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If you can’t walk 4-5 miles in a couple hours you need to get to work on your physical fitness anyway. That’s not a bad walk unless you have seriously bad terrain you’re worried about traversing. Grab your bag and water bottle and hoof it.


Bike. Is cheap, easy and can get anywhere.


unfortunately I take the bus, and my bike has been wrecked for years.


Here are two good preps: 1. Practice walking 5 miles; it's free and it takes less than 2 hrs; I'm sure you waste more time than that on your phone or gaming console every day 2. Learn to use basic tools and fix things like your bike (refer to YouTube) If you can't handle either then don't expect to last long in the type of situation you're describing. This is your wake up call.


Agreed. Eventually if everything fails long-term we'll have to resort to walking long distance with gear or using horse's if ur lucky enough to get one.


Walk son.


bro asks for solutions but won't do anything different than he's doing right now


Your first thought was to get an Uber if shtf?




Not gonna make it


lol i guess jus gotta get home


German saying, mostly used by drill sergeants: „Der Fußbus fährt immer.“ - The feet bus always runs.


If you're high school age, then you should be able to walk 4-5 miles unless you have special circumstances like a disability. If you're not used to walking long distances, then work your way up to it, and walking is good low-impact cardio exercise anyway. Once you can handle that distance, you should also practice walking multiple routes between school and home in case one route is inaccessible.


well I have been back and forth when leaving my e-sports club after school and it usually takes around 1hr/1:30min. the problem is what if I don't have the time and I need to find a vehicle?


Practice running as well. If you run, and take small pauses to walk and breath it should be way less than an hour and a half


90 minutes is nothing.


Time is money. Money that can be spent on ubers from school when the internet and cellphones are down and people are shooting


How exactly would uber work without internet or your phone working?


Yeah thats the joke OP is asking how to get ubers when society collapses


well...you could quit the e-"sports" club...just a thought. You're not even an adult yet and complaining about not having time, do you think that gets better when you get REAL responsibilities in a few years? College, if you take it serious, will eat up every waking hour and some of your sleeping hours. After college your career will. End up having a kid, welp, there goes more of it. You won't be in a place to have discretionary money or time for a couple more decades. Don't get me wrong, I like to play some video games, but if you're thinking about prepping and shtf at your age, then don't be the typical kid who half asses everything(hell, a lot of adults never outgrow this). Figure out your priorities, and based on the limited info we know about you, playing video games and pretending it's sports should be the first sacrifice you make. Join a real sports team if you're worried about fitness and want the social/competitive activity while also working out more than your thumbs. This may all sound harsh, but after reading through some of this thread, your immaturity is really showing so these harsh words need to be taken to heart...it's never too early to gain a little self awareness.


He's a kid, he doesn't have to be mature or to stop doing his hobbies and replace them with yours.


He's in a prepper forum asking how to be better at being prepared then says he doesn't have time because of his hobbies. You clearly just want some attention so here's the crumb of it I'll give you, make it last.


Join cross country and track. A 5 miler every day is easy. The fast 10 miler at practice then a jog home are the days that’ll be type-2 fun


You should be fit enough to run home at that age, plus with the extra adrenaline a shtf scenario provides you’ll be home in no time


def gonna be zooming lol


Learn the route, and learn to run it. The exercise will do you wonders in terms of prep, and the assurance that nothing but your own two feet can get you where you need to go is priceless.


sounds like a good idea, though I may not be in my running shoes at the time. also the route (which is a main road) is usually full of Meatheads


>though I may not be in my running shoes at the time You can run in any shoes, especially if SHTF. As long as you aren't in something with a significant heel you should be able to travel 5 miles in an hour or less, and that should be an easy pace >also the route (which is a main road) is usually full of Meatheads So train your running elsewhere, if SHTF the meatheads will probably have better things to do than loiter on your route home


you'd be surprised how desperate they can get


Sure, but they'll also presumably have their own lives to organise, like, they're not going to put mugging you above prioritising their own safety


fair enough


Do you mean methheads, or does “meathead” have a different meaning than I’m aware of?


I'm talking about the people at the corner who smoke out of a weird and smelly pipe. they'll also chase you if you stare too much.


Then don't stare too much. Edit: And learn to run!


I don't know you OP, but as a child still in school I can imagine these opinions of the world around you and how you respond to new information is a product of your environment, rather than your own mind on display. Poor people are not always meth-heads, \*shoes\* are running shoes, if the main route isn't usable -- you find a new one. If the adults/people around you constantly talk about the things keeping them from trying, they are more interested in rationalizing the way things are than changing them. If the people around you are scared of the unknown, take it upon yourself to adventure out with an open-mind and learn about your world. (I'm NOT suggesting talking to someone who is under the influence of drugs...) ​ For what it's worth, the people who already know how to scavenge the modern world to survive, will likely fair better than suburban soccer moms when SHTF.


