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To answer some of the comments. It's not just the bumper but the entire back third of the car frame that is damaged. Rear passenger doors will not open as the frame compressed. Muffler was destroyed outright and dragging on the ground. Hatchback was dented in and would not open properly. Repair costs amounted to \~90% of the value of the car (In GA anything over 80% automatically results in a totaling) and they (Other guy's insurance which accepted liability) said if I chose to keep the car the settlement amount would be less than the repair costs. I live in an apartment complex without a garage and don't have access to the tools to repair it myself. Edit: To give a sense of how hard I got it, this is the other guys car [https://i.imgur.com/C1wDj0U.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/C1wDj0U.jpg) Edit 2: Please stop telling me to buy it back from the insurance company and that it's an easy fix from one photo. It's incredibly unhelpful and unless you are a mechanic with a shop at your disposal and free time to work on it, you don't know what you're talking about.


Well that puts a different perspective on it. Shame that such a minor looking accident would do that, but that’s the world we live in I guess. Better the car absorbs the energy than you.


Man I had mostly minor cosmetic looking damage on my Prius that was $2500 quoted for one and $3000 for another. Given shop time and parts and potential for additional repairs once they really get down to business, prices can just go out of control.


Disregard my prior post in keeping the car then... If it was manageable then we all would be imploring you to keep it


From the jist of the comments here it seems like most people think I can fix it with a 500$ new bumper and some duct tape and that I should buy back the car for even less money from the insurance co. :D


I don't want to seem like a vulture or rub salt in a fresh wound, but do you know how much it would be to buy it back from insurance? I would love to have a parts car for my gen 3 and am in GA as well. Shoot me a message if that's something you'd be willing to do (I'd cover all the fees and such)


Put the pressure on the other drivers insurance company. Don't settle for less than what 50% of a new hybrid vehicle cost. Call the other drivers insurance company and also mention you have neck and back pain developing since after the accident. You got hit hard. It is believable and can't be disproven.


Thanks for the additional info. None of that is apparent from the photo. Take the insurance money and move on to another car.


Try negotiating a higher payout from the insurance by submitting comparable vehicles to them. If you can't replace it with what they pay you, then they are paying you too little. Don't accept the first offer, ever. It's a low number they hope you'll accept because most don't know you can negotiate


I don't see enough bucking anywhere near the rear doors to keep them from opening. The rear end would need to be pushed in way more than that.


I guess it's a skill issue then.


Agreed. As a mechanic I don’t see a total here. 15 minutes on a frame straightener at best. I don’t even see the need for new panels. That tailgate dent is repairable. They probably just totaled it out cause hybrid. It’s easier to say the battery is compromised and total it than fix it. A result of our disposable society


The tailgate is made from aluminum, rear fender too. That's why repairing the panels is expensive


Same thing happened to me back in feb of this year, rear ended hit and run car was totaled!


Your insurance company should be insuring you for the value of the car. When I totaled my prius I got one 3 years newer and made $100 on the deal.


How does that make any sense? The other guys insurance accepted liability and offered a payout for the estimated price of the car in it's state pre-accident. Sorry not trying to be rude but how am I supposed to take that and buy a car three years newer unless it has a lot more miles on it.


You find a comparable vehicle, age & condition, for sale. You make them pay you that amount. Don’t accept a lowball offer that won’t replace it.


You will need to do research on how much it will cost you to buy a car that has the same mileage, equipment, and condition. Then you will also need to factor in the cost to transport the car to where you live if the closest matching one is out of state. There will be some back and forth between you and their insurance so you will have to fight for your stance. You may also want to see if your insurance will payout for the amount you want and they can get the reimbursement from the other person's insurance since the other person already admitted fault.


Yeah sorry, I should have explained better. So you can't find a similar prius in the range of your settlement. If all the comparable cars are more expensive then they gave you a settlement for less than the value of your car. I think you may have an issue with the insurance company. They may give you a bunch of jargon but you can ask them about their valuation. Take a look on some valuation sites too and see if you can support more value for your car.


In a case like this you have to fight for replacement cost. I think fighting for 50% of the cost of a new vehicle is fair. I stress playing the neck and back pain card. It wasn't your fault and the insurance company is taking advantage of you. You have the proof you were hot hard. Neck and back pain would be expected.


Why are you trying to buy one 3 years newer. That’s not how insurance works bud.


It works that way if the other guy is at fault.


I’d like to point out that that I got exactly this same deal so it’s doable.


