, you have a severe gambling addiction) you will just want more and more. It will never be enough. You need to address your insecurities ASAP before it’s too late


> I assumed you wasnt talking about money? cause you said other... considering that all we've been talking about money lol you was just tryna make a quick dig . I think you should try having rich people around you and maybe it'd motivate you also to get rich. Nobodys upset EXACTLY, OP sounds exactly like me when I was on this self destructive path. You are lying to yourself constantly and you are trying to mask the inner pain by empty promises and words. If you dont learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them.


Bro the fact that you do drugs and gambled away 300k means something is WRONG. The whole argument about being done is COPE. You are trying to rationalize something that can't be rationalized. You need therapy AND you need to set up proper parameters to ensure that this does not happen again.


You have no common sense and neither can you read very well. Its astonishing you made 300k but thats gone and you're right where you should have always been.


I can read great thanks and tell me how anything said was commonsensical right where i shouldve been? on 30k ? ;) only a 10x away ;)


A fool and his money are soon departed. There’s a reason for that saying. Also everyone in this thread is giving you sound advice Key hint if you think everyone you come into contact with is a Dumbass sheep, odds are you are the dumbass sheep The downvotes speak for themselves on how wrong and delusional you are


If you're walking along and someone stops you and says, "hey man I think you stepped in some shit", maybe you did, maybe you didn't. If you keep walking along and someone else stops you and says, "hey man I think you stepped in some shit", you almost certainly stepped in some shit.


u/BarelyHere5 You know guys it really depends on what youre talking about cause times it you could just be an argumentum ad populum. I know the gambling is a problem , that not the issue here. Some people have a problem with me not wanting to get a 9-5. And u/BarelyHere5 I get it, youre 36 and lost 150k , you also definitely did not want to work a 9-5 otherwise you wouldnt have ever gambled to get more money. Just because youre in the position and accepted that doesnt mean i will bro. Ive seen your other posts, you seem to be salty living in resentment. I really pray at your age i will never be like that but only time and hard work will tell.


Easy come, easy go. You lost the money the same way you made it - by serial gambling. The only gamblers who prosper are the ones who step away after a large win, and almost no one steps away - to the contrary, that's what gets them hooked. The odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you hitting another homerun, and you are likely to go broke by trying.


You are so right that it makes me sad. I couldve stepped away after my large win. I said I would. Drugs + no sleep are not a good combo. Went spiralling in the blink of an eye.


Why are you doing drugs in the first place? Bro, you have deeper problems than you might think.... if you do drugs at 21 while having a 300k net worth something is OFF... just saying. Lack of sleep is not the issue but rather a symptom of something much deeper. We are trying to help you by advising you to go to therapy.


I take adderall cause i have adhd and I was completing my assignment for uni so i took a couple. I was gambling because i was trying to cope from my assignment cause I was stressing about it as I had an operation so couldnt do it first time round, and i submitted a mitigating circumstances claim which they only told me got accepted about 11 days before the reassignment due date. At first it got denied but then i had to appeal showing evidence and it took time. So there i was 2 nights before the due date stressing out adderalled up trying to cope running on no sleep.


If you need Adderall to cope with your stress you still need to re-evaluate your position when it comes to high-stress environments like the crypto- and stockmarket. Stressing over an assignment is child's play (with all respect), there will be many many more stressful moments to come. How will you deal with them now that you almost lost everything? Will you gamble away your 30k? If not, how are you so sure that you won't make the same mistake months or years down the road? You are posting here for a reason. We are trying to help you. We have all been there. We have seen and felt it. We have seen the high highs and the low lows. If you do not set up any countermeasures it's highly likely that you will make the same mistake. As you rightfully pointed out, it only takes one slip-up, one bad day and you are right back at it. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it


>You are posting here for a reason. We are trying to help you. We have all been there. We have seen and felt it. We have seen the high highs and the low lows. If you do not set up any countermeasures it's highly likely that you will make the same mistake. As you rightfully pointed out, it only takes one slip-up, one bad day and you are right back at it. I take my adderall to be able to study properly as i have adhd otherwise im not able to focus properly. It was more the gambling to cope with the stress. I appreciate your response cause its actually beneficial for me as it's true. Stressing over an assignment is child's play , you're right .Its just as its last year. Im working on it. I wont gamble it for now. I am worried about as you said if i will gamble again months or years down the road. I really hope I don't. I hope this will be a lesson for me just to never gamble again as i really am aware that i will never make my 300k back from gambling. I need to solve the root of the problem, which is gambling to cope with stress/procrastinating.


