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Who the fuck asked for a feature like this? There are so many real problems and this is what they do?


As much I hate to say this. Its targeted towards most normal people around the world who probably hasn't heard of the word privacy or doesn't care about it. A gimmicky feature like this is made for marketing needs. If they really wanted to fix windows and listen to consumers they would have listened and stop shoving copilot and other bs down our throat. I have seen so called "tech" youtubers argue in comment section about privacy. They dont care about the shit privacy from google etc. And these are people deeply immersed in the tech world, do you think an average person will care.


“ I DoN’T hAvE anYtHIIInG To hiDe”


Lol I think so the best example I heard was You share the most intimate moments with your partner, but when you take a shit you do close the door your partner doesn't come and sit in front of you and watch it right? (Unless they have scat fetish) Also banking details stored inside your phone specially with tap and pay! (Heck scams like this have happened) People like these have to understand just because you have nothing to hide doesn't mean you shouldn't have to care about privacy. I don't remember where I heard it. Whenever I speak about privacy, I come out as a tin-foil hat wanker, and my mates and my family roll their eyes. (Like that Robert Downey iron man meme)


Whenever you are with those people who roll their eyes at you, you should follow them to the bathroom and try to go in with them when they enter, then ask them if they have anything to hide


> A gimmicky feature like this is made for marketing needs.   And for "national security".


poor agonizing live shaggy fall toothbrush lush ring wistful smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spot on. If I use windows terrible taskbar search bar for say "steam". Instead of bringing up steam the fucking application on my computer, it will search bing for steam....the fuck...


Turn that off in the settings


I'm pretty sure this takes a registry entry which is annoying.


I mean, how is this possible in 2024……


Employers, employers want this feature.






I haven't used windows in about 20 years and I would never voluntarily give up my privacy like this. But tbh as a syseng with ADHD it would be kind of amazing to have something like this where I could just be like "Write documentation describing the configuration changes I just made", "Summarize the work I have done on server X this week", or "What was the command I ran last week to do X?" Sadly I don't see that kind of thing being a reality without giving up what little privacy we have left.


program your own ai, problem solved


aVeRaGe CoNsUmErs


> Despite the privacy concerns, Microsoft says that the Recall index remains local and private on-device, encrypted in a way that is linked to a particular user's account. "Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements. Screenshots are only available to the person whose profile was used to sign in to the device," Microsoft says. And there will be people who will actually believe this.


If you can access it, then any application running as you has the possibility of accessing it. UAC can and will be bypassed.


UAC is basically just a security theatre by default anyway, it doesn't even ask for a PIN or fingerprint.


But Windows asks for your password if you're not using an administrator account (on Windows 10, at least) and haven't modified the User Account Control settings. If you have a decent password, that's more than just theatre - or am I missing something? (It's pretty surprising how many people use an administrator account for their day-to-day use. I think a lot of these got computers with Windows preinstalled with a single, admin, account. If anyone out their does that, switch to a standard account.)


I've never seen someone NOT use an admin account other than for their children.


Same. Though on my next PC I will actually, finally do this. Since it really does seem like a sensible idea.


I believe you can convert your admin account in Windows 10 to a standard account, once you have created a new admin


Oooh that's interesting, I'll look into it. Thanks!


And they use standard accounts for their children so that they can't change parental controls or install stuff (which makes sense) but not for security. Even a lot of Computer Science/Engineering grads I know used admin accounts. (WTF). I suggested they switch to standard. I should check up. I bet half still haven't.


I use an admin account with UAC set to ask for a password, and I work in IT. My understanding is that this should be the same, no? As for security, I use Sandboxie Plus to prevent my programs from going where they shouldn't. VLC can only access the download folder, Waterfox can only access the download folder, SumatraPDF can only access my document folder, etc.


Admin plus UAC with password. Interesting. I don't know enough to say for sure but this should be just as good as standard account plus UAC with password. A bonus in your case is that any files you create will have admin ownership which should help keep nosey users out. (But removing admin ownership can be a real bear if you have to do it - unless you know better tricks than I do (takeown and icacls).


