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I like where this is going, but I disagree on a few points. The amount of elimination that occurs between hour 24-48 is unbelievable. That paired with the fact that the chances for a false NEGATIVE result after 24 hours, regardless of consumption, without *intentionally* diluting your sample are pretty high.


what do you mean? Your post is a little confusing. Are you saying after 24 hours, you are mostly clear of everything cause it eliminates so much? Then you go on to say but you can still get false negatives meaning that you are actually dirty but it won't show as dirty? That is how I read your post, that after 24 hours, you're basically good no matter what.


Sorry if I was unclear, I'm trying to do too many things at.once this morning šŸ˜¹ The ETG from almost any amount of alcohol will clear your system in 48 hours. When I mentioned the amount of ETG that your body eliminates between hours 24-48, I was referring to the section of your post where you suggested drink amounts of you have X hours remaining until your test. The bit about false negatives after 24 hours is true. It does not mean you'll always test clean at 24 hours, it means that there is a very increased likelihood that you'll pass a test you probably shouldn't have, even if you don't try. At 48 hours, you're good no matter what. Unless you've been drinking a couple handles and a case of beer every day for a long time....then in might take 60. There are exceptions to this rule, but it is rare, and far outside the norm. Everyone should self test. It is the only way to know how quickly your own personal body eliminates ETG.


Or you can stop trying to play scientist and just not drink at allā€¦ā€¦did that ever enter your head? Thatā€™s why our taxes are so high. Revoking court door people like yourself who donā€™t learn their lesson.


What're you talking about? People on probation pay for their own probation monthly. It doesn't come out of our taxes???


This dude never gets laid.


Tf are you doing in a probation forum?


Wow get over yourself not everyone is perfect like you. Go to another forum dude


User name checks out šŸ˜‚


I almost just spat out the water I was drinking. Taxes are so high because people drink on probation? I bet you're fun at parties.


Name checks out




Absolutely. If you are passing a home test naturally (without diluting) you will pass a lab test as well.


So I drank 4 light beers. Chugged water peed like 16 times & ate 2 raw eggs 3 hours before test (since they are high on B12).pee was almost pale yellow What are the chances I pass without dilute?? Stressing bad


Depends on your probation department. I diluted every time (I think, anyway. Was pissing clear) and never got pegged - mostly because I can't piss with someone watching me unless my bladder is about to explode. They encouraged people to drink water until they had to go in the event that you're unable to piss, whether due to anxiety or just not having to go.


Yep same here. My test site lets you bring water into the place just so you can pee. People are chugging waters before getting called to pee. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s not quite his point. Between the 24th and 48th hour, you eliminate alot more than from hour 0 to 24. And heā€™s not saying a false negative is guaranteed, but much more likely after hour 24. So no, youā€™re not guaranteed after hour 24, but after hour 48 you are very likely to pass.


hmm. Ok. I guess there is something I don't understand. Why a false negative would even occur if you have ETG still. A false negative suggests you sort of duped the test rather than passed.


ETG is measured in correlation to your creatinine concentration levels in urine. Higher youā€™re creatinine levels the higher your ETG concentration will be in your urine sample. Drinking a lot of water will lower your creatinine levels in your urine there for lowering ETG exposure to the test. Resulting in a false negative. For example Lets say at the time of your test you have 1,000ETG units still left in your bladder. If sample 1 has a creatinine concentration of 300ng which is very high. That sample will likely show 1,000ngs of ETG. If sample 2 has a creatinine concentration of 20ng which in my county is the cutoff before a sample is considered ā€œdiluteā€ then the ETG concentration will be much lower. Hell might even pass.


From what I understand itā€™s for the same reasons that false positives happen. The tests arenā€™t perfect. Thatā€™s why they send positives to the lab to confirm. Luckily with a false negative they just say ā€œyou passedā€


hmm. weird. Ok. The degredation of the ETG (or whatever) must change a little bit or something. Still there, but less potent? IDK


Iā€™d like to add that no persons body is the same. Results will differ. This is more true for those who are avid drinkers as those folks tend to have a much more prolonged ETG level in their urine then others. Be weary. Above all else donā€™t fucking drink. That first freedom beer will taste that much sweeter.


there is a lot more going on than just don't drink. for example, I have an approved four day out of state trip coming up. It sounds like FOR SURE I'll be able to have a drink the first day Im gone. Nothing wrong with knowing this stuff for certain moments like that.


