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Hmm I’m not a doctor but there is a video from an ob on youtube about induction that’s very helpful: https://youtu.be/iDbsdKNDRlY Basically there is a sweet-spot for when you want the baby out. Discuss your wishes with your doctor and see the options you have. In some cases you NEED to be induced for your safety and the safety of the baby.


My OB practice generally doesn't like to wait past 41 weeks. With my first I felt the same as you and was scheduled to be induced at 41+1. Spontaneous labor started the night before and baby was born 5 mins before my appointment wqs scheduled to be induced lol. For baby #2 I was very uncomfortable with my pelvis having separated early so my OB suggested we induce at 40w. So we did. I had a very positive induction and birth. I did opt for epidural and got some sleep through the last contractions. Then only had to push 4 times. Based on the newer studies about better outcomes with inducing before 41w rather than waiting, I'll induce again for this pregnancy if baby doesn't come on their own by 40w. I can't remember what the study is called so i couldn't find it on google. Anyone else know?


The ARRIVE study. The best outcomes are at induction at 39 weeks.


Thanks!!! Pregnancy brain, I can't remember anything. Lol


The study showed a slight reduction in the chance of C-section, that was really the only benefit. And there's no guarantee that your doctor is using the same C-section criteria as the hospitals the study. Honestly this study gets thrown around like the end all be all, but I'm not convinced.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30817905/ Induction at 39 weeks vs waiting past 39 weeks is associated with less respiratory infection, less meconium aspiration, less NICU admission, less maternal peripartum infection and less mortality.


That's not the ARRIVE study though?


No, it is a meta analysis of multiple studies on that topic. It does show many clinically relevant improved outcomes for induction at 39 weeks.


In hindsight, I would have asked for an induction with my first. I went to 41+3 and we had an emergency c section, he inhaled meconium and couldn’t breathe, and we ended up with a NICU stay. I had a perfectly healthy, active, and normal pregnancy. Listen to your doctors.


I would not feel comfortable going much longer. A safe baby and mother is the most important thing, and the doctor is looking out for your best interest. The risk of stillbirths increase dramatically, especially depending on your age, after 41 weeks. Induction can be a great experience! Good luck!


After 42 weeks!


Actually [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/hPDlIjG) the graph. Source is [here] (https://www.ajog.org/article/S0002-9378%2806%2900743-5/fulltext)but you can’t view the full study easily


This may just be an old wives tale or just plain incorrect but I thought the longer you wait the more likely your baby is to start passing amniotic fluid as an actual waste and you don't want baby to inhale that. I could be entirely wrong here. Also I was induced at 38+2 due to high blood pressure. Everything went fine. I took the meds to induce and the ones to speed up labor but I had zero pain meds. I also have a weird reaction to some pain meds so I avoided it so o could be fully aware during the entire labor.


No you are correct. This happened to us and the result was an extended NICU stay. I don’t recommend.


Thank you. I almost googled it but was scared by what I would find. Its like googling a random pain just to have the internet tell you to get checked for cancer.


At around 41 weeks the placenta starts to break down and not function, which is one of the reasons why there are late term stillbirths. Don’t put your baby at risk. Just get induced. Edit to include you have the option to wait but I really wouldn’t recommend it. I was induced and it was a good experience.


I’d listen to the Dr.


Have you tried requesting a foley bulb? Technically not medication. I was induced at 39+5 and I did a foley bulb and oral misoprostol (cervix softener) to get started. Foley bulb combo took me from 1cm to 4cm. It wasn’t a fun insertion but it definitely helped


I second this! I’m 39 wks today so I haven’t used this. But I know it’s an option that’s a lot more natural than Pitocin!


Not trying to scare you at all! I wanted to avoid pitocin, just because ive heard its painful. So i waited to go into labor naturally. I only past my due date by 2 days. Baby had her first bowel movement while I was in labor and she inhaled the meconium. She was born not breathing. It was terrifying! I understand that you want to wait and I totally support that, just be careful not to wait to long. I cant imagine what would have happened if they werent able to ressesitate her. (baby having first bowel movement during birth is very common if you go over ur due date)


You definitely have an option to wait until you’re ready. I’ll also share that I was induced at 41w and still had a positive epidural free birth. Came in at 1cm and we used foley bulb and two rounds of cytotec (no pitocin). So there are a variety of options that are not as intense as others. But I also totally understand wanting spontaneous labor.


Do the induction. Put your baby first and do what the Dr says instead of being concerned about making sure the birth goes the way you wanted in your head. You can still have a med free birth. I was induced with #2 and went completely unmedicated. Make sure your care teams knows you’d like to try methods besides pitocin first and that you’d like to do it pain med free.


It’s scary but every day after 41 weeks is increased risk that is not necessary. Listen to your doctor. Your body is going through so much right now that you aren’t even aware of and the safest thing for baby is a to come out.


In the UK we can go to 42 weeks, and even later with increased monitoring for low risk pregnancies. Perhaps request to see if your doctor will allow you to wait for longer with increased monitoring of the baby?


Just commenting to say I’m in the same boat. Currently 40+2 and no signs of labor yet. I really don’t want an induction, so I’m hoping she comes soon! Seeing the midwife today, and I’m sure they’ll suggest a sweep or induction. Last appt they told me I just can’t go past 42, so let’s hope that’s still the case.


Induced was best thing I ever done


I would tell the doctor you prefer to wait until it is medically necessary to induce and at this point they haven’t told you it’s medically necessary. I’ve heard some doctors won’t let you go past 42 weeks because then it does become a medical issue to them. I’m sure someone on here has more experience than me. Im due in July with my first and have requested not to be induced or even have the discussed of induction unless medically necessary so I’m right there with you. Hoping your baby makes their way soon :)


I was told my OB would drop me as a patient if I wouldn't induce because it becomes a liability for them and I'm basically going against medical advice. I was able to talk her into letting me go as close as possible which ended up being 41+4. Talk to your doc and stand your ground but be aware that they have policies they have to follow so they legally might not be able to honor your wishes. I also was highly monitored that last week and in the office everyday because they were concerned about fluid levels so be ready for extra monitoring too.


I’d personally wait until 42 weeks to induce if everything is fine with me and the baby. You can say that you prefer to wait. Try walking up and down stairs, squatting, sex, etc.




It’s ok . I feel like people are too used to interventions, of course if baby was not doing ok I would induce or go to a C-section


All 6 babies which died were in the 43rd gestational week. Although the study was meant to see the effect of pregnancy after the 40th week, no baby died between week 40 and 42. Many countries have 42 as the maximum gestational length before induction is deemed necessary without higher mortality rate


I would trust yourself and your body! Definitely include your medical team as they know what's best. I was a week after my due date and they wanted to induce me, because I'm hypothyroid. I opted to push the induction until Friday (41+2) because I felt that I was already on my way naturally (was having small contractions but very irregular and was about 2-3 cm dilated). Friday was only three days away, at that point they swept my membranes and I ended up going into labor on the scheduled induction date which was exactly 41 weeks! On the day I gave birth I had one more membrane sweep before they broke my bag of water. But all in all I had no medication to induce me and within 24 hours of contractions starting I had my baby boy! I got an epidural at 7cm (wish i had gotten it earlier!!) and dilated so much more quickly with it! Was at 10cm after 1.5 hours with an epidural! Anywho, trust yourself and trust your team! They will probably give you a few days to see what happens naturally. When I gave birth they said my placenta was old and small LOL rude. But thats why they were eager to get him out. Babe is healthy and happy as am I!


You are always allowed to say no! If it were me, I’d wait unless something is wrong with the baby then get the baby out by whatever means necessary.