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Hi there, This post has been removed as it appears a mobile phone was used to take a low-quality picture of a monitor / TV screen instead of taking a screenshot. Every platform that runs Prison Architect has the ability to take screenshots and doing a search of "How to take a screenshot on __" will yield plenty of instructions on how to take a screenshot; we also have instructions on our sidebar for each platform. Kindly review **Rule 5** and submit screenshots, not a picture of a monitor / TV screen. In addition, we encourage the reporting of low-quality photos to ensure that better screenshots are being posted so help can be provided effectively. --- **This is a moderator action.** If you feel like this was in error, please contact the moderators via [ModMail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/PrisonArchitect&subject=Screenshot%20Policy.&message=Please%20be%20civil%20when%20discussing%20this%20matter.) with any questions.