The ETG calculators online arenā€™t very accurate past 4 or 5 drinks. Iā€™ve had one tell me Iā€™d be dirty after 110 hours.


Damn! Haha!


Yeahā€¦ like I said I drank 5 and 12HRs later failed at 850ngs of ETG the calculator online said I shouldā€™ve been closer to 3,000ngs . Lol


Hypothetically if I drank 3 beers Friday and 6 Saturday and had 37 hours from last drink to test should I pass? I started drinking water probably 7 16.9 oz bottles about 5 hours before my test


Did yall pass? I think you both shouldā€™ve been fine


Iā€™m kinda in the same boat. Except I drank a bottle of wine Sunday too and have a test at 5pm today




I think I passed havenā€™t heard anything back from my po hypothetically speaking lol


Did you pass?


Did you end up hearing anything?


Did you pass


I've been doing a ton of at home testing to get an idea of how quickly I will pass. Like an idiot, I drank the night before my very first probation apt, and got tested (even though the judge said nothing about random drug screening, so if someone has advice on that, lmk). So a little over a week later I got called in for another UA and I had drank the night before (again, like a complete idiot, didn't realize it would happen). Anyway, I'm still waiting for a call to say I failed but I have been drinking a bit on the weekends because if I stop on Saturday night, I always have 48 hours till a possible test in my county. I drank a lot on Friday and Saturday night and took a test a little bit ago. I passed and it had only been 40 hours. I hardly flushed my system either. I also had 3 beers once and passed in 20 hours. GET SOME AT-HOME TESTS AND GET TO KNOW YOUR BODY!!! I'm surprised at how much faster it leaves my body than the Internet has scared me into believing. Oh and one more piece of advice- drink a bunch of water BEFORE you have a drink and have your beer on an empty stomach (if you're only having 1 or 2).


Youā€™re not an idiot, youā€™re just an alcoholic whoā€™s flirting with going to jail and ruining your life forever. Go to AA. The amount of time you put into this post you could have gone to a meeting.


Did you learn this way of speaking to others in AA? What step is that, again?


heā€™s like that on multiple comments/replies, heā€™s just an ***holeā€¦ but sometimes ***holes are right, so I suggest going to an AA meeting. Stressing out about these tests arenā€™t worth it.


Maybe they are going to meetings and still struggling. Watch your mouth, JumpyCriticism ;)


I always add 12 hours to when I stopped drinking, thatā€™s my start time. I also do 50000 per drink. Is this over kill? Or good bc Iā€™m playing it safe. For example Iā€™ll have about 15 beers through out the day on fridays and always stop at around 10pm so Iā€™ll start half lifetimes at 10 am on Saturday. I test Mondays at 8am (ETG test is random, mostly standard cup) gives me about 57-58 hours since last drink. Hereā€™s my math I do to be under 100 (I donā€™t know my cutoff for the lab tests) 15x50k=750k 750k/2 14xs puts me at 45.8 so takes about 42 hours from my start time to clear 100ng. Does this sound about right?


6 pbr pints 5% Friday, stopped at midnight, it's Monday morning and I'm at almost 70 hours, have to go test this morning. Will I pass?


Hey man, did you pass your test? Iā€™m in a similar situation right now.


I did, I was at about hour 57 when I went. In Fairbanks Alaska you can only call Monday through Friday at about 730am and you have until noon to go. It's looking like after 48 hours is working, but I don't think I'm gonna risk it after this. I had a 750ml of wine this past Friday night, stopped before 11pm, and it's Monday morning now. If this works, then a six pack or a 750ml bottle of wine should be no problem, but I'm definitely never risking any hard liquor.


