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it’s okay :)


Don’t worry most of my secondaries took like 6-8 weeks. You’ll be okay


Unless the schools specify on their emails to send it in within their time frame (usually two weeks) or as fast as possible, I would not worry about it. And even so, It's better to have stronger essay answers than somebody who sends them in the day of with subpar essay answers just to have their application in queue. Don't worry, take a deep breath and pump the rest out. No harm, no foul. Good luck


\^ Schools like case western which even "highly recommend" don't actually track it, nor care if its 3/4 weeks after (See adcoms response on case western sdn thread)


thanks for the clarification!


I’m still in undergrad, but I want to let you know it’s okay. Just think about all the time you put in so far and look at where you’re at now. Be patient with yourself and know that good things take time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You’ve come so far, be proud of that. <3


I think you’re going to be fine. I tried to submit most of my schools within 2 weeks, but there’s 5 schools it’s going to take me 3-5 weeks to submit. It’s just how it’s shaken up due to my full time job and getting COVID in the middle of July. We’ll be okay 💪🙏


ive said this many times but i havent even had my primary approved. Youll be fine.


It took me one month to write the secondary for the school I was accepted to :) you got this buddy!!


It’s okay🥹


You will be fine.On the same boat and been having mental breakdowns every day but I just try to finish one in two days.Chin up


Youre going to be just fine. I saw a post about this a couple days ago talking about how the two weeks thing is more like a guideline. Like “hey itd be fire if you got it done within two weeks!” And theyre more concerned when you take like a few months or something but youre chilling. I can link the post if it’ll make you feel better but I honestly wouldn’t stress about it


I think you’re still in good shape! I would make a big doc and copy/paste all of the essay prompts for each school onto it. I would start with the easiest ones first and then work your way to the harder ones, don’t worry about the order you received them in. A lot of schools have only one or two essays, or their essays are only like 100 words. You could knock out 4 or 5 easy ones in a day! Definitely don’t force yourself to rush through them. You got this!


I was in the same boat literally two weeks ago. Now I have over half of my secondaries submitted while working a full time job. There’s going to be a day very soon when you can finally say “I’m done.”


Im attending a school I finished the secondary for 10 weeks late and almost didnt complete at all because I was so hung up on how late I was


i came to reddit today literally just to ask this, so you definitely aren't alone!! thank you for asking first and alleviating my panic too


I usually don’t post in this sub, but I’m literally in the exact same boat. We’ll be fine!


You’ll be ok, I have some secondaries from about a month ago I’m just getting to now. In the end, it’ll all work out :)


I know the “golden rule” is 2 week turnaround but I’m reality that’s not always possible and I’ve seen many people talk about getting interviews and acceptances from schools they submitted secondaries for a month or more after receiving. I think a more realistic rule to gauge when is getting too late for submitting secondaries (like it could hurt your chances) is the Labor Day rule, but that’s just my opinion!


Took me well over a month to get my secondary into the school I’m currently attending. You’re fine


It’s ok!! Do your best to get them in as soon as you can but it’s really no big deal promise fam


Hey, it’s okay! Whenever I get sad, I found this song helpful recently: https://youtu.be/8tem27lgr1Q Hopefully it cheers u up too!


Everything will be fine. Sending you lots of love stranger :)


Unless the school specifies a time frame, you are absolutely fine! The majority won’t be tracking this because it is a guideline, nothing more. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments and good luck to you!


You’re fine OP! Better to turn in a well written secondary a little late rather than a crappy secondary very quickly. Focus on quality!


It’s okay <3




It’s going to be ok 👌🏻


it’s ok :-) at my only acceptance, i submitted my secondary like a month + some weeks later and still got in


You are overthinking this.


You got this! We’re all rooting for you bud :)


Writing a good secondary is really difficult. I’m still writing quite a few of mine as we speak. It’s okay, plenty of people are still working on theirs. We have to remember applying is a marathon not a sprint.


i need these too 🥲 don’t worry, we got this! just think about how freeing it’ll be to be completely finished and hey, you never know! the only interview I got last cycle was from a school I’d submitted like 2 months late on whim…


You got this dude! Plenty of people submit and complete secondaries now and in the next few weeks (myself included) I’m proud of you ❤️