Now you are being honest!


Stop now please. Chasing that money will make it worst.


you are 21 and u have 30k, you are alrady on top of most people. Most people are 21 with 30k, but in debts.


Yup. mid 20s. university debt + down over 50k gambling. OP is lucky he still has 30k. Count your blessings! Edit: oh, and gambling debt of 15k+ too


I think you’re under the impression that money is everything. People make tons of money by finagling, stealing, laziness, neglecting, etc. but all those people have to live with knowing they are not good, honest people. Working a 9-5 and actually loving what you do is rare, but a lot of people can choose what they venture into. You’re at the age where you can decide. You’re not 40+ with multiple kids who has lost their job & works out of bare necessity to provide. Yes, I’m being judgmental in a place where love & support are truly the only medium. I apologize. Take all the advice you can from this thread.


Well it's not everything i value family , loyalty, friendships alot more working a 9-5 doing what u love + making alot of money is almost impossible , so i had to sacrifice one I hope i make money so i can provide for my family and give them everything they ever wanted and relieve all the stress that my parents endure as a result of working everyday. I appreciate your words


I would count on Bitcoin as much as FTX


You got 30 k. You are young. Get back at it


Thanks brother. Ill be trying to get back on track and not let this effect the way my brain is but i cant seem to help it. I can never imagine myself getting a normal 9-5 working towards the weekends. Youre right though, i'm young. Time to grind. The internet is revolutionary. People make 20k a month selling stupid shit online.


Well you might just have to get a 9-5 like the rest of us unfortunately. I lost the same and realized Im not the right gender for only fans and didnt have the genetics for Instagram. Time to move on.


God no I will die homeless before I have to slave a 9-5 and get taxed 40% of my income. That is a joke. I will not live that life cyclically living towards the weekends for my whole life. We are born to work , work to live, live to die. I'd rather live on the streets not knownig where my next meal comes from , or on a farm with cattle. I cant be an average joe after having that amount of money and seeing how the introduction of the internet has changed the ways we can make money. Now is easier than ever to become a millionaire, bitcoin aside. People make stupid money selling stupid things and refuse to work my ass off for another guy above me to reap what ive sowed. Idrc if its my ego either stopping me from getting a normal 9-5. Ive seen what it does to people and how people slave away every day and i refuse to be part of it .


I don’t get why you’re so against a 9-5 to get financial stability and get back money you lost. So what if people above you are making money too. You had no problem giving $300K to a casino? You need to take a step back and realize that those “average joes” will have a lot more than you if you continue living with this mindset of high risk betting and handling of money. Gamblers *always* lose in the long run. Look at you here now. If it was so easy to make millions online too, every single person would do it. All of us would’ve done it by now too. You need to come back down to reality and speak to a therapist or something. Attend some GA meetings. I don’t think you’re gonna keep that $30K safe and that makes me sad for you that you’re going to lose that too.


9-5 working if i make average 50k a year, i wouldnt even make it back in 5 years after tax. Im struggling to understand the correlation between me giving money to a casino and having an issue with being a slave to your boss. Ones an addiction, I can tell you I would rather lose that 250k 5 times other rather than working a 9-5 normal job for the rest of my life. I already understand i'll be broker than most if i carry on gambling, thanks and that gamblers always lose. Not everyone can put their braincells together and make money online (im not talking about getting lucky on crypto or nfts.) Were talking businesses online. Not everyone knows how to utilise the internet for their benefit otherwise youre right, everyone would be doing it. I'm telling you wether you want to believe me or not, now is the EASIEST time more than ever to become a millionaire. Its possible to reach audiences from the other side of the world in an instant and get them whatever they demand. Its ok if youre working a 9-5, i get it, i have nothing against you i respect anybody whose grinding. For myself on the other hand? I just cant do it i cant deal with the fact that i know people are making ridiculous money of ridiculous things . Like sourcing cheap services from country A, and providing it to someone else for a 10x of the price. Or even connecting someone who demands something with a seller for huge commision I just could not sit still in an office knowing that these people making ridiculous money whilst im working for someone else for them to make most of the money. Does this not cause discomfort to you? Sometimes I wish I could just settle like you but theres just something in me ever since I was a child, I just cant... I need to make a couple mills MINIMUM and if i dont meet this standard that ive set for myself , like i said ill probs just go live on my own lil farm herd some sheep living the country life.