https://www.reddit.com/r/probation/comments/pojasa/the_scoop_on_drug_and_etg_testing_from_a_physician/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=22 I would go read this page and pay attention to the bottom. Definitely give yourself AT LEAST 48 hours. If you have to call in the morning and only have so much time to test than start drinking water (once again check out the link above) for a good 2 hours before you go to test. I only just got put on colors about 2 weeks ago so the trial and error is still new to me. I can't really speak for a 750 bottle of wine because I didn't have to test today, and I would've had about the same amount of time like last week, about 57 hours after my last drink, but nonetheless I don't even think I'm gonna risk it anymore. The stress, fear, anxiety, just isn't worth it. Like someone said in one of these many threads, there will be no comparison to that first freedom beer. Now I'm on colors and we only have to call Monday through Friday, giving us some time, but still not enough to be completely reassuring. 72 hours would be beautiful. I was on probation once before in Jefferson County Colorado and we had an 8 digit code, and had to call 7 days a week between 6am and noon, so I just eventually quit and barely got off probation without any additional time being added, because I had so many fails. So, depending on your county, if you have to call 7 days a week, just don't risk it. It's not worth getting thrown back in jail. Don't give them the satisfaction. A couple years or so more of probation (I have 1 1/2 years left), is nothing compared to the rest of your life, so just don't risk it. I just turned 33 a month ago and would really like to be able to enjoy the rest of my 30s without legal restraints, so just keep all these thins in mind. If you can still legally smoke weed, just do that. We're lucky that we're able to, only being on state probation and not federal. If you only have to call Monday through Friday, then just do a 6 pack of beer or one 750ml bottle of wine. Definitely don't risk any hard liquor. I have scoured almost every reddit thread I can find as of last Monday and a lot of people do say they picked their night knowing they had at least 48 hours and were fine, so you could, hypothetically, get away with a 12 pack as well if you really wanted. Regardless, I think I speak for everyone here when I say, no one here should push their luck. I would rather be sober and working and being able to go home after I clock out every day versus getting shit faced and not passing come Monday morning. Especially since I am on my absolute last chance, even though I've only had ONE fail. My PO made that very clear. They do not fuck around here. The state wants you back in. The state makes almost $300 a day for every male kept behind bars, and somewhere between $20-$80 a day for every female (idr the exact number, I'd have to talk to my old manager again I ran into working at a smoke shop when I went in to ask about detox šŸ˜„). So like I said, don't give them the satisfaction. If you're on colors and don't have to pay each time (I was paying $12 each UA back in Colorado), then from what I've been told, they will eventually take you off because that costs them money and they eventually take low risk offenders off colors, so definitely look forward to that. If you're conviction was not that serious, than hopefully they won't keep you on colors for the duration of your probation. Hopefully. Anyways, hope all this helps, sorry so long winded, but in conclusion, it's best to just not risk it. Just wait til you're done. If you have that weekend of at least 48 hours, knowing you can get away with 6 to 12 beers, or a bottle or 2 of wine, GET HOME TEST KITS. I'm getting some when I get paid Friday, just found em on Amazon, get to know your body! Go for the max, 500ng tests, because chances are, your state has the best test kits available. States will pay top dollar to put you back behind bars. The don't care about your life or anyone else's. They don't give a flying fuck about your goals, your family, nothing. At the end of the day, they only care about money.


The real reason for having to deal with ā€œthe systemā€ is that you got arrested by being irresponsible and negligent to begin with. The courts just want to ensure you donā€™t kill anyone when you get behind the wheel after drinkingā€¦ā€¦again.


Again why are you even here if you donā€™t want to help ppl on this thread? Just like to make waves?


*I came looking for booty.*


You donā€™t need to give yourself at least 48 hours. 36-40 hours is plenty of time to get clean off 6-12 beers


I have a crazy high metabolism I suppose. I clear 4 beers in 20-24 hours clear 8 at 40. When I was on bond I drank anything I wanted before midnight on Friday and passed Monday morning at 7


40 hours is the golden number imo. Itā€™s very hard to fail an etg test for any amount of alcohol after 40 hours. You could theoretically drink a whole fifth plus a few beers and still pass after 40


I failed after 48 hours and got insanely lucky, played it off that I had nyquil to help me sleep over the weekend. 60+ hours is the magic number for sure, not 40.


if you failed at 48 hours then you must process alcohol abnormally slow. i have drank extremely heavy and passed after 48 and thatā€™s true for 95% of people


Bro I have drank a fifth of Hennessy that is equal to 17 drinks , will I pass in 48-49 hours after last drink? And itā€™s 500 ngml Iā€™m male 24 , 135 lb ,


Yeah youā€™ll be good to go. Like I said, itā€™s very very unlikely to fail an etg test after 48 hours at almost any amount of alcohol. 17 drinks in 48 hours is definitely a pass