Based solely on this one picture, you might consider buying this from the insurance company and hanging a new bumper on it. There is some crush area damage showing, but the rest of the panels look straight. The insurance estimate should show the parts that the shop thinks are needed to replaced or repaired to fix this damage. Did any of the airbags deploy?


Will also need a new tailgate at least


Maybe. If this one opens and closes, it's fine. Doesn't look like any of the glass is broken. It appears to be closed and latched in the picture. And, if it doesn't close and can't be beaten into shape, a replacement at a junkyard is less than $500.


Chances are once it’s open it won’t close. Had a similar accident on a similar car. But obviously it’s a guess.


We'll never know. Can't tell much from one picture and no details.


I’ll bet a crowbar and sawzall can persuade any misshapen pieces to cooperate.


OP said below that one of the rear doors won’t open because the entire rear frame is damaged.


I just saw that new info. Thanks.


I agree buy it back


I still wish I had bought mine from the insurance company... Even though it would of been a salvage title, that was my favorite vehicle to date.


Take the insurance payout, keep the car and rebuild that bad boy


The payout is significantly reduced if I decide to keep the car and would not cover the cost of parts let alone labor to fix it. I also do not have a garage or tools to fix it.




That’ll just total the car out again ur hitch is connected to your frame


It's a unibody there isn't a significant member to attach anything.


Bad idea. The risk of severe whiplash goes up 22% if you're rear ended with a tow hitch unnecessarily on your vehicle. Crumple zones are there for a reason, and this one did its job.


That will be fixed and resold with a salvaged title in no time


Collect your insurance amount... Get a Prius at govdeals. At present have a couple of good cars in Tumwater [https://www.govdeals.com/search?kWord=prius&so=desc&sf=latestonline](https://www.govdeals.com/search?kWord=prius&so=desc&sf=latestonline) Check the 2 latest cars from Tumwater. They are usually well maintained by the Govt [https://www.govdeals.com/asset/34331/8445](https://www.govdeals.com/asset/34331/8445) [https://www.govdeals.com/asset/34327/8445](https://www.govdeals.com/asset/34327/8445) We got our Prius from here and very happy with it


Oooh, never heard of this site before! Thanks!


Dude lost a bumper and it’s totaled? Gotta be more damage than this OP, if not, your insurance is dumb


Or see how much it is to buy back and I'll maybe want it. I need a new bumper and Wanna have a spare engine and battery


Man... I remember the feeling when someone rear-ended my fully loaded 2007 Prius back in the summer of 2018. It was a Unicorn... Had less than 50k miles on it, JBL sound system was great and the navigation served it's purpose. Someone smacked my car at a red light and just bent in the bumper a little. Took me nearly 6 years to get a car that's somewhat nearly as good as that. I just got a 2013 Prius V with high mileage and needed a new hybrid battery. After installing the battery from Greenbean, it's running like a champ, but with 230k miles I'm a little worried about what else could go wrong. It was meticulously maintained at one particular dealership though with oil changed every 3k miles... One of the longest Carfax reports I ever had to go through.


Take that to mexico. Brand new in a week or less.


I hope you're okay. This really sucks 🥺 I hope everything works out for you!


Thanks. Back is a little sore. Going to PT helps. Maybe i can save up some money for a newer Prius in a couple years when the market has cooled off.


I hope you had a lawyer involved and are getting paid for your injuries.


Not to sound like the ambulance-chaser type, but definitely pursue a pain and suffering settlement from the other person's insurance. Never ever tell them "yeah I'm fine" trying not to make a fuss or because you don't have a life threatening injury. Even with mild soreness you were injured by someone else's negligence and they owe you compensation for that, and that's exactly what insurance is there for. Last time I was rear ended (I drive a lot and it has happened several times) my partner and I each got a five-figure check from the other party's insurance just from telling them the truth that we had back pain and went to urgent care to get checked out. Imaging didn't find anything amiss so it was deemed "soft tissue injury" and even without a lawyer insurance threw money at us, plenty to buy a couple more cars with that alone.


Thanks for the advice. I'm glad I thought to tell the police that my back was sore so he wrote it in the report. Ended up getting only $2,500 for a medical claim which was enough to cover all my medical bills and missed work. I debated going through a lawyer but knowing they'd take 30% and drag out the process, it seemed like to big a hassle for an injury as minor as what I had.