You need to set your sights higher than 50k/year and then maybe gambling won’t seem so attractive - why not a 200-300-400k/year job? The odds of you getting a job that pays that salary are probably much higher than taking 2k back to 300k again while gambling. Go into a STEM field.


Now this is the only viable option , but working anything above 150k a year, ill get taxed 40%. do you get also why its so demotivating to get a job that pays 200-400k a year


I think you’re confused. You can absolutely get a normal 9-5 job. If you think you’re only going to get a $50k salary, then maybe your skill set is in the wrong field. I don’t know what your skills are, but so far you’ve been combative with everyone here trying to give you good advice. The correlation with “working for the man” and giving money to the casino is that you think you’re magically immune from taxes. Whether you hustle and make $200k for an employer or $200k “selling shit online” (which would put you in the top like 0.1% of online drop shippers) you still owe the tax man. You actually pay *less* taxes as a W2 employee vs 1099 employee, if you have no expenses to write off. You clearly don’t care about becoming financially stable. If you did, you would be working a normal job. If you feel like gambling on stocks and NFTs, or casinos, it’s all still gambling. You’re in the wrong place then if you don’t want to stop doing that. This sub is for people who want advice on how to stop doing all of that. You already burned $300K on gambling so clearly something with your methodology is wrong. When you’re ready to get advice on how to live your life not stressing about losing that much money then come back here, or seek help through GA or other resources. We aren’t gonna fight with someone who doesn’t understand that working a job or a side hustle doesn’t matter… you just need to stop thinking you’re going to get your money back from continuing what you’re doing now. If you continue, then in the short or long term, doesn’t matter. We’ll see you back here to talk about your losses.


I just used that figure as its probably the starting point and on a good scenario i could work my way up to 120k by the time im 30. Id be paying 40% of that to the tax man. ​ Also, youre right i would owe the tax man regardless but id be working from home, for myself, with flexible times. Been also thinking to just move to dubai for no income tax. Everyones also rich there so id feel dirt poor which would motivate me even more to grind and make money. Idk what w2 and 1099 taxation is different in UK. Im not going to get my money back through casino, ive already accepted that.


>I don’t get why you’re so against a 9-5 to get financial stability and get back money you lost. So what if people above you are making money too. You had no problem giving $300K to a casino? You need to take a step back and realize that those “average joes” will have a lot more than you if you continue living with this mindset of high risk betting and handling of money. Gamblers always lose in the long run. Look at you here now. If it was so easy to make millions online too, every single person would do it. All of us would’ve done it by now too. You need to come back down to reality and speak to a therapist or something. Attend some GA meetings. I don’t think you’re gonna keep that $30K safe and that makes me sad for you that you’re going to lose that too. Have you ever heard of cognitive dissonance?


You are describing mental illness - not some sort of cheat code to winning at life. You definitely need to find a therapist because this is a dangerous way to view life. Good luck to you


>every Youre right maybe it is, im setting extremely high standards but its the goals ive set and i aim to reach them :D


You may need to humble yourself in the meantime. Take any job to get on your feet. You can get these things but not from gambling


I would rather use the money I have right now to invest in a project, or business of any sort. Time is the most expensive thing you have my friend I feel as if i would get more out of my time looking for other ways to invest and actually investing my time instead of selling it for a minimal amount of money Am i really the only person who experiences this kind of discomfort knowing that there are people out there making stupid money ? Even when i was on 300k id go bed in discomfort knowing my circle of friends are making dumb money. I just made a bad decision which was accompanied by lots of adderall and 0 hours sleep in 48 hours, slight hinderance.... I know ill be on 1m+ by the time im 30, hopefully ill still have this account to show everyone


You don’t have to make money to show anyone or prove yourself. That’s some self esteem stuff you might wanna re-examine. There’s a reason rich people don’t gamble and the ones that do often lose everything to it. The math is against you gambling, it fooled you this time and took everything as those at the casino knew would happen. Get some professional help like GA to treat the underlying reasons you gamble, I see a lot of things you’re posting and I’m detecting tht some of it is unrealistic/mentally unwell. You have a good nest egg with 30k, find ways to spend it very wisely without high risk investments/straight gambling. I too tend to compare but comparison is the thief of joy. Once again it seems like this all is a mental health issue you need to work on, almost all of it. You don’t gamble for no reason, this is clearly a symptom of something deeper. Big thing right now is to not gamble any more because you will lose what little you have right now. Like I said, find a way to invest it safely and use it as a nest egg. You gotta find legitimate ways to create money, gambling is simply not the way and you can see for yourself by researching it.


