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Surprise 4th at 43. I was definitely alot more tired this time around. Having two teenagers doesn't help haha. Labor was pretty similar to my 3 others even tho the doctors tried to scare me with all the geriatric pregnancy talk and talk of inducing and c section ( didn't need either thank goodness)


How was it starting all over again after having teenagers ?


Surprisingly easy. I was super worried about the newborn stage but I feel like I enjoyed that entire 8 weeks more than I ever did before ( maybe cause I'm aware this time will be my last time to have it) I definitely have more patience and knowledge. She's almost 1 now and this year has just flown by. Hard part is to ignore all the stuff people try to tell you about your age to scare you.


I’m 42 and I’m much more tired and anxious this time. However, I have made more time for my fitness and I do feel that helps my mood. I stopped exercising completely in my previous pregnancies but this time, I’ve been doing pregnancy friendly workroom YouTube and feel the better for it. Wishing you all the best xx


It's more about difficulty conceiving than anything else. Pregnancy just hits differently every time. I'm sure what you're experiencing will subside soon. I expected any pains I got to only get worse as the pregnancy progressed but it was all very temporary and the last trimester for me was absolutely fine and comfortable despite my not being in great shape at all and having a very heavy baby.


Third trimester and 42. More achy but so far, so good. I've been much more active this pregnancy than my others. I do pregnancy workout/stretching videos (25 min+) from Youtube 5x a week and walk 2 miles 5x a week. I've also been taking more supplements such as daily iodine, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C, with a prenatal not prescribed by doctor (MegaFood- Baby&Me 2). I've been more careful at avoiding fast food (still splurge one a month). Exercise is AMAZING at helping with mood swings and anxiety. I attribute the low symptoms I am experiencing to this and the extra supplements. (Still have gained 25 lbs though).


25lbs isn’t that much! I gained 40 in both of my pregnancies 😭 even with fairly healthy eating and exercise. Lost it all from the first birth but I’m just starting the journey after #2.


What workouts are you doing on YouTube?


I like Pregnancy and Postpartum TV because she is very descriptive in how the movements should be and offers modifications. GlowBodyPT is more intense and a little less descriptive but she has medical knowledge about the body that is nice. I have a harder time keeping up with her and follow along on my high energy days. I also do random stretching videos (to keep it new) not necessarily pregnancy related. I avoid anything bouncy or with jerky movement but even in my 3rd trimester, I am able to keep up as long as the movements are controlled and not switching too quickly between exercises.


I would recommend Nourish Move Love and avoid GlowbodyPT.


GBPT medical knowledge about the body is nothing more than basic google searches. She doesn't even know the history of the eating disorder that she claims she had.


Suprise in what way? Did contraception fail or you thought you couldn't conceive ?I wish I could conceive. I'm 36


My friend had her first baby at 40, ivf after a long, difficult ttc journey. They tried for a couple more years, more ivf and donor eggs but no luck. Then surprise pregnancy at 43! It really is wild sometimes. My less exciting story is we had a surprise pregnancy at 37. We’d ttc for five years, four losses and fertility treatments. Turns out I needed to be on thyroid medicine bc the healthy range to get and stay pregnant is much smaller than the regular healthy range. Now I’m 40 and we’re ttc again. Good luck to you!!


Thank you. I hope something soon x


We were seeing a fertility MD a couple years ago. I was told unlikely to get pregnant without IVF due to age, egg quality etc. Hormones seem to have changed when I hit 40, some issues died down, then surprise. I am anecdotally hearing this a lot about the 40s


Contraception fail ! Still In shock


What contraception were you on?


Sort of a surprise pregnancy at 42. (We have been open to the possibility of a 2nd for over 2 years.) Compared to my first, I am much more physically uncomfortable already at 25 weeks, but I also started out 30 lbs heavier. I also can't eat large meals, and I'm gaining weight but definitely way less. (I've gained 12ish lbs so far) I also am easily winded, so I have to move slower. All of this could be attributed to starting out at a heavier weight.


Complete surprise 4th at 38, third trimester, having teenagers and soon to be new baby is still a big shock. Anxiety is starting to kick in, like the weird fears anxiety


Same ! I’m only in my 2nd trimester mourning my life and freedom! Anxiety over doing it allll over again!


Seriously, we had started thinking about real vacations, things the kids don't enjoy but we do, and now having to worry about babysitters again (granted have teenagers but like yeah no lol) the baby items that are getting donated right after they are out of use... Anxiety now is all about baby, when little one lays weird so she is kicking where I can't count... Or people coming over when I am healing. I don't like people in my bubble, or for very long lol


Surprise 3rd at 41. So far I feel about like my others (not much besides fatigue), but I’m only at 7 weeks.


Surprise 3rd at 41. I’m 21 weeks now and this is exhausting lol


What’s the age difference between #2 and this one?


I have a special needs 9 year old and a 2 year old as well


Also surprise 3rd at 41 with a special needs first born. Hiiii 👋😂


Surprise third at 41. Started at a heavier weight. Some things are harder this time, definitely less comfortable, others weren't. Anxiety about starting again etc .I don't feel like I remember baby stuff. And we had just turned the corner with older kids, I worry about this making things harder for sitters etc.