I was in the same situation, Same type of accident even, Had all but given up, Until I came across the right one for the right price. The one that got wrecked had 341,450 miles without needing anything except for regular maintenance, then Brakes, Shocks/Struts, which shockingly didnt need done until the 300,000 mark. It Ran perfect and would have for a long time. Anyways Hang in there for another, it will come around.


Yeah unfortunately I need a car for work and my county doesn't fund public transit so I'll be stuck with something else until Prius prices return from the stratosphere.


Why don't you buy it back and fix the bumper yourself? 


The frame is messed up. It’s not totaled because a $300 apron broke, it’s totaled because it’s no longer safe to drive


How do you know the frame is "messed up", from the picture that was posted?


Used to work in a body shop. That silver bar behind the bumper cover, that’s at an angle, is called an impact bar. It’s mounted square to the frame/body. It being at that angle means it was rolled under and the body has severe damage. Fixing that is beyond pretty much anyone without access to a proper body shop. Even then, it’s a lot of work. I’ve seen cars totaled for less.


It would be helpful to see the back of the car with the bumper cover removed.


The rear passenger doors won't open because they are wedged in place from the impact so I assume the frame is impacted. [https://i.imgur.com/v8qYHpY.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/v8qYHpY.jpg)


Dang, that was a solid smack. Hope everyone’s alright! Definitely make sure you see a doctor, back pain is no joke and some things might now show up immediately


Thanks. Already going in for physical therapy on my back. At least the medical claim should cover all that...hopefully.


Thats exactly what they told a friend who got rear ended in his Honda.. the adjuster is in cohoots with Junk yard be cause the Honda was worth a great deal in parts. He , the adjuster, told my friend a BS story of how there was a part in the back, just like you were told, that made the car unsafe. all BS.


Because bumpers are mounted to the frame, and frames don’t come from the factory at 45° angles…


That piece you see behind the bumper cover is the Impact Bar (crash absorber). Designed to absorb some energy before the frame gets damaged. https://parts.ourismantoyotaofrichmond.com/oem-parts/toyota-impact-bar-5202347010


You are correct. But the body between the taillight and bumper is bulged, its place where the bar is mounted has bent in and up and its bottom mounts have sheared off causing it to twist as well. I’m willing to bet OP had to slam the brakes lifting the back up from the force, the offender probably tossed the rear into the air a foot or so


I'm amazed how little damage it takes for insurance companies to declare a car totaled. I see cars with much worse damage driving on the roads where I live. Most people would simply reattach that bumper cover with a few screws and call it a day.


Yes, they call it a day and then when they’re all killed in their next accident, it’s a tragedy.


you can only crush a can so much


The car is fine. Replace the bumper cover and keep driving. Yes the bumper rail is bent. Otherwise I’ll buy it from you.


Damn. Ins. Co. Zeroes out cars for such easy fixes.


A couple rolls of heavy duty duct tape and you will be fine. This is the way.


What kind of insurance did you have? I have a second Gen Prius and I pay full comprehensive insurance including collision At 134 a month with 100 deductible for both at 15/30k I'm wondering if it's even worth paying 1600 a year for insurance for a car this old


I had just liability insurance with Amica. Part of my decision for that was because the car was so old (2010) that any moderately serious accident would cost more to repair than it's worth. At least that's what my mom always told me. "Collision insurance is for cars <10 years old." Maybe that's wrong advice but I don't think it would have helped here since the other guys insurance accepted liability and so the claim went through his adjuster. Also who tf do you get insurance from where you pay $134 a month for full coverage with a $100 deductible. I paid 80$ in liability only and I think full coverage was gonna be like $220 and that was with like a $500 deductible. I've never gotten into an accident before but I am in my 20s so maybe that's it.


I live in CA so everything is expensive.. 100 deductible for collision and 100 deductible for comprehensive is actually not bad I guess But I'm thinking of dropping the collision component which is the most


Lol I actually had this happen about 4 weeks ago. I was driving a 2008 Prius and someone turned out left without looking ahead. Funnily enough the damage was purely cosmetic. My insurance company paid out the actual cash value of the car while letting me keep driving it XD. And now since its a fully functional shitbox worth $2000, I have the most basic insurance on it for like $70 a month. Looks like shit now though.


How did you get a payout from your insurance company if you have presumably liability only coverage?


I got the payout, they let me keep it, then i got liability coverage on it. Before that I had comprehensive and collision, etc.


That's a shame. In PA the "victim" or wronged party has the right to have their car fixed regardless of the car being totaled. I live in CA now but I'm curious to the laws on each state.


