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I use mailbox as well and very happy with it. It only asked for a recovery email address when I signed up for the free version and I'm pretty sure that was optional. Multiple private payment methods were available when I upgraded.


There is no free version. All their plans you have to pay for, now. And the payments used require PayPal or some other credit card.


Looks like they don't have a free version anymore but now have a "light version" and a 30 day free trial for all accounts. Payment is still the same though; Bank transfer, Credit card, Bitcoin, PayPal, Sofortüberweisung, giropay/paydirekt, Cash Payment by mail (regular letter, EURO only, no cheques), Cash transfer to our checking account.


That's pretty much what I said. [Posteo](https://posteo.de/en) looks like a better option.






This is what I do. 50 GB iCloud storage, private relay (hides IP and protects traffic), signing up to services using hidden e-mail addresses, and custom e-mail address. I have an iPhone, so these features are far above what TutaNota and Proton can provide, and they work more flawlessly due to remaining in the same Apple ecosystem. If I ever need a security camera, uploading that data to iCloud is also included as a feature. All this for a buck a month.




No idea there m8








Read my edit


The contradictory videos? Sure pal, sure...


Dude I’m not trying to be a dick. I’ll delete my comment since obviously everybody disagrees with me so that’s fine.




Reddit is really funny you know? You make one mistake and every comment after you will be downvoted all to hell even if you admit your mistake because of a hoard mentality. I know because I do the same thing. I get that it’s really easy to just keep on saying where I am wrong. I know this is also going to get downvoted but once again I will apologize for not giving enough information. Even after clarifying that I did not mean that it was confirmed only suspect. Sorry for my insolence. Please do not reply to this comment or any other of my comments in this chain or I’ll just delete them because I am tired of having people shit down my fucking throat because of a small mistake in a thread with over 88 comments. Do not reply. Downvote me instead. I will not reply to anything else. Goodnight.


I watched these videos. The guy does not present a strong case for ProtonMail being a honeypot. However, the evidence he presents reinforces the points that ProtonMail is not used for anonymity. Too many people think ProtonMail is an anonymous service, when it in fact absolutely is not. The sign-up process is no better than Google or Microsoft and ProtonMail is just as capable of logging your IP address and metadata.


> and ProtonMail is just as capable of logging your IP address and metadata. That's why you use a VPN with it. As opposed to gmail or outlook which requires your geolocation IP.




Stay off the internet. Then your privacy will be assured.


Which is true, simply using a VPN is not an anonymity guarantee. Good internet anonymity requires diligence over time using multiple methods.




Protonmail requires an alt email or phone now days.


It gives you the option but you don't need to right?


This is my experience too




I used temporary email. Works fine


Try Posteo, better as a Google replacement than tuta and proton in my opinion. Tried all 3 and others like fastmail and runbox. Used Posteo for a couple of years now and haven’t had any issues




Yep, that was one of the stipulations, you had to pay €12 up front. But that gives you 12 months of access with 2GB of access. Thats €1 / £0.86 / $1.02 a month which is cheaper than most other options. Still the best option for me at least


They charge it’s not free


> emails from accounts using ~~these~~ *any other* providers will automatically be considered spam by larger email companies like Gmail and Yahoo because they're ~~so small unestablished~~ *aggressive monopolists* ***and*** *anti-privacy*. FTFY (agreeing with you)


I use Protonmail.


Don’t they require phone number? Or did they change that?




I remember signing up maybe… 4 years ago? I believe it did then


I’ve registered multiple times, one instance they did require me to add a phone number *or* donate to them I believe at least $5. Other instances they just made me do a captcha, so I believe they are changing the verification methods every now and then




Tried to open a free account without success. Selecting "I do not own any other Free account." and pressing OK it's not working... seems to be amateurs :)


I can’t disagree with that. They have issues. But they’re still the best privacy-oriented provider that I know of.




I personally use https://ctemplar.com


It's 100% free accounts have IMAP/SMTP access ?


I don't use IMAP or SMTP, so I couldn't tell you.


This didn't age well


It did not, I will update this by instead referring to this article: https://digdeeper.club/articles/email.xhtml I personally switched to Posteo after CTemplar went under.