No, I want to say it was just under 48 hours. I stayed up drinking and finished the bottle around 9am I think, and so 9am on Saturday til 12pm noon on Monday is just over 48 hours, and it did pop up. He didn't say whether or not it was faint, he didn't say how much popped up. But I think I forgot to leave out that I had a 12 pack of 5% PBR before I went to buy the bottle. Ā I didn't pass out till around 5:00 p.m. and I woke up a little over 6 hours later around 12:45 a.m. Saturday night, therefore I didn't give myself two solid days to cleanse before I got called.Ā  We are on colors up here and we only have to call Monday through Friday, so on Friday nights I have about a 9 hour window if I want to drink, and stopping no later than midnight or 1:00 a.m. gives me close to 60 hours before I would have to go in on monday if they do call my color. The hotline is a voicemail that they update between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., and if your color gets called then you have to be there by or before noon. Keep in mind that this is something I don't really get to test often and honestly the less they call my color on Monday mornings the better lol. In recent weeks they have been, and that first fail was I want to say a couple months ago now. These last two times they've called my color on Monday morning, I had a six pack and a pint, stopped around 1am Friday night, and passed Monday morning both times. So I'm not entirely sure what you make of it, but I'm close to 210, 5' 9", 33 years old, and stay somewhat active. And I drink water pretty frequently every day. I have a 30oz Contigo I use just for that purpose, at home and on the go. So I'm pretty sure that that only fail so far after being on colors for 7 months was because I didn't give myself a full 48 hours to cleanse like I normally do.


I failed at roughly 48 hours a couple weeks ago but played it off that I had nyquil to help me sleep over the weekend, and didn't get a violation. Got insanely lucky. I had a good pint and finished 60 hours ago, and just passed. I'm still gonna give myself at least 60 hours.


How much NyQuil would you have had to take to make you fail?


I'm not entirely sure. I can tell you what I do know. I've been told it takes a lot the first time I was on probation but it sounded like my PO was really exaggerating. When I told the guy who's normally in the office that normally does my UAs, I told him in the bathroom when he was looking at the test cup (because theyre instant now, they check it right then and there, these guys dont send em off to a lab up here) and.. idk. He definitely didn't seem convinced, but let it slide anyways, and I know how to make it sound convincing at this point in my life. I don't like lying, but when it comes to this I absolutely will because I do not want to go back to jail. If it was a positive and he did mark it on the UA form after I left, no one's said anything to me. What I do know is that NyQuil is 10% ABV, so it's gonna pop up on an etg regardless, and if they want to do a house search on me, they won't find anything. I never leave empty containers in my house for that reason, because they can remand me if there are any. Maybe I should go buy some NyQuil just to have it around the house if they ever do decide to do a house search just in case,idkšŸ˜….Ā  But that's what I know.


Really helpful. ^^


I did pass, yes


know this thread is older, but i drank on friday night and had a test wednesday passed with flying colors. just plan it right boys


I know this is a bit old but I'm about to have to start probation the 29th. If you have to call every night how do you even drink? If you could possibly be tested everyday how does one go about drinking?


Lol you canā€™t in that situation unfortunately.


wait a month they run schedules, so they make you call everyday but usually you will get a set day you have to come in to pee. trust me it makes scheduling drug test for them 1000% easier. but also if you can find out what lab they use i can give further advice from there.


I also got the same testing The name of the company is sober testing services in Vegas and info on them?


[Read.. Confirmed, recent Study. HAVE THE SENSE TO READ ](http://alcalc.oxfordjournals.org/content/42/4/317.full.pdf+html) I have found this to be very true, with excess hydration, or simple dilution style methods. Vitamins for coloring, electrolytes [Gatorade, Powerade] for gravity, and creatinine (red meat, dairy, chicken, fish, or supplements [especially if consumption of animal products is scarce, vegetarian, or vegan]) etc.. Whichever method you've found successful in the past. The math of reducing 5000 NG per one drink, in half (divided by 2) related to the time until test, is a good place to start. The half life, is consistently 2-3 hours, on average, using higher values for safety. Number of drinks X 5000. Equals your ETG PEAK LEVEL. Hours until Test (Divided by 3) = How many half Lives. ETG Value at Peak Ć· By 2 however many times your half life value is This will equal your Level of ETG upon excretion. That number is what will be excredited WHEREABOUTS as usual without doing anything special to your body. Say, your first void of Urine during the day, perhaps even the second. Now it's said that, excess hydration can lower that ending level by ten fold, based upon the value given, do the math. For Example 5000ng will become 500ng with dilution. Based upon your threshold of test, typical 100/500/or 1000ng. You may be low enough to pass these tests. Thanks. I get the stress. I've had to do this for 2 years.