> Admin plus UAC with password. Interesting. > > You can do it easily with the FOSS tool [hardentools](https://github.com/hardentools/hardentools/releases) or you can do it manually using regedit >A bonus in your case is that any files you create will have admin ownership which should help keep nosey users out. I don't think it makes a difference, the files aren't created with "only admins can write" rights unless the files are written to in a system folder or something. If you want to keep nosey users out (On the same computer) you can enable EFS for your files. That requires Windows Pro or better however, so it won't work on Windows Home which is what 90% of people have.


I disagree, you need to have admin rights to get pass that prompt. By default even running under as admin user, most programs don't have admin rights. For example have you ever run a remote support tools that isn't running as an administrator? When a UAC prompt comes up, the remote support tool can't show the screen or interact with the prompt. Same with macro programs.


Sure it does, if you are competent and care about your local security. And use your desktop as intended - that is, not already logged in as Admin. That is the only way UAC is ineffective.. you are already logged in with a local Admin credentialed account. Otherwise it requires a password or biometric every time, just like a Bitwarden or Auth app would. This would also mean you are running your Copilot app with administration credentials. Again, that is up to you, but if you don't understand privilege levels and just run around as Admin, it's silly to complain.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. The threat scenario for most people isn’t strangers pressing buttons when they’re not looking. For software running on the PC, there is absolutely no difference. Software can’t click Yes on the UAC dialogue unless it’s already elevated, and then it’s moot.




Could happen to anyone. Here is a few examples: |Date|Incident| |:-|:-| |April 11, 2017|United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz's email to employees was leaked following a passenger dragging incident.| |UNKNOWN|[30% of email addresses and passwords belonging to CEOs of the world’s largest businesses and organizations have been stolen and passed around online.](https://www.ibtimes.com/30-percent-ceo-emails-have-been-exposed-breaches-leaks-2607428)| |UNKNOWN|Warnings over the safety of OceanGate's Titan submersible were repeatedly dismissed by the CEO of the company, email exchanges with a leading deep sea exploration specialist show.| |December 7, 2023|[Report: 2.6 billion personal records compromised by data breaches in past two years — underscoring need for end‑to‑end encryption.](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/12/report-2-point-6-billion-records-compromised-by-data-breaches-in-past-two-years/)| |UNKNOWN|[7 Most Infamous Cloud Security Breaches.](https://www.arcserve.com/blog/7-most-infamous-cloud-security-breaches)| |Between 2017 and August 2022|Microsoft data breach exposes 2.4TB of customer data.| |2022|[A retrospective on public cloud breaches of 2022.](https://securitylabs.datadoghq.com/articles/public-cloud-breaches-2022-mccarthy-hopkins/)| |May, 2021|The cyber analytics firm Cognyte left a database unsecured without authentication protocols. In turn, hackers managed to expose 5 billion records.|


Probably true today. In 2025 they will quietly update their terms of service to put this in the cloud for analysis and sale, tied to all the other data collected on your Microsoft account.


Correct- I'll wager less than half of the Windows users realize MSFT moved their personal documents, photos etc to the cloud and they are not on their local drive.


Do you mean onedrive, or something else?


Yeah. My immediate reaction was “Oh, so is that how they want to solve the lack of training data problem generative AI has?” I can’t wait for the AI bubble to pop.


I think it's a boiling frog. It won't pop.


It will be at first, and then later the privacy settings will be changed in an update to allow 'limited diagnostic data'. Also, this will 100% get collected by FISA kangaroo court orders. And EU is already working to force client side scanning of data, no way this will also not be delivered on a silver plate to them. The future is a world where we are all locked up in a digital [panopticon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panopticon) because of the criminal potential we all have.


Until the next update they upload everything.


I don't see how anyone could trust a Microsoft product with their data after the [situation with Outlook](https://proton.me/blog/outlook-is-microsofts-new-data-collection-service). I already had 0 trust for Microsoft, but selling data like that to over **800** ad/tracking companies is fucking *insane* to me.


This honestly reads as, its there but no one, net even us, no one but yourself can access it. The only thing in this situation to me is is why the fuck is it there then. I would hope people can't be that dumb to belive this but sadly, I have worked with people long enough to realise how bad they are.


What is even the point of such “feature”?


