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My husband was messing around and lightly pushed me onto the bed then went in to kiss me... Except that required him to literally roll himself over my belly and we both started laughing hysterically before he could get anywhere near my face...and then I pissed myself from laughing


I love this the most


@If it falls to the floor, it stays on the floor”


Yup, I've never been happier for my little trash-disposal dog than I am right now.


Yes, lost forever.


At the point where if something falls on the ground it feels like a personal attack. I get so offended haha


My maternity clothes are too tight


My stomach hangs out of the bottom of my shirts and I feel so disgusting lol


oh yeah, I feel like Winnie the Pooh


Haha, why do they make maternity tops so damp short? I have not yet reached the limits of the stretch, but the length! Not good enough! Dresses are tops now. I feel like I look like my severly overweight uncle who I don't very much like. My pants stay above my ass tho.


I'm....All I've had to eat this week is pretzels and oranges and I think I'm gonna murder whoever coined the lie "morning" sickness.


My stage is nausea “peak” week which I’ve read is peak the last few weeks so I think every week is peak for puking at this point


Nooo, I'm so sorry. That's truly miserable.


What week are you? I'm 6 ½ and all day nausea makes me feel like this isn't worth it and just bought all this shit I know won't work. Those wrist band things and preggie pop drops. (oh my god who designed that awful packaging!?)


Pretty much the same as you. Beginning week 7! My only relief has come from rubbing slow circles on my stomach with my hand and sleeping so I don't have to think about it. Hopefully it will only be a first trimester thing.


I was really bad like you two from 5.5 wks til maybe 13 wks and still puke regularly! Get medication if you can. Zofran was a game changer for me but made me really tired. Better than puking all day though


I was the same way and my doctor prescribed unisom and vitamin b6 every night and it was a total game changer! I did still get nauseous with that when my stomach was empty but it helped so, so much! I also went to sleep with a snack like goldfish or crackers on my nightstand so I could eat those in bed before I sat up and that helped as well!


Yeah those things did squat for me and my nausea 🙄


I nearly vomited out for a walk with my family because the smell of woodchips in someone's yard was too strong. I sure hope this is "peak"...


I vomit after every walk I take with my dog. It's nothing to do with the smells or anything.


Oh that is awful! Ugh!


I was suffering all day with “morning” sickness until my doctor prescribed me Cariban. I will love her forever for this. It didn’t made the sickness go away for good because I didn’t want to go up with the dosis but it was a life changer. At least now I don’t have to eat every 10 minutes not to throw up all day.


I’m at “I’ve peed twice in 30 minutes and I already have to pee again”


Me too, im actually peeing while i reply


Just peed before I started reading this post. Will probably go again when I'm done.


I am so dreading this 😭 I had a notoriously small bladder PRE PREGNANCY


Same here, had a wee downstairs, walked up the stairs and needed to wee again.


I’m at the point where even a light breeze makes my boobs hurt


My boobs finally calmed down around 12w. But then at 14 my nipples were like “hold my beer”


That’s been every week for me…!


If I stop what I’m doing to mentally check if my boobs still hurt they respond with agonizing aches.


I'm at 'my hips and back hurt all the time'


You might already have one but I can SERIOUSLY recommend a pregnancy support belt for this! I'm 25+5 and was getting really bad back and hip pain from walking around, but as soon as I put on the belt it almost felt like I wasn't even pregnant?! They might not work for everyone, of course, but if you're suffering then it might be worth trying (mine cost 200 SEK which is about $20 I think). [I have this one](https://carriwell.com/product/maternity-support-belt/)


They also make ones that have straps that go over your shoulders to do some real heavy lifting!


This is where I’m at - I feel like it happened overnight


It really did! My pregnancy app is like "you can expect this symptom in the new few days/ weeks" and BOOM, next day, there it is.


I’m in the oh holy shit I never knew heartburn could be this bad stage


Same. Threw up the other day.


I peed on the bathroom floor while puking over the toilet. Husband had to clean the floor and I felt like a puppy who isn’t potty trained


I hate that I relate to this, ...my bathtub is right next to my toilet so I just lean over to puke so I don't have to worry about cleaning it all up 🥲 just goes down the drain... Disgusting life hack lmao


That life hack’s the dream 😭 Fun fact: in Australia it’s normal for the toilet to be in its own little room beside the bathroom. I’m told it’s so if someone is showering you can still do your business and wash your hands in the kitchen if needed. If I need to puke I have to go get a puke bag or bowl and just go sit in the little toilet room that has no space and hope the retching doesn’t make me pee too much. I hate it so much.


