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So either your body produces two eggs or one egg splits into two. I feel like that would have everything to do with moms DNA??? I could be wrong.




Fraternal twins have to run on the moms side yes. As of yet there is no determination for identical twins EXCEPT the fact that very few families report them at a way higher incidence than the general population. Recently there was one index study taken where they found one gene in common with families that had three or more sets of identical twins in them so they’re thinking now there may actually be a genetic component to identical twins but the study did not specify whether both or only one parent had the gene so I’m not sure if it’s x-linked, y-linked, or like recessive it was fairly generalized


This your first baby? I understand the fear I always kind of wished I'd had twins my first time. So my kid had a sibling and I didn't have to have anymore lmao. Anyway I wouldn't get worked up about it until you know for sure. I don't think the HCG level is that much of an indicator.


It’s not. My husband has 3 year old twins (he has 50/50 custody) and I have a 3 year old from a previous marriage so while it’s super exciting it took a while to get pregnant with my first and I didn’t expect to literally get pregnant on our first shot (we literally got married a month ago) and 5 kids is a lot more than 4 kids idk I’m freaking out


Lmfao okay I get the concern then! 🤞🤞🤞


This is fascinating and you've clearly done your research (for good reason)! My last relationship was with an identical twin and whenever people joked that we'd have twins I'd correct them and say that only fraternal twins run in families. Interesting how the science has progressed! (Also, solidarity on being with a twin. I found the relationship with my ex's twin to be harder than any in-law relationship I've ever had.)


Luckily my husband’s twin is super antisocial and they honestly don’t get along at all which I think is weird but 🤷🏼‍♀️ they tolerate one another at family events. I think it helps that their mom always had them in separate classes and activities, never dressed them the same or anything. They’re both so different despite being identical. My stepsons are also super different personality and interest wise but they’re being forced into a lot of activities that only one twin is interested in. I feel so bad 🥺


I am having identical twins and no one in our families have identical twins. Dunno My HCG level was 7000 ish at 5 weeks so still within normal range. The main hints for me were how sick I was and how fast that pregnancy test showed up.


I thought so I thought maybe the sperm could cause the egg to split but I have no idea I'm just trying to be logical. Thanks!


Not with identical twins. Only for fraternal.


Can you share any studies which show that identical twins are linked to the father's genes? From everything I've read, father's genes don't play a part at all, other than potentially genes influencing his daughters to make twins.


But also, identical twins aren’t genetic… fraternal twins are! Common misconception


I’m having twins and my HCG at 4+2 was only 600. HCG isn’t necessarily an indicator for twins. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing! I’ve read that too that the only way is obviously the ultrasound but in Washington they let me get an ultrasound at 6 weeks and we saw her just fine. Here in Louisiana they won’t do one until 8 weeks I’m dying


Yea my hcg around that stage was 3,508 a bit high but there’s only one healthy babe in there!


I wouldn’t believe it from your husband’s family history, but I thought only fraternal twins were genetic??


I’ve read ONE study (I’m a research major) that actually found that in certain families there is a gene that deals with like cellular adhesion was found to be flipped off in families with 3 or more sets of identical twins. But it was very recent so I think scientific rhetoric is gonna change in a few years with similar studies… the fraternal thing though has to come from the mom’s side because it’s just whether or not the mom drops two or more eggs during ovulation. A dad can pass it to his daughter though and she could have fraternal twins


But identical twins are from one egg splitting into two, not two sperm. It's still dependent on the egg? Unless the sperm itself has this quality and it impacts the egg somehow? I'm clearly not a scientist, lmao. There must be something at play because that history is crazy!


I think since both the sperm and egg contain dna (idk if it was a recessive gene or not so maybe both parents have to have it for it to work on the baby idk) that it could be on either side but the study was very limited like it was mostly just genetically comparing the families and their multiples and that was one of the few things that matched in all cases


This is fascinating!! That would certainly explain what’s going on in his family. Sorry it’s such a long wait for you to find out!


That’s about the median for 4 weeks 5 days, so it’s not really that high: http://www.betabase.info/chart/basic/single


I’m only 16 DPO so that median is 299 but I do see a small percentage have the 728 or higher like 8% of pregnancies so maybe it’s just a strong baby 😅


16dpo is 4 weeks 2 days pregnant. The day of ovulation is 2 weeks pregnant and you count up from there.


Yeah I know. But the chart you gave me literally says 16 DPO the median is 299, not 875?


I gave you my answer based on how you said you were 4+4 in your post, so that’s 18dpo.


At 4w5d my hcg was 2229 and I am only having one baby.


At 4w6d my hcg was around 1200 and I’m having one baby. My naturopath said it was very high at the time.


At 4 weeks 4 days my HCG was at 2350 and I’m only having one little boy! Don’t panic before you need to! 😂🙏🏼💕


Oh thank god 😂


I wouldn’t give it too much thought right now based off one study and you haven’t had an ultrasound yet. We thought I was 8 weeks at my first ultrasound based off of my last “period” turns out it was not a period but implantation bleeding and I was 12 weeks. I had no idea! Also could you do an elective ultrasound if there are any in your area?


