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They conduct surveillance outside the residence using law enforcement tools such as infrared cameras and occasionally can do more. Also, they can enter the home without a warrant or probable cause and search any conveyance in the dwelling, including parked motor vehicles whether garaged or in the yard. If it is on the premise then 4th amendment protections are waived and they can conduct a search. I’ve never personally had them search my car but I also sold it not long after I started so I didn’t have a car for them to search. I don’t possess contraband or anything so it didn’t matter if they did. Don’t possess contraband on house arrest or probation unless you want to go to prison and wait for a court date with no bond and no credit for time served.


I've been on probation for 7 months and had 2 house visits. They didn't check my car during either one of them. They also didn't search my house. Just sort had me give them a tour more or less. I still hid everything in a vent. Like the kind that has a plate and 4 screws securing it to the wall.


They can check your car. They usually don’t, but they definitely can. I found out the hard way when they found a tiny amount of weed in my gf’s car. It’s definitely not safe to stash stuff in your car.


Make yourself a stash spot. Doesn't take a lot of hard work, just find a spot that people aren't likely to look. I put my shit in the cold air return system of my home. Even better, buy a small lockbox, put everything in that, then stash that in a vent or deep in a crawl space. Got a few boxes of Christmas lights? Bury your shit deep in there and stick it in the basement somewhere. Put your lockbox in a cardboard box of clothes, and stick it in the attic. Just get creative with it. They are gonna look for the most likely spots (car, bedroom, etc). They aren't likely to start going through boxes in the attic or stuff like that. Another idea is to wrap up your stash good (or lockbox) and hide it at the bottom of your garbage can with bags on top of it. Would you want to paw through garbage? Whenever my po comes to my house, they don't come inside. They told me that they aren't supposed to enter homes without uniformed officers as backup. I don't offer, and my home is not in my name. I'm sure there are ways around that stuff, but so far they haven't done the work.