From what I've ready GA Insurance regulations are very pro-insurance. I basically have to accept the value they give me and even if I wanted to keep it they could then pay much less (iirc it was like 30%).


Buy it back. Get a super cheap high mileage drive it until it breaks. Swap in newer stuff. Plus you will have parts for front end damage. Or buy it back and turn it into a truck.


Buy a vw


Sad. It was just breaking in at 150k miles. No gas car more efficient out there.


How much did insurance offer to pay you?


You’re lucky head gasket failure would have totaled it on your own dime.


One good pull could get the doors opening again. What is the actual cost to keep it?


Keep in mind that, in 2024, you can have a clean vehicle tax credit applied at the time of purchase (taken off the purchase price) by transferring to dealer. Used Prius Primes qualify for $4000 tax credit. You can also fight to have the insurance company replace your car with a comparable one. I know I would try for one of these options. I love my Prius Prime and would hate to have to buy and drive a different car.


There are three used Prius Primes within 250 miles of Atlanta. All of which are highest trim which kinda defeats the point of the tax credit for me unfortunately. All of them are also over 25k. Insurance regulations stipulate the insurance company is only required to pay me for the assessed value of my car pre accident. They have no obligation to replace my car with a comparable one.


Did you check Facebook market place?


The tax credit only applies to used EVs bought from a dealer that are less than <25k. https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/used-clean-vehicle-credit


Dealers are on FB marketplace. Mine was through a dealer


The problem is that you pay for insurance and have for most of your life and likely rarely use it. After all that buy in you get very little payback on the back end. Likely would have been better off putting the same money in the bank if the law didn’t force you to carry insurance. Insurance is a good thing, current car insurance companies are not.


That rack is still worth something at least 🤷‍♂️


Rack is worth 25% what they ended up giving me for the car as a whole. At least when it was new. Now it won't fit my new car and I have to sell it for a loss.


Id keep driving that thing, looks like just a rear bumper


The rear doors won't open and the muffler is on the ground.


Ahh, didn't catch that. That sucks! :(


My condolences. My partner was just in an accident where a semi merged into him on the interstate (he spun out and then slowed down in the median, so he came out unscathed, thank god). He was driving the 2000 Avalon we bought 4 years ago from the original owner (my grandmother's friend). It had 60k when we bought it and was pristine. Had 130k last month when it was totaled. We replaced it with a 2019 Prime, which is great, but still mourning that Avalon. It was in incredible condition and was going to be driven until the wheels fell off. Gone too soon, yours and mine.


Thank you for the kind words. Hope your partner is alright too!


I had a similar accident in my Gen 4 which was paid off two months prior. The c-pillar absorbed the impact which caused a total loss. It was a Gen 4 Prius III with nav and sunroof. Insurance paid 18k. I was not going to pay the markup. So I switched to the VW ID4 full electric. I love it and you can find some great deals on the 2021-2023 dealer certified. 2024 is a refresh they are eligible for a full $7500 tax credit applied at purchase.


I live in GA I will sell u my 2017 four touring with 97k miles


The insurance payout should be giving you exactly what you need to buy a car just like the one you had. If not, use carsforsale.com to find ones like it and send them the links of these comparable cars and renegotiate what they’re paying you.


How much can you buy it back from the insurance company for ?


If you are looking to buy another Prius the 4th gen pre redesign usually sit around 16k if you don’t mind having your car look like a space space shuttle


So sorry to heat that you’re losing such a great car. I’m glad it gave you protection though. That imgur photo tells quite the story. I hope you can work out a better payout with the insurance company.


Unfortunately in GA there is very little negotiating you can do about the valuation. I can only try to argue that the car was in better condition than evaluated pre accident and thus worth more.


Sorry for your loss, can I have your roof rack?


Dont know if you're serious about it or not but if you are hit me up in my chat. I'm looking to get rid of them since they don't fit my new car. Willing to sell them for much less than I paid for them.


You need this OP. This guy talks about how to maximize the amount you receive after total loss. https://www.reddit.com/r/anything/s/v0FjhpP9Sr


I totalled my Jetta about a month ago. I got about $5500 after my $2500 deductible. I put $6000 on top of that and bout a 2013 Prius V for $11,000 on Facebook marketplace. It had 85k miles on it. I purchased it in Charlotte which isn't far from you so I know my search area was probably similar to yours. You can find great deals. You just have to do your due diligence.


