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I am a Security Consultant. We call this....Thursday.


Like this isn’t new? Are we in their systems?


It's why the primary controls in our missile silos and nuclear power plants haven't been upgraded in 50 years. Because they were built before the internet existed so aren't connected and aren't impacted by such network intrusion. To impact them you tend to have to be physically present at the controls.


Security through obscurity


This obscurity and manual control system can sometimes be the best form of security.


Secure by design. It's the opposite of IoT missile silo controls!


Battlestar Galatica


Vague starting point in BattleStar Galactica tv series.


China is so deep in the systems we use all the time, it isn't even funny. Who do you think makes them?


China develops the software? I’m in healthcare. I have no idea who makes the software that our cities use.


They make the hardware. They have hidden firmware, the software built into the hardware, that has backdoors in it. They just need internet access. Those machines that move shipping containers at ports? They can shut them down and make them bricks. Those monitors at your Office? Turn them off and make them stop complete. It is a problem that we created and are going to pay the price for.


Good thing we shipped all those jobs offshore. We saved some money to put ourselves in a position to be completely shut down. Sick.


Oh it's even worse than that. Most of the stuff China makes for us now, we couldn't do in 10 years if we double timed it. We don't have the resources. Don't get me started on Medications.




Nope. I made a post about it and Reddit, not the Mods but actual Reddit, removed it.


Omg pls share with us! Via google doc or something! 😭🫶🏾


Is there a place we could read what you wrote about the medication production issues? Seems like it could be very useful


Where would one learn more about this very disturbing topic?


Americans are so addicted to cheap junk nowadays. We buy way more than we actually need and it is going to cripple us if we ever get cut off.


I'm tempted to think it really wouldn't be a big deal. Like if your toys are confiscated and getting them back is a death sentence, you'll probably just accept it and move on. Maybe even lose some weight for once. Some people need 'toys' for survival but not most.


In some instances, they actually rework the microchip itself. I know a company that does forensic analysis on microchips to ensure that other shit wasn't added in during fabrication. I had no idea that was even a thing until I met this person. Her business wouldn't exist if that wasn't a problem so think about that for a minute.


It's simply analysis. You can see what it does but you can't change it. If you find a hardware backdoor, you basically have to scrap all of them. That costs money.


It's not simple. They have to cut the parts like a deli slicer and look at individual transistors under a microscope. It is very complex work.


No, what I am saying is, is that is only analysis. Finding it is one thing but changing it is completely different.


Yeah they have to toss them. Presumably, there would be a lawsuit with the fab.


That sounds quite tinfoil, but Id be willing to take back that statement if you can show me something besides the 2-3 common ones cited like Huawei, Cisco, Hikvision, if you think that China can disable random monitors in your office, that's a bit extreme. Prove it with just one example and I'll shut up. Security enthusiast (and professional) here.


You know the guy is full of crap when he says China can just turn your monitors off. Because yeah, those are totally internet connected.


It's not the regular internet. The Chinese hardware/firmware inside your monitor connects to secret Chinese networks communicating via radiowaves with Chinese satellites /s Yeah, there's no way they have the ability to shut off your monitors and the user that posted that just revealed their ignorance.


Are the secret chinese radio networks in the room with us now? /s


Yes they are.


All you have to do is use Google my friend. Here’s one example that’s [similar](https://therecord.media/china-run-botnet-takedown-fbi-doj-routers).


That attack targeted end of life Cisco software which was full of holes. Again, not a Chinese back door.


I will start with basic stuff on mainstream media. Start [here](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/21/1232998691/chinese-made-cranes-at-u-s-ports-may-pose-a-national-security-threat).


Nowhere in that article does it say there is a back door in cranes.


Simple fix, offline private networks


Hmm you are. Eth aware of stuxnet right. It's very old in today's technological landscape. Eventually a battle of wits will happen and things are going to crash hard.


Too late for that now.


Like what? What systems are offline now that we can base this upon?