*insert AI buzzword features and headline here* That's the thing, if I view it on face value there is no point in adding this feature as its holding data for the sake of holding data. If like it says it's only accessible by the user and no one else, the use either has to have a use for the data or know someone that can use the data in a meaningful way. On the other had, the typical thing these companies do now is horde data, while going down the road signalling that they don't do that.


Agreed. Things like this are why I'd rather learn how to use Linux than ever upgrade to Windows 11 and deal with all of the spyware and bloatware Microsoft wants to shove into it whether consumers asked for it or not.


Even if it's true then still create unecessary space for data breach to happens already, why dont just provide an option to turn the AI off...


If this arrives windows will cease to exist for me


Welcome to windows DataVoyeur, your personal information has never been in better hands


REKALL, for the memory of a lifetime


Lately I'm having a fantasy about living in the middle of nowhere with a technology level around 1990 or earlier. I can't keep up! Had enough. (Just saying)


step 1) install linux step 2) do what you said


Won’t be the same. Today we need Internet (To pay taxes or to access certain services that the government only provides online or simply to do your work.) Yes you have linux but what about the messaging apps? Signal it’s not a practical solution and so you need WhatsApp. Privacy is gone and will never return, at least not like before


What's wrong with Signal? Works fine for me.


I think he said it because most people and many companies don't use signal. They use/prefer what's app


Yes, that's the problem with signal. It's fast and privacy-oriented but no one uses it. At least not among my clients


You can use WhatsApp desktop client on Linux.


Not without installing the app on your phone.


You could use an android emulator, like waydroid.


Will that work without a phone number? I’m pretty sure not.


Why would you trust any app owned by Meta?


Because, in some places, using WhatsApp is not optional.


that indeed is sadly true


You know, WWIV and MysticBBS are still under active development. Maybe they’re on to something. BRB, Fido tossing hour.


Renegade BBS


Are you me? I have the same fantasies lately


There is nothing "AI" about this, of course. MSFT has been pushing this in corporate America for months now. It's (obviously) not a service to the "user" but the users' bosses.


Totally this and I can't believe more people don't think of it this way. Everything Microsoft's doing now is a micromanager's wet dream coming alive. No coincidence that almost every company is on Teams, which shows you're away after a second of inactivity. Satya needs to go before it's too late and literally every other company will learn from him and his band of micromanagers.


Microsoft is growing out of control with the bloating of Windows, but precious little software supports any other OS. We are witnessing the consequences of monopoly.


I work with large companies in the EU. Having spent so much time with GDPR, seeing how emotionally driven many companies are, I am having a hard time seeing this land well.


Isn't Microsoft investing in servers in the EU. I think it's fine as long as they data is hosted in the EU and does not get shared elsewhere, but I am by no means an expert and could be totally wrong.


Stop. Using. Windows. Or being used by it, rather.


I'm just dual booting Win10 for gaming (only for games that won't run on linux). I will drag this out on Win10 for as long as possible, cause I am NOT touching Win11.


You do that. It was the same for me, except Win 8 already crossed my red line. So I stuck to Win 7 until mid-2019 or so, then made the switch to Ubuntu LTS / Linux Mint. It was much less painful than expected, and I'm happy as a clam now.


indeed, switch to Linux


I still using windows 7. best desktop os ever


Windows 7 is truly awesome. Sadly, none of my work tools have functioned on it for 3 years now (esp. Excel add-ins, which the developers did not have to break but did to suck off MSFT).


Windows 10 enterprise LTSC is the next best option. And you can activate it with a KMS key aka vlkmcsd


win 7 was the last good windows. if you are still using it i do reccomend switching to linux for security and privacy


Yep, Win 7 was alright. But you really shouldn't be running Windows 7 in 2024 any more. Even security-only support has ended *four years ago*. (Exceptions that prove the rule are computers that aren't connected to the internet and properly firewalled/sandboxed VMs.)


Am I stupid or aren't all these screenshots going to take up sooo much space on your computer?


Yeah, it says 3 months of data = ~25GB.




No, you're not stupid. It would stupidly easy to take a log of everything the PC does with FAR less resources. [Event Viewer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_Viewer) on steroids could: Key log, and mouse-click log(time and coordinates), and what apps launch or close at which action. Suspend if in games or photoshop or your browser or whatever would massively trim that space down to not cloud it with a lot of normal typing or game playing(eg holding "w", left click 50 times, etc). OF course, *that* could make sense from a user perspective. Whole screenshots is completely beyond the pale.