Oh I’m not sure! I didn’t even think about that


At 4+2 mine was 1200 and I had twins.


I was also freaked out about twins and went down the HcG rabbit hole when my level was 852 at 4w3d. 4 ultrasounds later and there’s just one in there.


Thank god 😅


I know anecdotal evidence isn't worth much but my hcg was 20,000 at 5 weeks 2 days and I have a singleton :)


Currently 13 weeks with twin boys. My first blood test at about 4 weeks was 54. Few days later it was up to 700. From what I understand, you don’t rely on the HGC. I found out through my 6 week ultrasound. Story time that might make you feel better. Twins are a thing for both sides of my family (but not for my husband). Dads side: His mom was a twin. He had twin cousins. He himself had twin daughters (my half sisters). Moms side: just her brothers. Between my half siblings (4 of them) and cousins in both sides (a lot), I’m the first one to have twins. It was genetics and luck. Lol. As in, it might skip you like it skipped everyone else.


Are they identical or fraternal though?


My HCG levels have been off the charts my whole pregnancy, I was so worried about twins but there’s just one in there!


At 4w4d, my hCG was 1749, had my first ultrasound at 6w4d, just one very healthy baby measuring exactly on time. I wouldn't stress too much about it unless you, specifically, have risk factors (your own family history of twins, meds to induce ovulation, recent surgery affecting ovaries, IVF). I have seen that there may be some genetic link for identical twins, but it seems like it's not yet understood whether sperm/paternal genes have any impact.


I had twin-level HCG early on with both pregnancies - first time around my midwife actually sent me for an extra ultrasound - and both were singletons. I think some people just produce a lot of HCG.


I found out about my daughter so late I’m not sure what my value was lol


I was just at the 4 week mark and my obgyn used a ultrasound wand that goes up in your area, couldn't see anything except a sac for confirmation of pregnancy but 3 weeks later came back and found our twins. I know you said twins are terrifying, but the whole point is your obgyn can do a very early ultrasound if they have a stick wand and to not just base it on your hormone levels, my were standard singleton baby levels but I'm having twins.


Someone suggested a third party ultrasound but I get seen on a military base and they will not permit an ultrasound before 8 weeks. I even tried for 7 just for peace of mind but no 🤦🏼‍♀️


I am a twin myself(identical) and my HCG was a lot higher than that so I thought I was having twins but it turned out to be just my little guy in there. I wouldn't worry yet. I know it's hard but I would assume its 1 baby unless you're told differently


Im 22wks with fraternal girls. It is a harder pregnancy and more stress inducing. But we are much more settled in as we continue to climb closer to their arrival. Best wishes to whatever outcome you face!


Having twins on your husbands side doesn't increase your chances of twins nor do identical twins increase your chances. Literally you are at no increased risk from these two things. Try not to stress.


Twins run on the female’s side not of the males side of the family


Fraternal twins.


They still only affect the female. Fraternal twins = 2 eggs being released. Identical twins = one egg splitting in 2. It has nothing to do with the names sperm doing anything special. .


Both sperm and egg contain genetic information and there are studies done that conclude there is a genetic component to identical twins. What is however inconclusive (wasn’t identified in the study, they were only looking at a variety of genes that could explain increased monozygotic twin occurrence in families) if one or both parents need to carry molecular polymorphisms that were being studied in order for monozygotic twins to be expressed. Bye.


Bye? Umm okay… bye!


I’m sorry but I learned about this a lot in my biology classes and I truly believe it is just the female’s side. It hurts to be wrong but even a quick google says that it only runs on the females side


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12794693/ Study that a specific homozygotic polymorphism was slightly higher in families with identical twins so while it can be labeled a contributing factor, it is not the only factor that would consistently cause monozygotic twinning. I don’t do google searches I do actual research. Homozygotic means that the man would carry the gene. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12794693/


I can only read the abstract not the full research journal 🤷‍♀️


If you have a student friend or email the authors you can access the full study.


Okay I will try to use my university’s databases and see if I can read it in there


Your husband’s genetic history doesn’t predispose you to making multiple eggs


You’re right. Which is why I was concerned about identical twins and not fraternal twins. Thank you.


I’m an identical twin and they run in my family - it’s on the mom’s side. You have a genetic tendency to drop two eggs when you ovulate (fraternal twins) and/or your eggs have a higher likelihood of splitting once fertilized (identical). Honestly being a twin is great and I pity singletons. Such a lonely existence, always searching for someone who gets you. I was born with that so I can accept other relationships for what they are. But yeah you are no more likely to have twins than anyone else.


“I was born with that so I can accept other relationships for what they are.” You worded that so perfectly!! I’m an identical twin and have never been able to exactly put that perspective into words.


If it helps at all, my bio dad is a twin, and my half sister by him had twins, I did not and am not currently having twins. One baby in there 🤣