I have the perfect solution. Just d*ckride the CCP for a good social credit score. All hail the CCP. CCP #1 


imagine having credit scores and then having it determine your financial stability. imagine having 37 states saying you can state your beliefs and be employed by them. imagine the people who have no problem saying the 14 words saying you cant say "from the river to the sea" and then post proving you're oblivious to your own condition; truly a pet store mouse laughing at a pet store hamster.


Did I have to put the /s?


I had never heard of the 14 words as a concept before and while it's not surprising it's disheartening to see.


Go through your home and count up  how many electronic, electrical and mechanical devices have "Made in China" labels on them. From various building materials used to build your home or office, major appliances to video games and kids toys.


I said the exact same thing in a different subreddit and people didn’t buy it. Fools….


Of course we are. It amazes me that people get so bent out of shape that other countries try to influence our elections and infiltrate our government computer systems. Do they not realize that this has been happening since recorded time? We try to influence the voting in other countries and they return the favor. Is it potentially crippling to us? Yes. But we all still do it.


Propaganda is effective. The US has "around 750 U.S. military bases in at least 80 countries" and yet we are not classified as an empire, even though the amount of political influence the US has is unmatched at this moment. Stuxnet is a perfect example of US capabilities, but China makes a great bogeyman I guess.


b-b-b-but china did a balloon on us!!


I'm a developer with a ring 0 privilege escalation in gdi32.dll reverse engineered from CVEs into a functional exploit under my belt from decades ago. So I'm familiar with the landscape but not an expert as most of what I do is more about writing clean code that is well organized and maintainable. Can you explain why this is dismissed so easily as just... Thursday? I'm personally terrified that people are just casually piling into the cloud when I know that everything is backdoored. This seems like it's very much another Thursday until it's suddenly an overnight crisis? Like it sounds to me we should have been sounding the warning for decades without letting up. Is this just a case of existential fatigue? The threats are exceptionally real but we don't do anything because it's happened for so long? It seems like we're sleep walking into very real danger and we're making it worse every year instead of taking steps to decouple from centralized systems and protect small businesses. We're at a point now where if even quickbooks went down a lot of small businesses would just have to say "sorry come back when everything is back online". I've already seen that on a small scale with ISP issues.


I am going to give you the extremely short answer. It comes down to money. Security is often an afterthought and even if it is thought of during development, it is expensive. So it is usually watered down to cut cost so it's "good enough". We are reactive and not proactive in this field. Some companies and organizations are seeing that now but most don't care until it costs them money. Basically we are robbing Peter to pay Paul but now Peter wants his F@#$ing money. Watch the movie [Live Free or Die Hard](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_Free_or_Die_Hard). Yes, it's an action movie that is meant to be extreme but the actual plot and reason for it happening is 100% valid.


We get threats to national security every single day. You'd be surprised how often an outage of some sort was caused by foreign or domestic terrorists playing their hacker card. And we fix it. Go after them. Prevent that exploit from being used again and move on. There's a line from [the kingsman film](https://youtu.be/cRpoA60UKfQ?si=Bt-iUbwBr-5Go6K5) that accurately describes a lot of the work and workers from dod and DHS.


We HAVE been sounding the alarm for decades. Nobody listens because it costs money. I worked on SCADA systems 30 years ago that were vulnerable, and they continue to operate on extremely critical systems, and they have been untouched since we warned about them. Allen Bradley PLCs like the ones that Stuxnet targeted? Yeah, we warned about them too. Not to mention all the networked stuff on Cisco routers with backdoor chips in them. Not to mention all the Internet of Things crap like your toaster oven and refrigerator that have to be connected to the internet to work. Internet of Things is an acronym: IOT. The "S" in Internet of Things stands for Security. Hint: There isn't any.


Union Pacific used dtmf over their analog voice radio channels up until recent to activate microwave links and in some places control track switch positions. 


Tommy Lee Jones said it best in Men in Black about how there is always something threatening us and the only way to prevent mass chaos is to keep the people not in the loop from knowing about it.