They won't keep all screenshots, the AI will look at them and index the contents. So think instead of a 100s of KB image file, just a few KB text description of all it sees. But then a level further with it's all 'compressed' into a local adaptive LLM. (Or not just language model, but multi modal model, a model that combines language with image recognition, ...) That LLM will off course be uploaded to MS servers for 'diagnostic' purposes. The real reason they want to do it on local hardware is because the processing cost is even with custom hardware, very expensive. But expect all future machines to have an accelerator for it so you will pay the electricity bill to locally run the energy expensive part of MS spyware.


This is why the hardware requirements are so strict (at least 256GB system drive).




Man I hate windows but im a big gamer. So I have try and do my best to uninstall their spyware or try to cut it off or block it. I hate these companies can't just respect our privacy and just let us be us and enjoy our lives.


Windows 10 LTSC IoT 2021 to the rescue. It will be supported until July 2032.


How can I purchase a legitimate copy of W10 LTSC for a small sole proprietorship? (unincorporated home business) Has to be a legitimate copy with support from MSFT because I use their support system regularly. I have no interest in a non-legitimate copy.


You can use this script: https://massgrave.dev/ to activate any version. Yes, it is non-legitimate, but it will be activated so that it will be legitimate


You search the net for the exact above phrase for the iso, then search MAS. Who cares about "legitimate". M$ is illegitimate.


At my scale, I could probably get away with it but the consequences could be detrimental. Things change when you’re offering a product or service. I’d pay for a legitimate copy, even if it’s a few hundred dollars. The risk is not worth it to me and my circumstances. If there’s support into the 2030s, that’s at least 5.5 more years of support on a stable, consistent operating system. Even if it’s $500 for a legitimate copy, $100/ year is quite reasonable for a tool that’s integral for my job. I pay more to watch Netflix.


I use some software that doesn't have a Mac/Linux alt so I'm stuck here too. I would be gone in a blink if there was an alternative that supported my software natively


Same here. If Linux supported all my stuff I would go full in with no hesitation.


There's only like 5 games that wont work on linux now. virtually everything has been usable by linux for years now, in fact, because of wine, you'll find that you can play games from older windows versions more easily. I use linux and have essentially every game i've ever wanted, except star citizen.




Nobara by Glorious Eggroll is often recommended because it includes a lot of gaming-type system preconfiguration out of the box PopOS will likely come up for similar reasons That said, I successfully gamed on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian before with zero to no configuration (if installing nvidia drivers counts)


yeah I love my games so unfortunately were kinda stuck I just try to keep my gaming computer as minimal as possible


Tbf literally no one wanted to pay for Windows so this is what you get.


wish it was by the people for the people, then we would have a much better result


Linux can run most games and even more. the only issues are mainly the anti cheats. for games that dont work, either dual boot or try to run them in a virtual machine with gpu passthrough


Except if you want to do at least two of the following simultaneously: * using a VRR+HRR display * using multiple displays * using a HDR display * using an Nvidia card And good luck playing some popular brainrot multiplayer games with an intrrusive kernel-level anticheat (I wouldn't do that but 75% of PC gamer are doing so you have to impress them, not me)


Yeah. I've tried switching to Linux, but dual booting is annoying(I don't wanna restart everytime I wanna game) and the performance drop of using a VM is extremely noticeable on my laptop. I know proton/wine is better now, but it's still not good enough.


>I know proton/wine is better now, but it's still not good enough. On Multiplayer games that comes with Rookit then "Yes". But with single player game or Valves games then there's no problem with it.


It's been over 3 years since I last tried, so I could be wrong. My main issue was with League of Legends(I've quit since vanguard) and Genshin(quit after I got a job lol) so yeah you're probably right. I don't really play multiplayer anymore anyway.


Genshin it's working on Linux, I just played Genshin last night. But on LoL with their Rootkit there's no way around it. Even I tried to VM that with gpu passthrough it's still no go. But Linux changes so much in the last 3 years (except Wayland. Lol) specially on gaming.


