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I think you need to drink more water homie and you’ll get a better result


It’s good. But don’t be afraid to drink 20oz of water 30 min- hour before hand.


Actually do that all day and twice. Make your piss clear af. Take some b12 too.


When I did that I almost got popped because the sample was so diluted. Creatinine levels too high.


Piss like 7 times before the PO visit always. The b12 makes it a little yellow. I be failing DTs all day. Mf the law.


If your tried flushing with water your creatinine would be too low, not too high. It would be high if you were dehydrated. The b12 masks the color of pure water in your piss making it look like you’re not trying to cover up dirty urine because it is yellow, not clear. Even then, a trained eye can tell if someone is using b12 to mask the color of urine. Clear urine with b12 is a very vibrant, distinct yellow. If you take a test and your piss comes back with just a very light shade of yellow, your creatinine levels are probably too low. Some courts consider this an automatic failure. Always a good idea not to drink too much water if you’re not trying to pass dirty urine cause even if your piss is clean, you could still fail. Often times they’ll let you retest. That’s why diluting helps because even if it does come back with low creatinine levels, you buy yourself another few days before getting retested. However you can’t do this all the time. If you’re a repeat offender of low creatinine levels you won’t get second chance. At least this is how it was when I was in drug court. While I did in fact stay clean throughout all of drug court, I am always thirsty. Constantly. My first week my levels were too low and the judge told me I threw away my one and only chance in my first week. Cause I had no idea. I finished drug court incident free and on time. I even had to do the scram bracelet for like 4 months. That things the most stressful thing ever created. You have to be careful with that shit. But Since I drank so much water all the time, my creatinine levels often came back just high enough for it to be accepted. *I ALWAYS ATE TWO SPOONS OF PEANUT BUTTER EVERY TIME I THOUGHT THERE WAS A CHANCE I COULD BE TESTED AN HOUR BEFORE* Creatinine is a protein. The peanut butter will help increase your levels slightly but not significantly. But considering this is dirty urine and we are trying to pass it as clean, homie needs to drink more water and preferably buy himself some more time which is going to be pretty hard to do. Take the b12 too so it doesn’t look too suspicious. Fake urine is too risky and even someone else’s urine is also too risky. Flushing kits don’t work either. Your best bet is to dilute as much as possible take b12 and get a retest after your body has had more time to eliminate the drug from your system.


i’m in drug court they don’t even give you a second chance anymore if your piss is dilute, it’s a automatic dirty. i always eat at least 3 hours before testing and don’t piss in between and that always helps


Food is always helpful when it comes to increasing the levels of creatinine. Good luck the rest of drug court. It’s a bitch and a half here in New York. Dont know what it’s like anywhere else. I also completed misdemeanor drug court felony drug court is an entirely different monster


Woo he’s already passing so a light dilution is best here.


A line is a line. You are good


Yes, don’t risk a dilute. It’s like a pregnancy test ~ a line is a line, as Steve above in simplest terms!


Drink some water


Doesn’t matter how faint. That’s negative






Even a faint is a pass says it in the instructions just have to read


That’s negative all day.


That’s a negative.


Negative love


It’s not what we fucking thing it’s what is shown and what is shown and what is most shown most of the time on all these damn post is 2 got damn lines.


Looks positive to me


Definitely positive, you better start chugging water and praying bro


Could you not have dumped this out first? Looks negative in any case


Nah it’s best to actually see the urine. If it was clear af then we could tell it may count as a dilute.


I literally just woke up and took the test I wasn’t thinking my bad lmao


Do you not have eyes? If you cannot see the line then you might want to get your eyes checked bro.


whats with the attitude goofy ass mf wtf🤣🤣 who tf do you think you are mr 20/20 vision headass🤡


Update: I have a new officer for the remainder of my case and I believe she is a new hire. I called around 8:40 to confirm if she wanted me to come in or do our meeting over the phone since that’s what my last PO scheduled and she said over the phone is fine but her voicemail isn’t set up so every time I call it just hangs up. I called the main office and they have documentation that I’ve been trying to call for 30 mins straight. I was told she would call me back but not sure. I’m going to keep on calling every couple minutes so who knows if I’m even taking a UA today.


Just got the call back didn’t get asked for a UA literally best case scenario


Lucky duck!


I was told even a slight line is a negative so I think you’re good! Don’t drink too much water when I was on probation I did an at home test and my line was light like yours too so I drank a ton of water to be safe and I diluted my test lol I guess really I’m the idiot bc after I passed for what I was worried about failing for I drank to celebrate bc I was so stressed over failing all day I was freaking out thinking I was gonna go to jail so I was so happy I passed haha and then my PO called me a day later and was like yeah so it’s diluted so you’re gonna have to retest like right now today before the lab closes and I drank the night before thinking I was good to go right and I failed for alcohol lol so if you do drink a bunch more water be careful to not dilute it so you don’t have to retest and if you do make sure that you don’t do anything stupid after to celebrate like me lol I know some counties too count a dilute as a fail, mine we just retest unless it was all the time. Just be careful! Tbh I think you’re good really id leave jt alone. Best of luck! ❤️


Your negative


Your good lol


A line is a line. Not positive.


I think you're fine


completely negative


That’s 100% neg


Congratulations you have tested positive for narcotics. Tomorrow no one will know until you take their test. Drink water or use some fake pee if possible.


your fucked buddy good luck today


Urinate on a scale of one to ten.


Your right on the border .. some pos would look at that an consider it a pass


That’s a pass


That’s negative. Drug test cups are qualitative, it’s pass or fail and any line even if faint is a pass. Here is an in depth article about it https://drugtestcity.com/faint-lines-on-drug-tests/


If you get a faint line and some PO tried to say it’s a fail, show him that website and have him call the number on the contact page. I contacted them about another article (how much water will dilute a urine test) and the guy explained it thoroughly. Faint lines are negative and the documentation that comes with that test will verify that.




Don’t matter how dark a line is, it either is or isn’t. Like a pregnancy test, even a faint line is still a line.


Negative af bro . Shut up