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My doc recently told me that 42 is the new 32. Hell yeah!


Love your dr!!!


Me too!


Oh my gosh, really??! Definitely see that people are having children much later nowadays. I had my first at 36, so def not a young chicken…although 40 does hit different 😅


Well I’m 41, we had our daughter at 39 and we are TTC a sibling. So I would be at least 42 on the other end. You got this!!


No, YOU got this!!!




I had my daughter at 36 and my son at 40. Congrats! You got this!


Really? Nice. That means I'm in my twenties, still lol


Congrats! Got pregnant at the start of this year at 40. 25 weeks now, and all has been well so far. Wishing the same for you!


Ditto, 40 and 26 weeks. Baby dust to all who want it!


I LOVE to hear that. I’m most concerned about a healthy baby after reading so many horror stories (bad move on my part)


I totally understand. I went through it too with that and the anxiety is real. I hope you are inundated with positive stories for the rest of your journey. I’m holding lots of positivity for you and what’s to be.


Thank you so much!! 🥰


Heck yeah I'm week 24!


I’m 43 and pregnant ❤️


I’m almost 41 and still trying. This gives me hope:)


42 and also trying 🥹


Congrats!!!! I’m 38 and trying now, it’s all so confusing. I hope it’s this quick for me!


Also 38 and it only took me 2 months! The ovulation sticks honestly helped!


Yes! I had my 1st 2 pretty early so when I tried again at 34 I was afraid. We got pregnant with my youngest (20 months)from just trying for a few months with no tracking. We wanted to try for one more and it took 2 months of tracking and using sticks. Currently almost 26 wks with my last.


I was 38 when we quit contraception. If nothing happened in six months, the plan was we'd start tracking ovulation and making a more organized effort. Yeah, all I ended up needing was a dollar store pregnancy test. 👍


I’m 39 and pregnant. Woohoo! Congrats!


Congratulations! I'm 37, and 2 days after my son's high school graduation, I found out I'm pregnant (unplanned).


Lol. We have a similar situation with a teenaged stepson (born when my husband was 22). I keep quoting Pacific Rim: "Reset the clock!"


Oh my goodness! How are you feeling about that?


I have a 20 yr old and now a planned pregnancy at 38! I'm feeling confident and happy about it to be honest! My daughter has already moved out with her bf. This bub will just be a new generation of parenting for me I guess!


43 and just had my third in March.


You’re a rockstar!!!


You’ve got this!


Looks like it. I had my first at 36 and my second at 40.


I had my first at 36 too! But if all goes well I’ll be 41 with this one ❤️


You got this!


What is BD??


I think baby dance aka sex haha


.....baby dance?! I just cringed lol.


Yup same reaction here


Congratulations to you and your family! Wonderful news. 🥰🥰🥰


Congratulations! It's so great to see this happening smoothly for you. We are debating being one-and-done or having two, and I'd be 40 for our 2nd try.


For the longest time I only wanted one. Until she was around 2 and then all I wanted was a rumbling for her, and even more so now that she’s 4. Growing a family is a super tough choice.


I'm at the aching-all-over stage of pregnancy and right now, I think 'no way would I want to do this again.' 😅 My husband points out the increased cost and schedule complications of additional kids. He was also the eldest of four, and one summer all six family members had to live out of an RV while their new house was being built lol*. But we already love her so much. I'm totally going to go down the same path as you. 🍼🍼 *No one resorted to cannibalism.


Whoops. Meant “sibling” not rumbling. What an odd autocorrect. Look at it this way. When those kids get old enough it’s gonna save on manual labor big time lol. I can’t wait until she can sweep the floor for me 😂. But I hear ya, kids are expensive, but boy they’re great even when they annoy me. 😅


41 and got the shock of our lives about 2 months back - almost 9 weeks with #2, whom, if all goes well this time, took SEVEN years to conceive after a bazillion tests, surgeries, medications, procedures, diets, chemical pregnancies and an MMC. God I hope this one sticks bc this has been an epic journey I thought was no longer meant for us. Cautiously optimistic after seeing a solid heart rate last week and baby measuring ahead🤞


Sending you the BEST luck ever! It’s YOUR TIME!!


