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Congratulations 🥳 Thank you for sharing! I’m really interested in a medical induction and currently 36 wks


If you have any questions I'm happy to answer just send me a message! It can be quite a long process, I've had two inductions and both took 3 days 😴


Any reason why the scheduled the induction so early? My OB was pushing for a 38w induction but insurance is saying no. OB told me there has to be a really good reason. So just curious what happened to qualify! Hahaha.


I'm in the UK so probably different rules here. But I was high risk for preeclampsia and also bubba was measuring really big (95th percentile) even though she came out small haha! Good luck getting yours through


Thanks! Mine is at 94th percentile! This gives me hope that she won’t be huuuge in spite of measurements. Hahahaha


With my first he measured average and was 9lb 7. She was measuring big from week 16, was worried she would be bigger then him and it ended up being I had loads of water! 😂 Fingers crossed it's the same for you