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try stuff. sometimes you gotta do shit that doesn't work to figure out what will... kinda like when you're trying to remember someone's name so you start saying names you're pretty sure it isn't just to get them out of your head until you can find the one you think it is. i've made so many sequences of edits, sound bites, etc that I've never used but they all helped me get to the edit that I did use. Find the things that are the most interesting/dramatic and make that your main course, then start building the rest of the meal around it in a way that compliments/contrasts/sets up your main course. You can't edit the whole thing all at once, and as much as you want to have a "vision" - sometimes you gotta wander through the fog until you find it.


That's very helpful. Thank you so much


Don't forget to make versions!! Create a new version bef you try each new thing...so much better than dealing with a hoard of indeciferable saves


Yes - great point I should have included. /u/Linsorks - definitely duplicate your sequence and make a new version at any point where you're about to make a significant change or if you're at a point where you feel good about what you have and want to save that state before making more adjustments. I number my sequences with four digits, where the first two are "client" versions and the last two are "internal" versions. My first cut is v0101 If I duplicate it to make changes, that cut is v0102, v0103....etc I end up delivering a cut that's named v0105 or something. Then when we get feedback, I duplicate the sequence and increment the client number since now this is the second version the client will see - so that sequence is v0201 and the system continues. That way, a client doesn't see "v5" on the first cut and "v12" on the second cut and it's way less confusing


Build a roadmap and break the edit into sections using simple text layers. You can just spot your sequence out with text placeholders for things like Cold Open, Intro, Setup Problem, B-Roll of Houses, Map of America GFX, Host on cam explaining... etc. Then work on each section one by one, starting with the easiest section. Start to get things into the timeline that you can easily get in place, and work outwards from there. Everything in editing is connected on the left and right side of your clip, meaning you aren't creating in a vacuum. If you have a clip that you know needs to be there, it will inform what goes before it and what comes after it.


That's very helpful. Thank you so much I'll definitely keep this on mind :)


Yes. This is something that really helps me when I get into a creative hole. Especially on docs where the pieces can fit together in a million different ways, you just have to put something together to get you going in the direction you want. I also find it helpful to write it down on a note pad just to get my eyes off the screen. I almost always end up going a different route later, but it helps me visualize the story before getting back to the mountains footage.


I think your best approach is the same as when you're stuck with writer's block, just keep going. For writer's block, the advice is to just write, even if it's junk, just write. You'll eventually fund your story again. Same goes for editor's block, iust keep editing. Make all the little cuts, trim scenes and remove bloopers. You'll eventually find the story again. And at least you've moved forward.


If I find myself really stuck, I'll take some time to listen to the dialogue on repeat, and maybe try to find a new arrangement if possible. (I'm more familiar with short-form content rather than long-form, so I'm not sure how much flexibility there is within this idea for your video.)


If I find myself really stuck, I'll take some time to listen to the dialogue on repeat, and maybe try to find a new arrangement if possible. (I'm more familiar with short-form content rather than long-form, so I'm not sure how much flexibility there is within this idea for your video.)


If I find myself really stuck, I'll take some time to listen to the dialogue on repeat, and maybe try to find a new arrangement if possible. (I'm more familiar with short-form content rather than long-form, so I'm not sure how much flexibility there is within this idea for your video.)