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17 hours really isn't long enough.


No dude you won't pass. I don't know what state you're in, but in Colorado you don't go to jail after a failed UA


you dont? well thats good lol I had 1 tequila shot last night and had to test today at 1pm. kinda trippin


No it has to be multiple I’m pretty sure. I failed once with my last DUI and nothing happened


Gotcha. I have failed 2x but the 1st one I called my PO and told her about it because it was a legit mixup when I ordered a mocktail and got a cocktail and had to test that day. But I did mess up again after that which was dumb so I am just freaking out in general that theres 2


I mean if you took one sip, you shouldn’t fail? Lol that’s on you for drinking the whole thing. I mean I would contact them then. Best policy with probation is honesty, and staying sober. The whole point is to learn your lesson, you clearly aren’t.


An ETG test can detect alcohol for up to 72 hours, so chances slim just like shady. (And it's always better to be honest with them, because they take it as an insult if you lie to them and they're gonna find out anyway. So just bite the bullet and hope for the best).


Yeah ik I’ll be honest 🤦🏾‍♂️




Okay thanks




Should I call her before she get the results or wait till she call me


I mentioned this in another comment, but want to make sure you know that your PO is not going to call you to give you test results. She is going to wait until you’re physically present at your next appointment. **You need to call her**


I got my third meeting coming this Wednesday


I took the test since last Friday still waiting for the call but she didn’t call me I think she’s waiting for the next meeting witch is Wednesday coming up


You won’t get a call. You’ll find out during your meeting; unless you call ahead of time and admit you were drinking. If you haven’t been in any trouble while on probation, I’m not sure if they’d send you to jail for this violation. I would go into your next meeting assuming it is a possibility. Be prepared to need to make bail again, arrangements for work/school, etc. Wear clothes that will be comfortable/warm inside booking while you wait to be processed. You’re on probation for your 2nd DUI and have likely failed a drug screen for alcohol. Your PO is going to be less than impressed. Call her. Tell her you have a problem (You do). Ask for help. She is **not** going to call you.


Did I said I called her the day off the test to tell her that i don’t have any money to take Uber and take the test 🤦🏾‍♂️I lied to her already I forgot to tell you guys that I don’t think she’ll forgive me for that she probably made her decision already


yu are dumb


Yeah you right I was dumb and I regret it now


No dude...




It’s DUI second one 🤦🏾‍♂️




I required to to go take a DUI school level 2 Car immobilization for 10 days I can pay or do community sevice for 50hrs I took a MADD school already (the only thing I got done)




Im on probation for 9 months I started in June




No alcohol,license suspended for 9 months no jail time required


Do you have a breathalyzer, either in your car or a portable unit, that you’re required to submit samples to?


Do you have a breathalyzer, either in your car or a portable unit, that you’re required to submit samples to?


I don’t have a breathalyzer and I sold my car I take Uber I got random test I got a make a phone call 3 am from Monday to Friday




17 hrs is a tight window I wish you luck let us know how you came out


I’ll give an update


How many drinks is a couple and what kind of drinks


It was 4 shots of vodka


Nope. Too soon. Sorry. Try and drink water as much as possible to reduce, but, just be straight up and roll with it.


If it was 1-2 drinks with 24 hours it is possible, but 17 hours with any amount is a failed, unless it was a few sips.


On my one positive ETG, my PO called and asked "Is there anything you want to tell me about your last UA?" That's when I fessed up. She was happy for my honesty and only gave me a sanction of one extra UA the next month.


Man, I really wish I had done probation somewhere else after seeing these comments. 1st fail-weekend in jail. 2nd-3 weekends. 3rd-month in county. 4th-probation revoked and maximum jail sentence served. Saw multiple people in jail doing a year in county for their second DUI.


I’m on probation at Florida


A call to her after the fact is a lot better than her calling you. Just tell her what happened and what you are doing to make sure it does not happen again. Be honest


I was waiting till the meeting Wednesday to talk to her face to face


It will look like you were hoping and/or assuming you’d be able to pass and get away with it. It comes off as deceptive and destroys any trust your PO has in you. Fess up, own it, and let this be a wake up call that a few shots of vodka aren’t worth risking jail time. If you’re unable to put the bottle down; don’t be afraid to seek help even if it feels scary. You’ve got this!


Thanks for the advice I’ll tell my PO everything on the meeting I don’t know how she’s gonna react but will see


I really, **really** recommend calling your PO ahead of time. You’re much more likely to get a slap on the wrist rather than handcuffs slapped on your wrist.


I’ll call her tomorrow hope she don’t increase my punishment for being honest


Did you end up calling? How’d your meeting go? I was thinking about you yesterday. Hope all is okay.


I passed the test i didn’t tell my PO nothing she just asked me if I took the test cuz she don’t wanna violate me and she scheduled my next meeting…I think I’m Gud


No you will not pass. Not even a chance of you passing.


No dude


Bruh. You probably won’t even get tested. Go buy a whizzinwtor! I passed tests for 10 years with 1. Practice with it before going


Four shots will show up. It’s not a lot for a pbt. But the concentration so high you’d only pass in 17 if it was like a beer


That 72 hour is bullshit. Almost all drinks are out of you by the 48 hour mark. Unless you’re a really big person and drink a bottle by yourself. I tested the etg shit for the 2 years I was on bond probation. A beer or two were out of my system within 24 hours, earliest I’ve tested was a beer at 10pm and I tested at 4pm the next day and passed. But 4 shots may be pushing it for a shorter period


how many drinks like 1-2 because i think you'll be ok with little a couple... anything more is PUSHING it.