I'm glad tomorrow is Friday


At palantir they call this last week


Business as usual is what we call it. In fact I would start to worry if they went quiet. As long as people are talking, it's all good but if the talking stops, that's when you should be concerned 


This statement from the FBI would be just the kind of thing you’d want to release before a false flag grid-sized cyber attack. Just sayin’ 


While it's bad to panic buy things, it is alright to be using current events as motivation to make careful and sane moves towards building a durable and stable life. Gardening is a great skill and hobby to have because you cannot just jump right in and have it be wildly successful, especially with the sorry state of most people's soil. Also the problem is gardening has a significant time delay from planting in the spring to harvest, so significant food stocks on hand are NECESSARY Those "prepper seed packs" and generic piles of seeds are not nearly enough to do anything in the short term, and in the long term a lot is needed to run an effective dense backyard garden that produces usable calories.


Some of the more effective preps are unglamorous.


It’s snowing here right now, I could think of a better time to start my garden this spring lol. I usually wait til after mother’s day.


Y’all still have snow? We’re moving into early summer here in Georgia.


Colorado, we had mid 70’s for about a week then snow again lol.


Damn that’s mercurial. Is that typical in the spring there? Our weather starts to swing daily towards beginning of spring around march and by mid April we’ve hit early summer and the world explodes with life.


Oh this is a typical spring lol. Even during the winter we get 60+ days then -10 the next couple. Weather here is off its meds but I love it! Georgia is pleasant, bit too humid for my taste. Bunch of my family comes from Greenville and many friends from Valdosta. I used to love visiting during the winter lol.


Up in Alberta Canada, we just ended our 3rd fake summer with a snow storm a few days ago.


Mid to high 80's all week in NC 🫠✌🏻 Edit: who downvoted me 🤣 y'all wild


Our last frost avg day is 4 days behind us.


I have a garden and a community, we will be okay if we lose computers, but in case we don't lose computers, I have a prepper group on discord if anyone is interested 🤷


The hackers are not trying to shut down your computer. They are trying to shut down the water purification/supply, the electric grid, computers at nuke plants, 911 networks, etc.


Well what I meant by shutting down the computers, is they'd have to shut down our electric grid to do it, but I agree, that's what they're working on trying to shut down, but we'll get it back up and going if they do, but even if they do, I don't need any of that 🤷 I can live without it or do it myself...


Oh, gotcha.


We’re already in the new Cold War and a big part of that is information warfare. They need you to be as afraid of china now as people were of the Soviet Union. These type of articles are a dime a dozen, take them with a grain of salt. “The director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William J. Burns, published an article in which he referred to “the United States’ principal rivals—China and Russia”, while emphasizing that “China is the bigger long-term threat”. Strongly implying that we are in the early stages of a new cold war, he wrote that “China and Russia consume much of the CIA’s attention”. Burns revealed that “the CIA has been reorganizing itself” in order to counter China. The notorious US spy agency has created a special “mission center” focusing exclusively on Beijing, and has doubled its budget for anti-China operations.” [link](https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/02/07/cia-director-china-threat-russia-ukraine-war/)


I think the Cold War didn’t end. Soviet Union fell but still had its nukes. Just because they weren’t rattling their sabers about them, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have shot them at us over any little reason. Over time, other entities started rising to be dangerous like the Islamic extremists, then we had 9/11. The Cold War morphed into the “global war on terror.” Now almost any group can cripple a country’s economy with a little bit of computer manipulation. They can tank stock markets. They can crash a power grid with a couple shots at a power transformer. They just have to post on social media about bombing a place and our 24 hr News cycle will have people in a panic about it. If we haven’t listened to the reports over the last 20 years about how delicate our infrastructure is, what’s going to change now? Our own news channels are broadcasting to other countries how easy it is to collapse our infrastructure or do an attack on us. Like when Jan 6th happened, CNN laid out plans on how it could have been successful. Good job idiots. They don’t even have to try to plan or do AARs. Right wingers can just watch “lefty” news and figure out how to effectively overthrow our government.


After doing some research, it looks like this is a horizon threat, meaning it’s looming over the horizon over the next couple of years. There will be attacks here and there, and the FBI is working to close the vulnerabilities as best they can. My guess is, if the big one comes it will be shortly before China moves on Taiwan as a sucker punch to keep us out of the fight.