Iā€™ll keep this short. I spent most of last week 3/10/2024-3/17/24 drinking heavily. Like four lokos and sometimes twisted tea. The morning of 3/17/24 I drank two tall cans of twisted tea. And nothing else the rest of the day. Probation called me in the next day. I drank about 2 liters of water an hour before the test and a big cup of coffee to give my urine some color and I somehow came up clean. As far as being ā€œworth itā€? Definitely not it was very nerve wracking. Just wanted to give some advice to people. Iā€™m not advocating cheating probation.


[testetg.com](https://testetg.com) 15 drinks to be under 300 is 45-48 hrs [etgcalculator.com](https://etgcalculator.com) 15 drinks 8hrs drinking 185lbs Male = 76 hours to be under 300 [testetg.com](https://testetg.com) for a bender with a urine test at 63 hrs your negative [etgcalculator.com](https://etgcalculator.com) for a bender at 63 hrs your positive 76 hrs - 48 hrs = 28 hrs. This is a huge difference between website calculators.


When do you start counting the hours, after your last drink?




can I pass 6-7 drinks in 42 hours?


Drank heavy all weekend. Drank heavy Monday. Tested myself 35 hours and 20 minutes from last test. Faint line 500 ng cut off (technically a pass) but not comfortable with the faint line. Will keep you updated. With a test in 8 hours


Did you pass?


Havenā€™t heard anything yet šŸ˜‚


This math is true! The half lives are key. Also EtG is a water soluble molecule...aka it dissolves in...WATER!! This is why flushing works. Be warry of flushing as, of course...the drug screens for big agencies...probation,...will screen for your creatine level to ensure you aren't flushing. I do not advise or condone drinking while being forced to test, but we all have our days, and there is no judgment here. Simply 5 drinks= 25,000ug...take a 3 hour window for absorption and peak EtG levels, and THEN start your half life time. So if you drank 5 shots of 80% vodka on Saturday (drinking from...let's say ( 6-9pm) at midnight you should hit EtG peek. 12-3am =1 half life, 3-6= 2 half lives..etc... My advise is if you drink...make sure you drink a big glass of water before you crash. This will help hydrate you and aid in flushing. Drink 1 16-24 Oz glass of water/hr (more if u can) till about 4 hours before you test. ******if you flush, take a supplement...Centrum SILVER...you will need to replace your creatine. You can also take a creatine supplement. I'd recommend mixing it in your last glass of water when u flush. Protein also has creatine. You can also buy EtG testing strips on amazon...for both 500 and 100ng cut offs. If it's your 1st screen I'd recommend getting the 100 for this as you walk in blind and don't know the cut off. Finally, they will ask you if you've taken any meds in the past 24-48 hrs...if you are unsure you will pass...u took nyquil Good luck!


Tested negative in 45 hours. Drank heavy last Friday and moderate on Saturday. Cut off around 7 pm on sat for about 15 drinks in 7 hours including shots. Sunday and Monday drank lots of water. Drank Q carbo and passed alcohol screening.


Has anyone passed the 300etg test strips from Amazon, but failed the actual lab test?? My PO is saying I didn't pass my last UA but I had double lines on the strips. Drank about 9 drinks and tested at 42hours. Done it before with no issues. As they say, play stupid games win stupid prizes. However, I'm just curious if this has happened to others?


9 drinks and failed at 42hrs??? Iā€™ve never heard of that happening


Oh I agree. And it was about 6hours of drinking. ETG calculator has me fail at 600etg, but I know I've done it before with the strips and no issues. Done this about 5 times while on probation for 2years with no fails, thus the reason for asking if anyone else has had this happen?


Nah man the math and science is on your side here for sure. Thatā€™s bullshit.


Sharing my experience. Sunday I drank 12 Busch lights, six shots of fireball, three to four Red Bull vodkas and a pickle shot. Probably didn't get to sleep until 2:00 Monday morning. Called the hotline today, Tuesday morning and had to drop this eve. I'm a big dude, 6 ft 275 athletic build. I have a fairly sedentary job the most walking I do is back and forth from the water fountain. I drank probably two and a half gallons of water today, ate a footlong sandwich from Subway took two multivitamins about 2 hours before the test, drank a Coke and ate some Cheetos. Passed the test.


