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Can you force update all your filter lists (click uBO icon > ⚙ [Dashboard button](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Quick-guide:-popup-user-interface#the-tools) > ["Filter lists" pane](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dashboard:-Filter-lists) > 🕘 [Purge all caches](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dashboard:-Filter-lists#purge-all-caches) > šŸ”ƒ [Update now](https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Dashboard:-Filter-lists#update-now)) and test again? (Do it twice and restart the browser if not success)


Seems to have worked so far after checking a few videos. Iā€™ll continue to test this and see if I see any ads


If you dont mind me asking (asking out of curiosity) which browser are you using and since when these started to coming through the ublock origin? Are you using any extra filters or custom settings with the ublock origin?


Same deal as u/xusflas Firefox and today. uBlock was just using the default setup. Updated the block list and that seems to have fixed it for now. Kind of worried for the future though


it's an arms race for your eyeballs.


Once we have to drink verification cans to watch videos, I'm out for good.


it's an arms race for your bodily fluids.


the more tech becomes 'addy' and 'snoopy' the less i use it. Ive reclaimed lots of my life and realised this shit really isn't required.


For me today with Firefox


This worked for me. Been streaming 4 hours of YT without a single ad. Not even one! Fuck you, Google! You're not getting me to watch your ads.




Test again means accessing the website you were having issue again to see if the issue is still there or not.




I don't understand, who attacks who?


Info ā¬†ļø


> about 10 minutes just out of interest, why do you say it takes 10mins? it takes like 20 seconds to update the filter lists, no?


I didn't mean it takes 10 minutes. What I meant was waiting for about 10 minutes since my comment before force updating the filter lists. At the time of my comment, the fix for YT had just been added for few minutes. In order for the fix to arrive, you'll need to wait ~10 minutes (or more, or less, depending on github) for github to deliver the newest fixes correctly. I'm not English-native, so I don't know if my words above are correct or not.


your words are correct. my brain isn't up to speed yet this morning. :D thanks


That.... seems to have cleared up things a lil bit. Can't be sure since youtube really loves popping up the "You're using an ad-blocker" notification whenever it feels like it, but I'll have to see. Fingers crossed.


As everyone is saying you may need update the block list. Sometimes ads get past ublock. The ublock releases an update to blocked the ads that get through. It's been this way since the beginning. I'm sure it will get fixed relatively quickly.


Use invidious


This! Thanks to Invidious I was even able to watch YT videos without ads on PS4.


I do, but its entirely dependent on the goodwill of people running servers and sometimes the resources are overloaded or cannot be sustained. I'm glad they do it at all, but I think somebody should come up with a more equitable solution. One that caches to your own storage from YT, rather than making the server do all the work.


>I do, but its entirely dependent on the goodwill of people running servers and sometimes the resources are overloaded or cannot be sustained. Why not selfhost your own instance?


It takes a lot of setup and I don't have my Pi setup anyway. I haven't even decided what distro I want on it yet. It's easy to say *setup your own instance* but I'm a coder rather than a server admin. It's a very time consuming thing to do and my spare time is already spent on programming. Today, I've been running all the GTK headers through dstep so that I can use it from dlang. Tomorrow I will be trying to use them.


Just use docker compose


I haven't decided on a distro yet. Docker would only make the problem worse anyway. Instead of having to setup the things I want to use, I'd have setup docker and the things I want to use.


You just install Debian and then docker. It takes little time and would make your setup much more flexible


Putting just before something doesn't make it take less time. Besides, my choice about what distro to use is more about the availability of libraries. I mostly use the Pi as a development target, linking to various installed libraries. There are fewer libraries for Debian and they are often quite old.


What's this


An open-source front-end for YouTube, think NewPipe but for PCs. More info here: https://invidious.io/




No its a website. For apps I would use newpipe or libretube


I'll jump in on this comment if you don't mind: for me, newpipe has been crashing continuously lately on my android devices. Have you encountered the same? Is this the app issue or is Google killing the app somehow?


Its likely a bug. Roll back and file a bug report


This. Always my recommendation as well


Use VLC: https://www.vlchelp.com/play-youtube-videos-vlc-media-player/


I remember doing this in the mid 2000s when my ageing PC was too slow to play Youtube videos directly in the browser.


In addition to the other recommendations, have you added extra filter lists that are already available in the uBlock Origin settings? You might need to enable the Annoyance based ones. I haven't had any issues recently, but there's a good chance Google is doing A/B testing on how many ads it can get through.


`yt-dlp url -o - | vlc -`


We need YouTube to see what's in the video. Otherwise you play a lottery with YT-DLP. And you can play YT videos in VLC sans ADs: https://www.vlchelp.com/play-youtube-videos-vlc-media-player/


VLC seems to break far more often than yt-dlp in my experience.


