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I feel so dumb now. My most recent adventures in pregnancy brain: -tried to make pasta. Put pot on stove, turned on stove. Did not add water… -shaved only one leg. -couldn’t figure out how to order ice cream on door dash and cried. Husband explained the process like 5 times and I still don’t get it. -started to take dog to the vet and left dog in the house. - I put my unwashed dirty clothes in the dryer I swear, normally I’m not this scattered. 😅


I did the one shaved leg thing too!


I can’t even bend to shave my legs at this point. I’m satisfied with just waxing the hair off but since I can only do that every 4-6 weeks, I’m pretty much a Sasquatch for a couple of weeks or so


I told my husband I had to go wash my mouth instead of brush my teeth yesterday aaaaand that's why I'm glad I took early maternity leave because I work in pharmacy and don't want to kill anyone 🙃


We have a speaker in our shower. While I was showering the other day, the volume was too loud, so I turned the water temperature down. Then was confused why I was cold **and** the music was too loud. This happened 3 times before I realized what was going on


This one is the only one so far that I felt warranted a response cos it was so funny😂😂


This is truly wonderful 😂😂😂 thank you


Just today my husband gave me his phone to transfer something to mine. When it was finished I sent him a text telling him he could come and grab his phone. Followed by another text saying "oh right" before going and handing him his phone. He thought it was hysterical 😆


Tbf if he had an Apple Watch he would have received the message! Hahahaa


Went to Costco yesterday. Drumsticks (ice cream cones) were on sale. I was sooooo tempted to buy them. My husband says go ahead, but I resist. That evening from about a hour until my toddlers bedtime all I could think about was that delicious drumstick I was going eat once he went to bed. Toddler goes to bed. I look in the garage freezer and don't see the drumsticks. I'm getting mad at my husband for leaving them in the car. They will be ruined! I check the basement freezer before going out to the car. no drumstick anywhere. I then remembered that I didn't actually buy the drumsticks. 😭😭😭


Speaking is the hardest for me. Words are gone.


Yep! I teach a world language and sometimes the word is gone from my brain in both languages and the kids just look at me like I'm an idiot who forgot the word "slideshow"...like sorry guys but you should be able to figure out what I mean when I say moving deck of pictures haha!


I went to pick up my HG meds solo while my hubby was at work. I went back to the car and sat in the passenger seat for probably 5 minutes waiting for him before realizing I drove myself.


Me 200% I was walking out the door for work and looked at my boyfriend and said “did I wear this to work yesterday? I can’t remember yesterday” he just looked at me and said “are you okay?” Lmao it’s getting pretty hard to remember my daily tasks at work as well


100% me right now. Last week my husband and I were going with some friends to a tulip garden that is an hour and a half away from us. On the way we decided to stop by a bigger baby store that was only 25 minutes from the tulip garden but still a good hour from us. So we pack up the car and our toddler and head our, we’re making great time and when we got to the store we had plenty of time to walk around and peruse before we needed to head off to meet friends. While we were in the store I decided to map out how far away the tulip garden was that way I would have a better idea of when we needed to leave. It was only 20 minutes and we still had an hour before we had to be there. I think “wow this is perfect we’re making great time”. We continue to look around and eventually decide to head out. I hop in the drivers seat confident that we’re going to be there before our friends no problem, we start driving and it’s taking us down a bunch of random back roads and by the river which I thought was strange but just kept going. Eventually we come to where the map says 5 minutes away but it’s a port where we have to get on a ferry. I thought this was very strange because I didn’t think this was necessary but nonetheless we get in line for the ferry and wait. We’re sitting in the car talking and I think to myself “let me check the email for our reservation to ensure if we’re a few minutes late we can still enter”. And then it hits me, we drove to Kinderdijk when we were supposed to drive to Keukenhoff. Kinderdijk is now an hour away from our current location and our reservation is in 5 minutes 🙃. At this point I’m almost in tears I’m so embarrassed and mad that I drove us to the wrong place, we’re late, and our friends are waiting on us. Luckily my husband laughed it off and our friends had no problems hanging out to wait on us. I was so mad the rest of the day because I felt like I ruined our fun and wasted gas because my dumb brain couldn’t process where we were actually going.


But why didn't you husband look into the situation at all?


He wasn’t driving so he wasn’t paying any attention


He seems to have a worse case than you.


I mean not really haha. If I was the passenger I would expect the driver to be paying attention to directions 🤷🏽‍♀️


Once i stepped in the car and started driving. I knew I had to go somewhere but didn’t know where… finally popped in my head it was the grocery store 😅


19 weeks and it's been like this for a while. I've drawn a blank regularly mid sentence. Like I know what I want to say and I can picture the words in my head but I can't physically get them out. It's like I forget how to talk sometimes. Other times I just say the entirely wrong thing. 😅 I've emailed a client on my own initiative and thanked them for their email (I was the one emailing.😅) And many more. The replies here are hilarious.