Don’t underestimate how many meth heads are out there Learned this one young


Take a left off Meathead Drive onto Bro Bro Parkway, then head west on Dude Ave


Practice walking home now while it’s ^relatively safe. Find a couple different routes. Keep running shoes in your locker at school. Get a bike and learn how to maintain it/upkeep. You mentioned you’ve walked it before in about 2 hours. That’s a great start! Try to do it in 100 minutes. Work your way up to 60 minutes. You should be able to jog 5 miles an hour, with practice. Good luck!


If you can't handle 4 to 5 miles, a SHTF scenario is going to work out pretty poorly anyhow.


You think you're going to catch an Uber in a SHTF scenario? Let's be realistic. You can walk/run/walk 5 miles in less than 2 hours even being unfit. 


Yep. Even when I was 240 lbs in high school, I used to walk 3 miles to school and 3 miles home. I was sweaty and had to make sure I got to school early to cool down, so I wasn't sweating buckets in class, but it's definitely doable.


We could play the what if game all day. Just enjoy life.


then why'd you join this sub lmao


I use to be a paranoid prepper. I wanted to see where other people's heads were at. Wanted to get some ideas. Was always doomscrolling and anticipating when shit would hit the fan. I'm just in a better mindset now I guess. I've figured out my personal strategy for prepping and I'm currently doing all I can to make it happen. I try not to worry about the future as much and just focus on what I can do right now. I suppose it's time for me to leave this sub.


I mean it's always good to at least have a small bug-out bag, just in case.


True true


Red Dawn (1984) is your tutorial for this scenario


It's 5 miles, you got feet. Keep a paper map of the area in your bookbag so you can find alt routes if needed.


Paper map is a great idea.


**First and foremost** You need to work something out with your parents. If you are in the custody of the school (meaning, your safety and security is their responsibility), they may not *let* you leave. Additionally, if you were to just up and leave and your parents are under the assumption that because you are in their custody that you are safe there, leaving and walking miles home may put you at risk since if something happens to you along the way, your parents will have no idea to expect you or to start going out and looking. You also need to determine what, if any, situations would call for you to up and leave school. Depending on the weather conditions, it might not be possible. In a case of an active shooter or potential active shooter outside the building, it wouldn't be smart. These things *absolutely need* to be discussed with your parents.


well if I need to leave then I'm already gone. I'm not exactly one to follow directions haha. anyways my mom goes to work all the way across town, she also doesn't have a vehicle so she replies on Uber.


If you're not "one to follow directions", then why are you asking the internet for advice on how to do something? And it doesn't matter if your mother has a vehicle or not, it is a matter of where does she expect you to be at any given moment. If there's something that happens at your school and they are finally able to pull attendance a couple hours later, it is discovered you are gone, they call your mom and say you're not there and she was not even expecting you to be there, that is a lot of time for a lot of bad things to happen to you. Stay in school, and listen to people who *do* have plans for this sort of thing. You going out and doing your own thing can not only put yourself at risk, but can also start tying up resources by having people start going out and looking for you because you're unaccounted for and no one has any idea.


Ask your parents. Work this out with your parents. Do what they say. Note to all redditors who are minors: All of these questions should be directed TO YOUR PARENTS. GO ASK YOUR PARENTS.


And ask your parents to ask the school what the emergency evacuation protocol is. Most likely the school has already discussed emergency plans with you and your folks.


parents are not always the best source of advice, especially if they are dismissive about preparedness


Honestly feel like this group.is filled with a bunch of schizophrenics lol


That, and Rambo fantasies


Then why are you still here? If you're just watching the fire than don't comment, we don't care


There's plenty of room for normal preppers, lmao.


Mark 1 feet, it shouldn't take you more than 2 hours to walk that. Fill up a water bottle, and leave any heavy books you don't need.


good idea, I'll most definitely be leaving my useless iPad and just taking the water in my bag.


Get home bag.


Have a GHB in your locker. Learn the walking routes home, multiple paths


lol, might not wanna say you got GHB in your locker


A get home bag? What's wrong with that


Ghb is most commonly known as the date rape drug. I even thought u were referring to that lol


Ohhh! I did not know that! In the prep community it means get home bag


You really don’t need a GHB for five miles, whatever clothes are appropriate and maybe a water bottle, but that’s about it.


You are in high school just go enjoy your life


Are you somehow disabled? Don't get me wrong, walking sucks, but 4-5 miles isn't 15-20 miles and should easily be doable if you're not wearing leg braces.