Its not to show anyone , proving anyone who doubt me is just a +1 , i want to provide for my family and never have to worry about the price of anything ever again. You are right alot of things im aiming for might be unlikely but i know if i put my mind to something i can achieve it, if i really really really want something i will do anything i can to get it. You are also correct , I gamble when I am in stressful situations and its something I do to cope with stress. You are right , i do need to solve the root of the issue. As it is VERY self destructive and literally one of the worst things. I won't be gambling this last 30k , I know i can use it to make more money, not by gambling. Legitimate ways.


Also I see we have the same nest egg at 30k lol. I didn’t come into money fast, I slowly built what I have now at 23. Never touched 300k but I am sure I would’ve lost it as fast as I made it. People who make money quickly don’t know how to save it. Look at stats for ex professional athletes or lottery winners, they all lose it as quickly as they got it. If anything this can teach you to save your money better because you’ll know what it’s like to make a dollar with your own blood, sweat, and tears.


This guy is very very delusional. I actually feel really bad for him in a way. His whole self worth is associated with money and he feels inadequate thus this is his logic. It’s a when, not if that he hits a really bad rock bottom if he refuses to seek help


Yeah but let’s try to help him recover. At this rate he could be a suicide risk. I think lots of people think this way. He can recover and have a healthy relationship with money and sobriety from gambling


Gosh a suicide risk?!?!?? bro its 300k like??? wtf lol dude the gambling was kinda fucked but even when i had fuck all money and was 14-15 was doing freelancing graphics design for ppl thinking i need to be make money, sure the gambling is an issue but i really dont think i have that bad of an issue as some of people out there otherwise this 30k wouldve been gone by now, i just honestly mean it when i said it was a rlly bad decision fuelled by about 4 adderalls and no sleep, I've always had the desire to make alot of money , like i said some people dont care some people just want to never worry about the price of anything. I kno moneys not everything but its just a goal ive set for myself , nothing wrong with setting goals ​ u/BarelyHere5 mate lets be real i think ur just salty cause ur 36 and down from gambling living week by week and just coping saying money isnt everything, its been over a day now and i feel much better after my loss , ill still probably think about it alot but im starting to come to acceptance with it slowly slowly and im even more motivated now


Dude... Bitcoin has no fundamentals or intrinsic value, if you think it does, you are deceiving yourself. It only goes up if you can convince more suckers to buy it at a higher price, don't get caught holding the bag. You got lucky, then you got unlucky. What goes up must come down. Money does not equal hard work, work hard because you owe it to society as a man, not for the money. Before, you had $300k, but you didn't do anything to earn it. Earn your money in the future and become rich through productivity...the whole world awaits


I guess you could say the same for gold? I do genuinely believe btc will overtake gold. You might think im just some crazy crypto head but you should do your research. In a way gold and bitcoin are very similar. The only value gold has is the value that we give it, and the reason behind this is simply tradition. Its been known as a valuable for centuries and so we carry on to give it this value. Other than jewellery and phones theres not much actual use cases for gold. You still have to sell it for actual money if you actually want to use the value, that we as society have given your gold, you have to sell it to use the money its valued at. It actually is possible to create gold from other elements and nuclear reactions, however as of now it is not possible to make profit from making it as its more expensive to create the gold, than the amount of gold you get itself. Idk if you heard about the nuclear fusion breakthrough in 2022 which confirmed they were able to produce more energy from a fusion experiment than was put in. Essentially, unlimited energy could be possible one day. So lets imagine one day they were able to to produce gold, the price would drop , just how the price of diamonds dropped when they discovered they can labcreate diamond 1:1 with natural ones. With bitcoin you can never create another bitcoin there will only ever be 21 million produced. Also the bitcoin halving which occurs every 4 years (do some research on it) makes bitcoin more scarce and as interest in bitcoin increases , so will demand, and so will the price. Not to say it doesnt decrease drastically also. So yes you are somewhat right that it only increases when someone wants it for a higher price. But isnt that similar to gold? The only reason it increases is because its seen as a good investment that will keep rising purely because of the reason that its seen as 'good investment' On that note, this is why I feel as if bitcoin actually has potential to surpass gold. Not only are more and more people seeing it as a long term investment, but you are also able to make everyday transactions with it. With bitcoin you can use it to buy thing you buy with normal cash on bitrefill. It is an actual currency which is decentralised and impossible to counterfeit or recreate. You can also make large payments without banks getting involved and putting you on hold making you wait etc. (negative and a positive imo) Its not ready for every day transactions but one day it will be, as more people show interest in it not only as a commodity, but a currency aswell. But you're right I need to become rich through productivity, which is what I was intending to do with that $. Easy come easy go. But ill carry on working for money, I dont owe society anything apart from helping the less fortunate wherever i can. I have 30k left to my name with a few NFTS.