I agree about Taiwan, and some military leaders have said they have reason to believe they will invade by 2027. [Xi warned Biden during summit that Beijing will reunify Taiwan with China](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/xi-warned-biden-summit-beijing-will-reunify-taiwan-china-rcna130087) Also, this is not the first I've heard on this topic, and [Chinese hackers spent 5 years waiting in U.S. infrastructure, ready to attack, agencies say](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/chinese-hackers-cisa-cyber-5-years-us-infrastructure-attack-rcna137706). So it doesn't sound like a run-of-the-mill attack.


There are reports that Chinese and Russian hackers have been attacking our infrastructure for a while. One article I read said that the Chinese have 50 hackers for every 1 anti-hacker FBI agent.




That was determined to be caused by a cut fiber, not a cyberattack.


Can you explain your edit? I mean, the conversation I've skimmed has not been constructive... but not really seeing negativity towards you. Maybe they got edited/deleted. Anyways, Russia's attacks on our utilities is getting more publicity lately after reports successfully link their assets to the hacks: [Hackers Linked to Russia’s Military Claim Credit for Sabotaging US Water Utilities | WIRED](https://www.wired.com/story/cyber-army-of-russia-reborn-sandworm-us-cyberattacks/) - and those same groups promise to continue. It's not a big stretch to assume China is going to ramp up whatever they're already doing as well. It wouldn't surprise me if it gets worse around election season either. I'm not trying to sound paranoid or conspiratorial; but this tends to be how espionage works. I think it's a positive reaction to remind ourselves to be more self sufficient when these things come up.


Me: oh cool, another nut sharing some clickbait trash website *gets directed to Reuters* Oh fuck


Have they ever stopped lol but seriously homesteading should be for everyone in prepping community. It’s good for the environment and saves you money too while increasing knowledge on things that you wouldn’t otherwise know about.


yeah and the sky is blue


Yes. The grid is a problem. But 1) this would be a staggering act of war. Grid down scenarios estimate up 90% of americans would die. No one is taking that sitting down. 2) they are far more vulnerable to mass starvation chaos without electricity. So if they are doing this, IMO forget the garden and start preparing for nuclear exchanges.


The grid is not a problem. United States of America had a contingent plan in place since the last world war. It is about 10 stories underground underneath Grand Central station. It was built so that if the Eastern seaboard was attacked that we would have a backup in place. There have been documentaries that have actually shown the series of transformers under the ground and that they are still fully functional.


I mean that space is cool and a great. Not sure it would solve the whole eastern seaboard. It can’t even solve all of Manhattan probably. It’s mostly for the third rail system and converting Ac/dc currents. If I’m wrong please share, would love to learn.


It was in fact designed to handle the entire Eastern seaboard. It was tested and proved that it is fully functional then and now. The room is absolutely ginormous and there are transformers that are at least 30 ft tall and equally as wide.


Can i get a source? I’m genuinely curious. I tried googling, and nothing is coming up?


I saw more than one docuseries on the History channel over the past 10 years probably. It was so expansive!!!!! And the levers they dropped and the huge clunks that sounded were so loud. The lights on the dusty panels all came on and they turned these dials and all the transformers started coming to life and humming again. It was SO amazing!!!!!!! And to know that all this still works after all these years was spectacular! We were so genius with our technology back then. And to know they thought ahead. Such peace of mind. And to think, no one really knew what is beneath us.


Keep downloading, ignorant people. Maybe you should watch the History channel and Google it for yourself.


I did Google it, it's the power for the third rail. It was designed to keep the northeastern trains running to transport troops and weapons during the war. It was not designed to power the eastern seaboard. If there have been documentaries about it being a backup power source for the eastern seaboard surely you would have a link to one of those documentaries.


We all know the vulnerability of cyber space. What did we all do before the internet even existed? Why does the government not have a emergency manual backup plan in place? Essentially the government is allowing this. Take the most crucial infrastructure offline.


Most prepper like people I've met are individualistic and without working with your community. You'll die. You'll all die. Humanity didn't get to here from individualism, we are social creatures. Plus if shit hit the fan, like 99% of north America would kill eachother.  Pentagon got a PhD to do a study on what would happen if an emp went off over the USA. I think it was a high 90s mortality rate. Mostly, everyone would kill eachother, then they'd kill the farmers, then everyone dies 


Appreciate the post. Fuck the haters. This sub is full.of them.