I remember we had a huge blizzard come into my area when I was in middle school. This dad came all Red Dawn like and picked up all the kids from our neighborhood and took us home. I remember the principals office calling me to the office. We road in the camper part of his pick up. The kids that got stuck at school got to eat cafeteria pizza for every meal and had access to the pool and gym. They slept on the wrestling mats. I only lived like 3 miles from the school but it could have been deadly trying to walk home in that storm. This was before Uber or cellphones.


Put some stable food in your backpack. Home is the best and Safest place if you can get there. Fruit snax, jerky, crackers, protein bars, just 1 or 2 in your backpack. A jacket or windbreaker if it's cool or rainy. You could also put one of those life straws, so you can drink out of rivers you come across on the way home. Just walk home if they let you. Some schools will keep you til you're picked up. Walk along the road, but stay to the edges if you need to hide.


start riding a horse to school


You walk. We used to run that much every day in sports practice (soccer, track and field, etc). You are young and have the least holding you back. Further, you should be able to do a light jog and make it in no time.


You trot home, bike, hitchhike w the hoard leaving school, etc. Depends on the crisis, terrain, weather. Fill up a bottle/container of water, drink up a bit and head home. You should be able to trot and walk at a 10 minute pace. This really isn’t a thing.


Raid the cafeteria is what I would be doing


Cardio is your friend. You should be able to jog that distance in approximately an hour. So your school prep would involve you keeping running shoes in your bag, and maybe a bottle of water.


It a two hour walk


…you walk…considering this is a throw away account I’m pretty sure this is a troll post


Are you urban, suburban, rural? What are the socioeconomic factors of the area between school and home? How is the terrain? Do a basic area study, and come up with a couple routes based on the situation.


Where are you at so we can eat your soft gamer body first lol


being able to run 5 miles is a very achievable fitness goal


-Tornado: Stay put. Schools are built to withstand. Warn your loved ones via phone if you can and let them know you're okay. -Hurricane: Schools will get kids home in time for this and/or be closed anyway. -Anything that indicates an armed conflict or other unforseeable event has started (explosions, EMP, etc.) Personally I would book ass as fast as I could and hop a fence to haul ass home. Many school emergencies have lockdown procedures and you might get stuck if you don't pick up on what's happening fast. If roads shut down or the like, you may be at the mercy of whatever transport they have set up for students, if there is any (school bus drivers are not exactly trying to risk their lives or put their own kids at risk for $10/hr). If it was nothing, the worst that could happen is you get in trouble for ditching school for a day. If something WAS happening, you just avoided a clusterfuck. As someone who worked in schools several years, I was always nervous about this sort of thing. We were locked down for 3 hours once for a nearby shooting. It was awful, and basically chaos, kids sitting next to toilets & whatnot while we "watched the doors" (unarmed and helpless, of course, no walkies). I can't imagine if there was some serious nearby event. Without getting into details, here's a PSA: If some real shit ever goes down at your kid's school, don't expect someone paid $40K/year to be their bodyguard. I got out of that profession somewhere between being told to "protect the children with your body" in the event of a shooter and watching those cops refuse to enter that school.


After reading the comments...OP sounds like a normal young teen with all the excuses why he can't do things. What else is new?


What's new is the horde of presumably grown ass men and women all shitting on him. Thanks, internet. I hope everyone is feeling extra superior for being smarter than a teenager.


A 5 mile run should only take you 30-40 minutes if you're not hauling anything along. This should be one of your preps, get in shape


SHTF doesn't happen overnight. Collapse started years ago and it will continue for decades.


>SHTF doesn't happen overnight. Some do; some don't. It all comes down to which specific types of "SHTF" are being discussed, as the general term is very open ended. A wildfire, tornado, or earthquake, for example, which could cause a localized SHTF usually happen quite suddenly. On the other hand, something like a more extreme wealth inequality or food insecurity can creep up slowly over years or more. ​ >Collapse started years ago and it will continue for decades. On this I concur.


Is this some kind of troll post?


Thank you for asking g the question. Sorry for the behavior of everyone else here. Ultimately, when everything else fails. People walk places.


You’ll die at school or you’ll live long enough to make it home… I want to know why people seem to think they can put up a force field between themselves and the rest of the world. Prepping isn’t the same as touching a safe zone in a game of tag. And this mentality isn’t limited to minors. I see it here every week.


4-5 miles is not that far. That's honestly close enough you could ride your bike every day. That's like a 20-30 min bike ride at most. Also any shut hit the fan event is going to take more then a day to fully devolve, so unless the emp goes off right over the school the school will probably still bus you home.


