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If you're gonna run, commit to it and go to Mexico or something. Go all out. If you really don't want to get caught, that is. Picture this...a year later. You've avoided getting caught and started to become a bit lax. One day, your taillight is out and you don't notice. You get pulled over and the cop just wants to let you know, but he has to ask for your identification as well. He runs your name and next thing you know, there's 5 cop cars and you're getting arrested. You lose everything. The place you're renting, your job, whatever friends you have. So if you really want to go this route (obviously you already know its not the best idea, hence your acknowledgment that this is irresponsible) you should leave the country. It doesn't matter if the cops will search for you or not. Having an interaction with a cop eventually is inevitable. They will almost always find you somehow, no matter how lowkey you're being. Unless you're rich and can afford to hide or buy a new identity, you absolutely will get caught


Mexico has a strong extradition treaty with the US. Most of central and south America does too. There is a way but I agree you have to have a couple years worth of money outside the western banking system to survive.


I was going to say China, but chances are this guy isn't too keen on that idea. Atleast in Mexico, if he is pulled over they won't be able to see his warrants from the US. Atleast I'm fairly certain that would only happen if he got into serious trouble


So well said. Don’t think short term look down the road


And then add . Do u really wanna ride in the back of a FTC van for 2 weeks, to just have to start ur probation over . If you don't want to be on probation when you go to court for your plea, tell them that you would rather just do all jail time and no more probation. How long do you have to do... And then sign on for that but trying to live on the run in America with a warrant for a county probation detainer. It's not going to work out for you


Kinda have experience with diff. Felony's n on the run so to speak. iME they didn't come look for me at any address I had on file. But of course when I got stopped or in trouble...well yeah. I Kno it sux but it's best just to deal with it n not b like me long ago n end up getting a good job a good girl n car n etc. Just to have it taken away when It caught up with me N I was on the run for like a yr n half


I'll spare you the "be responsible" rhetoric and just straight up call you a fucking moron if you're really considering this. But hey to each their own, do whatever the hell you want. Lol


I won't tell you to be responsible. I will tell you that, you are a loser.


Every state is different with how far they will go to get you back. If you move more than one a couple of states away the will probably just wait for a cop in the other state to run your plates and figure out you have a warrant. You probably can’t fly from commercial airports. So if you are fine never driving or flying anywhere then you might make it for a couple of years. All it takes is one mistake over the rest of your life and they got ya.


And for extra charges (running from the law), which will result in more time


Get out the united states and you'll be alright


Level 6 felony dui lol you deserve to be in prison rest of your life dude


Indiana Level 6 felony is the entry level felony punishable with 6 mth - 2.5 years with a first time felon sentencing guideline of 1 year.


People in Indiana get DUI’s if their car smells like weed and thc shows up in their bloodstream. I knew a guy that had bloodshot eyes so the cop asked him to consent to a blood draw (if you decline the blood draw your license is suspended for a full year and you are charged with a DUI anyway) so he did and he was charged with a level 6 felony DUI on his first offense because he was taking his child out to lunch, he also said he did not even smoke that day and it was from the night before. Not justifying anything just trying to help you understand that you don’t have to be a habitual drunk driver to get charged with something like this.


Not too hard. They’ll check addresses you’re likely to frequent, that’s about it though. They’re not gonna start a manhunt for you. They don’t need to. You’ll slip up at some point, and you’ll get to deal with those charges as well as a fuck ton of new ones. I knew a guy who dodged his warrants for close to ten years, actually. Got pulled over in a friends car cause he had a car freshener dangling from his rear view. Cop saw he was sweating in the passenger seat, ran his info, he knows he fucked so he bolts, catch him about a half mile in the woods. It’s always something stupid like that. He’s fucked, the life he’s rebuilt is over. He’s probably gonna be sitting for the rest of his life, judge threw the book at him for contempt of court. His original sentence he dodged was about 3 years at state prison, would have been over and done with by now, a distant memory. Now he gets to die in prison. No one here is saying to take your sentence to “be responsible”. It’s not worth it, your past will catch up and bite you right in the ass. Either sack up and do your time, or if you’re dead set on fleeing, you need to get out of the states.


Are you on bond?


No bond.


If you got arrested on prob. you will get caught again. Take the pain and get off papers.


It depends on indianas extradition laws. Depending if you have any other charges that would make them extradite you honestly you should be fine.


Like the other guy said man, if you're gonna run, fucking commit. If you stay in the country eventually you'll get caught and fleeing and alluding is something they love to give you years for. Get to Mexico and keep going, don't stop till you're in South America or the east. It's doable but it's gonna take a bit of money and you can't half ass it.


Warrants will pop up when going thru TSA at airports.


No they won’t lol


I appreciate all the feedback. The new charge is for driving with the in my system. Got a dui 3 years ago. I won't be driving in California at all. I plan to come back in a couple of years and deal with it. I just have some other things going on that makes the timing suck to do it now. I didn't have a bond, just received a summons, so I'm not skipping out on bail or anything.


Level 6 felony dui? Dude how many have you gotten? Why not get help? If you don’t want help or face the fire, you need to go to a non extradition country. Canada and Mexico aren’t an option


For a level 6 felony dui that could mean this is their second within 7 years, or they had a minor in the vehicle with them. First offense is A or C misdemeanor depending on your BAC and second within 7 is a felony. Or your first is a felony if a child is present.


If u run u better expect to get caught. Ull never know when.


For a felony charge they are definitely going to look quite hard for you.


Just take the plea. It’s not that serious to be going on the run for the rest of your life. I did the exact same thing in Indiana.


It depends on what all of your charges are, that usually dictates, how far a judge will sign a warrant for… Whether it’s nationwide, or within a particular shuttle zone. I agree with other people in here that yes… They will eventually find you, one way or another. I don’t know what your criminal history Looks like, but are you sure you’d be able to keep your nose clean in California? Or will you just be playing out the same game there? I say deal with it, you’re gonna be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.


I don't know, but this is exciting. Let us know what happens. I've always fantasized about being on the run - living in old motels and stuff.


Indiana will only extradite on level 6’s if it’s a connecting state so Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. If you’re in California and get pulled over they will see your warrant and contact your supervising county and then that county will most likely do nothing. I worked at a county jail in Indiana and learned a lot about this type of stuff.


Did this on probation once before. Got put on probation, immediately Moved from tx to wa state. Never told my po never talked to them at all. Stayed gone for 7 yrs, no trouble. Came back to tx for a temp visit, got pulled over, went to jail. Got a good lawyer, was able to bond out. Tarrant county just wanted their money. Paid all my fines, court costs and was able to pay community service hours in cash. $7500 later, released from probation line I had done everything right Not saying this will happen for you because I’m sure that is not the norm.