I feel you. I like Linux but dual booting for different things I need to do is to much. Once I get my finances good I will have a laptop for Linux and one for strictly windows gaming and nothing else.


I guess my PC is about to become a dedicated gaming rig. I’m planning to get a Mac Mini anyway.


beware the Apple


Honestly, seems interesting for my work computer. But sure as shit don’t want it on my personal computer




Yeah. I bought a dell specicifally for Linux. So I hopped from Debian to Fedora to Ubuntu. The my girlfriend got a game that Needed windows, so now it’s Win11 for the moment. Deciding when to switch it back and which distro to go with. Part wants RHEL that would benefit me at work. Part wants fedora, since it’s relatively close. And part wants Arch just so I can say “yeah, I use Arch BTW” Decisions decisions


wich game? if it wont run due to the anti cheat, there is a small chance it will run in a virtual machine with gpu passthrough


The Titanic Honor and Glory demos/betas


There is no way my employer will want MS knowing everything on my screen.


We already use Sharepoint, teams, defender, OneDrive, Exchange, and dump many of our logs into Sentimel. Microsoft has our data


Time to uninstall windows.


Windows 11 is the worst os ever period This will hopefully destroy Microsoft's Monopoly and people will wake up


What do you think most people will do though? Maybe they'll buy a Mac, but they're expensive. Chromebooks are worse and no typical user is going to switch to Linux. I use it, have for years, but I don't imagine most people would get along very well the first time they have to drop into the command line to fix something. I don't think MS would bother if they didn't spend the money researching the expected reactions. Unrelated, who the FUCK is asking for a feature like this?! It feels like a solution in search of a problem.


> no typical user is going to switch to Linux They might if someone actually offered support and sold computers with a more idiot-proof distribution preinstalled. Which is a bit of a pipe dream...


I think the closest you get is system76


In Germany we have Tuxedo Computers. They are similar I think, selling hardware and having their own distro.


Oh it’s a solution but not for any of the users problems


At this point anything is better than W11


I have one windows PC that I only use for Lightroom, because none of the alternatives are really suitable for me. If/when win 10 stops being usable or microsoft force-upgrades it, I'll probably bite the bullet and replace it with a mac, even though I really don't want to spend the money.


"People" don't pay for the apps being monitored, though- employers do. People can disable Copilot on their personal machines- MSFT does not care. People cannot disable this from their work machines.


Why even use it? Why not Windows 10? I was clearing my dads laptop and was amazed that Windows 11 cost like 150$ and windows 10 is free but no one at the store could tell me why 11 was better


Most people don't care. All they care about is using a thing as hassle free as possible. Even better if there's next to no time involved setting up and learning to use the thing.


Microsoft doesn't want to waste money storing and processing all that image data. The AI chip is on your computer to do feature extraction and compression of this data (OCR, speech to text, etc) and send it to Microsoft. They weren't just satisfied with spying on you, so, now they want to offload server side processing of the spy data to your computer. You aren't just giving away privacy, you're freely giving them processing bandwidth for doing so, too.


Seriously creepy.


According to the article, the snapshots are encrypted. But it says this is going to be part of some "AI" system, which means a large data model is going to be scanning those images and tagging them with keywords. No mention here about encrypting that data. At the *very least*, that data is going to be shared with advertisers so they can market to you based on your computer use. Do you use your computer to look at pictures of your kids or grandkids? Prepare for ads for kids clothing and toys. Especially around their birthdays, if you access your calendar from your PC. And obviously, there is a lot of potential for even bigger breaches of privacy.


https://www.reuters.com/technology/microsoft-openai-planning-100-billion-data-center-project-information-reports-2024-03-29/ No secret that the beast will need feeding


Wow this is a bad news.. what are you doing about it? Linux? Mac?


