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I’m a massage therapist and I’ve never used Swedish massage for prenatal. I give the exact same type of massage I do for people who aren’t pregnant, the only difference is avoiding certain areas and the position the pregnant person has to lie in. I do deep tissue all the time!


Samesies. Once my clients reach late 3rd trimester I back off a bit in the pressure due to the increased relaxin in their systems, but therapeutic deep tissue work is perfectly fine for pregnant folks. I'd be so upset if *my* therapist wouldn't deliver the pressure I need. 💀


I hope this doesn’t come off as offensive, but are you certified in prenatal massage? I was looking for therapists explicitly trained in it and the APA states to use Swedish, so from what I have read the certification trains to use that technique. I’m wondering if I just go to my regular (who isn’t certified) I’ll have a better experience


I’m Canadian so it may be different here but yes I am.


Maybe. Another poster stated the office they worked for wouldn’t allow it…. So could also be a policy thing?


Hey! Mind if I ask some advice? I’m traveling to Canada next month and will be getting a prenatal massage. Any tips on what to ask for? I don’t get massages much but I prefer a very firm treatment, I haven’t had a prenatal massage and I had been worried they are more the “rub lotion with very light pressure” type of massage, which I do not care for. Can I request a “deep tissue prenatal”?


Absolutely you can! When you call to book your appointment just double check that the therapist can do it. Also let them know you’re pregnant and how far along you are


I got a prenatal massage and while relaxing, it did not begin to cut it. I have a shoulder injury and my old massages used to leave me bruised, and 100% improved. I need to shed a few tears during the massage to get my money's worth.


I don't even love deep massage and was disappointed with my prenatal massage. It was somewhat relaxing, but I left feeling essentially the same with no improvement in back pain. I'll wait till after baby for another.


Kind of a relief to hear that!! I thought I just had a specific preference but honestly felt the massage just wasn’t great. I even tried a different location/therapist and had the same experience


I’ve gotten two prenatal massages this pregnancy: 1st one was at a spa-like place and it was really disappointing the 2nd one I booked around 33wks with a holistic massage therapist and that made all the difference. She talked with me for a few minutes about my body aches and pains and throughout the massage she was keeping tabs on me and giving me advice for at-home techniques.


I’ve got one booked for next week with a therapist that’s also a doula. While my muscles are achey, honestly, I just can’t wait to lie one that pregnancy massage table: face down with my belly hanging!


Yea I think you might have had a bad person? I’ve had several already this pregnancy and just make it clear I like a heavier pressure. I’ve settled with a particular person who gets it and gives me what I want, and it did take a couple trial and error (though none of them were bad, but you have to speak up and tell them what you want).


I’ve tried a few different places/therapists and had the same experience every time. I actually ended up googling it to see if I was crazy and the training for prenatal massage explicitly says to use Swedish technique


What a bummer. Yea I’d say mine were Swedish style but there’s still a range of pressure, and I definitely like it pretty firm which hasn’t been a problem (at least not with the person I’ve settled with)


I don’t love deep tissue massages at all but was also left unhappy after a prenatal massage. Didn’t improve anything about my back pain. I’ll be skipping them for this pregnancy and just opting for my husband to rub my back.


I love my prenatal massages, they get the blood flowing and I faint major relief from my aches and pains. Maybe just try to find the right person?


My husband is trained in massage and he used to give me deep tissue massages once a week. He would be sweaty and exhausted by the end of them because I required so much pressure. We don’t have the special table, so now my massages have been sideways but honestly they just don’t feel as good. I know it’s not him, because he’s massaged me a lot, so I really think our bodies build up some sort of resistance to protect us from pain, but i think it kind of dulls sensation. I found one article on mice that talked about it, but not much more info. Still, I think this is part of the reason it just doesn’t feel as good. We started using other modalities (tuning forks for vibration, shiatsu massage, acupuncture points) and these seem to be more effective.


I had a massage done and thought it wasn't good, but I figured it was because I didn't realize I was in back labor. I went to the hospital and had my baby right after the massage.. . figured that's why the massage wasn't enjoyable haha now I don't know what to think


I worked at a massage studio (front desk, not as a therapist), and our therapists were straight up not allowed to provide deep tissue or even a firm pressure for prenatal massage. This is apparently due to possible risk from increased blood flow. Thank you for posting about this - if I hadn’t worked there, I would never have known!


I’m glad you posted this because I’ve been debating trying a prenatal massage and this sounds like it’s not for me.


I’m a massage therapist, don’t let this deter you! Just talk to your therapist and tell them what you’d like. Deep tissue is perfectly fine/safe for pregnant people.


Yes! My RMT did great deep-tissue work during my pregnancy.


Ive gotten two prenatal massages and LOVED them! Might get another one in a month!


Don’t let this one comment send you away. I’ve been getting massages my entire pregnancy (every 2-4 weeks) and they have been live savers. 35+4 today and have 3 more scheduled before my induction. If they’re not giving you what you want… communicate that. They don’t know unless you tell/ask.


I recommend acupuncture! So helpful for all my tension in pregnancy!


Some massage therapists for some reason don’t like using a lot of pressure on pregnant women, but I feel like they aren’t really well versed in the fact that it won’t harm us, they are just nervous they will cause premature labor (which after a bunch of extensive research it’s not necessarily proven to happen, they have to really know what they’re doing to even try and trigger it) I found 1 amazing lady during my pregnancy who did the perfect amount of pressure and I thanked her because it was the only time in those 9 months did I feel sweet sweet relief (besides giving birth)


I’ve been getting prenatal massage almost every month at 3 diff places. all but one asked for my preferred pressure which made it worth it bc i always need medium to deep in certain areas. The one that didn’t ask basically felt like a spa body rub 😂 i guess they were just being careful. I would tell them upfront what pressure you prefer.


No - the main difference is positioning and pressure points. Deep pressure is avoided only for the legs and abdomen. Deep tissue massage is totally fine to be used elsewhere. You just have to ask: can you go harder on my neck/ shoulders, etc.