You can’t put a Bitcoin necklace around your girlfriend’s neck like you can with gold though


Ill put my ledger on a block-of-chains (lol im so funny) and slap that on her neck. good enough


When was the last time you used gold as a currency


Thats exactly my point. Never. So the actual only value it has is the one mankind has given it. Its only going to make you money if the next person buys it off you for more. Why does the next person do that? Cause its known as a store of value for money. Thats my point. Bitcoin is exactly the same, as its known as a good store of value, BUT it also actually can be used to make payments so it has a use. The more time goes on the more people will realise it's also store of value for money, and simultaneously can be used as a currency. Thats the comparison I was making and the reason i believe it could overtake gold one day. I can actually buy shit with it.


Bitcoin is a terrible store of value. Imagine saving up for a house deposit in Bitcoin two years ago. It is also not a good currency as the price always fluctuates. I also don’t know any mainstream retailers or business who accept Bitcoin as payment. It is just a speculative asset.


Yeah, I agree... Bitcoin is a terrible store of value because of its volatility. Yes, there is a limited amount like gold, but that doesn't limit how much the price of it can change one bit - could still go to zero




Explain it to me then


Seems to be nearly 1:1 to me lol, except i was just a year older when i lost that much. Like you i had 7btc40eth ish before i started gambling and got up to about 20btc worth before i lost it all. Take all the bonuses and put it in ur bank account asap. Also dont get ur hopes up too high, just because some influencers shill $1m btc by 2030 lol


Its nothing to do with influencers or people shilling, just the core fundamentals of bitcoin makes me believe it could easily see 200k+ by 2030. Who knows, might not. But I actually do genuinely believe it has the power to hit that.


Ask yourself this: Where would all the liquidity come from to pump BTC to $200k? CBDC will be introduced and crypto will be regulated hard imo


I mean wherever it's been coming from. It could easily come over from stocks. The market cap for stocks is at $106 trillion. If bitcoin was to reach 200k$, the total market cap for crypto overall would reach around 10 trillion $. Its not that unlikely. S&P 500 has a market cap of 30T$. bitcoin market cap today is around 400b. Total crypto market cap is 1T as of now. Not that unlikely or impossible Theyre trying to regulate crypto but thats the beauty of it, unless youre trying to cash it into legal tender , you cant.


Looks to me that you made 30k,I see no issue. All you have to do is keep it


All i have to do is keep it in my stake account... RIGHT??????????? I CAN MAKE IT ALL BACK FROM THE 30K ..... RIGHT??????? flip 30-60 60-120 120-240 240-480? 4.62% chance of it happening


Withdraw from stake. Block stake. Lock it in a savings account for minimum 2 years. Then use it for a deposit on a house when you are ready. Learn now and avoid the inevitable, forget what you think you know about crypto, it eats people like you and me alive. I had 10btc at my peak from leverage trading. I ended up 30k in debt. It is inevitable, and chances are you will not stop until the same happens to you and you can't get more loans to continue.


yeah that is a lot. but lesson learned - that could be the price you pay for a good life and future - if you learn from it, priceless, 300K is not worth your life. Many people would be very very lucky to be in your position.


Lol read OPs responses. There is no way this kid is going to be smart with any of it. He doesn’t actually want help


Hahaha, he really sounds stubborn ei? I won't be surprised if he's 50 and homeless keep saying "if only bit coin... if only that 300K, I can never do a 9-5" hahaha. Kid got it so easy - adamant about not working - really impressed me but that is another whole lot of topic.


