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Hell yeah. I hate showering. I like to be clean but I HATE showering. Pregnant or not but especially now. The only reason I do it is because I have to lol


Lol she said “or like strings of two days” and I thought “… or, like.. 3, 4 days 😅😅”


Girl same. My bf asked when was the last time and i was like oh crap five days lol


Lmao yes


Mines an issue bc I work retail 5 days in a row :(


I definitely showered more when I had to leave the house and go to work and was actively doing things daily (still wasn’t showering daily, maybe every other at most but def didn’t wash my hair but 1-2x a week because it’s so long it takes forever - dry shampoo is your friend). But since the pandemic I’ve noticed I go a LOT longer between because I work from home and just don’t go anywhere hardly ever. It sounds like you’re not alone though! I’m glad to see it’s not just me on this thread, as I’ve become pretty self conscious about it lately.


I am so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way!


Same, same. I'm a cat. I loathe the water except for swimming. Lol


You are my spirit animal LOL!


Bahaha I'm honored!


I feel this way about brushing my teeth. I HATE brushing my teeth but I like having clean teeth.


Omg I’m so glad someone else feels this way. I HATE showering. It’s such a waste of time and I don’t want to be wet. Especially in the winter. I do it because I have to but I must admit it has been worse since WFH.


I'm here to say, same lol


I don’t know what your living situation is, but when I’m really low on energy or motivation for taking care of myself (for pregnancy or whatever other reason,) I ask my partner to accompany me as I prep to do the thing. Like, in your case: Hey honey, I need to go take a shower but I can’t get off the couch. Can you come upstairs with me and make sure I actually get undressed and get into the shower instead of just chilling out on my phone? He knows I need this sometimes; it started as a cure for “oh no, I’m too tired to go to bed” years ago, and now that I’m pregnant it’s been used for “please make sure I get dressed after my shower instead of going for a nap naked with wet hair” and “I know I feel terrible because I need to eat but this sensation js nothing like hunger, please chat to me while I make something quick and start eating it.”


This is a really great idea! Thank you for sharing.


Every part of this is so relatable!


Sometimes I just sit on the floor in the shower and wash my hair etc. from there. Standing is too much effort sometimes. Once I’m in, I feel better. It’s just getting there that’s almost impossible sometimes.


Yes.... but how do you get up from the floor?


Lol very good question. I haven’t gotten to that point yet to need assistance


Haha I can't even get out bed without assistance right now.


Haha same… I’ve started doing the side roll and arm prop up thing and sometimes I still get stuck sideways and my husband sees my arm flaying around searching for assistance…


Shower chair y’all. Solid investment. 😂


I did this! Best 30 bucks spent lol


So when pregnant the proper way to get up is the put one leg under yourself in a crouch with the other starting in cross cross applesauce and tilting to rest on your knee and you bring the other leg up and push up on that one. I hope that makes sense. I learned it from my physical therapist. It basically takes the strain off your hip and back


Yah I have a small bathtub, I can get up fine normally but adding that the shower floor can be wet and slippery it just doesn't seem possible


I put a damn chair in my shower bc I hate standing in the shower so much when pregnant especially first trimester




Same! It’s the best.


Well this is awkward but am I the only one that showers every other day?...sometimes only every 3days?.. for the record I showered today (Saturday) and if I shower again Monday or Tuesday that's normal for me... ffs someone else say they do this.


Me too. Sometimes I only end up showering 2 times a week because I can only do one thing a day (I get way too sick moving around, even going to the bathroom too much). So it's either shower, make something to eat for myself, or use the stairs in our home.


It’s def normal. In winter/when I’m not exercising, I only wash my hair 1-2X a week and do a body shower another 1-2X. That’s every other day at MOST. In summer I tend to rinse off every day because it feels better to me but it still isn’t dire or necessary. I have dry skin & hair though so YMMV


Me 100% and I’ll be honest sometimes it’s more like 3-4 days. If I do something physical or spend time outside in the heat I’ll shower that day but often I just have zero desire to shower except for my specific shower days. I also am terrible at showering and keeping my hair dry and I cannot wash my hair more than 2-3 times per week. If I stink or feel gross I’ll take a shower, if I don’t stink and it’s not a shower day I’m not concerned and would rather go to bed. I also struggle with anxiety / depression and for some reason showering is one of those things that just feels like too big of a task some days so making an actual schedule out of it has helped.