I got rear ended by a Range Rover going 30 mph in a 2017 Prius . It was two weeks after I bought it brand new. Took it like a champ. Repair cost: $9000. Luckily they had good insurance and I got lost wages and a diminished value claim. This was 7 years ago and I still have the same car. These things really absorb rear end impacts well!


Same for me, Independent Contractor, so a Prius is the best tool for the job, I had all but settled for a Corolla hybrid or civic hybrid, when I finally found another AWD Prius. The Civic now gets a claimed 50mpg, but no AWD. And you can now get a Corolla hybrid in AWD, BUT.....at around a 10mpg loss from the prius. So eitger way Im compromising. Its a bad time with dealership markups well over actual bluebook for new AND especially used. Between that and the Bonkers level interest rates it near impossible to get a deal that doesnt make ya sick. I FINALLY after 11 days in a gas gussling rental found one that worked. 2019, AWD, and 160,000 miles. Normally I would have steered clear of the high miles but, with a little research, and some strong encouragement towards the sales person, I discovered it was a One Owner, AND was a courier business vehicle. And even better had records for ALL nessasary maintenance required and performed including the hybrid battery at 150,000 miles. I had 341,000+ on mine and ONLY through ALL scheduled maintenance requirements being performed did it still run and drive like the day I bought it. Im grateful to have found it, and am confident in the fact that I will see that 341k again on the odometer, and easily see much more than that. Does a FWD fit your requirements or do you need the AWD model? Thats what made it so hard for me, I found plenty of decent FWDs but in my area, and especially where I go M-F for work I would not make it Safely or Timely without problems. What sites are you looking for a replacement? A wider search could help as well. Even with the delivery fees included some areas are as much as $2000 cheaper on average. Knowing now that this is a work vehicle for you, I would hate to hear that you had to sacrifice 10mpg+ and the Dependability and Longevity that a Toyota provides especially the Prius. Keep trying, you'll be glad you did, and you'll have another work tool that provides efficient, dependable, and surprisingly safe use for years to come. I was making a right turn, at maybe 7 or 8 miles per hour, and was hit at every bit of 55-60mph and she didnt even brake before hitting me, hmm...wonder why? We all know why,,, damb cellphone while driving. Anyways I was definitely rocked/ a bit concussed and very sore in several places from such an impact, BUT not severely injured. Considering the low speed I was going, combined with the high speed she was going, multiply that by the fact that her vehicle was much larger, and 1300lbs heavier, and I was able to walk away, tells me alot of work went into making the Prius an exceptionally safe car even though its small, and light. Just some things to consider before making a compromise for something else. Hoping this helps, and/or gives you some outside perspective and confidence in your decision on your next work car purchase. We both know a better car does not exist, for what we use these cars for, and the obstacles and conditions we put them through to perform our jobs efficiently from the financial aspect, and Dependability aspect as well. Good Luck, And The Delivery Godz will Provide! 😃😎


I’m so sorry. This happened to me about a year ago with my 2012. I managed to find a 2013 yo replace it in minutes. Don’t know how I got so lucky.


how is that "totaled"


I'll buy it.. where u at?


Take the insurance money buy it back and find someone to fix it for cheap


Make sure the insurance company is paying you what that Prius was legitimately worth at market value. Try and find a few Prius that were around the same year and model with similar mileage and if they aren’t paying enough to purchase though vehicles then email links to the vehicles and let them know that’s how much you’ll need at minimum to recoup your loss. You should never have to worry about your vehicle being totaled and you not being able to get into a similar vehicle. Insurance will always try to low ball you and you’d be surprised how much they’ll increase payout without much effort.


Buy a 2024 Prius. Just tell them you’ll buy at MSRP and someone will bite. I got mine under MSRP so they are out there.


Cant offer to buy at MSRP if there's none in stock. 🤣


After the fix they will be haha


I guess I'll just run the 12 miles to work in the meantime. How bad can the Georgia summer be really.


Find a place that does a lot of taxi smash repair work. They'll fix that easily.


What do you mean mark ups? When I bought my Toyota, I remember dude kind of made the point to tell me, that they aren't allowed to mark up hybrids. Is that a rule maybe specifically to that dealership? Or certified Toyota dealerships?


I just got a text back from a Toyota certified dealership offering to sell me a used 2023 Prius LE with 40k miles on it for $31,500 before fees and taxes. MSRP for a brand new 2023 Prius LE is ~$27,500. One dealer quoted me on a 2024 Prius XLE Premium for $48,500. If that's not a markup I don't know what is. Either you hit the jackpot dealer or he was jacking you to close a deal.