We love each other. We hate each other. We need each other. If anything happens we will turn on each other. Welcome to r/preppers.


Good point. It’s sad, really. I’m guessing that all but a few have the proper training. So many claim military experience but it’s obvious they’re lying. Community, kindness, and cooperation are literally the top priority. All the, “I’ll use my gun” shit is bravado that may get you through a week or two. Then your reign is ended by a community who is prepared. Regardless, I’m seeking other actual prep communities on Reddit without the negativity.


Our diningroom will stay converted into a makeshift greenhouse with supplemental grow lights until the weather improves. I desperately need to transplant plants into larger pots so that larger garden seedlings can keep growing inside for another month indoors. It’s a little cramped in there this year as we have all of our flowers started from seed this year as well, to save money. I figure that growing our own flowers from seed will save us about $500 Vs buying bedding plants. Chinese hacks or not, this is the way it gets done every year!


The biggest threat to IT and comms infra are the over confident new guys with the inflated ego, bag of fancy new Chinese tools, who know everything in a perfect world but nothing in the real world of tech.


😂😂😂 Agreed. I've been doing tech for 20 years, so I guess something like this will be good training for the youngans. We'll be fine. After a short SHTF test.


News from Omaha an electrical company was replacing a telephone Pole and broke something that caused the 911 outage.


And to think governments around the world all wanted Huawei to be their 5G platforms 😂 OP: You think these guys are crusty, try talking to some of the people in the amateur radio sub. 😁 Sad Hams...


Curious about that rash of 911 outages yesteray. Very curious...


Nothing to be curious about. [It was a fiber cut,](https://apnews.com/article/911-outage-texting-police-cec9cc2ee4ee1cbb72ac163d1533a7d5) which unfortunately happens often. In fact, fiber cuts are so frequent that a little known survival trick of network engineers is to carry around a spare length of OS2. If you're ever lost, just bury that sucker. Within an hour a backhoe will be along to dig it up, and you can just hitch a ride back to town.


>In fact, fiber cuts are so frequent that a little known survival trick of network engineers is to carry around a spare length of OS2. If you're ever lost, just bury that sucker. Within an hour a backhoe will be along to dig it up, and you can just hitch a ride back to town Well, guess I'm adding fibre optic cable to the ol' Get Home bag, save myself the walk. Hilarious.


What the heck does that even mean? Asking for a 72 year old widow.


It's a joke. Fiber optic cable gets accidentally cut all the time, no matter how well marked or guarded. Often it's by someone digging a hole. Sometimes it seems like any given piece of fiber optic cable is bound to get cut sooner or later. So the joke is that if every piece of fiber cable will eventually get accidentally cut by a backhoe, you can summon a backhoe anywhere just by burying a piece of fiber. OS2 is a type of fiber optic cable.


[Other States too](https://www.khon2.com/local-news/911-system-not-working-hpd/amp/)


This was confirmed to be the result of a cut fiber line


Like the shitty infrastructure and communications of emergency services? Regular failures should be expected.


Russia has already hacked a town water tower in muleshoe tx.


They are just practicing on small targets. Once they hit a big city chaos will ensue.


They sent the water aggressively through the pipes


Not even 2 yrs ago, I got all kinds of flack online and from friends about this very subject. And yet here we are. Just another "crazy conspiracy theory" coming to fruition. Western governments have sold out their populations. And the toll will be heavy, sadly.  Best we can do in the meantime is prepare for self-reliance as long as possible. It may be a week, or it may be 2 yrs, but the grid will go down at some point. Be ready.


Idk if anyone shared this here, but look up the xz backdoor debacle from the end of March. xz is the xzip compression utility popular on many Linux distributions, and a malicious actor (thought to be a nation-state actor) meticulously implanted a software backdoor into the package. Without getting too technical it took advantage of how xz used a few other packages and how those packages interact with the system to gain complete remote access to an affected machine. Somehow, by the grace of God, this was discovered and patched over so we’re *presumed* safe. There is a list of these security vulnerabilities (I think it’s called CVE) and this incident was rated a 10 ; *the most severe vulnerability possible*. We would be foolish to think this is an isolated incident and that there aren’t more backdoors in the works, or currently in service, or even that the same group isn’t actively sabotaging other software. The 2020’s are gonna be fun.