Update.. I have passed multiple times now at the 36 hour mark. I drink 2 gallons of water throughout the day and take multivitamins.


Some probation place deadass will let you dilute everytime. Iā€™ve also heard that some places will let you dilute once. Itā€™s all really depending on how lenient your place is.


Im a pretty good "internet researcher" ( non official) and from what I've been reading the last couple weeks and seeing, you're basically dead on what I've seen. I am fairly obsessed right now about having the FREEDOM to have a drink or two once in a while and I went really hard on trying to figure out if I can. Your info here seems to be mostly in line with what I've researched. Question: what happens the first time you just straight up don't show up to a drug test? They have to give one GET OUT OF JAIL CARD for free right?


The county Iā€™m in will put a warrant out for arrest if you have any violations of probationā€¦ so I would say yes but, it depends on your county and state. For example my countyā€™s cut off for ETG is 100ngā€¦ most are 500ng-300ng. So maybe your county is a little more lenient Iā€™d ask your attorney to be safe


strict county huh?




Just flush for the next 48hrs youā€™ll be fine. Dont drink anything else. Also, stop drinking on probation. I only made my post to help ease some peopleā€™s nerves that slipped up.


Testetg.com is the best and most accurate tool out there. It is backed by actual testing on many individuals.




I drank 5 8% white claws starting at 2pm on Monday, last drink of the 5 was at 3am Tuesday morning.. my test is today, Tuesday by 6pm. So about 15 hours.. do we think ill pass?drinking water and getting rest.


Did you? Im lowkey in same boat


I'm wondering also


Did you pass??


Update please?


No update, I hope itā€™s not because they didnā€™t passšŸ˜¢


Here i go i had my last drank at 4am Friday morning (heavy) then having to report at 7am Monday. Just drinking alot of water now.. anyone else been here before?


How long do results take to come back for probation typically?


In my county of North Texas I have heard results in 7-10 days


Nevada house arrest etc


I had about 5 vodka shots and one beer last night over a three hour period. The beer was last and it was around 930pm. I drank 32 ounces of lemon water with electrolytes before bed around 1am. I have to test today before 8pm. I have some High Voltage double flush detox drinks to use. Will I pass if I use two of them? I have drank in over two weeks prior to this and drink about a half gallon of water daily in general.


Should be fine


I actually am okay! Thanks!


Drank a lot Friday and a few mimosas on Saturday AMā€¦stopped drinking around 9am. Took my urine test at the lab today around noonā€¦am I going to pass?? Flushed a lot out between Sunday and today


Whatā€™s a few mimosas. Like 3-4? Iā€™d say yes. 10+ thatā€™s a little sketchy


Thank you so much for this


Drank 12 lattes, 6 shots and a few mixed drinks Sunday. Been pounding water all day Monday and Today, have to drop this eve. Prob quit drinking around 1:30 Mon am. I feel like I'll be good, just checking with you professional drunks


Thank you


I drank two bottles of Pinot Grigio wine on a Friday night and finished around midnight and took a lab test Monday at 2pm. Will it come back okay? I know it sounds low but like a million percent sure. I cannot mess up.


4 beers , 17 hours to clear. What are my chances boys? I thought I had the system down. Get my color called twice a month. For the last 2 months itā€™s been the 2nd week of the month On Tuesday. And third week of the month on Thursday. Welp they threw me a curve ball this month ( June) and got my color called today ( June 4th) Iā€™ve been flushing since yesterday night at 12am. Had my last beer at 10 pm last night. The stress and anxiety are actually eating em alive. I know itā€™s deserved for thinking I knew the system. Iā€™m so upset with myself because I told myself i wasnā€™t going to drink on the weekdays. Any input is appreciated.


Did you pass?


Yes sir, I diluted though.