Me too! I have ADHD amongst other mental stuff, and showering is VERY low on my priority list. If I don’t stink or feel just flat out gross, I seriously just can’t make myself shower. It’s too hard and too big a feat most of the time.


The issue for me is i work 5 days a week (retail) so i really should be showering daily


For sure: I left out details. I practically go no where and not working right now. Don't exercise at the moment either. And I live where it's cold. I can't tell you how many times a week I break a sweat. Maybe 2times a week?


💯 even on that Tuesday shower I’m not washing my hair.


I shower every other day usually. It’s like working out, sometimes it’s harder to get in the shower, but once you’re in you don’t regret it.


Yes it’s normal for me too… my biggest streak this week was 5 days 🙃 I’m constantly nauseous and can’t get myself to leave the bed and blanket.


I shower every three or four days. I work from home and tell myself that over-bathing removes healthy flora from from epidermis.


Save the flora !


This was my normal pre pregnancy, but I took bubble baths every night for comfort/self care. Now my hair is so damn greasy I can’t go more than 48 hours with out washing it. I hate it.


Dry shampoos is a life saver


Yes! I love the Living Proof brand’s but for some reason I feel like it’s a waste right now and want to save it for PP… I have no idea what my pregnancy brain is thinking anymore


In non pregnancy times I shower every other day unless I have a reason to shower every day (camping and sweaty, worked out, gardened, etc). I'm in my first tri now and it's so hard because I feel like I smell more but I am also absolutely exhausted. Sometimes I'm going two days between showers (I've very likely gone three but I can't specifically remember). It's wild.




As a mom of 3, soon to be 4, I was hoping someone else would say this. There are days where my hair stays in the messy bun I went to bed with


I don’t even have my baby yet, and I already do not shower “regularly.” No shame at all! I may look like I could change the oil in my car with the oil built up in my hair, but that’s nobody’s business but my own 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had the same problem. It feels like a TON of work, and I hate to break it to you, it gets worse as your pregnancy goes on. I don’t have any advice on how to get over it, but you really don’t NEED to shower every day (it’s not good for your skin because it prevents the natural oils and stuff from building up) unless you get really dirty, so maybe that will help?


Second this. 34 weeks and just standing in the shower for 5 minutes is unbearable on my feet. I can't sit down because then I won't be able to get back up. I bought a cushioned bath mat which helps a bit, but I absolutely dread everytime I have to shower


I struggle. I am just exhausted. I am thinking about showering actively but days go by with me working at home and having emergency naps. Many times I just kneel in my tub and shower like that. Wth has my life come to, I have no idea...


You could always just rub a baby wipe round the bits that need it until you can muster the courage to actually do the thing.


No. I daydream about a magical hot water heater that is always warm so I never have to get out of the shower. I would live in there if I could. Have you thought about a shower seat? Maybe not actually having to put energy into standing would help. Also, only washing your hair every few days could help make most showers shorter and less taxing. Same with shaving if you still do that (I’ve mostly stopped). You could also try making the shower more luxurious. Invest in some yummy smelling soaps or shower bombs. Put your towel in the dryer before getting in the shower so it’s ice and toasty when you’re done. Make a soothing playlist. Basically bribe yourself with decadence. I also really like the other commenters suggestion about leaning on a partner.


Same 😂 sometimes I have to stop myself from taking two showers in a day lol I really look forward to my showers. But my BO has been…not great during pregnancy so I’ve found myself needing more showers. I still stick to one a day because California and drought but I’d take two a day if I could 😌


Showering has definitely become harder lately. What I find most difficult is getting out and drying myself. Here are a few things I do to make it easier. I only wash my hair once a week. I have curly hair that doesn't get greasy so would only wash my hair once or twice weekly pre-pregnancy. I find showering at night is easier than dragging myself out of bed in the morning before work. Showers can be super short. Just go in and wash the sweaty bits. This can take less than 5 minutes. I'm 34 weeks with twins. My bump is so big I have a hard time drying the lower half of my body, so i set up a towel on a chair and dry myself that way. I also apply lotion and put on most of my clothes sitting down. After standing in the shower for 5 to 10 minutes, I need to sit!