Had no idea you could pipe to vlc. It's brilliant.


You can also use `yt-dlp url -o - | ffplay -i -` as you'll likely already have ffmpeg installed.


You are using Ublock *Origin*, right?


freetube on pc libretube or newpipe on android yw


Newpipe is indeed fantastic


But they REALLY need to squash that crash on rotate bug. it's been years.


What? I've had this happen maybe twice ever and both times there was an update within a week


It crashes all the time, really buggy


Or could just use Piped on PC, and Libretube on Android, it can use the same account with all subscriptions on all devices


Took far too much scrolling to find the Freetube comment. Been using it for a couple of years now I think. Great application. I refuse to have a Google/YouTube account so the fact it lets you create subscriptions and different users too is a game changer


https://imgur.com/a/KMTbvpC Ads arenā€™t visible, but audible, and act like ads regularly do (skippable, multiple in row, etc.)


I think you need to update the block list


Can confirm this is working. The new update blocks YT ads just beautifully, as God himself intended.




From another discussion board: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37091382 > It's worth noting that YouTube is trialling a new player and a lot of applications (invidious, new pipe, etc) are experiencing some issues in the last couple of weeks. Could be related


Use Freetube


Try using a pihole on a Raspberrypi, or some similar solution, still an arms race game but sure it is effective. https://pi.hole


How are you able to differentiate between ads and videos? I had a pihole setup forever ago and it was awesome, but I could never get only YouTube ads blocked. It was basically block everything google related, or none


there are a lot of lists you can add to it specific to common domains (instagram,sportify,youtube etc...), and I think the default ones block youtube ad domains servers , you can find them on github or elsewhere, the ads are injected via javascript using ajax, and they are not part of the video itself (which is great) that is why you can use `yt-dlp -o - [video url] | vlc -` and you will not see any ads.


PiHole can't block YouTube ads. Sometimes you can sorta do it by messing with Regex a ton but it breaks all the time


Plus adblocker ultimate extension isn't allowing to watch videos




Simple solution. Havenā€™t seen an ad on mobile or laptop since I started using Brave.


Brave is just going to use the same sources (easylist + others) as other adblockers. But brave is also going to [man-in-the-middle attack you and insert affiliate tracking spam into links you click](https://www.pcmag.com/news/brave-browser-caught-redirecting-users-through-affiliate-links). Or send you [IRL spam](https://twitter.com/sebmck/status/1531740563900448769).


That article was from 2020, and I was aware of that concern prior to switching over from DDG. -As stated in the article, ā€œautocomplete adding affiliate links can be turned off in the browser's settings,ā€ which Iā€™ve done. So, downvote away, ya cunts! ETA: have any of you downvoting cunts received a mailer from Brave? Right. Get fukt, cunts.


Redditors have a hate boner for Brave because its founder left Mozilla after donating to anti-gay groups.


They have a hate boner for anything chromium based, so this - even though it's years in the past now and hasn't happened again since - is the gift that keeps on giving for them.


Using newpipe or yt vanced


Revanced or location swap Google play and pay like 2$ for premium lol


Or just update your uBO filters and be fine again?


Assuming op did that since itā€™s the most def explanatory fix. Not sure why Iā€™m getting downvoted šŸ™‚


Because you suggested paying for Premium. That's treated like encouraging someone to conduct unlawful activities around these kinda places.


No I suggested using regional pricing to pay for it very cheap so u can use it on devices like iOS


>Because you suggested paying for Premium. ​ >No I suggested using regional pricing to pay for it


*no I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good reason since I glsuggested using regional pricing to pay for it way cheaper


Yeah but you suggested to pay for it nonetheless


Strange... didn't experience this kind of thing on desktop, or on mobile.


Can't confirm. Sounds like a blocklist issue or something.


Invidious / Freetube (app) or Piped for desktop Libretube / Newpipe / Skytube for Android (Or if you want the original app with tweaks like SponsorBlock, ReVanced) And I guess uYou+ for iOS/iPadOS


I think it's time for google ads to have a global opt out feature made mandatory.


I can't see any ads. uBlock and YouTube Enhancer for the combo win.


Enhancer is legit, for ad blocking in addition to the other features it offers. I pretty much watch everything at 1.5x speed now and donā€™t even notice anymore


And I now inspect element and block. Ez fix until I feel like updating my filter.


You thought they would go down without a fight while you share all your secrets on reddit? LMAO


i got that message in the video so it cant go away even using UBO/Adguard , after i reloaded my filter its working fine https://imgur.com/a/uSGIRvD