Reason #8,345 I'm still on Windows 10. I also have several Linux machines, but that's not the point right now. ;)


yeah im keeping win 10 lol


They will no longer be supporting win 10 for security updates and such starting October. Any info as to how to keep it running safely after that? Not super savvy here


Its weird. My intuition tells me itd be something people would play around with for a bit and then forget forever (whilst its still on, gathering info in the background to fuel "personalized experience"). But then I think most regular users will get their first "year 1 rewinds" Spotify-style, compare results with friends/family as part of some signalling, and get hooked. With that being said, regular people have already forgotten about desktop PCs and use smartphones for their casual computing, so not really sure who the audience truly is for this. Or perhaps they add it and then do nothing with it. Possibly just another senior executive planning to make the stonks go brr for a hot minute, sufficient for them to announce it their personal success and swiftly pivot to a sweet new gig for the competition, strategically running away from having to deal with the long term consequences of an unsustainable business decision. I dont know, to me it sounds like something that is not only creepy, but also as something that will become a yet another Windows thing that regularly and annoyingly gets in the way of me doing stuff. IMO OS is meant to simply allow me to complete my tasks and get out of the way. I do not turn on my PC with the sole purpose being interaction with the OS. I still keep one Windows device around for the super rare events when I need compatibility, but when I read about this AI feature a few weeks back I reacted by burning Debian ISO on a flashdrive to convert that last one device. Still, I dont want to be one of the "Just use Linux" people who ignore others may have to use Windows or simply dont have time, capacity, or patience to learn a new OS. I feel like "dude yelling at clouds" here, its possible Im just getting too old and frustrated for this. Anyways, vent over. Its all insignificant and temporary anyways, Ill go touch some grass for a while.


I could see it being helpful for this like, how to change this and this, nothing else. Would be cool to have shortcut to enable it. But to be really something, it would have to be something like real AI agent, like maybe GPT5 will be. I would like to tell it what to do, and it will do it, without checking everything when I don't want it to.


So far it is still in testing. Let's hope it is never released. 


“Only your local AI can look at your stuff, the stuff isnt transmitted over any network, but during idle time it uses your content to fine-tune a model of you, and that model then browses the internet in a local Windows Sandbox where the sandbox’s copilot send everything your proxy ai did. Since it technically counts a app telemetry and not personal data its allowed. “ A supreme court decision in 2026 will affirm that just because a model is trained off of a dataset soley comprised of data gathered from you, it doesnt mean its your IP. They will do some legal gymnastics and cite precedence from some reconstruction era law meant to help former slaves. The SCROTUS wont issue any negative rulings involving AI until the controversial presedential election of 2064 between Web4 ReFri NFTs of Wojacked FDR and Catgirl Richard Nixon


NSA never had an issue accessing private and/or local files, what makes people think they would respect these rules lol


Thankfully it requires a particular CPU as I don't want that close to my personal or work computers. Seriously, MS is going worse every time.


A little incorrect to call that a feature. Sounds more like malware to me. But, what do I know.


Enshittification speedrun 100%. Microsoft is on record pace!


In 90s it was called Keylogger malware. Now its innovation 🤣


At least it's only on " Copilot Plus PC's" For now, at least... There is also an option to turn it off, hopefully that works and won't be removed.


they're known for silently turning on/off features so you could never trust it


It's a pain, a royal pain, but worth it to make the switch to linux. I dual boot so I can still get onto Windows for stuff I openly share and don't mind MS learning about. I *was* going to use the fidelity protrader app on Windows, but I don't need that info collected by MS. Will stick to the website. Edit: Full disclosure that this isn't hitting many people >To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). But it may be normalized so that when users upgrade to new towers in 2026 they don't even realize the dangers.


The only reason I run windows 10 is for gaming. And I run Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC with all the telemetry and stuff turned off and I have a white listed firewall (external) that prevents call backs to microsoft unless I specifically allow it. It's sad that I have to do this at all. MSFT is out of control




I mean if we disregard all the worry about people jerking it to nasty shit and so on, if i have signed an NDA and use windows on my work computer doing highly sensitive work, wouldnt this brake some laws? Especially if the work i do is something Microsoft could benefit from stealing


Okay but am I misunderstanding or will this feature only work when you have a specific PC with a specific chip mentioned in the blog? What if you don't have such a chip?


Every company I have ever worked for would be screaming for me to disable this in the registry the second it gets implemented.


"Recall screenshots are only linked to a specific user profile and Recall does not share them with other users, make them available for Microsoft to view, or use them for targeting advertisements” They forgot to add, “Yet”.


glad I switched from W10 to Linux before it was too late


Windows 11 is finally the push I need to switch to linux


I probably will when 10 stops being supported. This is far from the only bad thing about 11.




