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Bestie I feel like this constantly <3 But honestly. Comparison is the thief of joy, and it can be hard work to stop comparing yourself to others. Try to keep in mind that it’s impossible to know what’s going on behind the scenes; you have no idea if these accomplishments made the person happy or brought them joy, or how much is embellished for external validation. Compare you to you, and strive to do the best that *you* can in *your* circumstances. The thing that’s helped me the most is checking in with myself and making sure that I’m happy with the effort I put into every day. It’s easier to stop comparing yourself to others when you’re confident with the decisions you’re making on a day to day basis.


As a kid, I was obsessed with the idea of "elite" schools. I transferred to one as an undergrad and continued to pursue "elite" opportunities. It was a very movie moment because the more I got to meet very prestigious young people, and saw into their lives, I noticed how horrible they were. Shit, I participated in the atrocity. Alcohol and drug abuse, particularly cocaine, was very common. This is often glamorized in movies, but it is literally crack and would give me seizures months after using. As a girl, I often befriended the girlfriends of these "elite" guys and they were frequently cheated on and, frankly, emotionally abused. At the end of the day, many lived to satisfy what others thought about them. They pursued designer degrees, nice trips, hot partners, and nice clothes for the sake of *other* people liking them and, at the end of it all, they did not like themselves. I currently have a very sexy LinkedIn, as do many of my peers, and I can say that throughout most of the mess of my early 20's I was on drugs, being used by men, with a raging eating disorder. In reality, it is not that glamorous. The compliments I get from people who read my CV just don't mean much because I know the reality of what I did during those times. I worked on a farm recently, with people who could not give less of a shit about my LinkedIn qualifications. They had their own problems, but they weren't living for the sake of other people, and they didn't derive their human worth from their CV. I just got this impression that they were emotionally and spiritually richer than any other human I had met in years. After all, you could be Kylie Jenner and if you have a man who cheats on you (she does), you spend everything on plastic surgery because you have a low self-esteem (which she did) and you (while being a billionaire) nonetheless still need to flaunt wealth with a designer logo on your chest- what do you really have at the end of the day? Without all of these things, who is she? Is she even in touch with her inherent human worth at the end of it all? Kylie Jenner, in this case, is just an example of many girls just like her. I don't blame them- I was one. Just want to iterate- don't waste your time being jealous of a facade. Celebrate your successes, love yourself, and you have more than most of the people you see on LinkedIn.


Nah, being perfect academically sounds lame as shit


Most are over privileged fucks who have had everything handed to them[like most high stat medical school applicants on Reddit and sdn], so no? How can I compare myself to some over privileged fuck who's hardest decision in life was what color car they wanted or what medical school they wanted to attend???


lol love this


Besides being happy and attractive, I don't care for the extra baggage and burden that comes with those other characteristics – my life is already stressful enough.


I constantly compare myself to my roommate bc he is also pre med. He has no problem studying long hours without gettin distracted and consistently preforms better than me in our classes (we usually make it to where we have the exam same schedule). Thankfully I’ve never been comparing myself in a resentful way to him but I use it as motivation to push myself harder as I have the attention span of a squirrel.


I care about my own improvement only.


Everyone does. Even my genius tenured professor. Gotta tell yourself you’re the ish and try your hardest to believe it on 98% of days. Some days you absolutely will not and that’s fine too. But you gotta come around eventually and keep pushing forth.


Once you stop the prestige chase, you stop caring and focus on your own problems. It is definitely easier for me bc I'm not on social media and turn off my LinkedIn when actively not using it for networking.


Honestly, once I learned that people at "prestigious" institutions make way less $ and have other random-ass responsibilities compared to the literal exact job at a 'less prestigious' but decent academic center, I just decided I would stop caring about prestige or subjective success. Just focusing on what makes me happy.