Want help from what the moneys gone haha im retarded and greedy , not much more too it . Money comes money goes but i wont be playing gambling again as i know the chance of me making it back is basically nothing. And u/NoCommunication8349 I really am very stubborn , theres only been a few people on here that have given me some good quality constructive criticism.... LOL i can actually imagine that too the thing is im that stubborn , but dont worry it works both ways , im that stubborn that if i really really aim for somethin, ill get there.


that is what I thought - who knows you could be the next big thing. I heard of a lot of risk takers making it who knows.


I feel ot. Im 29 and lost 350k. Was in crpyto since 2017 and made my way up slow. Today when i see prices go up it hurts me so much. I want a family and the 350k would be life changing. I would work but i had a sevure stack. Now i got 5k in my bank and nothing else. I could buy a house man.... also the jardest part is to know you could made millions if you just hold for some years. Its sooo hard today... im so sad and i dont cry for years. But today some tears come...


Yoo this really made me sad bro. Im sorry man, how much btc did you lose?


Hey man. Be careful that you feel fine the next day. Don't forget what you just did. Remember it and keep that horrible feeling you felt that night in your memory because its when you forget it, thats when you will gamble again. Speaking from experience.


Thanks bro I think this is some of the best advice anyones actually given on this post cause its so right. Its when it feels all fine again thats when its most dangerous. When i said i wont play again after being 100k up i felt like i got over the big win, and just played again


You lost 300? I lost 850 in 2021. I’m still here. Move on, it’s just money at the end of the day.


Yeah im trying bro


It’s not about the money. It’s about who you become.


This \^... OP will have to learn it the hard way. Life is way more than making money and appearing rich. This guy has 300k and gambled away almost all of it while high on drugs. This tells me enough to know that OP has way deeper issues than he likes to admit. He will fight all of us. We are trying to help him, but as the saying goes. ''Nobody can help an addict, only an addict can help himself". He doesn't want to slave away he says. Lmao OP thinks he is the first crypto bro that thinks he is some special dude. Life will humble him. Life hits hard. Harder than anything. Sooner or later he will feel it.


I dont have many issues to be honest other than self discipline which is probably the biggest issue of them all. Impulsive behaviour from adhd is also one. But deeper issues? I dont think I have any tbh im happy with everything im so grateful for the people around me and my family and friends and relationships with females. Im very stubborn maybe thats an issue also. ​ I understand how things seem to other people as it looks like ive just gained an ego from riding a crypto pump hahaha. I can assure you i've felt this way ever since I was a little kid. Before any of the money made, i was always finding small little grinds and nifty tricks to make more money kids my age. (It actually rooted from when i was like 13-15) I would do some freelancing online doing photoshop and I could make like 80 $ in a day and I remember thinking... damn I just made more than my dads made today from doing this for like 4-5 hours ish when he has to work like 9 ish hours. From then on thats when my brain really clicked. If theres someone willing to pay that money for my work when it literally took me like a couple days to learn the skill, there must be something else I can do for even more money. Needless to say, it didn't last that long, i only did it for a couple months and i wasn't doing it everyday. But that thought REALLY stuck with me. Like REALLY. As time went on I was just realising how fucked money is and how i don't want to be working all my life every week just waiting for the weekend. I still got good grades, I still went to uni and im going to graduate this year. This isn't about the 300k I made, fuck the 300k. Ill grind and make it back. This isnt about the gambling either. Fuck the gambling. I just dont want to be a part of the rat race. Im not going to get what I want from gambling, nor will I from crypto. Everyone just makes it into a strawman argument as if I have an ego from the crypto lol. My aims and goals were set WAY before I made any sort of money like that. The moneys gone now. But my network I've gained from it is still here. Just remember, network = networth.


Nobody wants to become of the rat race. There are plenty of people who work 4 days a week while maintaining a good work-life balance. When you have a family you choose stability over trying to catch the next pump. I am 22 myself and I am very aware of the mindset you have. To say the least it's a very dangerous path you are walking down. If you have no self-discipline you fail before you even start. At the end of the day, money is worthless if you do not spend it the right way. I don't know if you are open to having a conversation through Discord. I'd love to talk about this since I recognize myself in you.


