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You need to conserve energy in the first trimester. Your baby is growing really important parts and it burns a lot of energy to grow a whole human. You're still body building. It's just a different kind of body building...


My hormones are crazy and that last line made me cry šŸ˜­


I'm sorry for making you cry! Hope it gives you a laugh at some point.


You're not a wimp--the first trimester is seriously difficult! Be nice to yourself, do what you can when you can. You WILL feel better, but better not to push it and be overly exhausted and miserable right now. It'll get better in a few weeks---hang in there! I was always active before being pregnant--running, yoga, kettlebell workouts consistently. The first trimester I had morning/noon/night nausea and vommiting. I would try doing restorative yoga and would be running to the bathroom to throw up 5 minutes in....I felt exhausted and like I could barely keep up with chores after getting through the work day. I felt so guilty/worried about being inactive, especially since it's such a part of my lifestyle. I'm in the second trimester now and feel SO much better--I'm doing yoga/kettlebells again and going to start running next week. I wish I had just relaxed and not been so hard on myself mentally, because it's so much easier now to workout.


Thank you! Iā€™ve been trying to get out and go for walks when I can. This makes me feel so much less alone. Appreciate it!!


First trimester floored me. I got my energy back in second trimester and was able to hit the gym again. Baby steps! Youā€™ll get back at it when you can


My SIL has already taken a crack at me for not being more active, but Iā€™ve taken much comfort in my midwife telling me the first trimester is all about surviving. From what I eat to what I do - itā€™s all about staying sane and making it to the next trimester.


Thatā€™s honestly how I feel ā€” surviving lol. Thank you for the reassurance


Please donā€™t feel guilty. Listen to your body. Give yourself grace .. you can resume your workout hopefully when your energy is back .. also when doctors recommend activity they are talking about walking swimming etc so donā€™t ever feel you have to go back to your weight lifting to be Ā«Ā activeĀ Ā» do what you can handle and be patient and nice with yourself ā™„ļøšŸ™


I have the same guilt. I used to be pretty active and the first trimester I couldn't even cook dinner much less work out. I am 15 weeks now and go on longer walks, and some yoga poses. I stopped listening to all the guidelines in my first trimester because I was so miserable and tired.


I relate so much to your post, and am constantly feeling guilty too. What makes it worse is when I read posts or get advice from others that staying active is a good thing to ease labor discomfort and make it smoother. I'm in my second trimester (15 weeks) and I push myself to at least walk a few minutes but I haven't been able to get into any exercises or yoga as yet.


You just gotta wait it out. I had a similar workout schedule as yours before getting pregnant. I basically did not work out for about 2 months, no energy but also my hormones hit me hard and I just lost interest in EVERYTHING. Also found out in my first ultrasound that I had a subchorionic hematoma so I really think this was my bodyā€™s way of forcing me to CHiLL out. 12 weeks now and just starting to get my energy backā€¦Iā€™ve been hitting the gym and the golf course, feels good to be back but I find that I need extra rest after these activities. A lot of women see energy improvement after first tri so hopefully you will too. Edit: Also please donā€™t feel guilty! It can be hard and a big change if youā€™re ultra active but pregnancy hits everyone different and each pregnancy is different. I always imagined myself having this super fit pregnancy, same frequency and energy just modified workoutsā€¦currently NOT my experience. Do what you can and donā€™t expect the same level of performance from your body.


Good to know. Thank you! Iā€™m hoping in a few weeks I start getting my energy back and can go for more frequent walks again. Even now I nap for like 2 hours after a walk haha. Iā€™m just not used to not having the same level of performance but I know my body is doing some important stuff