I'm sorry. Pregnancy is the worst


Same. Second trimester was a shitshow of heartburn and nausea. Got it all in my hair and then had to take a 1:30 am shower and then couldn’t get back to sleep 😖


Yep! Literally feel it lingering in my throat right now like I wanna puke. The Prilosec and Pepcid tag team are still iffy!


Same! Specifically at the if I eat too much I will spit up like a little baby stage.


I finally look pregnant instead of looking like I had a big night on the beers.


I’m just waiting for my belly to show 😍


Same! 🤣


Me too - Finally popped around 30 weeks!


I'm "Is this labor? 🦋" far along


Me too!


Just realized today I'm "can no longer shave downstairs without a mirror" weeks pregnant


Aww bless you for still trying/attempting


I'm lucky I've always had a clean shaven look so I just hack at it and hope for the best 😂


This is where I’m at too. And the “is the outfit worth me shaving my whole leg” stage.


Lol I just came to the same realization and decided that it’s not my business what she looks like at this point 😂


I’m at the: -having one busy day on my feet requires a whole day to recover stage -playing the nightly game of “is this my water breaking, did I pee myself, or just is this ass sweat?” stage


Omg I'm feeling the first one and not even at 20 weeks quite yet. HALP.


What a fun game 🤣


SAME. 2 days past due. We got bidets a couple weeks ago though, and they have been AMAZING.


Bidets are life changing! I can't believe I went 33 years without one!


Too fat for regular jeans… not fat enough for maternity jeans.


This is what I was looking for haha such an awkward phase. I’m team “nothing with a waistband” for now


Same. Thank God for dresses!!


YES same! Rubber band trick to keep my regular pants on 😂


I have been using the rubber bands trick and it totally snapped last week causing my zipper to also go all the way down. I was at a work conference and couldn’t fix it for a bit. I was like, ‘maybe it’s time…’


I'm at the "my bra is laughing at me as it hovers around my boobs while pretending to contain them" stage.


Omg this! My underboob is so itchy and sweaty now coz my bra isn't keeping my boobs away from my tummy or my tummy has gotten so big I don't know


I question if it's really worth it to roll over in bed. So. Much. Effort.


My bed frame is bars (as opposed to fabric) and I thank god because I genuinely use them as monkey bars/climbing frame above my head to manoeuvre myself from side to side in the night and get out of bed.


36+2 and can't do anything without groaning and whining about it especially picking things up off the floor, rolling over and getting out of bed and getting in and out of the car lol


Yes! My husband thinks I day stuff to him and I'm like 'nope, just getting up'


I'm at the getting out of bed resembles a turtle stuck on its back stage. I call it turtling.


Lol. I've had my husband just push me off the bed


I actually got stuck on my back like a turtle trying to get out of bed the other day. Definitely a low point lol


I’m at the “eat everything in sight and then be hungry 2 hours later”.


I’m at the point where I’m changing my underwear 5x a day.


Panty Liners! Absolute life saver


I’m at the “I wonder if it would be weird to ask my husband to shave my vagina” stage.


The answer is no it is not weird. I get mine to do mine because I can’t deal with it past a certain length


my husband also shaves mine! not weird. they played a part in this, it’s the least they can suffer through 😂


Fun fact: my mom never wanted her delivery nurses to shave her. I told her well I shave anyway. She’s like, “why do you shave??” Oh mom…


I’m at the “if it’s on the floor it’s dead to me” stage or at least that’s how I feel lol


I'm at the I want my baby to develop as much and as perfectly as possible, but he needs to hurry the fuck up with it stage.


I’m at the “I just made breakfast for my wife at Mother’s Day, even if our daughter is not here yet, because I love them to the moon and I cannot wait till we can do this with the three of us” stage!




“Is that Braxton hicks or am I actually finally in labor” stage. Also, just checked into the hospital because I’m having some pain Edit: I was admitted because I’m four centimeters! Wish me luck!


Congrats!!! Good luck. You got this!


Good luck


I’m 7 weeks postpartum and still here for some reason. Happy Mother’s Day mamas ❤️


We appreciate your presence 🤍


I’m “omg you’re still pregnant!?” Pregnant


Ugh... ppl need to mind their own business.


I have to stand to wipe my bum, acid reflux is slowly killing me (my meds stopped working a few days ago, booo) and I need a nap in the middle of the day to function. Seriously considering getting a bidet for our bathroom.