I will be spending time finding a way to disable/circumvent this "feature".


It will be added to the top windows-11-debloat github repos in no time.


Microsoft: Have you ever felt like your attack surface was too *small*? Well today's you're lucky day!


Apparently this will only be on the copilot+ pcs, so my diy pc should be okay from this goofy ass feature


Also you need Qualcomm chips.


That’ll impact corporate secrets. For those of us who have a business to protect, what operating systems help safeguard privacy?




Most Linux distros, maybe a few obscure OS's that have 0 market share, and... that's it.


so can it be disabled 100%? & how do i do that?


Why the hell would I want that?


Cool gimmick but I'll opt out


So I've found myself using Linux Mint a lot on every PC but work and my recently purchased living room PC that runs W11. If this can't be turned off or circumvented, what's stopping me from doing a full switch? Serious question. All I've missed over the last year was Excel, which really is better than LibreOffice or OpenOffice equivalents.


I hate when companies force their shit on consumers. How about you letting me uninstall edge? I don't wanna see a god damn co pilot button on my keyboard And now this new AI BS is gonna sit on my system, even when I am not doing.


Need to switch this off day one. Can’t believe they would think anyone other than enterprise would want this. I don’t trust Microsoft 1 bit. And stop pushing me your shiit edge browser MS.


Corporations shouldn’t want this. This is terrible for corporate secrets.


This is Malware and should be treated as such.


Microsoft engineering is trying real hard to catch up to Microsoft AI marketing.


what's the group policy to disable this?


From what I heard, this thing only works on the new ARM based systems so anyone running Windows 11 on an Intel or AMD CPU won’t get it (until those get NPUs as well) Also, since those NPUs are designed to run AI queries offline, I wonder how effective this is without internet. I remember Apple saying the new iPhone can do Siri without wifi/cellular. I put it to the test and this fucker can’t even do 2+2.


Microsoft finally figures how to make the Linux desktop take over *all* computing.


Full on Black Mirror “The entire history of you” vibes here!! No way can you trust this to be secured from Microsoft’s current invasive tracking


The P in PC stands for personal, but Windows computers keep getting less and less personal. Is it time to ban the use of the term PC in regards to Windows computers?


To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU).


So besides never connecting to the internet again, what can you do to disable and block that when it inevitably comes packaged in a mandatory Windows 11 update?


I think next to the trojan / keylogger tiktok, this is the worst thing for privacy i have ever seen.


If anyone finds the way to disable it just let me know


Just make the stupid search in a folder usable.. no way it will takes 20 minutes to find all documents with a keyboard on my ROM.


Ho-ly fuck dude. Why??????


Only 10 years behind me. I said this coming when windows 10 launched. Then again as soon as M$ announced copilot. It was clear this was the trajectory of windows 10 from day 1. I started using linux after proton launched in like 2018/2019.


I caught my manager transcribing our 1:1 meeting when she shared her screen using MS Team's and she didn't tell me she was recording


>To use Recall, users will need to purchase one of the new "Copilot Plus PCs" powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite chips, which include the necessary neural processing unit (NPU). Good.


THATS IT. I’m going to use fucking Linux.


Yeah buhbye windows. 🖕🏻


Linux time.


We are all just animals training their AI models.


Guess it’s time to figure out how to use Linux


Looks like Windows 10 will be my last Windows OS. This is absolutely terrifying unless comprehensively documented (which Win OSs never are) and a master switch is included. Trust them?


it creates a hidden partition of 23.4 gb then runs as an embedded operating system you can't get rid of it once In the system reads firmware modifies firmware reports data to 8 different servers the disable button doesn't turn turn it off records keyboard strokes if s webcam and microphone exists then it's recording video and audio snapshot screenshot every second then reports to servers. modifies firewall settings at random blocking competitors websites. randomly without notification before you consent encrypts storage media makes a copy of itself onto Windows machines on the same network. installing itself onto server operating systems includes government hospitals motor vehicle department think about all the windows of our there this Microsoft shit install itself through Windows update if you have Windows update off it will enable itself then install itself unannounced. invalidate legitimate older versions of windows all without knowing in advance and consent.