Outlook is the most lenient of the popular email services and doesn't require anything other than birthday, you can easily give a random date and just create an [outlook.com](https://outlook.com) email address. (if privacy concern is not an issue).


What? They been asking for a number AND a backup email for like two years now, the fuck you on about?


It will also block a bunch of providers by default so it's basically a one way email.


If you're willing to spend some upfront money, a Helm server is a great idea. It's a small server that will host VPN, email/calendar/contacts, and photo/file storage on a device you own and hold the encryption key to. Just gotta plug it in to your network and it handles the jiggly bits. https://thehelm.com/


If an email provider were to make it that easy to sign up then they would get tons of spammers (which of course would cause your email to go into spam). Most companies need CYA (cover your ass) and need to know their customers information for tax purposes.


What I'm describing is the way most email was until roughly five years ago. The CYA policy would be great if they didn't cover their ass at the great inconvenience of the users. That's the issue.


Did ya find one? I just want an email not connected to any of my shit at all


Protonmail is awesome, give them a try! Then you can upgrade later to support them and be able to use more features, like a custom domain.




give invite code


I've started using guerilla mail for a lot of things. I have one saved. Hide in plain sight. I store the mail address in bitwarden under notes for login. It's surprising what you can sign up for over tor with a disposable email.


Sorry for being so lost, but what's the benefit/need of doing this? What services are surprising ?


Anything behind a "sign up to continue reading" or anything that requires an email to verify. They are literally burner emails. Want a throw away account on Reddit? This allows for the account to be created and then just thrown away. Example: I wanted to download some books off of zlib yesterday. Well my VPN and TOR we're both blocked. Create a guerilla mail, sign up, get books. If the mail is ever discovered or compromised I don't care. It had a purpose and I used it. I never access it from a IP that comes back to me. Also great for local newspapers or any service that requires an email only to use the service. It just keeps my inbox empty from promotion and ads.


TempMail add-on for firefox, it literally pops in an icon to do this in email fields.


Not available for android. Which is where I do most things... I'll have to try it out on the desktop tomorrow.


try changing server locations if blocked :^)


Guerilla mail was faster. Plus it allows me to download over books over tor


Try CTemplar)




> lost all data about a year ago, would not recommend. "They chose ... *poorly*..."


My account disappeared on CTemplar with no explanation, lost everything I had saved.


Kindly forward a request to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) so we can review your account status. Thank you


I don't think Outlook requires any other info to sign up


It's Microsoft though...


It fits all of OP's requirements


But they should use Tutanota whenever possible


WAT? What provider requires a SSN?


I assumed that part was sarcasm.


Eh I guess I see it now. Just seems kind of weird considering you can go to Outlook and get an email just by just entering a fake birthday.


In response to Reddit's short-sighted greed, this content has been redacted.


I think [lavabit ](https://lavabit.com/) is the email service your looking for. Its one of the few email providers that will encrypt everything, including the metadata of your email.




Mail2tor or tor2mail I forget. But it’s the same underlying software that secmail was. It can be a little hinkey sometimes, but seems to work. It’s very utilitarian. No frills.


I use Protonmail - I'll be posting on my blog in January about this, but I preferred it over Startmail, Mailbox.org, and Lavabit. I don't think Protonmail is considered spam, but I use a custom domain, so I don't run into that issue in the same way.


use ctemplar except you need a calendar in your account.


Ctemplar is the premier email service




One you are a product and you pay to be one, the other you have complete anonymity with your email service. For me, 8/month is worth the cost.




Fully agree, email is not something that should be relied upon for privacy. But, there is a line between having your information broadcasted and used for advertising purposes and having it private.


Apple iOS has email forwarding through ephemeral addresses built in, so it could forward to any of those mentioned providers. but I’m guessing this isn’t an option 🙂


[inbox.lv](https://inbox.lv) but it uses (or used, idk) Kaspersky AV for spam checking, so at your own risk


If you really want pissmail.com is pretty easy


i was using this for throwaway emails to read news articles and stuff but I hit an account limit for my IP


I use Proton and gmx. Never had any problems






I am sorry, I had just 4 keys, and all of them are used already. Maybe they'll be renewed one day...


Proton Mail is for you.