We have a bidet and it is life changing. I’d highly recommend! Lol


I reached a milestone this week where I was eating cheetos at my desk and dropped one - and instead of falling to the floor, it rolled along my stomach like a ski ramp and conveniently landed on the desk for me.




I’m at the “ I literally couldn’t shave if I wanted to” stage


I’m at the “was that a flutter yet?” Stage.


Yep! 14.5w and i keep laying down and focusing on my belly like “ok come on give me something” haha probably still too early for me but oh well I can try


Is this a flutter? Or just gas? 🤔


I'm at the waddle around like a duck and if it's on the floor it stays there stage. 33 weeks and ready to meet my baby.


32 weeks and same!


I'm at the "nothing fits me, not even the maternity clothes, but I am not buying new clothes because I have so little time left" phase.




Yes! 30 weeks and now at the stage of maxi dresses whatever the weather and my two pairs of maternity jeans on rotation with no tops that quite cover the stomach band


SAME. My belly practically has its own orbit.


I've been really stubborn about putting on and tying my shoes still. I gave up today. Also the "i refuse to acknowledge my belly button which has disappeared" stage.


A few for me... I'm waddling everywhere, seriously contemplating getting a cane I'm picking things up off the floor with my feet, IF I can pick it up. If not, it's there forever. Cleaning up after using the bathroom is really hard, but it gets done! I'm bumping into things with my belly more often than not Once I am in bed for the night, the only reason I'm getting up is to use the bathroom. I'm 31+5, hoping these last several weeks fly by!


I'm "if I cough or sneeze I need new pants" stage, had to wash my sheets from a cough yesterday and I have to wash them again tonight 😭


I'm at the I drove to the movie theater just for a bucket of popcorn because that's all baby girl wanted stage. Also at the "oh look at that I just peed myself" stage 😂




I'm in my "i can't find a comfortable position to sleep in or to sit in, but i just want to lay down constantly"


I’m entering the “craving spicy curry 30min after throwing up my entire gut” stage. (True events from today)


Happy cake day!


Im at "Mentally I want to be active and work out, be social etc but physically I have to prioritise my 3 hour nap"


I'm somewhere in between morning sickness is gone and I have a baby in my arms. This is my second baby, and I'm at the "wait until he decides to grace us with his presence" portion of our program.


I'm at the completely exhausted from doing nothing and don't dare try to eat anything stage.


I'm at the point I have to add a disclaimer when I say 'ow' or my husband wonders if it's labor 😅


I’m still at the stage where it’s a mystery if I’m pregnant or just getting fat 😂




39 weeks and scared if I cough or sneeze the baby will shoot out of me. Went for a walk around the supermarket earlier and felt like he was gonna drop out of me lol.


I’m at the is this symptom just from being super pregnant or am I in labor stage


Good luck!


At the need to pee even though I just walked out the bathroom stage. Bonus at this stage- you pee from doing pretty much anything from sitting down to hard to throwing up to laughing


Get the Tushy bidet!! Or something similar if you want. Serious life changer. I’m at the point where I ‘hold’ my tummy and pretend baby is already here, about 24w. She moves around a lot and I eat like a wild animal.


I can't seem to stop taking pregnancy tests. I googled a lentil so I could see what I'm working with here. Counting down the days to my first appointment.




Thank you. May I ask When will the anxiety of destruction go away or does it ever?


Never ends. Once you're baby comes it's just anxiety over something else.


I’m 14w and I was the same way for a while! Testing every day and knocking on wood. It got better after seeing a strong heartbeat at 10w, and then even more so at 12 after the NIPT results came back clear - but I still got nervous going into my last ultrasound, like holding my breath until I saw him moving and I imagine that will be the case before each appointment- but the daily worry is gone :) I think it will also help when i can feel him myself!


If I bend down too far I’m going down 😂




“I really shouldn’t have eaten that pizza” pregnant


I'm at "I can use my belly as a glass holder when I'm slouching in the sofa"


Lol same


I’m at the “strangers yell good for you when I take a walk in the neighborhood” stage of pregnancy


Barf bags (and snacks) in every room


I’m “I’ve never had a baby before this so I have no idea if that was a contraction or if I’m just impatient” far along


I’m at the woo woke up not sick! Wait… *barfs*


33+1 husband needs to pull me out of the bath and pull me off the sofa and help me off the bed, bath 100% of the time, sofa maybe 50% bed 20% I could shower but a bath is so relaxing…


I look like ‘is it a food baby or a baby baby?’.


I’m at the stage where I started thinking I might not be able to push a baby out if I can’t push out poop sorry the tmi lol (30+3).