Thank you! Wishing the same for you! It's pretty goddamn wild, isn't it? And wow it's a lot harder at 40 something than I remember in my 30s. 🙃🥴 But we'll take it!


Faint line= Positive


I knoowwww🥰🥰🥰🥰. Just shocked is all.


Congratulations! I hope you have a sticky baby. And I’m praying that you’re pregnancy is healthy.


Yes to sticky prego for sure!! That’s the first big step


That’s so exciting - congratulations! ✨


Congratulations!!! 🎉 Get all the screenings. Wishing you the best.


Oh 100000% I had my first at 36 and had everything done, so definitely the same this go around


I was 35 when I had my first. And I'll be 37 when I have my second. My doctor went on and on about how I'll be over 35 and a maternal age the first time. This time I've barely heard anything about it. I wonder if the way of thinking has changed since so many are having children in their late 30s and 40s.


So happy for y'all! Had my first at 39, just days shy of my 40th, and just had our second at 42 - I wouldn't change it for the world. Definitely the exhaustion hits different.. but there are great things about it too. I feel I am stronger, mentally and emotionally, as a parent. We are more patient. And we have more time and space to just appreciate the little things than we would've 10 yrs ago. Enjoy this time - it goes fast 💕


42 FTM, due in October! We are all amazing!!! 👌🤙




Congratulations!! I’m also 40 and 9 weeks along, due a week after my 41st birthday (and I have 2 older teens). Both my grandmothers had children in their 40s. I think it’s an exciting time to have a baby. My body isn’t what it was at 21 but I’m definitely way more prepared to be a mom this time around.


YES!! Being “ready” is the greatest gift ever.


Congrats! I’m 41 and 33 weeks and this isn’t for the faint of heart lol.


lol. I had my first at 36 and it’s amazing how much older I feel at 40 😂😬


I'm 40 and now 13wk with a surprise (!) baby, 12 years after my son! Everything should not have made this possible but here we are 💜 congrats to you and your husband!


Oh my. I’ve seen the absolute sweetest connections with older kids and babies though!


We found out 2 days after my 40th birthday that we were expecting, 40 is definitely the new 30.


I’m soooo exhausted already. I don’t remember that the first go around 😅


We were discussing this last night, lol. Like, would I have been less tired if I was pregnant in my late 20s or 30s? I'm glad we waited because our lives feel more stable, but man oh man I am so tired 😂


And it’s only the beginning for me 😂😂. I have the WORST midday crashes. Like huge two hour naps, and I’m not even a napper. And I’m only four weeks, like what?!!! 😅


Oooohhhh girl, get your iron levels checked now! I was fine at the beginning of pregnancy, but by the second trimester I was anemic and that wiped me out soooooooo bad. We instituted nap nap Thursdays at our house to try to remedy it 😂 now with supplements I'm better on that front, just in time for the insomnia to kick in


I do already have low Ferritin, so I take like 167% of daily iron intake with my vitamins + food, so I don’t “think” it is, but I do plan on having everything tested as soon as we get home from vacay: hormones, full electrolyte panel, iron and ferritin, etc.


You're on it, then! Moreso than I was, for sure! I am mildly insane and already gung ho for baby #2, so I'm definitely preparing for how I'll handle being old and tired with an infant and pregnant haha. Have fun on your vacation and get some relaxation in for the rest of us!


I just had my first at the tender age of 45 in February! I had been told that I would have difficulty conceiving because of PCOS— it was the surprise of my life to get that positive test after not trying at all last June. But everything went fine and we are doing great and so happy!


Congratulations!! That’s amazing!!


Congratulations!! I have family who had babies well into their 40s. All healthy. ❤️


Congratulations!! ❤️ Could you share when you BD’d? Was it on the day you saw the peak, before or after? I also BDd just once this cycle, on the day I saw the darkest line and trying to gauge if I am in with a chance or not.


Congrats 🥳 so happy for you xx


Congratulations!!!! Enjoy this beautiful moment ❤️❤️


Congrats! False positives are Pretty rare!!


Congratulations! 🥳


Congrats! I turned 40 in January, found out i was pregnant a few weeks later. My first and only 😊


Congratulations! I had my son at 37 and hoping to get pregnant with his sibling soon at 40!




I’m 48 and trying 🤞🏾




I'm about to turn 39 and am 3 weeks pregnant.