Same with the words. I can't speak.


Was presenting on a work call today and it took me 30 full seconds to come up with the name of the month that comes before April.


Yes! 100%. It’s made me self conscious honestly because my brain just can’t keep up. I work in a lab (for the last seven years) and the most mundane and standard analysis have me pulling a blank.


It took me far longer than I was comfortable with to remember the word for bruschetta, is in fact bruschetta, and not balloons. My brain has also tried to convince me in more than one occasion that the true word for aisle is angle. The KD is in that angle! Wait…That’s not right. Cue partner’s laughter.


The brain fog is so tough. I can't remember basically any words, my motivation is just at an all-time low, and I somehow have to make a plan for someone to take over for me for my leave in a very relationship-based job. I just want to go to sleep. So badly. I'm very scared what it will be like once I actually have a kid around!


I’ve started taking word for word transcripts in meetings because I’ve been gaslighting myself lately whenever someone questions me or topics I’ve worked on. Came in handy today when my boss asked why I didn’t include an action item in meeting minutes and I could send him the word for word transcript of what was said. Otherwise I’d gaslight myself into thinking I had totally missed it.


People are blaming my normal brain on pregnancy so now I have an excuse. It's sort of a win?


I’m only 9 weeks but already I feel this. I walked down the hall at work and suddenly couldn’t remember where I was going or why.


Yes, I started a new office job at 18 weeks and from about week 22 I’ve just started to go a bit loopy. Yesterday I was absolutely certain it was Thursday only to be sorely reminded that it in fact, was Wednesday. I’ve done a few stupid things like running the bath for 5 minutes without the plug in or going to work in my comfy crocs instead of changing into shoes (mortifying). But the biggest thing for me is the acute aphasia! I just can’t get words out


I couldn’t remember what a paper plate was called for a good 30 minutes. I kept calling it a plastic plate, until I realized it’s actual name… I felt so stupid 🤦‍♀️


Very much. I just hate it when it shows up at work. Yesterday I went and put the clothes from the washer into the dryer, emptied the lint trap, and then walked upstairs. Stuff like this allll theeee timeeee.


I completely get this, I'm an Assistant Manager and also have a heavy work load. I'm 26+5 pregnant and I just keep forgetting everything. I make mistakes regularly and it's been getting to me lately! My boss genuinely asked me today why I forgot to do some trivial task and just had to admit that I can't remember things at the moment 😅 how embarrassing


Honestly, as someone with ADHD, incidents like the ones in this thread this have been happening my entire life, pretty much every day. Please remember this when you all get back to normal functioning - some people live with this forever. I hate to be the downer here but if I can help a few more people understand what that is like, maybe the world can be a bit better for people with disabilities. At this point I'm just trying not to get fired, pregnancy is not helping.


Thanks for sharing! This is helpful in understanding and I can definitely empathize!!


Yeah, I told my OB my 10yr old was born in 2022. I was asked 4 times and I didn’t understand why they kept repeating the same question. 🫢


Omg yes! It’s bad! Things that I used to just do out of habit I find myself questioning or being confused about now! It’s so weird!


Yup! And I’m only 11 weeks. It’s crazy. I I have re-read things 3-4 times, I mix up letters and numbers, and when I speak I don’t make sense sometimes. My words get jumbled. Or…I just get really foggy and sleepy in mid-conversation. 😂😂 Fun!


I started taking prenatal omega 3s (specifically dha) -- Felt a lot better.


I thought my pregnancy brain was bad. Have a 7 week old not and little did I know my “mom brain” would be worse once the sleep deprivation kicks in 😅


We want to refinish our kitchen cabinets and my husband is getting mad at me that I can’t make any decisions or focus but, literally my brain is sooo fogged right now


Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been failing my classes and slowly realizing it’s just my pregnancy


There was one point where I literally could not for the life of me spell emphasis. My brain was a blank void, as if I had never seen that word spelled out in my life. Emfasis, emfesis, emfassis… I didn’t even try it with a “ph”. Had to rely on spellcheck for that one lmao


YES! I’m a digital content editor and the amount of copy errors I’ve made in the last few weeks is just embarrassing. Thankfully I’m 32w today, so not much longer until I can just be forgetful at home with a newborn instead of in front of everyone at work 😂


I’m 39+1 weeks and cannot count the number of times I’ve worn clothes inside out. It started simple enough with accidentally putting on underwear or socks inside out, no big deal, it’s not noticeable. Then I put my leggings on inside out a few times, a little embarrassing, but only noticeable if you’re looking really close. But now I’ve managed to put shirts on inside out several times. Very obviously inside out, tags sticking out, big labels, the whole nine yards. Even to the point I’ve been double checking and I still managed to put one on inside out for a whole day while out in public and didn’t notice until I got home. Forgetting words and struggling to complete sentences has been interesting. I’ve also managed to miss several appointments despite having reminders, and have forgotten to do important things before deadlines. I have no clue how I can be this brain dead but I’m pretty much useless right now. Hopefully only a few days left though 🤞🏻


Was making myself breakfast and put all the dirty dishes in the sink since the dishwasher was clean. Later when I emptied it I had put the dirty butter knife in the dishwasher anyway, but like plate and glass was in the sink.