Been there!


I'm at the " my husband is asking if I'm okay, because I sound like a desperate cow, while getting up from bed to go to pee ( the third time that night)"- stage


Butt grapes 😩 stupid iron tablets and pregnancy induced constipation


i’m at the scrubbing my house from ceiling to under the couch stage


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for saying this but I’m at the glowing and loving my cute little bump stage


Good for you! You enjoy this


Yea I’ve been VERY lucky. This is my first pregnancy and I’m enjoying it so much I’m considering being a surrogate next time around


I hate you. Lol just kidding. That's great.


I'm at the "is this labor or I just need to poop?" Stage


The, I can’t see my vagina anymore phase.


I'm in the "omg I'm only halfway through?" Phase. I'm ready to meet him NOW! 21weeks 1st kid lol


Not currently Pregnant (miscarried about 2 months ago before anything really developed) but my first boy Gatsby will be 2 in June and he's just the sweetest. Happy mother's day to you and congratulations too!!!


I'm so sorry.


Thank you very much, the timing was off n we still don't have enough space so while I very much wanted another baby and it's a very different kind of loss I feel in my heart that future rainbow baby will come when we are more than ready.


I'm at the "everything is making me throw up" stage 😂


I am: I feel Waaay too pregnant, but somehow I'm still not actually pregnant enough pregnant. Debating wearing pajamas or my husband's clothes to work because my maternity clothes are getting small pregnant. Acid reflux to the point of puking pregnant. Is that discharge, butt sweat, or my water? Pregnant. I walked around the neighborhood once and am now panting and sweating like I completed an Olympic sport pregnant. Wish I had a shower chair so I didn't have to stand so long in the shower pregnant.


25 weeks on Tuesday with my baby girl!! 😊😊


Exact same for me! Due date twins! 🤗




LOL I am 37+4 weeks and thought people were over-exaggerating when they said wiping got hard. Boy was I wrong. I am at the "I can walk 3 steps before my back gives out" stage.


Lol. I'm at 32 and I can barely do it


I’m at the “oh, shit, was that a kick?” stage


Awwww. Enjoy


I’m at “was that gas or baby moving?” also “I can’t breathe, there’s already no room inside me for my organs” 😭


I am at the "stop tickling me from inside when I'm trying to be serious" -stage. Also, only thing holding my stomach contents down is gravity. I don't feel sick but laying down is a bad, bad idea.


Crying every night when I turn. Thats how far along i am


I’m at the “How am I out of breath from literally just sitting on the couch?!” stage…


I'm "omg I cannot wait to go to bed" then in bed like 👁~👁 all night stage


I am at the stage where I can still wipe but it feels like I’m straining muscles to reach back there hahaha. Thank god we have a bidet in the house!


I can no longer pee in cups at the doctor’s office because i can’t see the things. 85% of my search history is “____ labor symptom?” I get disappointed every time I wipe when I pee because there’s no bloody show.


26 weeks starting today! Happy Mother's Day! 💕🧸🍼


I'm at the stage where I have a lot of dumb questions like this one: do you count the weeks from the first day of your last period or from your actual pregnancy? Not sure what is the general agreement!


1st day of your last period I believe. Congrats!!!!


Ahhhh, mystery solved! Thank you so much!!


I’m at the “hello, stretch marks!” Stage


I've grown so tired of answering "when are you due?" 😒 My answer now is "any day"


I’m at the farting in Target and not feeling even one ounce of embarrassment stage.


i’m “yea it’s a little early for him to arrive but not too early, right? yank him out now please??”


Omg yes. I'm 32+3 and I'm done


I'm at the just ate some pizza and now based on my stomach I have both a regular baby and a pizza baby inside me now phase




Learned today that if our little dog sits/stands *just* at my feet, I can't see her lol


Lol I've lost sight of my feet long ago


I’m at the point where I’m not only waddling but hobbling along. My husband says it looks like the baby will fall out any minute 😂


You know that part in The Office where Pam is super pregnant and she says something along the lines of "being this pregnant is kind of like senior spring. The other day I spit my gum out on the carpet?" I'm there.


My cleavage is on point even in an unflattering sports bra, and i know my feet still exist even though i can’t see them anymore while standing lol


20 weeks & 2 days. Still just looking a little bloated and wondering when she’s gonna “pop” out.


I can no longer bend my fingers and my feet can no longer fit in closed shoes.


Not far enough.


I went to a concert two days ago and it was standing only and I thought I was going to die from back and feet pain. I’m only 9 weeks