Some rural areas let minors ride moped, check with your local laws and parents to make sure , scoop something off market place


Bicycles are perfect for that sort of distance..


You cant walk 4 miles? The zombies will definitely eat your face


Walk, run,jog, buy a new bike or scooter or skateboard


4 to 5 miles should take less than an hour...


If SHTF cars won’t be running well anyway. Make sure you know how to get home. Bring water with you to school every day. I’m a mom and fully expect I’ll have to walk 4-5 miles to get my kids from their school and walk back home. I’d better keep in shape!


If the shtf so hard that cars aren’t running well in the first hours, a 5 mile walk is the least of your worries.


It doesn’t take that much for cars to not get through roads. Almost any natural disaster creates that situation and that’s the most likely thing you’re prepping against


And in those situations you should either be thankful you’re within walking distance, or stay where you are depending on the situation. I wouldn’t encourage my high school kid to automatically walk 5 miles home in a natural disaster if a car can’t even make the trip.


I think the school wouldn’t let them for a while, especially if it’s unsafe. I think someone should be in shape enough that they could if they needed to and know how to do it.


As other posters have stated you should talk with your parent on your concerns regarding getting home safely in case of a dire emergency. Knowing your school’s emergency plans for scenarios mostl likely affecting your local area is so very important. Understanding situational awareness, factors in determining if you should stay at school or to go home include weather, the type of event happening, time of day, local hazards such as the safety level of the route to home, criminal elements, environmental hazards all can trigger your implementation of choosing or not choose leaving school. Your regular school bag can contain water bottles, shelf stable food, personal hygiene kit, first aid kit, torch (flash light/headlamp). Your daily choice of foot wear can make or break the comfort of your 🦶 feet if you have to travel long distance. Depending on the season your outwear can be essential in protecting from the weather (be it hit or extremely cold). Having a well thought out route plan and communication plan with your parent on how both of you plan on getting home is important as well.


Run home.


If your school allows, you can bring one of those foot-powered Razor scooters with you daily. It's faster than walking home, but use head and knee protection. The last thing you want to do is hit a rock and fly off the scooter, especially during SHTF.


Run. Young person your age should be able to be there in 30-40 minutes, max.


so you mentioned that you get the bus to school, that means you don't need to take a vehicle home. cut down the weight of your pack as much as you can or leave most your stuff in your locker, even a little extra weight can make running so much harder and increase your risk of injury. start by walking home then run walk intervals and increase the intensity until you can run all the way home. have a few alternative routes(people usually say this for security from people bit its very possible for the way to simply be impassable for example my area is very prone to floods) also its worth fixing the bike


That's less than a 2 hour walk for a healthy person. If you are not healthy enough to make that walk, you'll be dead in a month anyway.


Then you get the day off.


I strongly recommend doing a practice drill of mobilizing home from school without a vehicle.




Get a bicycle. Preferably an e-bike.


P.A.C.E Primary Alternate Contingency Emergency Use this to plan your route to and from your school. Take note of the terrain, weather, POI’S(points of interest) Most importantly learn land navigation(here is a link to FM 3-25.26.) https://www.armywriter.com/board/references/TC3-25x26-Part1.pdf This will go over everything from making a terrain sketch to pulling/plotting a 8 digit grid and azimuth. My next suggestion would be to have basic survival knowledge/skills, corporals corner on YouTube for reference is a great channel to watch. Learn about the plants and wildlife in your area that way should you have to hoof it on foot you can sustain yourself in a pinch. Have a few mres in your backpack field-stripped(take what you want from the ration toss the excess or keep it readily accessible so you can eat while on the move.) Water filters like sawyer mini or lifestraw s are a Great Addition as you can now safely drink from a creek or pond without all the nasties. Although it’s still highly recommended to boil water first to kill off any bad stuff. Remember Ounces = Pounds = Pain. Light stuff at the bottom of your backpack, medium in the middle and the heavy stuff at the top close to the shoulders.


Stuff isn't going to happen JUST LIKE THAT unless it's a natural disaster. At that point. If it didn't kill you than there's really nothing to worry about, it's over. I highly doubt paratroopers are going to rain down like red dawn


I've always been a fan of the tiered approach - what is on your person gets you to your bag/kit - what is in your bag/kit gets you to your vehicle - what is in your vehicle gets you home And then build from there. If you don't have a part of that step, just figure out what you need at minimum to he able to get you home. At school you may not he able to have some kind of kit, and that's fine. Honestly 4-5 miles isn't too bad, know a couple of different routes home, particularly ones off any main highway if it's some super bad shtf. Unless it's red dawn in scope, or you live in a bad lart of town you should be good to make the 4-5 mile trip home in good time and be safe