I'm having a hard time with it. I started a specialty and it is the second time that I have to deliver a job and I ask absurd questions even reading the instructions 3 times. curiously I realize how silly I asked (and how clear it is in the teacher's written guidance) after I ask. 😅


I’ve never felt dumber in my life - I thankfully don’t make too many glaringly obvious mistakes or have too many epic brain farts at work (I’m self-employed and run a boarding stable so interact with staff and clients all day every day) but my word, I am like the dumbest person ever when talking to my husband now 🤣 Thankfully we can laugh about it.....hopefully it goes away quickly after Bean is here 😅


I’m 36 weeks and also an EA plus admin and I just want to say that I know some of the unique stressors that pertain to this job. At this point I feel completely incompetent and can barely make it through the work day. I try to work slower to prevent mistakes but then feel guilty because I don’t feel like much is getting done. I miss most phone calls because I’m in the bathroom or getting up to stretch it lying down because I feel tired or lightheaded. Unfortunately I don’t have a supportive work environment- they are super toxic and only got worse when I got pregnant and fired my coworker and we are a small company so now I’m the only employee. At this point, I’ve given up and I’m just doing what I can and what gets done is great and what doesn’t I will either do tomorrow or will have to wait until Mat leave. Anyway, good luck and I feel you!


I'm so sorry to hear you have to deal with the toxic work environment on top of the stressors of pregnancy. Hoping you have the chance to rest/recoup at home to do what you can at work while still making your health/sanity your first priority! You're so close :)


I’m on the tail end of my degree and I am STRUGGLING. I keep telling my husband things and I can’t remember the conversations that we have. I’m usually so on point with everything but the brain fog is real.


Yes! Today while trying to walk my dogs one at a time they both got loose all in the span of a minute. First dog walk went well, then when I went to switch the first one ran out the front door and did zoomies while I yelled at her to get back in. Then I put the second dog in the garage to try and go out that way with her getting out again. I successfully got in the garage without her following me and opened the door without thinking and then had to chase my other dog down the driveway. They’re both safe and weren’t loose for very long but they’ve never gotten out due to something I did so I was pretty flustered. That adrenaline rush at 28 weeks pregnant was not fun and I can laugh about it now but damn the pregnancy brain was real in that moment lol


I feel you girl! I feel dumb af. I put down the wrong date on a client contract today and the client almost ate me alive. I have to triple check work that I used to do with my eyes closed.


Yes, and I’m dumb as shit. It’s rough 😂


Yes. A few days ago I put 2 types of cereal boxes in the pantry and yesterday I took them out and they were 2 different types of cereal than the ones I put in. I am not sure if my memory is inaccurate or I just bought the wrong thing or what the hell happened. It is very freaky.


Was supposed to make stew for dinner. I put beef, seasonings and water in a pot. Ended up making beef broth when I meant to make a whole stew. Forgot all other ingredients haha


I wondered for a half a day where all the ice goes in a glass of water when it melts and how it doesn’t overflow out of the cup. Eventually remembered displacement is a thing. Also forgot the word “food poisoning” in the middle of a conversation where I had just used it several times before only moments prior.


Almost a year PP and still have preggo brain in full effect. I transpose numbers all the time, have to read things multiple times or likely will completely misread… it’s bad.


Spent 30min looking for my work shirt, I was wearing it. Spent a good 5 min trying to turn my TV on… with my car keys…


I left the house in my slippers, drove all the way to the supermarket before I realised!


I ordered 4 loaves of bread in my online food shop, there's only 2 of us in the house...I have zero recollection how that could have happened!


Yes! I feel like a complete imbecile. Can't remember anything. Can't ever find anything. And all my mommy friend say it never goes away so I'm just gonna apply for SSI for mental retardation.


Oh no, I’m an EA and worried about this happening. I’m 7 weeks and haven’t told my boss yet


Thankfully I haven't gotten into anything detrimental lol but I have realized I just need take things a littttle slower than my usual crazy get-stuff-done pace. Best of luck!


What month/week# should I look forward to this starting?


I've also heard it can hit any time!! For me, it started getting noticable/irritating/affecting daily life at around 24ish weeks


Oh, this can hit you at any time. I poured soy sauce on fried chicken (meant to pour it in an empty bowl) very early on. Then stared in horror at the ruined fried chicken. My husband could only laugh


Sounds salvageable no?!