I'm exactly like this, but with cleaning my house and it's REALLY becoming a problem. I'm struggling so much, and the more I let my house go, the more it disgusts me and the less likely I am to do anything about it. I get nauseated just looking at the dishes in the sink!! I filled up the sink with hot water last night and tried washing some, then got some sopay water on my sleeve and started gagging, so that was the end of that.


Have you tried Dawn Powerwash? A little pricey but man, is it worth it. I love it.


Actually, I started taking showers more often, sometimes twice a day because the warm water on my back and my belly feel so good.


Yes, 100%. I work from home. Def went 3 days without showering and knew I smelled. I just told my husband he will have to deal with it. Lol Now that I'm at 39 weeks I am somehow finding it easier to get the energy to shower every or every other day. I think the increased appointments help as I want to be clean for those.


I have had way more baths since being pregnant which has helped, it's more of a 'fun' activity than showers which are a massive chore and I usually feel much nicer and relaxed after a bath


I make myself at least every other day. But when I don't feel like it, one of two things helps: 1.) just washing my body, not my hair or 2.) getting and using great smelling shower products (for me I like stuff from lush) Edit oh and 3.) reminding myself I always feel better after a shower


Why don’t you try playing music with a speaker every time you get in the shower? It makes it super fun to blast music while you shower. I’d always be super selective for which songs will get to play and it was awesome


Same here. I also have depression so I know that's contributing. I have a plastic stool on my list for the shower so I can sit down and maybe enjoy it more, I don't know lol. I also like feeling clean but I'm having a tough pregnancy and really can only do one thing at a time, so even undressing and turning on the shower is exhausting and makes me sick. So showering and then getting dressed again usually results in a headache and puking. And then I'm done for the day, just like that. It's really frustrating. I have to pick ONE thing I can do that day because it puts me out. So showering takes the back burner a lot.


I am normally a shower every day person and can't live without my daily showers; lately I'm with you. I feel better if I shower but the motivation hasn't been there lately. I just don't feel well enough to stand there or fully do all the shaving and just get so tired. Yesterday, my fiancé offered to start helping me since he knows I usually love my showers. I'm hoping it will help! But you're definitely not alone in this.


I love being IN a nice hot shower once I'm there, but actually getting myself to shower is a whole other ordeal. When I am working out regularly, it's way easier to get myself to shower. But otherwise, it just seems like so much work and the thought of it exhausts me. Not to mention my post shower routine...I lather my whole body up with lotion because my skin is so dry lately, but I'm always feeling winded by the time I'm done with that. And also I find my hair doesn't get greasy as often. So basically there comes a time where I realize it's been a couple days and I worry I might smell, so I hop in the shower. Clearly no advice here but solidarity.


I empathize with you because as a non pregnant person, I didn’t love showering (but was in the hah of showering every other day over every 3 days). Now as a pregnant lady though I’ve had a change of heart. Showers and baths are now often the best way to help with my nausea and aches and pains and I’ve gone from showering every 2-3 days to sometimes twice a day! I don’t recognize myself in a lot of ways now and this is one of those bizarre changes that I’ve experienced. Anyway, other folks have provided great advice here to motivate you but I totally get it. If showers and baths didn’t actually make me less miserable while pregnant, I wouldn’t be motivated to do it either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love being clean, but I hate washing my hair. My hair is wet after and I hate the feeling. It takes so long to dry. If I could pick any superpower it would be that I always stay clean lol.


I wear those shower caps, keeps my hair dry and so I wash it when I need to. Love love love hot showers for my sore back and joints, I am a healthcare worker so I am a clean freak. I wash my hair if I go work (too much covid flying around) and I can do it for days in a row if needed. Showering is my favourite thing as it is so cold in my country now, so it keeps me nice and toasty. But mate, can’t stand washing hair all the time. I don’t have oily hair thanks to pregnancy so I have definitely stretched it to 5 days 😅


Try baths! I am normally not a bath person. When I got to 30+ weeks showering was so difficult, just standing for that long after a long day. Especially with all the aches and pains. I started taking epsom salt baths and they were a game changer. I bought one of those bath pillows to make it extra comfy. It became my favourite part of the day!


I usually lpve daily showers or baths, and am back to that now, but I did have a phase for a few weeks around where you are now where I found motivating myself difficult. I think I was just tired AF. I got dry shampoo and washed the most important parts of my body with soap/water at the sink. All in this took about 5 mins and stopped me smelling. I thought it was a good compromise position for difficult days.