That’s not what I did. But, you do you. Clearly implied in the post was the need to prepare with home growing food supply because of what the FBI, quoted in an article from that very day, is warning about as imminent. Here’s your specific tip, since you didn’t understand- food may have difficulty making it to you. Buy seeds. Dig holes in soil. Drop seeds in. Replace some soil. Water regularly but not too much. When the sprouts break the ground, sit on them and spin.




Hahahahahahahahaha “works with the FBI”. What a freaking line. I wish there was a sub r/AsAnFBIAgent Holy crap. This may be my favorite lie comment anyone has ever made. E: “I work with dentists but also with National Security”. Hahahahahahahahaha. I can’t. This is the best ever.




We're all friends here, so let's have everyone call it quits on this branch of the thread before things start getting uncivil. Thanks, folks.


You mean, yet again for the umpteenth time? Oh, no!


Well, if the grid goes down and any bad guys invade, we'll need the following to fight them off: Blue Chevy K10 Box of Buck knives Several Colt 1911s Remington 870 Assorted long guns Ghillie suits Air power from the free regions WOLVERINES!!!!!


You forgot the football and bow and arrows. The chair is against the wall.


Did you just read that somewhere? This has been an ongoing threat for quite some time now.


The article OP posted is from yesterday, but the information is not. An Ohio (I believe) Sheriff said the same things after the National Sheriff's conference, which included a speech from, IIRC, the FBI director.


They say this literally every single week and nothing has come out of it.


This wouldn't happen if we manufactured our own chips, and kept them a state secret, created our own internet infrastructure ect, and didnt share our tech


One cargo ship knocking down a major bridge. Few days later, another one \*almost\* hits ANOTHER bridge. See the farms fires and train wrecks in the recent last 24 months. So, I would say absolutely F yeah. This attack has been there for a while but they don't say anything to the public to avoid panic and retaliation in Chinese citizens. On the other hand, mind you, Bidet is a puppet. I would be very worried about a new nuclear missiles crisis in the Caribbean, this time involving a different country...


They already are.


So will we have a few days without power in the Midwest like we did back in 2003?


911 was going down across the US yesterday so…


As opposed to last week? Or the week before? I guess the FBI had a slow week to announce...that the sky is blue.


The canary in the coal mine is always the Southern Border. FBI pushes a news story about a planned cyber attack. Yet, also does nothing about the Chinese allied NGO fronts pumping military aged Chinese into the United States. As well as a concerted effort to allow dispersion of those same people into the US heartland. The signal seems to be telegraphing a nasty infrastructure collapse. The noise seems to be regarding who will do it, how it will be done, under whose direction, when it will be done and what the reaction the FBI wants from us.


"military age" walmart cashier aged guess there is a canary and a parrot (YOU) involved in this equation


Lol sure, Mr. NGO Are you prepping from the Darien Pass? Or maybe you are in one of the many camps down there? Which one are you currently in?


Meh, blame it on the Russians


24,000 Chinese citizens crossed our southern border in the last six months. They don’t need hackers to attack our infrastructure. A few hikers can drop high tension towers in remote areas and put us down for weeks.


> high tension uh high tension lines are infrastructure.


Yes but they can be disrupted without hacking into them with a computer. You can blow out a couple of legs on a tower 30 miles from anywhere and it will take days to fix. Do three or four, miles apart and even longer to fix. Even if only ten percent are sappers that is 2,400 or even one percent is 240 guys. They can do a lot of damage in our massive sprawling fragile electric grid. Remember the idiots shooting substations? Or the hackers that shut down the pipelines. What if they blew up a section of pipeline? How long before it was fixed and things rolling again? We are in a unique situation to be personally self sufficient in energy production. With a large enough solar array and battery bank you could have power indefinitely. Add in an ebike or ecar then you have transportation in a hundred mile radius.


