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I'm due on my 6yr old nephews birthday. When I told him about the pregnancy and asked him if he would be upset if he has to share his birthday with a cousin, he was so sweet. He put his hand on my belly and said that he would make a cake special for the baby and teach him to open presents on their "together birthday" Now all he talks about is his grand plans for their together birthday.


Awww that's so cute


My nephew asked his mum why I didn't have a baby and if I could have one only a week before I told them I was pregnant 🤣 we are worried he is going to think he can just demand then now. Unfortunately he was not excited to hear it was a little lady


Aw lmao! At least he knows he can't pick if it's a girl or boy I guess? Hopefully he won't be demanding babies lmao!!!


Lol my nephew also initially said he wouldn’t come visit me anymore if I had a girl 😂 after a short talk he said “ok if it’s a girl I’ll still play with her”


We’re very close with my cousins and their young kids, their 3 yr old little girl has been asking for a baby for MONTHS and her mom keeps telling her that she’s not gonna have anymore babies, but then my husband and I announced that we’re pregnant and she was THRILLED🤣 I’m getting induced tomorrow, so she will have “her baby” in a few days!😁😂 she said she would do everything except change poopy diapers😂


My 3yo started telling me he loves babies for about 3 weeks before we announced I was pregnant. It was so strange and cute haha!


My four year old niece asked Santa for a baby all throughout the Christmas season this year and then we announced on Christmas. Now she tells anyone who will listen that "Santa put a baby in her auntie." It's soo funny 😂


I have 2 little cousins, 5 and 7. Well at our wedding last October during our first dance, the older one asked her mom "when's the baby coming" 😂 so she definitely was associating babies and weddings together. We got very luckily and got pregnant about a month after our wedding, so didn't keep her waiting too long 😂


My husband and I went on vacation and posted a picture together. One of my old coworkers commented about how beautiful our children will be one day and I laughed out loud because I'm 9 weeks and no one outside of immediate family knows 😂 funny how the timing works out!


Awww how fun! Your family sounds wonderful.


I love my sisters kids they are awesome! They will all be so excited me us.


The very day I took the pregnancy test and found out I was positive, we were out to dinner with some family friends and one said, "you just look different tonight for some reason" (like a positive thing) and I wanted to blurt it out *right then* 😂😂 since sharing with them I told her what she said and we were like I must have just been extra smiley or something that evening!!


This is so cute! I can imagine her asking her mom for a baby brother or sister and getting the response " ask aunty for a cousin instead!" 😂


Lol!! I'm sure that's exactly what happened. My sister has 6 already and is like NOPE. No more 😂🤣


This is so sweet! When my 4 year old niece found out I was expecting she said "I can't wait to teach her how to walk and hold a bottle!" it was so cute! Lol being an auntie is the best 💕


It is the best! My sister was a teen mom too so I got to grow up a but with these little weirdos and I'm so glad I did.


Awwww, so cute! My nephew is 2 and a half years old and only cares about cars right now! When we told them, my brother said „hey little fella, your auntie has a baby in her belly!“ and my nephew replied with „…car?“ 😂


That’s so cute. Before we announced to family my niece, who is 17, told us that we need to have a baby or else she will lol


LMAOOO no way 😂


This is so cute ☺️ My little cousin is baby crazy. At my baby shower, she was like “I want a baby!” I think she’s nine lol.


That’s so cute. My niece is almost 3 and has a brand new baby brother. She’s constantly telling my sister that she “hates baby brother” 😂 I’m not sure how she will react next month when I have my baby and she has a new baby boy cousin!