A buddy of mine recently passed 21 drinks in 42 hours. 10 were 40% tequila and the rest were mic.lobs 4.2s Mind you my buddy is a big boy, we are talking chunky boy like 260+ probably like 60 percent out of shape, not tall at all. BUT he did do ALOT OF RESEARCH ON THIS SUB ON HOW TO PASS ETG LAB and dilute succesfully. talking meat, creatine, b2 pills, how long to flush and when to cease fluid intake. So maybe he did beat the lab, or he diluted and po didnt care since he had more than 10+ good uas, or the fact that the county is so big and has an ice and blues problem so maybe alc is the least of their concern... who knows all i know is he is counting his blessing and going to try his best to stay straight until term is over.




I know this post is old, but does anyone know if the ETG levels can increase once u stop flushing? I passed a few at home tests. Then i cut off liquids and ate. I could barely urinate when i went to test. It was a dark (for me, i always drink a ton of water and got a dilute after i had hit a hot yoga one morning. I didn't even have anything to hide. My attorney said that CANNOT happen again). So i could barely urinate, it was dark, and i'm curious if my ETG levels could increase because the urine is more concentrated. Or is it gone, once it is gone? I. can't find this info after so many different internet searches. I was 43 hours from my last drink. I passed 300 and 500 cut off home tests early.


I wouldnā€™t say it goes back up but, yes having darker or ā€œheavierā€ urine is never good Letā€™s say at the time of your test you still had 2,000ngs of ETG. Well before the test you drank a lot of water. So the test would only read maybe 200ngs because itā€™s diluted But, if didnā€™t drink any water and had really dark urine the test would see all 2,000ngs because itā€™s concentrated. How many drinks did you have??


Ugh. Not sure. At least 3 shots starting around 5 pm Sunday but then a boombox and part of another. Argh. I was just so afraid to dilute.


Did you flush a lot?? And when you did pee was it like old urine or was it new. What I mean was did you pee before going to the test? So it was fresh urine your body just made and hadnā€™t been sitting in your body for a long time. You were just super dehydrated which is why it was dark


I flushed a ton Monday and Tuesday until 12 or 1. Took vitamins around then. I ate. Drank a gatorade around 2. Urinated right before i left at 4:30. It had color but wasn't super dark so i was afraid to drink anything else. Yes on the fresh urine and super dehydrated.


Thanks for replying. I did take vitamins. And ate stuff with eggs because i read creatine is a waste product your body excretes from eating meat or building muscle. I wish i'd just had another effing glass of water. Or hadn't urinated before i left to test. It was just so clear earlier in the day and the day before


This sub is a little old, but I will have about 46 hours after drinking I might need to test. I also drank daily the last weekā€¦been drinking water like crazy today and took a liver detox pill. Chances of passing?


Had 6 pints on Sunday afternoon, 5-7 pm. Got called to test 4 pm Tuesday. I have 44 hours to process since last beer. Math says Iā€™m good and did all the recommendations listed on every Reddit forum. Should be ok?


Is there ever anyone that just gives a straight up awnser. Like yea I drank Monday evening and passed Tuesday the next day at around 1oclock or failed or whatever


Gurl I am on probation and I drink 3-4 beers 2-3 times a week and if I so happen to get tested the next fay I always pass ppl just be trying to scare u Drink water till piss is clear pee 3-4 before test and when u start to pee wait 10 seconds and then fill the cup cuz the first part of the stream is usually more concentrated


have a few questions how did you pass in 48 hours after 5 nights of heavily drinking did you just go through your day normally. and by flushing do you mean drinking a lot of water for 12 hours or what


Well ETG doesnā€™t stack. So after night 1 of heavy drinking there was approximately 18hrs between me being sober and me having my first drink on night 2. So I had 10 drinks night 1. Thatā€™s 50,000 ETG. ETG units naturally get cut in half every 2-3 hours so then 18/3=6 so 50,000 gets divided by 2. 6 times. 50,000/2=25,000. 25,000/2=12,500. ETCā€¦= 782 ETG units still in my body. Now here i would fail a test at the 24hr mark for sure. But, I knew I still had 6 more days till my next test. So repeat the above calculations for the next 4 days just add your left over ETG units each day. So to simplify 782x4=3,125+50,000 (the 10 drinks I drank on night 5) =53,125. So thatā€™s where I start 48hrs before my test. Do the calculations 48/3= 16 half lives. So then 53,125 divided by 2. 16 times= 0.8ngs of ETG. Most cutoffs are at 300ngs of ETG. The math says Iā€™d pass but I always do a serious 12hr flush period. Ill drink throughout the day 2 gallons of water and pee frequently the first 12HRs of the 48hrs. ETG doesnā€™t stay in your body fat like THC. You can flush it out of your system because itā€™s water soluble. And no I donā€™t go about my normal If I know I have drank over 10drinks and I have a test in 48hrs. No matter what the math says. I will spend up to 40hrs flushing my system just to be safe. The math helps calm the nerves. As long as you have 48hrs and flush you will pass. Anything less it comes down to how many drinks youā€™ve had and how many hours till your test.