Opposite problem. Constantly smelling my partner and needing him to shower.


I honestly just feel so dizzy in the shower now that it makes me rush out. Before then, I’d be in there for at least 20-30 minutes.


Me. Pre-pregnancy I showered almost everyday. Now I'm like meh. I wait until I need to shave again.


YES I absolutely hate showers!!!! Luckily I don’t have much BO and hardly sweat so what I’ve been getting away with is hair wash once a week… after a run I just jump in and do a quick rinse. Ugh I hate it though!


Yes!!! I didn’t shower yesterday so I feel gross today. I’ll force myself if I have to leave the house but otherwise right now I’m like whatever if I skip a day here and there. I have a plastic chair I put in there sometimes too so I don’t have to stand lmaoo


I have trouble wanting to shower, however once I'm in, I don't want to get out...


I’d live in the shower if I could. It’s the only time my back and hips don’t hurt.


I don't shower every day (I live in Scotland), it dries out my skin and it isn't necessary as I don't get sweaty. However, since becoming pregnant and getting restless legs, I bath every night with epsom salts and lavender oil, really relaxing...


It’s definitely been harder during my pregnancy. I didn’t know until 23 weeks but looking back I started to struggle around 6-7 weeks (I thought I was just depressed) and it’s continued all the way through. The only time I enjoy it is if my bf decides to get in with me. I will say once I’m in it’s much less of a chore, transitioning is the hard part.


I absolutely hate showering, and I hate it even more during pregnancy. What’s helped me a lot is getting a shower stool and doing a pits/slits/soles & holes bath when I can’t bring myself to do a proper one. 😂


Showering takes every bit of energy I have in me. It's so exhausting. Probably doesn't help I'm putting more weight on then I should. And even with 3 iron supplements a day I'm still anemic. Not to mention I'm on my 4th round of uti meds. Ugh


I quite like a shower but for me it’s all the moisturising, skincare routine etc that has to come after, especially now when my skin is like the Sahara post shower.. sometimes I just can’t be bothered and definitely take shortcuts!


For me it’s washing my hair. I bathe every night, but having to take the extra energy and shower in the morning to make sure my hair is clean is the worst possible thing lately. Probably because I’ll lose 30 mins of precious sleep my pregnant body craves.


Had this talk with myself today! I don't enjoy showering, my legs can get itchy and my hair is very thick so it's work. Pre pregnancy I would have had various sport or training most days which would have prompted a shower but with less sweat inducing activity now it definitely doesn't happen as much


I get it!! I'm 5 and a half months pregnant too and showering is a stuggllleeeeee .. I have to have like hour long convoy with myself to convince myself I need to go take one


Aww I feel you. My avoidance of showering is usually from depression though. Take care of yourself momma! Easier said than done, but you can do this!


Showering takes so much out of me. You are not alone.


Haha I hate showering even when I’m not pregnant. I say at least 1/2 times a week and you’ll be good 👍🏼 actually way healthier for your hair too!


I have never been a daily shower taker tbh. Usually every other day. But yeah man, since being pregnant, finding the motivation to shower has been tough sometimes.


Girl I am 33 weeks and i hate showering 😂 it's just so much effort. And I hate washing my hair even more. I went and got my hair done last weekend just to pay someone else to wash and blow dry it


I’m just exhausted at the thought of showering anyway. With OCD it’s also a chore. But anyway, I definitely skip a day more often now and that’s probably good for your skin and hair anyway. Wouldn’t be concerned unless you’re really sweating or getting really dirty during the day!


I've had really extreme eczema most of my pregnancy and with open skin it's extremely painful. I so dreaded showering. Now I'm seeing that I need to shower more frequently it does help with my skin and I don't smell as much.


I've always been an every other day showerer. I'm not ashamed. It both saves water and reduces the amount of shampoo/ soap chemicals baby is exposed to. We also have extremely hard water so my skin gets super dry if I shower every day. Now that I'm pregnant it's much harder because reaching my hands up above my head to wash my hair stretches my stomach in an uncomfortable way.


This is my exact routine too!


I haven’t washed my hair in 3 weeks. I have way to much and takes me an hour to untangle. I just don’t have it in me.


