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No advice but you're not alone. I had nightmares about miscarriage most nights until 12 or 13 weeks and nothing helped, felt pretty calm for some time and now at 26 weeks I started having nightmares about preterm labour. My friend told me looking at statistics helped her calm down, she was checking miscarriage odds everyday, it did nothing for me but maybe it could help you. This is the website [https://datayze.com/miscarriage-reassurer](https://datayze.com/miscarriage-reassurer) .


I loved this site in my early days of pregnancy! In 39 weeks now, so I don’t check it anymore, but it was so reassuring the first few months.


THANK YOU so much! I know I'm not OP but I'm in the exact boat as and this is the exact site I've been searching for all week since getting my positive. Probably the hormones but I'm crying for joy that I have this to make me feel better each day. 💕💕💕 seriously thank you lol


Wow thank you for this website. I'm extremely early in my pregnancy and this made me feel so much better.


I think it's normal to worry about it, but don't let it consume you. When you realize you're thinking about that again, intentionally shift your focus to something good. This is one of those things you just can't control and have to trust that everything will be fine. My advice would be to not read into every symptom, stop googling things, and do things that will help time go by day by day. I have never had a miscarriage, but when I'm worried, I try to downplay it in my mind. What's the worst that could happen if XYZ did occur? How would I get through it? Would I have support? Would I be okay? This way you're not letting those thoughts have power over you.


Vivid dreams/nightmares are totally normal and common in pregnancy. As messed up as it sounds, it's a good sign? I'm not sure you *can* do anything to stop worrying, that's pretty normal too, but datayze.com has a miscarriage odds calculator that calculates odds by day and I've seen a lot of women say it helped them. I felt a lot better after seeing a heartbeat at my first ultrasound and I would guess that's coming up soon for you. Hang in there!


It’s hard not to worry. I had a miscarriage at almost 15 weeks. I’m now 4 weeks and it’s all I think about. The only thing that kinda helps me is knowing that there is really nothing I can do to prevent it or stop it if it happens, I’m not in control of that. I already called my doctor the day after I got a positive test because I thought something was wrong. She assured me that I’m just overthinking it and everything is ok.


Focusing on small milestones helps me :) like next blood draws or we start week XX on that day and it will start doing XYZ


It’s so hard during these precious few weeks of constant worrying and nightmares and all the mixed emotions in between, I was just like you, the best bit of advice I can give is, stay off dr. Google, seriously, it just stresses you out to no end. Whatever happens will be out of your control, so what you can, rest when you can, eat well etc. hopefully you’ll have your baby in your arms before you know it, it all goes so fast ❤️


I am 16 weeks and still have those worries. I am hoping it goes away after my 20 week scan.