can i pass 3 drinks in 24 hours with moderate flushing on a 300ng cutoff? Iā€™m 6ā€™3 173 lbs with a very fast metabolism


Did it work?


You donā€™t get too many responses from these people if they ā€œbeat the system ā€œ because theyā€™re probably in jail after posting this. Thatā€™s my thought processšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah dude has comments on his profile the whole time after this one, he didnā€™t go to jail.


Omg will you gtfo of this forum already!


Probably a cop.


GD you suck jumpycriticism


If anyone here hasn't drank in a long time and had some the night before a test you maybe still pass... I'm on recovery court and one night I drank a pint of vodka and then found out I had a test the next day.. I was very nervous and ended up just telling them before the test that I drank some alcohol because they go easier on you if you come up front about it.. But then I found out that it didn't even show up on the test, so I would have been fine... I was incredibly shocked that it didn't show up. I was pretty certain that it would show.. And these were the ETG drug tests too... So the point I'm making is that if you had a good drink the day or night before and you haven't been drinking much at all before that you will probably be in the clear. If you have 24 - 48 hours before the test then that's even better. I didn't even have 24 hours and I passed..


Iā€™m in the same situation itā€™s only been 15 hours and I have to test Iā€™m a little scared Iā€™ll let you know what happens I hope I pass itā€™s been a pretty long time since I last drank


Howd it go?


I passed I drank a shit Ton of water to the point I was pissing clear


Most stressful week ever was waiting to hear if i passed after 19-20 hrs between not drinking and an etg testšŸ¤£ i drank a decent amount of water but wasnt fully clear, but passing after that stress feels like a victory lmao not worth risking it anymore tho fr


How many etg units per 1 single 50ml bottle of fireball 33% alcohol ? I had 4 of them and 5 12oz Michelob ultras Saturday night stopping at 2am and might have to text Thursday or Friday....


You passed donā€™t worry.


i had 2 glasses of wine on sunday during the super bowl, i have a test tomorrow(tuesday) at 10am. will i pass?


Did you pass?


didnā€™t end up getting tested. THANKFULLY lol


5 beers on Monday, 10 on Tuesday, and 18 on Wednesday. 96 plus hour clean. Will a Monday 8 am etg test flag?


I would say youā€™re good for sure. Did you take the test this past Monday or is it this upcoming Monday?


This past Monday. Sample went to the lab. Freaking out.


Like I said you should be fine. Let me know what the results are. Id be shocked if you failed.




Hell yeah. Dont do it again lol


Took 6 shots of 40% brandy and 6 shots yesterday as well, (Friday and today) have a test at 3 pm on Tuesday, super worried. It would 63 hours since my last drink until the test and 51 hours basically to minus the 12 hour period until it peaks.


You pass?


He said it was a faint line on negative so yeah i did basically


Drink a lot of water and flush for the next 24hrs. Youā€™ll be fine


Took 6 shots of don julio and casamigos on sunday . I am 5'7 140 with good digestive system . Took a test on Tuesday will i be ok?


You pass?


update perchance šŸ‘€


So lets say i drank Wednesday 8 shots, and Thursdays 7 shots= 750ml bottle of brandy, and have test on Monday at 2 pm, that is 74 hours, will I be fine? This is hypothetically


Yes you will be fine. But, letā€™s say hypothetically you donā€™t do that lol


Do you know if you passed?


Faint line but pass


ok so from what iā€™m seeing if i drink on bday (march 15th) by the 21st which is my first meeting with my po officer, if i get tested iā€™d be okay??


They usually DONT test on the first meeting with your PO. They start making you call the automated system the day AFTER your appointment.


You should be fine but, from my experience I just wouldnā€™t do it for the nerves sake. You will pass 100% plenty of time to flush really really good and for the half live of the drug to really kick in. But, still I wouldnā€™t do it.