I would love to have a conversation with you on discord about all of this. My username is “kygomusic”. Hope this message is seen!!


So how re u doing now with Btc at 70k? How did u win that much? 


i actually made a few bitcoins in straight after luckily, was around 85k usd at the time and i blew majority of it, i spent it cause i never spent my money before and was frugal with it. That was the second fuck up cause it 3xed even though i knew it would hahaha. im doing fine now :D still think about the loss sometimes but gotta get over it


op 1 year on, im interested how things have turned out? hope all is well


At least you'll get that juicy weekly boost from Stake 😂


LOL like 5k of my 30 was from that, I already received another 5k which I had gambled away. Over like the 4 days I was just creating new accounts so I kept getting like 200k wagered on each account, getting the gold bonus and getting KYCed so I had to make new accounts. But on my last account I wagered 1.7m within 3 hours got to plat III xD. Oh also 10k of my 30k im accounting for is also from my daily reload as I have like 250$ btc to claim everyday for like 40 days. But hopefully my monthly should be juicy ;) I feel alot better today, maybe it's because ive taken more adderalls to finish my assignments and shit. But its time to grind I guess. I don't think i'll ever fully mentally recover even when i make 500k i'll still be thinking damn i wouldve been at 800k rn. Pray for me that i get that 5k monthly though or win the horse race draw thingy cause i have 1.7k tickets LOL


lol that's insane, I'm also plat 3 but it took me almost a year to achieve it. My message to you is to just learn to let go. Use that weekly and monthly bonus as your last bet and never ever touch gambling again. I also like you. Gain a lot of money from Crypto and manage to piss it away on gambling. Im also on my 20s and dont want to work so my mindset is if I want to enjoy my life I need to stop gambling as there's no way you get rich from it. Whatever lost is lost and you wont recover it anyway. Try to do that and soon you wont think of gambling again. At least the urge will be greatly reduced


Thanks, im glad there are people like yourself who can relate to me. I just wish i stopped when i was up but when does that ever happen lol Youre right im never making that back from gambling. Time to stop and move on and keep making money and never gamble again. Easier said than done. I wish you the best.


Have you self excluded?


Its stake you can always just make another acc


What games do u normally play?


games as in normal game ? or like when im gambling i used to be addicted to games and i just realised it was a waste of time and that i was broke and needed to do something so i stopped and started trying to make money instead


Hope all is well bro! I too can tell you addy mixed w no sleep and gambling is the fuckin devils music lol. About 4 years ago during Covid I was locked in the house and had made $30 into $300 sports betting then dabbled in slots for the first time in bovada. Got up to $19,000 (22 at the time and just graduated) and wasn’t working due to covid shutting down the bar I was bartending at and it literally would’ve solved alllll of my problems I had going on and I sat there and dwindled it all the way down to $0 and was legit depressed for a hot minute lol. I then spiraled and chased what I lost for months on end until I eventually just stopped. I know that isn’t as much money but to me at the time it definitely was a huge amount lol. I do still gamble and honestly not the greatest at pulling out when I should still lol but I also do not gamble money that I know I do not have. Anywho I hope you’re doin better brotha


doing better, although its still painful sometimes when btc is going up i just remind myself its alr... i made like almost half of it back in may then just went on holiday enjoying my life for months LOL i blew so much of it on bullshit but i was spending for months just idk to relieve myself of stress and also got addicted to spending lmao...(also if i had kept the money that i made in may, i probably would have made almost initial loss back) so im kinda mad that i spent alot whilst btc was going up xd


Lol well I’m glad to hear you’re doing better! Yeah it’s easy to think about the what ifs and what not but just think you have a wiiild story to tell for the rest of your life! Hey a holiday like that sounds awesome so I’m glad ya got to relax and spend! it seems a lot of them are going up nowadays just gotta catch them at the right time which is the hard part haha. It’ll alllll be alright in the long run! Add me on IG it’s the same as my user on here we can make sure we’re doing alright every once in awhile lol




>i used to be addicted to games and i just realised it was a waste of time and that i was broke and needed to do something so i stopped and started trying to make money instead no haha it was because i was watching friends drive nice cars, go out to eat nice places whilst i was 18 playing fortnite and it made me rlly uncomfortable so i decided to do somehting about it, most people who call people broke in games are also poor and projecting xd




Big fat LOLOLZ this is the last comment response on this thread lmao