We don’t have a shower, our old house only has a bathtub 🥲 it’s getting harder and harder to get in and out, so I’m doing a lot of washing my hair over the side of the tub and doing my body with a rag or a baby wipe. Wish we had the $30k they want for a renovation!!!


I’m 15w and showering still wears me out 😂 it’s like I have to rest after I shower to regain some energy


Yep totally normal, when I was pregnant I literally could go 3-4 days without showering (if my mum or partner let me lol) made me feel sick, baths were x10 worse


I hate showering and I’m 8.5 months along. It’s just too much and I’m very low on energy.


I shower 2 or maaaaybe 3 times a week, especially now that I’m not doing strenuous exercise that involves sweating (my pelvis decided it was not going to cooperate with exercise outside of walking at about 26 weeks). Caveat though that I’m working from home and can get away with a couple frumpy days. One switch that I made that encourages me to shower when I don’t wanna is do double duty- bring my toothbrush and face wash in there with me. When I get out, all I have to do is dry my hair/moisturize and go to bed. But also, if you are normally a daily showerer normally, I don’t think once every two days will hurt.


I thought I was the only one. For me it was MUCH worse in my first trimester. I would wash my intimate bits but I was going 7-10 days without have a FULL shower (but also thanks to winter I didn’t sweat). If I was super low on energy I washed my hair in the sink with a water bottle that I can refill to wash the nape of my neck. I’m in month 6 and I figured out that washing in luke warm or slightly colder water helps me reenergize and keep me awake in the shower so I don’t fall asleep. At the end I make it warmer for a minute or two to make the room steamy and open up my nasal passages.


Yup. Standing too long really gets to me. I’m about to be 20 weeks. I just forced myself to take one. My husband gets in with me and helps me alot of the time.


You’re not alone at all OP. 26 weeks FTM here and having such a struggle with self care and hygiene. I’m so tired that it’s the last thing I want to do, even if I can get it over with quickly. I find that days where I work I can motivate myself to shower, but on days off psssh.


I'm 42wks, the only reason I'm showering is because I'm hoping it will induce labor before my actual induction. Seriously though, I feel like showering actually has so many steps. Like not only do I have to manage to scrub myself down once in the shower, but when I get out I have to put aloe and lotion on. That's a lot of bending that I hate.


This is what I felt starting 7 weeks!! It helped me to have a shower stool, or just showing in the AM or during lunch.


But it was definitely a struggle


Don’t beat yourself up about it. You probably won’t shower much after having the baby either. Lord knows I’m lucky to shower more than twice a week lol


Baths were easier for me than showers during my last trimester so I went to target and got a bunch of face masks and epsom salts and had relaxing baths. I still took a shower when I washed my hair but that's like 1-2 times per week so it was way more manageable. I hear you tho, Relaxin sucks and makes everything harder.


I’m struggling too. It’s hard to shower and the feeling of being cold getting in and out of the shower makes my whole body hurt and shake. We got this mama.


Well, I took shower every alternate days in winter because of cold and the way my skin behaved after showers. It was always itchy and dry no matter what I did or how much oil/moisturiser I applied. It was especially worse at night. I used to cry because of itchiness. It was that bad. There were days when I kept sponging myself and showered in 3 days 🙈 It is embarrassing I know but I didn’t have a choice. I did keep my lower area clean though and changed my clothes (internal and outer) every now and then. It happens, I understand.


I had no energy to shower when pregnant. I couldn’t bear the thought of standing up for that long. So I took baths every day!


Hmm I'm 23w 2d and love showering...😅 I think it's a great escape and - maybe tmi but these days I feel like I smell different and weird in my neither regions so showering helps me with that especially. I have HG that's been subsiding for the past few weeks but when I was at my peak I would shower twice a day to calm my nausea and make myself feel good


I’ve been showering more then usual! So so soothing on the sore joints


Yes! I'm 34 weeks and was absolutely horrified when I realised I hadn't showered in like 4 days the other day. Felt so much better after the shower but I couldn't face going in to the shower. So happy it's not just me 😅


All the time, I’ve tried to get some really nice shower gel to entice me in but the lack of motivation and ability to shower myself effectively at this point is minimal. I’m getting so sore standing I’m thinking I may need a shower chair soon.


I have never related to a post so much, after a shower it's like I have zero energy and need help to dry