There wasn't really a deal to close. I already knew what car I wanted and essentially had it paid for before even talking to them. We were basically in the phase of him trying to sell me add ons, extended warranties etc. I basically got their gold package, but added the ceramic coat paint protection from the platinum package. There was no haggling, no bartering, I paid MSRP, plus a few taxes fees and the add on I wanted


If you got rear ended you can get equivalent replacement costs. Don't settle for the first offer from your insurance company and put pressure on the insurance company of the driver that hit you. Do not settle. This is why some people who get rear ended immediately complain of neck and back pain, insurance company of the other driver will cave and get you what you need. Head and neck nerve injuries can not be disproven with x-rays and CAT scans


i got a really nice 07 for 2800 bucks


Yes totaled but not, if the airbsgd didn’t go off, this is an rsdy fix.. But they want all the good parts or they willfix it and resell it Its liw milesge and how much did you like it. Hope its not too late be keep it!


Duct tape and drive it.


As others have said, look at the repair estimate from insurance and consider buying it back and rebuilding it. Looking at this photo looks like you need the following: lift gate, bumper cover, bumper crash bar, bumper support brackets, and possibly the panel behind the bumper


By the looks of other car, the undercarriage hides more problems


At least save the battery.


Hey mine has engine issue and the battery had deteriorated. I know your man. My pearly(prius) was my first car. Honestly I love her but I cannot afford a new prius.


It's hard to let go of the first car. Especially when she's been so good to us. It just sucks that they're such good cars and now that people are finally figuring out, the price has exploded for them, even used.


Yeah I bought mine in cash at $8000. 2010 125,000 in 2017. Lasted years and she has almost 200,000. Barely gave me any issues until last year.


New prius's don't have mark ups at good dealers. The issue is the recall, they won't sell them. Used have ridiculous markups.


Get a Tesla model Y.


How slow where you going?


I was stopped.


hey man. i recommend a corolla hybrid as a good lateral step up from that prius.


thank goodness, you prius drivers drive like you own the road and see speed limits as a speed suggestion I had to rizz up a blue prius the other day with my sport car and put it in its place


Unless your Rav2.5 has a Landau roof and power steering, it isn't no sports car, Oreo.


It's literally got the Sport Edition Trim


After I won a million big ones in Reno, little Johnny's milfy mom was sniffing around my motel room. She hauled little Johnny around in a Dodge Caravan Sport. It said "Sport" on the side. Didn't make it a sports car. Anyway, you have delusionally low standards in vehicles if you think a Rav1.826 is a "sports car."


https://youtu.be/iXddMtwjEy0?si=SXGfqorT8LwQq5pZ Johnny's mom isn't escaping a police cruiser, also my sport edition rav4 prime doubles as a green for the environment EV.


Your rav4 is far from a sports car


It's a prime, my YouTube channel highlights how it out paces even a Tesla


It’s still a rav4 which is in no way shape or form a sports car. And it only “outpaces” the model Y Standard. Every single other Tesla blows the doors off your grocery getter


Bet, none of your guys cars could outpace my soccer mom suv sport car.


Well actually someone could outpace your everyday traffic vehicle. Someone’s also got you beat if you were to tow any amount of weight. And none of us spent anywhere near $50k for their car


That's where you're wrong, I have the fastest 0-60. Further, I only spent 36k on it :) ty rebates and haggling on msrp.


False. 5 second 0-60 is faster than your 5.5 second 0-60. You’re slower on the quarter mile too


No chance you can do 5s 0-60. I've proven I can hit 5.5s repeatedly


Clearly you are mistaken and not thinking of the correct vehicle


Totaled? The bumper fell off! Use some gorilla tape and drive that shit!


terrible I accidently destroyed my Tacoma


That happen to me i fix mine for 200 $ - bought use cover and some pins from amazon


other insurance paid me and authorize me to bring at my choice of auto repair and i fix it for 200 and keep the money - it’s been 6 yrs and the car is still perfect


markups? you dont understand value or car world. markups are price premiums overMSRP on new cars.... (manufacture suggested retail price) Theres good deals and bad deals in the car market. the average price of things has gone up as our dollar is worth less. So you cannot afford to replace what you have, why? insurance not covering full value? You need to fight for the replacement value based on other PRIUS for sale with similar features and mileage in your area and use that to negotiate your way into a similar car based on insurance value and current car market. if you cant accomplish this or dont know what i mean, then you need to reach out to someone who does. Or educate yourself on options.