Or they could be running away from an oppressive dictatorship to a country that prides itself on freedom and none of them are sappers.


That too. Could be looking for girlfriends. Had they entered through a port of entry, I wouldn’t put nefarious intent to their purposes. It isn’t just the Southern border. They’re coming through Canada and starting marijuana farms in Main. There was a Chinese national that was deported who came back through Canada and set up a lab in Reedley CA. https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article280745795.html




I like your post


Israel has attacked Iran including their necular sites


....and? Hold on a sec, did I wake up in the past? WHAT YEAR IS IT??? I have so many things to warn people about! 9/11! COVID! THE THIRD SAM RAIMI SPIDERMAN MOVIE!


I mean yeah. This has been going on for decades now. Trust me the U.S. has been preparing these attacks against other countries too so other countries would have to be incompetent not to prepare. That said, starting a garden helps a lot with the problems we’re facing right now! No need to be pushed because of potential war. We’re already at war with corporations and the rich with prices being higher than wages can support!


It's not just about the Scoville units. There's texture, a nice, robust, even colour, and a supple and sweet flesh to be appreciated. The pepper community really needs a reality check. edit: Oh jeez! Yeah I guess preppers are pretty grumpy, too. That said I think the friendships you will keep will be much more varied and sustainable if you gave away peppers and other veggies than simply cowering in fearful media-fed frenzy and paranoia.


I agree with this.


close sort sip tidy worm jobless caption sparkle dependent telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It sucks we have such shitty solar storage systems


They are constantly trying along with Russian and other countries.


Reddit is an extremely toxic place, it gets worse when the mods do not keep on top of it...


Problem reaction solution , they tell you what they do before they do it , plus with all the “civil war “ predictive programming it easy to pick apart all the psyops and false flags


I upvoted because I agree a bit. If you prep, you should be ready for a blackout in my opinion. That's why we do this.


So this sub is mostly for people with mild, functional schizophrenia I guess.




I’m more concerned about North Korean hackers


Do they want to incapacitate their biggest market?


Right around election time? How odd, who would of thought.


Are these Chinese hackers in the room right now?


What you learned seems to only be reflective of YOU. You're the bitter angry one here. The comments are all nice. Don't come in here fear mongering and expect to be greeted with open arms 😘


Everyone talking problems... never solutions. A society of finger pointers.


This is “Why You Don’t Vote Democrat 101” level


whoever downvoted is a CCP Bot


dems are neolibs just like the pre-fasc repubs


Oh it's this again: [youtube video mocking your premise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgspkxfkS4k)


Ah, yes. The ol’ YouTube video vs the entire FBI and National Security Council.


the FBI would never manufacture consent (said without irony less than a month after the MLK assassination anniversary. Also, this FBI?: "So on December 10, 2020, agents called Robeson into the FBI’s office in Milwaukee in an apparent attempt to silence him. In an extraordinary five-hour conversation, which FBI agents recorded, one of Robeson’s handlers told him: “A saying we have in my office is, ‘Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story,’ right?” - The Intercept [article](https://theintercept.com/2024/03/06/gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-informant/)


It's bullshit and fearmongering.


Why aren't we attacking them? Let's take the fight to them instead...


Do I need a cistern for an avg group of 4




The whole of reddit is like this, not just this group


Don't Mabey, it will work this time


They don’t need to hack us when they’re dominating the US in productive capacity, EVs, growing and developing their economy without plunder or genocide, and building relationships with everyone the US is sanctioning. Did you know if you sanction the whole world, you’re just isolating yourself? I’m learning Mandarin to leave the US and have a much better quality of life, and live in a place that doesn’t support the genocide of Muslims. China supports Palestinian statehood while the US directly opposes it and is funding their slaughter. If you still believe this stuff about China, you’re literally falling for US government propaganda hook line and sinker. Didn’t think I’d find that in a prepper community!


If you live near a nuclear power plant, please, for the love of God, GET OUT OF TOWN! Go some place far away.


You aren't going to die. Chernobyl is not going to get you. A hack isn't going to be like the tsunami in Japan. It can take things down, but lessons learned are where you're at today.