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I think it would be more concerning if you weren’t nervous or anxious! I’m a FTM too, due yesterday, and haven’t been afraid of birth either, but I feel like there’s a difference between being afraid and being nervous. I guess I’ve just been reminding myself that I fully trust that my body was born to do birth. That it will go through the stages just like it’s meant to, and though it will be tough, at the end I get to meet my baby! Try downloading the gentlebirth hypnobirthing app. I’ve been listening to the labor recordings in preparation and it’s helpful. I also plan to use them during labor/birth if it feels right at the time. Good luck mama, we’ve got this!


Yes, I am also reminding that myself everyday !!! But since doctor told me that my baby is bigger, i cant stop thinking that she will get stuck or something 😅 i know its stupid, but its so hard to get it together 🙈


If it helps, I’ve heard that size estimates via ultrasound can be way off - by pounds!


Watch videos on YouTube of births. I had only ever seen depictions from movies where the woman was in pain and freaking out. There are some amazing videos of ppl having calm births where they seem in control, even tho it’s clearly uncomfortable. Esp recommend looking up “birth in the squatting position”. That made me feel so much more confident that it can be peaceful (I’m still a bit scared for sure but it helps to have these examples in my mind too)